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Resident Evil 5 thread
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Demo link. Squee!
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Please be brilliant. Please be brilliant. Please be brilliant.
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"Guys, let's flog this some more!"


I seriously lost interest after 2. There's nothing new to them after that. Hell, there was nothing much new after 1.
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You smell of wee.

This one has co-op, right? I like that.
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Mr Chris wrote:
I seriously lost interest after 2. There's nothing new to them after that. Hell, there was nothing much new after 1.
Holy shit, you've never played RE4 and you are dismissing the series as stale? I don't know if Grim...'s server can hold this much wrong.
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Craster wrote:
You smell of wee.

This one has co-op, right? I like that.
Yes, and it appears online co-op is in the demo.
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Mr Chris wrote:
I seriously lost interest after 2. There's nothing new to them after that. Hell, there was nothing much new after 1.

Did you ever try RE4? It's like the earlier games but good.
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Excellent. Cheers, Woody :)
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
I seriously lost interest after 2. There's nothing new to them after that. Hell, there was nothing much new after 1.
Holy shit, you've never played RE4 and you are dismissing the series as stale? I don't know if Grim...'s server can hold this much wrong.

I've played all 4 of them. I lost interest in that 3 and 4 felt like playing extra levels of 2.
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Mr Chris wrote:
I seriously lost interest after 2. There's nothing new to them after that. Hell, there was nothing much new after 1.

How fucking wrong are you? Punch yourself.
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I've been playing the japanese version of this for the last week or so, and I prefer the old school "shit! where did that come from" style resident evil, rather than the new "here comes 500 enemies, better get shooting" style. Still good fun though, but I never really got into 4.
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Mr Chris wrote:
I've played all 4 of them. I lost interest in that 3 and 4 felt like playing extra levels of 2.
Just when I thought you were Mayor of Wrongtown, you had to go up the stakes. We need to create an entire Continent of Errors for you boy.
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Mr Chris wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
I seriously lost interest after 2. There's nothing new to them after that. Hell, there was nothing much new after 1.
Holy shit, you've never played RE4 and you are dismissing the series as stale? I don't know if Grim...'s server can hold this much wrong.

I've played all 4 of them. I lost interest in that 3 and 4 felt like playing extra levels of 2.

Aren't there six RE games, though? You're forgetting RE:0 and Code Veronica (X/Complete/whatever).
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
I've played all 4 of them. I lost interest in that 3 and 4 felt like playing extra levels of 2.
Just when I thought you were Mayor of Wrongtown, you had to go up the stakes. We need to create an entire Continent of Errors for you boy.

Mr Chris? Capt'n Wrongo more like.

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myp wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
I seriously lost interest after 2. There's nothing new to them after that. Hell, there was nothing much new after 1.
Holy shit, you've never played RE4 and you are dismissing the series as stale? I don't know if Grim...'s server can hold this much wrong.

I've played all 4 of them. I lost interest in that 3 and 4 felt like playing extra levels of 2.

Aren't there six RE games, though? You're forgetting RE:0 and Code Veronica (X/Complete/whatever).

Plus there's the Survivor and Outbreak games. Not sure if there's any more?
Zardoz wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
I seriously lost interest after 2. There's nothing new to them after that. Hell, there was nothing much new after 1.

How fucking wrong are you? Punch yourself.

Besides which, there really cannot be enough games with zombies in them. There's all the Resident Evils, Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising, House Of The Dead... and still nowhere close to enough.
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myp wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
I seriously lost interest after 2. There's nothing new to them after that. Hell, there was nothing much new after 1.
Holy shit, you've never played RE4 and you are dismissing the series as stale? I don't know if Grim...'s server can hold this much wrong.

I've played all 4 of them. I lost interest in that 3 and 4 felt like playing extra levels of 2.

Aren't there six RE games, though? You're forgetting RE:0 and Code Veronica (X/Complete/whatever).

Ah yes- wasn't the veronica one a light gun effort?

