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 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 17:09 

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Got it today in a wooden box for seventeen quid. Damn, this is French. I bought a stupid shotgun, which I'm confused about why I had to buy. I had to go next door and drop my favourite weapon in order to get it, in order to go into the bar to get the malaria cure which isn't in the bar. In the bar was the French woman who said something but I pressed a by accident and she stopped. There's nothing in my journal about what she wanted, but I've at least talked to her. There's an American guy and a local guy sat down. The American is apparently my second best friend but I can't remember having met him before now. I was given a tape recorder for some reason by the sat down guy, but for ages I couldn't get an indicator to come up so's I could grab it. I am trying to leave to take it to the church to get some malaria pills ad the door won't let me go through it because I've got to speak to BOTH my friends - the frog I've already spoken to and the American guy who hasn't got an icon and I can't speak to him.


I'm in a room with three NPCs who repeat the same fucking lines over and over and there's nothing to do. After half an hour's play I'm going to go ahead and assume I've not yet finished the story mode already?

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 17:18 
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Peculiar, yet lovely

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Oh, happy memories.

The start of Far Cry 2 is fucking awful. It only becomes fun when you force it to be, and treat it as one long and somewhat pointless gunfight while picking a randm area to fight to as a challenge. A bit like Crackdown, but not.

The ending is fucking terrible, too.

I don't know why you're stuck. Sounds a bit bbuggy. I got stuck when I decided I didn't want to buy either of the two terrible guns and would rather keep my diamonds (the mercenary you play is extraordinarily stupid, too, spending about twenty tonnes of uncut diamond on broken and rubbish military hardware which he could get in America or Israel for probably a single diamond instead of leaving immediately. It's not like anything you do makes any difference to the country anyway). Though after refusing to bother with a shotgun for most of the game, when I finally did buy one I very much enjoyed not having to get perfect headshots every time I fired.

Have you tried standing next to them for a minute? They sometimes get stuck in their idle animation and only break out of it if you hang around.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 9:44 
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I stopped playing it after the french chick got killed in a mission when I was down a hole, fucking about with some gold.

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 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 11:01 

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Doesn't affect anything if she does die, does it?

I pressed the wrong button for health at the last minute in a fire fight last night and the American chappie came and rescued me. Shame the NPCs aren't more engaging, they come across as no more individual than middle-aged Mafia chap #10 in a GTA title. Still, just so long as they are useful. I think on balance now I've learned to accept the limitations of the game the purchase was worth it.

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 13:59 
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Peculiar, yet lovely

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Yeah, it's one of those where you have to game the system a bit, and just learn to ignore or work around the stupid flaws. Not great, but can be fun.

It doesn't really affect anything if they die, which is a bad thing for immersion, but a Good Thing for the game as a whole, because they fucking drop like flies thanks to the stupid AI and some infuriating bugs. My friend played it through and almost all of his mates died at one point or another, mostly inexplicably - they'd rescue him, and he'd clear the area and walk off, making sure they were okay and happily hunkered down somewhere safe with a rifle, and then when he walked or drove off, they'd be listed as dead a few minutes later for no reason. He'd go back to where he'd left them, and there was nothing for miles around. Happened repeatedly. And he accidentally set one on fire, but that doesn't count.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 14:01 
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I'm pretty sure you're OK as long as they don't all die - because if they're all dead at any point, and you haven't gained any new ones, you won't get offered the alternative solutions to the main missions.

There's one point in the game where you're defending the bar. I decided to do so with the M79, and managed to blow up all my mates by failing to shoot the thing out of the window.

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 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 14:08 
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My fave gun was the silenced dart sniper thinger.

Awesome fun.. Sneak in, kill, sneak out.

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 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 14:13 
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JohnCoffey wrote:
My fave gun was the silenced dart sniper thinger.

Awesome fun.. Sneak in, kill, sneak out, get shot at constantly afterward because the AI always knows where you are once it's been alerted to your presence.


 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 14:18 
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Malabar Front wrote:
JohnCoffey wrote:
My fave gun was the silenced dart sniper thinger.

Awesome fun.. Sneak in, kill, sneak out, get shot at constantly afterward because the AI always knows where you are once it's been alerted to your presence.


