The clittycally-insane Cull of Jewty 4 Mordor Wharfe Hare
IGN.COM - 9/10
That's how wife-swappers start.
I woke up rather early today (about 8am) and had a rather jolly morning of this, thrashing Americans in free-for-all mode.

I got to use the 'shut up, kid' line on this obnoxious little twerp who kept demanding 'is there anyone there' every 3 seconds. 'No, YOU shut up!' was his retort. I was pleased that I finished with the highest score, and he had one kill (which he delighted in, saying it was pointless for anyone to even try fighting him, such was his skill).
Oh, FOR GOD'S SAKE. Will you people stop going on about your GAMES. Some of us don't play them, so it's SO unfair and EXCLUSIONARY.
Suck my foetid end.
Hey Mr Chris, want to meet up on some XBOX live for some CoD all the time?
I have no 360. Only XBOX. I am so very , very weak.
Buy Grim.............................................................................'s old one and stop pussying about. Fucking lawyers!
I'm waiting to hear from him about that. I was second in the queueueueueuue, too.

I'd so beat you at everything, too, Dimmers.
Bring it on, tigger.
Hello brothers. Ahem. "The lark is curious about the wheelbarrow."
CUS wrote:
Hello brothers. Ahem. "The lark is curious about the wheelbarrow."

That's how wife-swappers start.
I may or may not pop online for this in a bit. Depends on what the missus is doing...
Sorry I didn't show - I was too busy being dead.
Myoptika! I actually noticed that you hadn't posted in a couple of days, welcome back. This is progress. Next step: caring. Wish me luck! :kiss:
I went camping in the coldest place on Earth (Derbyshire).
myoptika wrote:
I went camping in the coldest place on Earth (Derbyshire).

I think I'm still shivering.

On CoD4 news... I might not play much this week as I'm going to mostly be doing writing. I will probably pop on occasionally though, to see if anyone fancies shooting some annoying American children.
My mate Scott, who I went hiking with on Sunday, expressed an interest in playing some CoD with us this week. And I would also like to play some.
Curiosity wrote:
I will probably pop on occasionally though, to see if anyone fancies shooting some annoying American children.


But what about Call of Duty 4?
richardgaywood wrote:

Shut up, kid.
I so enjoyed using that yesterday.
That one man was a little too chunky for my liking.
Which would you prefer? Him or fatmonkey, they both seem to suffer from a certain amount of chubbyness.
I admired his honesty though. Imagining actually signing up for that and then paying to go online. Very self aware.

I rather enjoyed that you lot. Cheers for putting with my inability to shoot. It was quite nice to not die at the usual rate.

Unless I'm listening to people tell me about their dreams...
It was a good dream!
It was a excellent dream. That's why I got shot four times as I stood still listening to you!

Nevertheless, I would be worried if I was dreaming about the cast of Top Gear.
Lave wrote:
I would be worried if I was dreaming about the cast of Top Gear.
Even Vicki Butler-Henderson?
Lave wrote:
It was a excellent dream. That's why I got shot four times as I stood still listening to you!

Nevertheless, I would be worried if I was dreaming about the cast of Top Gear.

To be fair, I'd be considerably more worried if Dimrill was dreaming about you.

I'm locking my windows tonight.
Having unlocked the G3, I see what you all meant - it is RUBBISH, even more so than the AK47.
MetalAngel wrote:
Having unlocked the G3, I see what you all meant - it is RUBBISH, even more so than the AK47.

The assault rifles I like are the AK74u and the M16 (burst fire)
the M4 (full auto) is good too.

the others are a waste of time IMHO.
AK47 was useable once I got the laser dot for it, but theres better available earlier.

Dont forget its worth plugging away with the guns to get even the basic acheivements, as they are worth 100 / 250 / 500 XP depending...
I hate you all.
Some good CODdage last night, though that one gentleman was definitely too fat for us.

Also, for once, mixing CoD with alcohol resulted in playing better than normal. I especially loved the way you lot decided to continually walk into the bullets that I had already fired.
Crikey! In an hour or so of play, I was stuck with some of the most annoying Americans in existence.

