Getting American foods in the UK
ESPECIALLY Lucky Charms!
I'm a bit of a cereal freak, in fact... If I could live off cereal, I would!

When I was young I used to LOVE Lucky Charms but they've stopped doing them in the UK.

Does anyone know or can recommend somewhere in the UK that does them that doesn't charge the earth? I've seen them on eBay for about £8 a box.. which, if push comes to shove.. I will pay.. BUT ONLY AS A TREAT!! :munkeh:
We talked about this a couple of weeks ago mush. Try this place :) ... fault.aspx
TheVision wrote:
I'm a bit of a cereal freak, in fact... If I could live off cereal, I would!

When I was young I used to LOVE Lucky Charms but they've stopped doing them in the UK.

Does anyone know or can recommend somewhere in the UK that does them that doesn't charge the earth? I've seen them on eBay for about £8 a box.. which, if push comes to shove.. I will pay.. BUT ONLY AS A TREAT!! :munkeh:

Cybercandy near Covent Garden had loads of stuff like that. In fact when I was there an exceptionally fat woman was buying up large quantities of such things.

Sadly they were out of Tab, which annoyed me.
This place does a lot of good stuff but not Lucky Charms. Because it's all Canadian. Yes.

This other place is similarly bereft of Lucky Charms but that doesn't matter as it does Laura Secord chocolate, VH Plum Sauce AND Christie Fudgee-Os.
I thought we had Lucky Charms over here at one point in the 90's, but no more because they're shit and no cunt would buy them?
JohnCoffey wrote:
We talked about this a couple of weeks ago mush. Try this place :) ... fault.aspx

I like the look of this place.. if only the postage was a little less. I'll get together with some friends I think and see if they want anything at the same time. That seems sensible.. about as sensible as paying £5.47 for a box of cereal!
If you get on their mailing list they frequently have shipping deals. There's a free shipping for orders over £25 till tomorrow using the code "Green" for instance.
There's somewhere in Milton Keynes shopping centre that sells all the septic chocs. Caramellos are a pund a go, for example.
Selfridges sold them last time I was there - they have a great selection of US food you can't otherwise get in the UK
Ask :attitude: if he still imports.

I need to get back over to the colonies as I've run out of Lifesavers and can't find them anywhere.
From my time in America I'm in love with and obsessed with Corn Dogs.

But you can't get them anywhere in the UK. Unless anyone here knows better?
Dr Lave wrote:
From my time in America I'm in love with and obsessed with Corn Dogs.

But you can't get them anywhere in the UK. Unless anyone here knows better?

I don't know, why don't you post in a thread about it?

Kern wrote:
I've run out of Lifesavers and can't find them anywhere.

Hmm...that site listed above ( sells them, but I'll have to balance £1.09 per tube plus a fiver for P&P against a £300+ return air fare.
Riles wrote:
Selfridges sold them last time I was there - they have a great selection of US food you can't otherwise get in the UK

They do indeed, at least the one in the Trafford Centre did last time I was there. I think it was £7.50 for a box of Lucky Charms though, but they were selling them as two-for-a-tenner at the time. No Mountain Dew though.
The Slug one in Brum sells loads of American sweets too.
Malabar Front wrote:
No Mountain Dew though.

Easier just to drink some of the stuff they fill chemical toilets with instead.
Curse you Dudley. I've now ordered 32 cans of Dew thanks to that free shipping code.
Dimrill wrote:
Curse you Dudley. I've now ordered 32 cans of Dew thanks to that free shipping code.


chinnyhill10 wrote:
Malabar Front wrote:
No Mountain Dew though.

Easier just to drink some of the stuff they fill chemical toilets with instead.

Has Mr. Chris changed usernames again?
There's an american sweet place in Eden in High Wycombe too but they're epically expensive compared to online.

Also Dimrill - SLURM!
I am actually salivating thinking about the Dew now. FFS why don't they sell it in this country :'(
Dimrill wrote:
I am actually salivating thinking about the Dew now. FFS why don't they sell it in this country :'(


I lugged a load of cans back from Scumdon looking forward to drinking it and ended up giving it all away. Nasty chemical rubbish.
Sez you! *runs away in tears*
He's wrong, you know. You ain't done nothing till you've done (diet) Dew.

