Excellent Content
What's with the thread title change?

Frickin' renegade.
I was just wondering that.

Is the word "content" being filtered?

Not now, it seems. How odd.

Is one of the mods having an eppy?
That was my fault - nothing to see here.
I was disappointed that "Christ" got filtered, but "Mohammed" didn't. You racist.

Just checking.
Is that what M a l i A is coming out as now?


So it is!
It's case-sensitive.
I don't want to be all pushy, like, but when is this 'site' going live?

If you don't hurry, the whole thing will run out of steam. I'm certainly not going to write anything else till the stuff I've done is posted.
CUS wrote:
What do you mean by "health info"? I like the idea of there being some kind of liberal pinko goodie-goodie flowerpatch, used properly for proper things.

No, no... we shall have to balance that out with an equal and opposite forum of EVIL or just mix the two in togeher. Balance is essential.
What software are you using for the site, Grim...?
I'd be interested to know why that and not Drupal. Not that I object, I'm evaluating them both for one my own sites and was leaning towards Drupal. Also: are you adding a wiki too, or just going with the CMS?
[edit edit] I don't know, to be honest. I wasn't going to get too involved in this.
i'm confused, you were going to set up a wiki with it, weren't you?
That was that plan, IIRC.
I'm not webby enough to be able to get involved with the building of the site, unfortunately. I'll definitely be active in contributing once it's up and running, though.

Is anyone going to take this and run with it? I thought CUS was going to be instrumental in setting this up.
That was before I had a bit of a power-breakdown, and completely lost all enthusiasm and pleasure in being involved in any way in the site or forum.

So I'm probably not the best one. I was thinking 'New Modz... they can do it'. I like it as a slogan.
CUS wrote:
That was before I had a bit of a power-breakdown, and completely lost all enthusiasm and pleasure in being involved in any way in the site or forum.

"My work here is done", sort of thing?
More, "My work here is being ignored and then repeated afterwards as the startling and original inventions of visionaries, so fuck that then."
No, not ringing any bells.
CUS wrote:
More, "My work here is being ignored and then repeated afterwards as the startling and original inventions of visionaries, so fuck that then."

I ran this past some of the best language experts in the land to try and working out the meanung but all they could say was "fuck knows?".
chinnyhill10 wrote:
CUS wrote:
More, "My work here is being ignored and then repeated afterwards as the startling and original inventions of visionaries, so fuck that then."

I ran this past some of the best language experts in the land to try and working out the meanung but all they could say was "fuck knows?".

CUS wrote:
chinnyhill10 wrote:
CUS wrote:
More, "My work here is being ignored and then repeated afterwards as the startling and original inventions of visionaries, so fuck that then."

I ran this past some of the best language experts in the land to try and working out the meanung but all they could say was "fuck knows?".


It's like meaning except where you press "u" instead of "i".
Sorry I nicked your dimlie idea, CUS.
You'd best not mean that seriously, Myadverseria *narrows eyes*.
Of course I didn't mean it seriously. It was my idea.
Indeed it was, and a fine idea at that.
This was all my idea anyway. CUS is a fucking charlatan.
A Charlatan? Eurgh, indie!
CUS wrote:
Indeed it was, and a fine idea at that.

Hang on a minute - this skit hasn't gone as planned - I was hoping for more funnies! We're going to have to go back to the drawing board.
CUS wrote:
A Charlatan? Eurgh, indie!

An insult on two levels! Woop!
myoptika wrote:
Hang on a minute - this skit hasn't gone as planned - I was hoping for more funnies! We're going to have to go back to the drawing board.

You mean DIMRILL has to, because his Dimlies are RUBBISH.

I don't believe this, but controversy sells.
So is anyone going to set up the site, or are we going to just let it sink without trace since CUS has abandoned us?
myoptika wrote:
So is anyone going to set up the site, or are we going to just let it sink without trace since CUS has abandoned us?

It's under control.
It's okay, Grim...'s butler, in addition to being a Gentleman's Gentleman of the highest calibre, also does web design in his spare time. Not that he gets much, what with organising the Hunt Ball and various shoots, as well as keeping Grim...'s Aunt Jemima off his back.
Hello. I've been thinking about structure of sections and subsections for the site. Joomla has a two-level structure, so, all content is divided into sections and each section is divided into what Joomla calls Categories but I will refer to, for clarity, as subsections.

Some stuff we have naturally falls along those lines, like these sections I propse:

   - Reviews
   - Articles
   - Games nights
   - Guides & FAQs
Music, Film & Books
   - Film reviews
   - Music reviews
   - Gig reviews
   - Book reviews
   - Articles
Interesting stuff
   - hippy green eco things
   - links
   - highlighted threads
   - other
   - Recipies
   - Reviews
   - Articles

Some notes on these:
    :arrow: I put music and film together as we are likely to write less about those than games i.e. I thought I'd try and keep the sections the same sort of size.
    :arrow: Most sections have a generic catch-all "articles" subsection for stuff that doesn't fit the other subsections
    :arrow: Games nights is where we say, e.g., that we all play Forza on a Wed and 9:30. Might also contain writeups of past game sessions.

Some other bits don't obviously have subsections. I suggest we just put in a single subsection called "misc" or something and put everything under the section into that subsection.
   - Stuff
   - Post Of The Time Period Of Your Choice
   - Quotes
   - Stuff
Excellent folk
   - People

    :arrow: Excellent folk is where we write about ourselves

Adding sections and subsections down the road is easy, but refiling content is not, so I'd like to get it reasonably right on the first go. So, comments, people, comments!
I think what you have done makes sense, but I really wouldn't like to see the forum split into subsections.
This is all for the site, not the forum.
But what about a cooke - oh, never mind, you've already thought of that. ?:|
richardgaywood wrote:
This is all for the site, not the forum.

Ah, my appologies!

As you were ;)
Sounds good to me, Ricardo!
Y'know what I like about other forums? That little arrow next to the thread that lets you know that you haven't read it yet. But what if I don't want to read it? Well after I've logged off and come back the next day, the little arrow is gone but new arrows have appeared on threads that have been posted on after I last logged on.

We should so, like, get that and stuff. The disappearing arrows thing. 'Cause, like, on here they tend to stick around forever until you look at the thread.

We should totally do that an' stuff. Well, I say 'we' but I mean 'you guys who actually know stuff about this kind of stuff'.

Well that's my suggestion for making a better more excellent place, I'll quietly slink off now...

I like people that don't post things in the wrong topics ;)

Now, the little arrow things do vanish after you've logged off, but I'm guessing you mean 'closed the browser'.

I could put a time limit on them, but I could see it pissing some people off. There is a link at the top right of the forum to clear them all.

Let me know what you think, excellent members!
If I haven't read it, I haven't read it. It makes damn all difference whether I didn't read it yesterday or didn't read it the day before.
Yeah, your reply is still going to be disappointing either way.
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