Look, Mr The Gaywood, I appreciate that RE4 is to some people on here the zombie-game equivalent of what the Amstrad is to Chinny, but honestly, I played it, and I preferred 1 and 2. The new over-the-shoulder aiming thing was fucking horrible, and that was the main change.
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Left 4 Dead is tremendously fun. I will play RE5 at lunch-time.
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RE4 didn't have zombies. YOU FAIL!

Mr Chris, you couldn't be more wrong if you tried. RE4 was an excellentness pie, with acebest topping and finished off with a cherry from the awesome tree.
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Could you please sign for this, Mr Chris?
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Mr Chris wrote:
Ah yes- wasn't the veronica one a light gun effort?

No, I think that was Umbrella Chronicles.
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myp wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
Ah yes- wasn't the veronica one a light gun effort?

No, I think that was Umbrella Chronicles.

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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Mr Chris wrote:
I seriously lost interest after 2. There's nothing new to them after that. Hell, there was nothing much new after 1.
Holy shit, you've never played RE4 and you are dismissing the series as stale? I don't know if Grim...'s server can hold this much wrong.

Is that what happened?
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There were also the two Resident Evil: Survivor games, they were lightgun games. One, two, three.
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Ah yes - I forgot we're not entitled to dissenting opinons here. I'll ban myself.
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And the prequels/remakes for the Gamecube* and several handheld versions including one for DS :nerd:

*fans of the series NEED to play these.
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Zardoz wrote:
Could you please sign for this, Mr Chris?

It needs to be signed for by someone miles away from him. For he is Far King Wrong.
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Only 453 meg? Most demos are at least twice that. Is this one 30 seconds long, or are Capcom just the Kings Of Efficient Programming?
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Colour me unexcited by this.

I thought the first Resi game was crap. The second was more of the same and Code Veronica was dull as well. My problem was that all of the tension, for me, felt like it was being contrived by making your controlled character about as easy to steer as a shopping trolley full of anvils. And yes, I own 4 and I've never managed to get more than a couple of hours in after at least three attempts.
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
There were also the two Resident Evil: Survivor games, they were lightgun games. One, two, three.

Yeah, I'm just trying to think of the canonical traditional survival-horror games. There's six, I believe (seven with RE5).
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myp wrote:
Yeah, I'm just trying to think of the canonical traditional survival-horror games. There's six, I believe (seven with RE5).
Ah right. Yes, I think you are correct.
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Haven't we already had a thread about this demo, it's been available on torrent sites (and playable on normal un-messed-about-with xboxes) for ages?

Anyway I thought it seemed ok, although the demo seemed to throw you in at the deep end somewhat.
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All Resident Evil games are rubbish. Except the ones that aren't.
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DBSnappa wrote:

I thought the first Resi game was crap. The second was more of the same and Code Veronica was dull as well. My problem was that all of the tension, for me, felt like it was being contrived by making your controlled character about as easy to steer as a shopping trolley full of anvils.

Indeed. That and its sole method for "scares" was by putting you on edge the whole time waiting for something to jump out at you. I'd have obtained the same effect by getting a mate to hide in my house and jump out and shout "Boo!" at random moments.

Still, I like jumpy scares for a bit, and the setting was fun, but there wasn't enough to hold my attention for a second playthrough on either 1 or 2.
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markg wrote:
Haven't we already had a thread about this demo, it's been available on torrent sites (and playable on normal un-messed-about-with xboxes) for ages?
I searched and couldn't find an actual RE5 thread, I think the demo was just mentioned in BnB or something. Unless I missed it, of course. We'll need this thread soon anyway, the game's out in a matter of weeks.

The early release demo you refer to is the Japanese one I think, which was out ages ago.
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I'm slightly concerned that markg might be getting confused with the Dead Space demo we talked about a while ago.
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
The early release demo you refer to is the Japanese one I think, which was out ages ago.

Ooh, is this demo a whole new one then?
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Mr Chris wrote:
I get cheap thrills by getting a "mate" to hide in a closet and jump out and shout "Chase me" at random moments.

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myp wrote:
I'm slightly concerned that markg might be getting confused with the Dead Space demo we talked about a while ago.