Chinny must be happy with the alternative...

I'm going to make Dew ice lollies. YES! That's what I'm going to do, and you can't stop me!
Dimrill wrote:
I'm going to make Dew ice lollies. YES! That's what I'm going to do, and you can't stop me!

Mmmm. Dew Ice Cream. I will devise a plan to make this, and it will more than likely be disgusting.
Dimrill, if you seal them before freezing you can make them freeze fizzy. This is teh awesomes and should be done with all ice lollies.
Dimrill wrote:
The Slug one in Brum sells loads of American sweets too.

and Krispy Kreams :D
Dimrill wrote:
I'm going to make Dew ice lollies.

nickachu wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
The Slug one in Brum sells loads of American sweets too.

and Krispy Kreams :D

A Krispy Kreme has just opened a couple of miles from here. The Maple doughnuts are absolutely heavenly.
Krispy Kreme WISH they were Tim Horton's. But they're not.
Grim... wrote:
How, though?

@ me?

I used to either
a) reuse ice pop tubes and seal them by folding them over and sealing with electrical tape (!)
b) use those plastic ones with lids that clip over then seal around the lid using some lab film

Don't over fill as the gas needs some place to go to, but if sealed it will retain its fizziness while frozen.
Malabar Front wrote:
nickachu wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
The Slug one in Brum sells loads of American sweets too.

and Krispy Kreams :D

A Krispy Kreme has just opened a couple of miles from here. The Maple doughnuts are absolutely heavenly.

Are you referring to the ones with the nuts all over the top, or just the syrup ones?
I like black raspberry glazed (I don't like bits on me donuts). However, I refuse to pay double in sterling what they cost in the U.S in cents. For example, a KK donut over there is 70 cents each, or $6.50 a dozen. I've heard that they're £1.50 here.....each.. They're good, but they're not quite as good as Chris Rock makes them out to be. I still hold a torch for Dunkin Donuts *and* DD does the best Arabica coffee in the whole world.

I have a friend coming over later in the year, and he's already been instructed to bring 8lbs of DD hazelnut blend with him or face sleeping in the garden upon arrival.

And I mean it, too. :)
MetalAngel wrote:
Krispy Kreme WISH they were Tim Horton's. But they're not.

Yup, I'll vouch for Tim. His coffee pisses all over KK's (KK's is like pisswater). Shit, even Steak & Shake beats the piss out of KK's coffee.

Had a Tim's right up the street from me when I lived in Ohio. Along with a KK but no DD. THE ABSOLUTE WANKERS.

That town's only saving grace was that the local Walmart sold DD coffee ready ground. Otherwise I'd have taken a torch to the place.
JohnCoffey wrote:
Are you referring to the ones with the nuts all over the top, or just the syrup ones?
I like black raspberry glazed (I don't like bits on me donuts). However, I refuse to pay double in sterling what they cost in the U.S in cents. For example, a KK donut over there is 70 cents each, or $6.50 a dozen. I've heard that they're £1.50 here.....each.. They're good, but they're not quite as good as Chris Rock makes them out to be. I still hold a torch for Dunkin Donuts *and* DD does the best Arabica coffee in the whole world.

Just the Maple Glazed ones.

And they're £1.20 a pop, which is scandalous. But You can get a dozen of them for £8.95; still daylight robbery, but I can put up with it for a treat every so often.
MetalAngel wrote:
Krispy Kreme WISH they were Tim Horton's. But they're not.

Yeah, KK's great Canadian adventure was a bit of a disaster. They opened a bunch of stores which then proceeded to fail dismally. I think out of about 5 in the GTA, there's only 1 left now.
Canadians certainly love their Timmies.
Malabar Front wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
Are you referring to the ones with the nuts all over the top, or just the syrup ones?
I like black raspberry glazed (I don't like bits on me donuts). However, I refuse to pay double in sterling what they cost in the U.S in cents. For example, a KK donut over there is 70 cents each, or $6.50 a dozen. I've heard that they're £1.50 here.....each.. They're good, but they're not quite as good as Chris Rock makes them out to be. I still hold a torch for Dunkin Donuts *and* DD does the best Arabica coffee in the whole world.

Just the Maple Glazed ones.