There's a mute function for a reason.
I have to mute myself. This is a sad indictment of something or other.
I had to keep mute myself (not that I talked mucH) when my girlfriend saw me with the head set on and called it "the most embarrassing thing she had ever seen."

Saying that the Wii has lead to her trying a few 360 games. She actually likes assassins creed and Cod4. She'll come around.

She played two rounds with me (alternating lives) and she did a lot better than me. Even though she couldn't aim and move at the same time.

I'm shit.
MetalAngel wrote:
Having unlocked the G3, I see what you all meant - it is RUBBISH

Lies! It's ace for medium range matches and hardcore deathmatch. Why? It's so steady, and with a red dot sight, blasting from a good distance becomes a joy! Not like the crumby Carbines and the-like, jerking everywhere like redbull crazed teens sitting on a tumbledryer. Also, it's powerful too. Frankly, it's the only weapon I play with on Strike (I think thats the name of the map). G3 the Weapon of Champions.

Some good matches last night too. I just love how quick it is to load the maps in a private match - what the hell is in that creamy box of goodness. Other than a jet engine. Naturally.
Things about today:

XBox Live banning Richard Gaywoods name. Time to kick up a big fuss, I believe.
Dimrill and his cocking awful game modes again, ruining my knifing.
CUS wrote:
Crikey! In an hour or so of play, I was stuck with some of the most annoying Americans in existence.


"They're in, the middle, building."

Most excellent CoD-ery tonight, chums. Hardcore Free-For-All on Shipment next time?
Mr Dave wrote:
Things about today:

XBox Live banning Richard Gaywoods name. Time to kick up a big fuss, I believe.
Dimrill and his cocking awful game modes again, ruining my knifing.

They actually banned Dr. Richard Gaywood's name? Seriously? I did notice a "new" name popped up that the back of my mind associated with the 'tag...

There was one (COUNT EM!) game where I put on double health. one. :P
I'm just back from the pub (and drunk).

During my time at the pub, my lady friend sent me an embarrassed text were she admitted playing CoD4 whilst I was out (under my tag thingy) and that you guys invited me/her to play. And she was worried you lot wouldn't like me any more because she ignored them.

I'm very happy you've outed her secret gaming habit! :)
It's always good to have a gamer girlfriend. Only type I'd consider ;)
Thats whats quite interesting - the Wii has drawn her in and made her far more excepting, so much so she is enjoying games like CoD4 and Assassins Creed.

Which makes me want to assault all the idiots who go on about how the Wii will kill hard core gaming. The twunts.
Shewolf has only recently got in to "proper" games, liking her Mega Drive up until she saw my 360. Then she got in to the Arcade stuff, Puzzle Quest, Bejewled, etc. Now we're up to the point where she'll try most games, she's tried Gears of War, and The Darkness (Does that make her a lesbian? - CUS) and she loved my Lego Star Wars so much she went and bought her own Complete Saga.

She still won't try GTA4 though!
Lave wrote:
I'm just back from the pub (and drunk).

During my time at the pub, my lady friend sent me an embarrassed text were she admitted playing CoD4 whilst I was out (under my tag thingy) and that you guys invited me/her to play. And she was worried you lot wouldn't like me any more because she ignored them.

I'm very happy you've outed her secret gaming habit! :)

Excellent. (She could still have joined us, we don't bite)

And regarding our chunky friends yesterday...
Mr Dave wrote:
XBox Live banning Richard Gaywoods name. Time to kick up a big fuss, I believe.
I'm going to mail some gaming sites today.
ha your on kotaku
Yes indeed you are!

I love that the comments thread consists of initial disbelief, followed by a slow surge of 'Hang on a minute... Dick...!!!' type commenting, followed by even more 'NO WAY. That can't be real! FAKE. TOTAL FAKE' style comments.

Mr. G sir, I apologize once again for my continued delight in what is the finest name I have ever known.
I've posted my twopennorth - just waiting for approval.

CUS: when I saw your link I thought it was some kind of new DLC for that super police sandbox game...
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