General Purpose US TV thread
In the UK, new series of Fringe, Lie To Me and Bones start next week.
Curiosity wrote:
In the UK, new series of Fringe, Lie To Me and Bones start next week.
I am so so looking forward to those.
Caught up with True Blood today, only one more episode left in this series. Really enjoying it.

Got series 2 of Dexter on DVD and watched the first few episodes of it as well, it is really excellent. Probably my favourite series at the moment.
i enjoyed series 3 too.
KovacsC wrote:
i enjoyed series 3 too.

Are you talking about Dexter? We had series one sitting for about a year before we finally watched it for some reason but once we started watching it we saw it all in a few weeks. Jen got series 2 as a birthday present so we have just started it. It's brilliant.
yes. One of the only things i watch. Was great. Poor House ! What an ending to the series..
KovacsC wrote:
yes. One of the only things i watch. Was great. Poor House ! What an ending to the series..

Don't say another word about House, I'm a series behind! Can't wait to see it, I love Olivia Wilde aka thirteen.
i won't say any more. Series 6 starts next week
KovacsC wrote:
i won't say any more. Series 6 starts next week

Just watched the final episode of the series on Sky.


So chuffed they're rolling straight through with the next series. Apparently the first episode of the next one is a corker.
Season 5 is out a week tomorrow and is only £25 so I might order that and then start recording the next series on sky+.
I'm a little behind, at the start of season 4. Sorry, 13 is not as hot as Cameron, even Blonde Cameron.

So shush, the lot of you.
Curiosity wrote:
So chuffed they're rolling straight through with the next series [of House].
That was only my theory -- I don't know for sure. I do know the voiceover woman said, at the end of the last episode, that "we won't keep you waiting for long".

The S5 showings of House on Sky have been really weird (like the two episode back-to-back showings for few weeks) and I would imagine they did that to catch up with the US. So fingers crossed.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
So chuffed they're rolling straight through with the next series [of House].
That was only my theory -- I don't know for sure. I do know the voiceover woman said, at the end of the last episode, that "we won't keep you waiting for long".

The S5 showings of House on Sky have been really weird (like the two episode back-to-back showings for few weeks) and I would imagine they did that to catch up with the US. So fingers crossed.

Last night they said specifically that they're going straight through.

Aha! Brilliant. Some of us were too busy schlepping across London then.
New Sci Fi show called Flash Forward in the states, supposed to be very good.
That starts tonight on five. It's been advertised fairly heavily for weeks.

Hope it's not shite like Lost.
You both are, now shut up.
I liked Lost until about series 3 when it crawled up its own arse, congratulated itself and sucked its ingrowing penis.
I was intrigued after a few episodes but apparently not intrigued enough to make the effort to watch any more.
Zardoz wrote:
I liked Lost until about series 3 when it crawled up its own arse, congratulated itself and sucked its ingrowing penis.
It went through a bad patch but it then un-jumped the shark, much to my surprise. S4 and S5 were great.
Ok then, what's the smoke monster?
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
I liked Lost until about series 3 when it crawled up its own arse, congratulated itself and sucked its ingrowing penis.
It went through a bad patch but it then un-jumped the shark, much to my surprise. S4 and S5 were great.

I gave up partway through all flashforwards or whatever they were. Couldn't be arsed.

The end of True Blood season 2 was a bit rubbish.
Malabar Front wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
I liked Lost until about series 3 when it crawled up its own arse, congratulated itself and sucked its ingrowing penis.
It went through a bad patch but it then un-jumped the shark, much to my surprise. S4 and S5 were great.

I gave up partway through all flashforwards or whatever they were. Couldn't be arsed.

The end of True Blood season 2 was a bit rubbish.

Theres a twist at the end of the first episode which is making me watch the second episode.

Aye end of the second series of true blood was a bit dissappointing, although I've heard theres werewolves in the new series.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
I liked Lost until about series 3 when it crawled up its own arse, congratulated itself and sucked its ingrowing penis.
It went through a bad patch but it then un-jumped the shark, much to my surprise. S4 and S5 were great.
Very much so.
So what's the smoke monster then?
Runcle wrote:
end of the second series of true blood was a bit dissappointing, although I've heard theres werewolves in the new series.

Jason Stackhouse was the unquestioned MVP of the second series. Jason vs. The Westboro Rapists ("You're the worst betrayer since Judas!" "Why, what did he do to you?") and Jason vs. The Bacchae ("Where are your horns?") were worth the price of admission on their own.

Relatedly (sort've), just finished watching Generation Kill. Really liked it. It does well showing you blokes doing a difficult job in difficult circumstances without shying away from the concequences of inevitable fuckups or excusing the foibles of its main characters. Just like The Wire, it really messes about with your ideas of who's a "goodie" and who's a "baddie", and what that actually means. And I was bloody amazed to find out that Rudi was, in effect, playing himself.
Rodafowa wrote:
Relatedly (sort've), just finished watching Generation Kill.

Ahhhhhhh, that's where I'd seen Eric before.
generation kill is excellent, found it a bit hard to get into, its quite hard to get used to so many characters in so short a time but fuck me its entertaining if miserable stuff.
Just watched the first episode of the new series of Dexter.