Yeah, that. I liked the silenced pistol, but in days and days of trying (and I'm goddamned good at sneaky tricks in games) I had only one fight where I was able to kill more than one guard before everyone magically knew where I was. That was one of the major failures of the game, I felt - the foliage and scenery were totally useless, as even at night in camoflage at range, everyone would spot you the instant you fired anything anything other than constant, perfect headshots.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 14:26 
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sinister agent wrote:
Yeah, that. I liked the silenced pistol, but in days and days of trying (and I'm goddamned good at sneaky tricks in games) I had only one fight where I was able to kill more than one guard before everyone magically knew where I was. That was one of the major failures of the game, I felt - the foliage and scenery were totally useless, as even at night in camoflage at range, everyone would spot you the instant you fired anything anything other than constant, perfect headshots.

It was my major gripe about Battlefield: Bad Company, too. The AI would always know where you were, and could shoot you with startling accuracy from across the map with any weapon, and they'd do so as soon as you even thought about sticking your head out of cover to survey an area.

And it's a major gripe about Left 4 Dead on Versus mode if the team you're up against has an AI-controlled character. You just can't hide behind trees as you'll get instantly and unfairly killed by their X-ray vision. Nor can you spawn behind foliage because despite there being no bloody chance anybody could see you (even in a completely player-controlled team) the game thinks you're still visible, and you can't spawn in the opposition team's line of sight.

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 15:07 
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Well I already voiced my displeasure at this game. The AI is shit and it missed lots of opportunities. It's pretty though.

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 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 15:50 
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JohnCoffey wrote:
Well I already voiced my displeasure at this game. The AI is shit and it missed lots of opportunities. It's pretty though.

"missed lots of opportunities" sums it up perfectly, I reckon. It's one of those that's so almost great it hurts.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 16:15 
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 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 16:51 
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Peculiar, yet lovely

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I would have given it a C, personally. But having said that, I did take turns playing it with a friend, which probably helped for sheer comedy and spectator value. Watching him panic and plough every single vehicle he used into a tree or off a bridge within 15 seconds of starting it, without fail, got funnier every time.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 17:44 
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Well this is the thing.. It's so close to being the most perfect game ever created but sadly falls short on every single idea tried.

Mind you, I can't say I'm surprised. What they tried to do there would have taken years and years of honing code to execute properly and they're a big greedy corporation.

Same can be said for S.T.A.L.K.E.R SOC. It's clearly far from finished (you can hack unfinished things into effect with some hilarious results.. Cars for example can be driven and there was supposed to be a 'red out' dust storm that happens every now and then that you need to take cover from).

Because it was taken over by THQ however it was basically released in beta stage. I read about this though, and apparently if THQ hadn't shoved their toes up the creators' asses they would have been there forever.

This is why FO3 is simply so amazingly good, because they took their sweet damn time making sure everything was perfect (or as close to as humanly possible) prior to release.

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 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 21:10 
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You're all just shit.

I did tons of missions without being spotted.

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 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 21:54 
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Curiosity wrote:
You're all just shit.

I did tons of missions without being spotted.

So did I, but only by avoiding everyone and/or using a sniper rifle. Actually infiltrating and taking people out from less than a mile out is hopeless.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 2:36 
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Its not even close to being good, the start is bizarre, you end up in a gun fight, die, come back alive and everyone seems to want something from you. Could of been a good start to a jesus simulator, but then I have to do favours for the church, surely I;ve done enough for them, and surely being resurrected I would be immune to malaria but no I not. Then you have to do the engaging missions like killing the king or someone for his son, which was vaguely fun I admit in a sort of disjointed way. Mind you that mission with the gold someone mentioned before is shit as fuck mind. How is it fair that you npc best mate goes under attack whilst you have to climb 2 sets of ladders. At least let me get out before that happens.

But really the open nature of the game works against it, you never feel connected to the narrative, you dont feel any passion to kill the weapons baron or whoever your after, you make a best mate after talking to some for a couple of minutes, and the getting attacked during the mission for no particular reason before makes you even more reluctant to even move. Even then since its trying to be so open-ended, each mission ends up being unspectacular with just shooting a bunch of people, achieved by every other shooter, linear or not.

I believe this is the problem to the game, I think even the annoying random attacks and similar would be bareable if you felt the missions were vastly different to random attaks against you, or if you even cared about how the story progresses but you really dont. The controls work fine, the vehicles are decent for a fps, the guns are annoying I admit but had enough kickbut its utterly ordinary in its world, story, missions and events.

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 12:46 
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sinister agent wrote:
Watching him panic and plough every single vehicle he used into a tree or off a bridge within 15 seconds of starting it, without fail, got funnier every time.

It certainly made me laugh just now, thanks!

