General Purpose US TV thread
I think 'True Blood' is excellent.

Probably my favourite non-comedy show on telly at the moment. Well, that or 'Breaking Bad'.

I really like Sookie and Bill's characters at the moment, and some of the others are also good, so I hope to continue liking it.
Curiosity wrote:
I really like Sookie and Bill's characters at the moment

How far have you got? I'm up to the end of ep2 and I want to repeatedly hit them both with iron bars until they stop moving.

The only vaguely likeable character is Tara.
Im hooked on true blood after going through the lot last week. New episode today though.
Craster wrote:
How far have you got? I'm up to the end of ep2 and I want to repeatedly hit them both with iron bars until they stop moving.
You're not going to end up liking this show. WRONGFACE.
Hey, I'm willing to give it time. It's just currently a little heavy on the Mr D'Arcy and a little light on the entertaining.
Craster wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
I really like Sookie and Bill's characters at the moment

How far have you got? I'm up to the end of ep2 and I want to repeatedly hit them both with iron bars until they stop moving.

The only vaguely likeable character is Tara.

End of Episode 2, same as you.

How can you not like Sookie? When she looks and moves and sounds like she looks and moves and sounds?

What kind of a joke of a man are you?
Anna Paquin I like. Sookie I can't stand.
Craster wrote:
Anna Paquin I like. Sookie I can't stand.
So you think her acting in True Blood is top notch, then?
Paquin? Wasn't that a character in Nightbreed?
Oh, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with her acting, I just can't stand the character. All I meant was that the figure and face are all Paquin, not Cookie.
Man, that would be an awesome programme.

I wonder if the cookie monster performs cunnilingus as avidly as he eats a cookie....
Craster wrote:
On the basis that every time The Unit gets mentioned, MaliA says "But it's just Ultimate Force with Americans", I bought the DVD set of Ultimate Force. It's not very good so far.

Up to E3, and it's actually got quite a bit better. Too much Phil Mitchell. Also just realised that the LT is Apollo!
Craster wrote:
Craster wrote:
On the basis that every time The Unit gets mentioned, MaliA says "But it's just Ultimate Force with Americans", I bought the DVD set of Ultimate Force. It's not very good so far.

Up to S3, and it's actually got quite a bit better. Too much Phil Mitchell. Also just realised that the LT is Apollo!

I want to meet Jaime Bamber (sp) so I can call him Cheese. Lee Adama. Geddit. It was my daughter's joke which she repeatedly used while watching BSG.
wrong dimlie, man
Yeah, I know. I like the way he looks though - not so much confused as...slightly pained.
Ultimate Force is actually really quite entertaining, I've decided. S1 and S2 were lots of fun.

S3 is a little odd (BIG SPOILER):

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
I can only assume that most of the cast refused to do another run, considering that the first five minutes of S3E1 consists of guys pretending to be half the cast getting extremely quickly killed off. Odd.
the mentalist is formulaic, silly and predictable, but damn, I likes it!
MrDavPaz wrote:
the mentalist is formulaic, silly and predictable, but damn, I likes it!

I've watched about half an episode of that. Is the main bloke always so smug?
DBSnappa wrote:
I want to meet Jaime Bamber (sp) so I can call him Cheese. Lee Adama. Geddit. It was my daughter's joke which she repeatedly used while watching BSG.

I've just started watching BSG again to pay my Nerd Tax. Ten episodes into S3 and I'm remembering vividly why I bailed the first time. I love the visuals on this show. Love them. Love the costumes, love the sets, love the ships, love the action sequences, everything. It's beautiful to look at, it's just that I'm rapidly getting to the stage where I don't care if the human race lives or dies. AND IN THE SHOW.

Every. Single. Character. Is either hateful, stupid, or hatefully stupid. Except Gaius 75% of the time, Starbuck 50% of the time and Bill Adama 25% of the time. All of them are duller than Mr. Chris' wardrobe. I'd be rooting for the Cylons to wipe them out, except the Cylons are hateful, stupid AND religious maniacs.

And the writing! God, don't get me started on the writing. You've got three flavours of plot, the Heavy-Handed Metaphor, the Overlong Angst-Fest or the one that only works if every character involved has recently banged their head very hard on a bulkhead. These are mixed and matched, generally to hideous effect. I can't think of a single episode I've actively enjoyed since the Resurrection Ship one, although the liberation of New Caprica came close.

What's going on? I really enjoyed the first series and bits of S2, for all that it was occaisionally heavy going. Has it got worse or have I just run out of patience with its flaws?
S3 isn't very good, is what's going on. They were under Strict Studio Instruction to do more single-shot episodes and less Ongoing Story Arc and it fucked all the writing up. The only standout episode I remember from S3 is the boxing one.

