Hallo, I'm new.
CUS wrote:
myoptika wrote:
BTW, I like your use of the traditional 'hallo' rather than that bastardised version we stole from the Yanks.

It's not traditional though. It's a fairly obscure variant that was popularized with a fierce patriotism by the Daily Mail-types of the mid-late 1800s and early 1900s, largely in reaction to the popularizing of "Hello", and the fact that "Hullo" and "Hallo" were already in use for other, different things.

It's sort of comforting to know that Britain was already going "Oh GOD now what have they done, they have NO class, quick darling, let's all pretend that we've been using this CHARMING old-fashioned, proper French word for years now. Honestly, they'll never learn, will they?", as far back as say, 1850.

Tam, I hope you are paying attention to all of this by the way.

I think I'm more lost than I've ever been lost before :(
But thank you for all the lovely welcomings! I guess this place isn't as scary as I anticipated afterall.
Not scary at all. You're quite safe with us.

Just watch out for the Weasels.

I quite like weasles.
Just give them all a couple of eggs to suck on and I'm sure they'd calm down.
Forget the weasels, it's the whelks you've got to look out for. :o
itsallwater wrote:
eh up me duck...

Where is the polar bear? I think that is probably the best/worst welcome.



I love that bear.
My "Man's Life" now seems sadly empty and devoid of meaning compared to that guy's. You've never really lived until you've been involved in a life-or-death struggle with a pack of weasels. I hope that guy was alright - he's clearly going to bludgeon the one he's holding senseless, but the weasel on his neck looks as if it might have hit an artery.
WTF is it with that bear? Is this one of those nerdy internet things like the cats?
Do not encourage the bear - don't make me get my banhammer out.
Curiosity wrote:

You will be.
Mr Chris wrote:
WTF is it with that bear? Is this one of those nerdy internet things like the cats?

I have no idea. Mali A went on a spamming spree with him one day (it's an image from a BBC News story) and it made me laugh a disproportionate amount.
And I adore bears and will always welcome the posting of pictures of them. Had this ever been my forum, Grim... would have been hunted down and killed for his resizing of them. Always causing trouble like that, is our Grim..., no word of warning or anything.
CUS wrote:
Had this ever been my forum, Grim... would have been hunted down and killed for his resizing of them.

It's the least I deserve.
Thrice hail, Davydd's better half!

Hope you're looking forward to the Twitch Savant/Yog-Sothoth split.
Ooo yes indeed, when are you going to start putting stuff together?
Curiosity wrote:
I have no idea. Mali A went on a spamming spree with him one day (it's an image from a BBC News story) and it made me laugh a disproportionate amount.

To be fair it was the appropriateness of the captions that he was putting with them too. Certainly made me smile several times that day!
Some time in 2018.
It had better be worth the wait :D
Zardoz wrote:

You call that a flesh-ripping weasel? This is a flesh-ripping weasel!

Sweet JESUS, where are people getting these pictures from?!
That one's a Frank Zappa album. I ought to chastise you for not knowing that.
Or, you could let me off and educate me on Monday?
Tam wrote:
Or, you could let me off and educate me on Monday?

"educate" is that a euphamism?

Oh, and Hi..

ComicalGnomes wrote:
You get a TimTam, bite off two opposing corners (across the diagonal), pop one end in your tea, and then suck hard on the other end (fnarff) until the tea moves through the entire biscuit. After that you'll have approximately 3 seconds to get the whole biscuit into your mouth before it collapses from the inside out.

I had an actual dream about this last night.
Also known as the Speed Scoff Ratio.
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