As for the stealth thing - Far Cry games have always had shit stealth. I remember in the original how you could supposedly lure enemy guards... but not by hitting a rock with your knife, oh no, the loud 'SPANG!' was audible only to you.

Not that it mattered, once they were triggered you could just watch the 'AI' at work. Enemy guy charges at you across open ground, you blast his head open with your sniper rifle. Other enemies watch his body slump to the ground, blood fountaining from his truncated skull. They then charge at you across the same patch of ground.

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 16:43 
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Their actual movement in Far Cry 2 is very good, damningly. They're very good at flanking and moving through the cover, so that if ou're not quick, you'll end up fighting five or six guys who see and hit you with unerring accuracy through thirty feet of foliage, while you can see bugger all and have no idea where or how many there are. And even if you spot one, he'll move pretty fast.

If you too could actually use the foliae properly, it would be brilliant, with lots of stalking and counter-stalking.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 16:52 
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Me and my little grenade launcher laugh in the face of foliage.

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 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 16:53 
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Curiosity wrote:
Me and my little grenade launcher laugh in the face of foliage.

Flare pistol > all, frankly. Although it depends on the terrain, annoyingly.

Lonely as a Mushroom Cloud

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:07 
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For anyone yet to pick this up:

Far Cry 2, PC - £2.93 delivered

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:46 
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Bad Girl

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I’ve just started playing this and it’s already annoying me. The camera has huge dead zones where subtle movements are ignored; but then it also has that weird acceleration crap where you actually start to turn your head but suddenly decide to whip your cranium around like the exorcist has possessed your character. So it’s hard to finesse your aim where you want it when you want it, which isn’t great for a game about shooting things.

And apparently the spirit of Robert Mugabe leaves on in everyone because whitey must die. I haven’t met a single friendly face outside of the no fire zone and it’s go-time for everyone on the continent to wreck my shit when I idly tootle by in my whip.

Plus I also got a bit confused like everyone else in this thread about what to do at the beginning of the game when you were supposed to buy something from the computer. Tch.

And the shooting isn’t much fun either as bullets endlessly fail to connect with faces or even bodies, arms and legs. These guys are like terminators and stand and fire constantly at you even as you rinse wash them with light machine gun fire at point blank.

As a game it doesn’t seem like much fun but as a historical look at what the Far Cry series has become its fascinating: how they developed checkpoints; the arms systems; storytelling; the world’s they’ve made and so on. It’s interesting to see how ambitious this was. Plus the fire is probably some of the best in the entire series! And the tree destruction too! Why oh why did they get rid of that!?

And did Myp’s copy ever arrive on his door mat!?

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 9:14 
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It did!

I never played it

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 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 23:40 
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Bad Girl

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Mini-map that doesn’t have a compass or even show north. How on earth did you lot cope all those years ago!?

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:16 
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Terrible game. Beautiful yet terrible.

Best part was the graphics, closely followed by the silent poison dart sniper rifle. You could sit very far away and take out everyone.

Sadly the dullness took its toll and I never finished it. The whole convoy / repeat thing bored me shitless.

It was more of a graphical demo than a game.

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 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 13:56 
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*catches malaria*

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 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 13:58 
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Curiosity wrote:
*catches malaria*

*Removes his red shirt*

 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 15:11 
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The thought that this game isn't any good shocks me to my very core.

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 Post subject: Re: Far Cry 2
PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 23:52 
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Bad Girl

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All finished.

It was a bare bones Far Cry 3, 4, 5 et all but without the weird drugs obsession. I wonder how they went from taking pills for controlling symptoms of malaria to “drugs are groovy, let’s eat some mushrooms dooooode”.

Mind you, I was really enjoying not having to fart around catching fish and killing the local wildlife to build a larger grenade purse.

The foliage was both a mix of (a) really great looking and reactive to bullets and explosions (seriously, this is painfully missed in the recent games) and (b) Jesus Christ, how the fuck am I supposed to shoot anything when I can’t see anyone or even where the bullets are being fired from... yet all the locals can see me hiding like I’m dressed as fucking C3-PO on Endor.

Stealth is basically fucked as well (like most stealth games from the time to be fair) cause as soon as something happens it’s go-time. The locals are all psychopaths who instantly fire on whitey, and as soon as a single shot is fired everyone in the area rushes to fuck you up. There’s some kind of cool-down in there but you’ll have to leave the area before the anxiety ridden locals will take their finger off the trigger.

It’s not entirely hopeless. There’s something about about it even playing it fresh with today’s sensibilities engrained into your noggin. I suppose it’s the environment mainly. I dunno.

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