The studio backed down again after S3 took a critical hammering a S4 and S4.5/S5/whatever you want to call it are better.
Rodafowa wrote:
Every. Single. Character. Is either hateful, stupid, or hatefully stupid.

This is what got to me. I liked the premise, I liked the action, the cinematography, and the story. The problem was that I couldn't root for anyone, because every single major character was a hateful little shit.
Yes, I gave up on it for the same reason.

Small-minded, Right Wing American Screen Writers Syndrome, possibly.
kalmar wrote:
Small-minded, Right Wing American Screen Writers Syndrome, possibly.
Right wing writers? On a show which had the good guys put in internment camps and using suicide bombers?
Hmm, I didn't watch that far, fair enough.

It was tedious though.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
The only standout episode I remember from S3 is the boxing one.

That one wasn't bad, you're right. But for me it was holed below the waterline by revolving around Starbuck's inexplicable affection for The Cheese, Unbearable-Arsehole-In-Chief.

(On the other hand, I've found him 10% less annoying since I've started mentally referring to him as The Cheese. Thanks, DBSnappa's daughter!)
myp wrote:
kalmar wrote:
I've only got around to watching the pilot so far. Seems a tiny bit grim and bleak and humourless. Still, I shall persevere.

It gets A LOT better. I was reasonably non-plussed after two episodes, but after that I was hooked.


I am glad to report, I am now totally into it.
*Really* strong storylines, and the characters are growing on me, even the at-first-glance completely hateful ones.

You don't have to apply as much brain effort to work out what's going on as in The Wire, but that doesn't really detract from this show.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Just watched the episode (possibly 6?) where a little comedic sub-plot of a domestic dispute / love triangle had been ongoing. In a throwaway 5 second clip at the end just before the closing credits, it's then developed into a double homicide, just like that.
I was like "Oh no, shit!" 8)
I think it's been mentioned before, but I watched the first 6 episodes of Jericho yesterday. It really is excellent.
Jam and Jericho? What's it about?
No Jam, unfortunately. Jericho is basically "Small-town in mid-west USA sees a nuke go off in the near distance, then stuff happens".
Craster wrote:
Craster wrote:
On the basis that every time The Unit gets mentioned, MaliA says "But it's just Ultimate Force with Americans", I bought the DVD set of Ultimate Force. It's not very good so far.

Up to E3, and it's actually got quite a bit better. Too much Phil Mitchell. Also just realised that the LT is Apollo!

I missed this.

Good fucking crikey, man, are you insane?
Also: I really, really enjoyed the Mentalist, and look forward to series 2.
MaliA wrote:
Also: I really, really enjoyed the Mentalist, and look forward to series 2.

MrDavPaz wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Also: I really, really enjoyed the Mentalist, and look forward to series 2.


I was surprised to discover that Rigsby is a Welsh, though. And the redhead is not too bad.
MaliA wrote:
MrDavPaz wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Also: I really, really enjoyed the Mentalist, and look forward to series 2.


I was surprised to discover that Rigsby is a Welsh, though. And the redhead is not too bad.

The redhead is built like an Olympic Swimmer. She'd break me in half (that'd be fun though)

Yeah, I was shocked by the Welshness. His accent is quite good
In exciting Canadian TV news, the Kids in the Hall are reforming to do a TV mini series about a serial killer in a small town. Hopefully he will be crushing some heads.
I really didn't "get" Kids in the Hall.
Worse than Boosh.
Craster wrote:
I think it's been mentioned before, but I watched the first 6 episodes of Jericho yesterday. It really is excellent.


Thoroughly enjoyable show, stick with it.
Bought both series on DVD, so I imagine I will.
kalmar wrote:
I really didn't "get" Kids in the Hall.
Worse than Boosh.

Go sit in wrong corner...go on.
MaliA wrote:
And the redhead is not too bad.

It's just occurred to me

Van Pelt

Gianna Michaels (it's hard to find a SFW picture of that girl)

I knew she reminded me of someone.
Except the first one is quite attractive, and the latter one is a bit of a munter.
Craster wrote:
Except the first one is quite attractive, and the latter one is a bit of a munter.

Craster wrote:
Except the first one is quite attractive, and the latter one is a bit of a munter.

But dirty as hell.
Malabar Front wrote:
Craster wrote:
Except the first one is quite attractive, and the latter one is a bit of a munter.

But dirty as hell.

Oh, no doubt.
Jericho S1 complete. Highly enjoyable. Glad there's a series 2, shame it's only a half-series.
Finally, Bankholiday weekend, a toe infection later...... I am uptodate with House and True Blood..

Bothe series are quite quite impressive..
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