the soap
Do you like it? Is it a favourite soap? What did you think of last night's episode?
I didn't watch it, I don't watch it as a rule, but if I happen to be in the room when my girlfriend is watching it, then I find myself being drawn to individual scenes. And hate myself for it,

Too late for that etc.
No, I hate it. But it will be ever so slightly amusing to post in this thread, just to see where CUS is going with it...
I'm not going anywhere, I just thought it'd be good to have a choice of threads for the most popular British TV show, since some of us are bound to like it.
CUS wrote:
I'm not going anywhere, I just thought it'd be good to have a choice of threads for the most popular British TV show, since some of us are bound to like it.

Is it really the most popular TV show? That does rather heap shame on our nation...
Mmm, it is. It used to be Coronation Street, up until some time in the 80s. Not from 'the start' of Eastenders, as its fans will sometimes crow. Still, it has been an almost unequivocal success, ratings-wise for the BBC.

Sad, eh?
I used to watch it when I was at Uni, as I watched a lot of telly back then. It was mostly rubbish, but the Mitchell brothers were funny, as was the lad who went mental and wrapped his head in tin foil.
Corrie > Eastenders
Is Oz Cabs still going?
CUS wrote:
Mmm, it is. It used to be Coronation Street, up until some time in the 80s. Not from 'the start' of Eastenders, as its fans will sometimes crow. Still, it has been an almost unequivocal success, ratings-wise for the BBC.

Sad, eh?

Do people geniunely gloat about Eastenders being more popular than Corrie? That is possibly the saddest thing I have ever heard.
Well you see, London > Oop North. For once, me repeating the north/south prejudices of others, rather than my own.
Eastenders = The second easiest way to get me to leave the room.
Bobbyaro wrote:
CUS wrote:
Mmm, it is. It used to be Coronation Street, up until some time in the 80s. Not from 'the start' of Eastenders, as its fans will sometimes crow. Still, it has been an almost unequivocal success, ratings-wise for the BBC.

Sad, eh?

Do people geniunely gloat about Eastenders being more popular than Corrie? That is possibly the saddest thing I have ever heard.

Im sure last year not only did coronation street have better ratings but so did emmerdale.
I did my representation of women essay on coronation street which Ive never really watched and I got a first on it, which makes it better than eastenders anyway.
I have been forced to watch most soaps. I am pretty sure that they are there so when people watch the trainwreck that goes on they think "ahh well at least my life isn't that bad".

It is millions of peoples form of escapism in the same way when people watch X-Factor, or whatever - I am out of touch - they go "I am glad I'm not them" when Simon Cowell tears them a new one. I don't like soaps/reality TV as you may have noticed.
It's also an easy way to have interaction with my really quite dull flatmates. If nothing else we can all sit down in front of a soap and take the piss.
True, it can be a social event too. It joins people together who otherwise may not have much in common. You can all say "If I was Den I would have shot Benny myself". Also in a similar way to football it allows people to interact without actually saying anything about themsleves or their views on the world.
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