Not really a spoiler, but hidden anyway:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
John Lithgow. Interesting.
Malabar Front wrote:
Just watched the first episode of the new series of Dexter.

Not really a spoiler, but hidden anyway:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
John Lithgow. Interesting.

Before I click on the spoiler a thought occurred to me...did someone say there is a season three of Dexter? If so, i'm backing out slowly!
superdupergill wrote:
Malabar Front wrote:
Just watched the first episode of the new series of Dexter.

Not really a spoiler, but hidden anyway:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
John Lithgow. Interesting.

Before I click on the spoiler a thought occurred to me...did someone say there is a season three of Dexter? If so, i'm backing out slowly!

No, they skipped straight from 2 to 4.

Yes, you idiot. Go and watch it!

The spoiler isn't a spoiler. It's just the name of an actor I didn't expect to see.
I've just watched the first episode of The Wire.
There are a lot of people involved. It starts making more sense quickly, yeah?
Grim... wrote:
I've just watched the first episode of The Wire.
There are a lot of people involved. It starts making more sense quickly, yeah?

As long as you pay attention, yes.
Grim... wrote:
I've just watched the first episode of The Wire.
There are a lot of people involved. It starts making more sense quickly, yeah?

Give it time. I gave up after watching the first episode the first time; there are no introductions, it just gets on with it. It's the mother of all slow burners, though, and still probably the best drama I've ever seen.

By the time I'd got half way through season 1, I was hooked, and finished the rest within a month.
We only just got season 2 on DVD so we are three episodes in to that-sadly due to the current living situation it may take us a while to watch it :( I will catch up as soon as possible.

Did anyone watch Flash Forward tonight? I sky+'ed it (what's the best way to write that? Sky plussed doesn't look right) so will maybe watch it at the weekend if it's good.
superdupergill wrote:
(what's the best way to write that? Sky plussed doesn't look right)

Grim... wrote:
I've just watched the first episode of The Wire.
There are a lot of people involved. It starts making more sense quickly, yeah?

What they all said. I was totally confused for the first episode or two, trying to get to know the characters and trying to understand the Baltimore slang. It is totally worth it though, I really enjoyed it and was sad when I got to the end.

Grim... wrote:
superdupergill wrote:
(what's the best way to write that? Sky plussed doesn't look right)


superdupergill wrote:
Before I click on the spoiler a thought occurred to me...did someone say there is a season three of Dexter? If so, i'm backing out slowly!

Season three is something of a return to form after the slightly disappointing S2. Also: it has Jimmy Smits and his astonishingly unconvincing Cuban accent, which is a bonus.
Grim... wrote:
superdupergill wrote:
(what's the best way to write that? Sky plussed doesn't look right)


Or "taped" if you're old enough. ;)
Joans wrote:
Grim... wrote:
superdupergill wrote:
(what's the best way to write that? Sky plussed doesn't look right)


Or "taped" if you're old enough. ;)

Well I used to say taped but it sounds wrong. I don't think I chose my words as carefully before I started posting on here mind you :p
My awesome Twin Peaks definitive gold edition arrived today. So golden. So definitive. Now to find an sap who wants to buy my series 1 & 2 boxsets and the pilot on Supah Taiwan DVDs.
My mum always says taped when it is from PlayTV

Flashforward is broken and shit. BROKEN AND SHIT.
Dimmy, that sounds epic. I've not watched since they first aired it. But I remember watching the episode and the repeat every week religiously.

Currently: Boston Legal. I'm really liking it even it if makes me remember hating Ally McBeal intensely. I'd always catch the last 5 mins of that whilst waiting up for Oz on Channel 4.

Eric in Generation Kill? I need to fuel that bromance until TB3.

Wire. Totally brilliant. Needs a fair bit of concentration. Series 1 was best. Series 5 was worst. That sequence is in perfect order. Still liked it as it went along but it peaked very early and only spiked when Omar or Chris Partlow got involved in it.
Dimrill wrote:
My awesome Twin Peaks definitive gold edition arrived today. So golden. So definitive. Now to find an sap who wants to buy my series 1 & 2 boxsets and the pilot on Supah Taiwan DVDs.

Is it the scandinavian version? I watched that with GJ a few months ago before ebaying it for more than twice the price I'd paid for it :)
Bluce_Ree wrote:
Dimmy, that sounds epic. I've not watched since they first aired it. But I remember watching the episode and the repeat every week religiously.

Currently: Boston Legal. I'm really liking it even it if makes me remember hating Ally McBeal intensely. I'd always catch the last 5 mins of that whilst waiting up for Oz on Channel 4.

Eric in Generation Kill? I need to fuel that bromance until TB3.

Wire. Totally brilliant. Needs a fair bit of concentration. Series 1 was best. Series 5 was worst. That sequence is in perfect order. Still liked it as it went along but it peaked very early and only spiked when Omar or Chris Partlow got involved in it.

I'd say series 2 and 4 were the best. Wire that is.
Bluce_Ree wrote:
Currently: Boston Legal. I'm really liking it even it if makes me remember hating Ally McBeal intensely. I'd always catch the last 5 mins of that whilst waiting up for Oz on Channel 4.

Boston Legal is fucking brilliant. Shatner is ace, but Spader really steals the show.
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