And they're £1.20 a pop, which is scandalous. But You can get a dozen of them for £8.95; still daylight robbery, but I can put up with it for a treat every so often.

Aha, I see. They also do one called Maple Crunch? It has maple nuts on the top. Was my room mate's fave but as I say I don't like bits.

The price I was quoted came from a place in London, so it's no suprise they were charging top whack. It's also a shame they have to be so bloody greedy about it, because a rare treat (and I'm with you there, it is worth it once in a while) won't keep them in business.

It's hardly like they're importing the ingredients here, all they are doing is using the patented recipes. In which case I can still buy 3 yummy blueberry jam donuts in Morissons for about 50p.
Malc74 wrote:
MetalAngel wrote:
Krispy Kreme WISH they were Tim Horton's. But they're not.

Yeah, KK's great Canadian adventure was a bit of a disaster. They opened a bunch of stores which then proceeded to fail dismally. I think out of about 5 in the GTA, there's only 1 left now.
Canadians certainly love their Timmies.

And their Second Cups, yes. I miss the convenience of having excellent food like that on practically every corner if I needed/fancied it.
JohnCoffey wrote:
The price I was quoted came from a place in London, so it's no suprise they were charging top whack. It's also a shame they have to be so bloody greedy about it, because a rare treat (and I'm with you there, it is worth it once in a while) won't keep them in business.

Oh yeah, they're properly struggling.
Isn't it wrong under the trade descriptions act to class any of that stuff as 'food', though?

Grim... wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
The price I was quoted came from a place in London, so it's no suprise they were charging top whack. It's also a shame they have to be so bloody greedy about it, because a rare treat (and I'm with you there, it is worth it once in a while) won't keep them in business.

Oh yeah, they're properly struggling.

I assume this is sarcasm, right? You can't move for KK donuts in most offices. hey're ace.

Also, they sell them in every Tesco in London. Do they not do so across the country?
Malabar Front wrote:
And they're £1.20 a pop, which is scandalous. But You can get a dozen of them for £8.95; still daylight robbery, but I can put up with it for a treat every so often.
Christy, you get 5 donuts cooked in front of your eyes for £1 at most seaside towns/markets & they taste awesome. They also have the added bonus of not having a shite name like DD or KK, instead opting for names like Kiosk or The Kiosk & sometimes they don't even have names :DD
WullieOoster wrote:
Malabar Front wrote:
And they're £1.20 a pop, which is scandalous. But You can get a dozen of them for £8.95; still daylight robbery, but I can put up with it for a treat every so often.
Christy, you get 5 donuts cooked in front of your eyes for £1 at most seaside towns/markets & they taste awesome. They also have the added bonus of not having a shite name like DD or KK, instead opting for names like Kiosk or The Kiosk & sometimes they don't even have names :DD

I know the kind — they have those stalls in Liverpool. However, they taste really foul if you leave them go cold. Lovely when they're warm and fresh though!
Mimi wrote:
Isn't it wrong under the trade descriptions act to class any of that stuff as 'food', though?


Tim Horton's also does nice sandwiches, soups and salads.
Curiosity wrote:
Grim... wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
The price I was quoted came from a place in London, so it's no suprise they were charging top whack. It's also a shame they have to be so bloody greedy about it, because a rare treat (and I'm with you there, it is worth it once in a while) won't keep them in business.

Oh yeah, they're properly struggling.

I assume this is sarcasm, right?

Very much so.
Malabar Front wrote:
I know the kind — they have those stalls in Liverpool. However, they taste really foul if you leave them go cold. Lovely when they're warm and fresh though!
I know what you mean. However, one of the kiosks here sells ones that are still good when cold, obviously they're better when hot & they're at their best after a walk along the beach on a chilly day.

Aw naw, I'm in the mood for donuts now!
Lucky Charms were shit, but i loved Fruit Loops, but unfortunately they've gone missing since the mid 90s.
RuySan wrote:
Lucky Charms were shit, but i loved Fruit Loops, but unfortunately he stormed out and started his own forum.

chinnyhill10 wrote:
RuySan wrote:
Lucky Charms were shit, but i loved Fruit Loops, but unfortunately he stormed out and started his own forum.


Is that how it happened?

</South Park>
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