No, definitely an RE5 demo, I had to download it from a torrent site and burn it to a CD.
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markg wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
The early release demo you refer to is the Japanese one I think, which was out ages ago.

Ooh, is this demo a whole new one then?
I don't know if it's the same content as the Japanese one, I'm afraid.
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markg wrote:
No, definitely an RE5 demo, I had to download it from a torrent site and burn it to a CD.

Oh right. I had no idea.
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The japanese one contained 2 levels.

One that opened with an execution and you being spotted and having loads of enemies coming at you in a hut and, er, another one that I can't remember properly.
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The Jap demo was shite. Really disappointed with the control system and the usual Resi Evil anti-fun policy. But it'll no doubt get much better once you get used to it shitting on you.
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Jap demo thoughts here: ... opic=10735

If you torrent the Japanese demo and burn it to a DVD, you can play it from your Demos menu in the 360.

Anyway, it's, er... Every bit as annoying as I thought it would be. The controls are awkward and Chris is blocking a third of the screen with his huge hulking body. And enemies take around 10 bullets to bring down, ammo is scarce, reloading causes you to stand still and painstakingly refill your weapon with ammo often causing death because you can't cancel a reload if something attacks you.

It looks nice, though.

And an utterly excellent summation from Troublegum:

The last Resident Evil game I played was 3, I missed out on 4 because I had sold my Gamecube for some reason. So, I was quite looking forward to this until I played it. Put me in the 'fucking hell, these controls are terrible' camp, gentlemen.

It was late though and I didn't spend too much time with it. Here's my playthrough:

"Ooooh, it works!"
"Ooooh, it's pretty"
"Hang on, I need to move these bookcases"
"Die, motherfucker"
"Arrrgh, fucking turn!"
"Get out the way you fucking, stupid cow!"
"Fucking... run... no, turn... no... fuck"
*Waggle sticks*
*Press B to rescue your bumbling, cretinous, moron of an AI buddy*
*Waggle Sticks*
"I wonder if Sexcetera is on now"
"Ah-ha, higher ground"
"Get out of the fucking way, bitch"
*Big fat axe man fucks my shit up and kills Sheva. At which point I shake his hand, give him a knowing nod and offer him tea and crumpets*

I'm shit at this game and I hate the controls (duh). I give it 9 out of 10 to save Edge the trouble of reviewing it.
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so is it a new one? the jap one had 2 scenes, one in a market and one in a village
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Preempting this: People moaning about not being able to move and shoot, or move sideways in RE don't get it. That makes the game super awesome. It's makes fight or flight a mutely exclusive choice. And that choice makes the game tense.

Otherwise it would be just you sliding around a room taking pot shots at zombozos.

Also: Awful, old - but yet still makes me laugh.
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I've only ever played 2 RE games properly.

Code Veronica X on the PS2 was quite atmospheric, but also fucking shit (for me).

RE4 on the Wii was ace.

I don't really know what to expect woth RE5, so look forward to trying the demo at least.
I've always loved the (canonical) Resident Evil games... except Zero for some reason, just couldn't get into that. I guess it's just the whole zombie thing, the slower paced gameplay and the puzzles which are simple enough for my addled brain. They're not scary though, never really have been other than the occasional jump. But then I don't find zombie films scary either and it all counts as horror.

If it's videogamey scares you're after, it's the Silent Hill and the Project Zero games you is wantng.
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Because I have limited playing time these days if I actually manage to finish a game I trade it on forthwith for whatever beans I can. With RE4 I played it through 3 times, sold it, then bought it again 6 months later because I missed it.

So although you're allowed to have a differing opinion Mr Chris you have to understand that what you're saying is the equivalent of "Andrew Lloyd Webber - now there's a good looking bloke." You're entitled to your opinion but every time you expound it you're snogging Lloyd Webber's face clean off.
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Trousers wrote:
Because I have limited playing time these days if I actually manage to finish a game I trade it on forthwith for whatever beans I can. With RE4 I played it through 3 times, sold it, then bought it again 6 months later because I missed it.
I completed it on 'Cube, bought the Wii version, then completed that too. That's the only game I've completed twice in a decade, I reckon.
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