Political Banter and Debate Thread
Countdown to a flight-free UK
BikNorton wrote:
A group statistically more likely to have multiple brain contusions statistically more likely to support trump, you say?

That's totally made up obviously - in fact there's a little bell ringing in the distance that the guy who owns UFC is a maga type, more than anything. It might be that everyone there is annoyed as you.

It's worrying though as it's the only 'live' American thing I watch and so seeing an arena of Americans cheering for him makes you think he's going to get back in. And that's a scary thought.

I'm tempering that by remembering that presidents don't have as much power as we think and that I'm never ever going back there anyway.

But it does make you think this all ends with Putin flinging nukes at us.
Whey heyyyyyyyyy.

Let the bullshit begin.

Nigel to stand.jpg
Warhead wrote:
I wonder what happened to Nigel's 'very firm offer of a job with Dontald Trump.'.

34 felony convictions. Plus he realised trump wouldn’t actually pay up.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Warhead wrote:
I wonder what happened to Nigel's 'very firm offer of a job with Dontald Trump.'.

34 felony convictions. Plus he realised trump wouldn’t actually pay up.

Absolutely this. Whatever grift / easy-money media gig he had lined up fell through.
Didn’t take long to milkshake him!
Satsuma wrote:
Didn’t take long to milkshake him!

Long may it continue.
Warhead wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
Didn’t take long to milkshake him!

Long may it continue.

Lactose the intolerant
I think we need two lists: one is a list of things that are acceptable to throw, and the second is who it is acceptable to throw things at.

Possibly a third to supercede the second and it is of criteria of things that mean people are on the list
On reflection, I suspect Banana Shake Gate may have been a set up by Nigel to get himself on more front pages and gain a few sympathy votes.
https://twitter.com/2Tone4Real/status/1 ... 0278148279

I had to manually change the URL to twitter (from x to get the preview) don't know if you want to update that @grim... ?
Hmm, it looks like it's broken everything.

I had to switch the Regex part of my brain back on to do that. It be rusty.
The American Civil War starts here. Trump just narrowly avoids assassination.

Well Trump was already looking like he was going to win and now he gets the sympathy vote will the Republicans now get to claim the moral high ground. All because of a 20 year old idiot.
Yeah… he’s getting in. Wow.
They need to replace Biden with someone younger but right now that person would need to be okay with the idea of a lot of gun-toting Republicans seeking some tit-for-tat revenge.
I fear this will do nothing but help Trump romp to victory.

Anyway, anyone else seen the video? I thought the security seemed really slow to react.
Mimi wrote:
I fear this will do nothing but help Trump romp to victory.

Anyway, anyone else seen the video? I thought the security seemed really slow to react.

No doubt some nut jobs will claim that the secret service were part of a conspiracy to assassinate Trump.

Someone's already claimed that Biden paid for the hit.

The conspiracy theory mill will already have gone into overdrive.
The conspiracy theories I’ve seen everywhere go in the opposite direction. That it was all a set-up by Trump’s people to make him appear heroic and to garner hatred for the ‘radicals’ that make up the left. Both sides seem to have jumped on the conspiracy train.
I should point out that I don’t think them being slow was indicative of anything other than them being slow. I’ve perhaps watched too many movies where the security act within a millisecond of any sign of movement, but it’s a good few seconds after you hear the shots (which will have been delayed because of the distance of the shooter) before any movement is made. Trump puts his hand up to his ear quite a while before anyone is keyed in that something has happened.
I don't understand the conspiracy theory suggesting it was staged.

Either someone is the best shot in the world (to just clip his ear) or they pulled off the sort of magic trick that Penn and Teller could only dream of (live cameras, 360 degree witnesses).
And colandered an audience member in the process.
It was a fake Trump and he had some sort of blade in his hand and cut his own ear when the patsy shooter, who gave up his life for the cause, fired with blanks. The death and other injuries were from a second shooter on a grassy knoll.
MaliA wrote:
And colandered an audience member in the process.

Could it have been a crisis actor?
Blucey wrote:
I don't understand the conspiracy theory suggesting it was staged.

Either someone is the best shot in the world (to just clip his ear) or they pulled off the sort of magic trick that Penn and Teller could only dream of (live cameras, 360 degree witnesses).

No one needs to understand it. It doesn't need to stand up to any kind of scrutiny, it just needs to muddy the water and add to all the others that are completely bonkers, like the rubbish I posted.

But whatever the motive for the attempt, Trump will milk it for all it's worth.
And now his classified documents case has been dismissed by a Florida judge "on the basis that the justice department's appointment of special prosecutor Jack Smith violates the Appointments Clause of the US Constitution."

So it's not been dismissed because there's been a ruling that he's not guilty, just on a technicality.

Some wazzock has shot themselves in the foot on this one.
Warhead wrote:
It was a fake Trump and he had some sort of blade in his hand and cut his own ear when the patsy shooter, who gave up his life for the cause, fired with blanks. The death and other injuries were from a second shooter on a grassy knoll.

I’ve seen so many people suggest that he had a blood pack and that he ducked behind the podium to burst it, and now everyone is saying that there is no injury in pics of him golfing. The conspiracy theories are nuts. And it’s both sides, I’m sure, but I’ve seen it mostly from democrats (simply because I don’t follow any republicans). I honestly thought they were joking at first, but no, so many people seem to actually believe they’ve faked it, but killed two other humans in the process for this bit of drama.
Never fear. Nige is on the case!

Screw you, constituents. There’s some Americans need riling up.
I mean... putting the Atlantic between yourself and Clacton is normally a good idea, but not when you're their newly elected MP
Do you reckon Donald Trump has any clue.who he is?
There's a kernel of a point in that article where he says of the assaults (physical, verbal) against politicians, against him, and how it's often waved away as "a joke", "only a milkshake" and so on.
Squirt wrote:
Do you reckon Donald Trump has any clue.who he is?

I think he does. Farage and Holly Valance (bizarrely, the woman off of neighbours that recorded that Kiss Kiss song) lead a lot of fundraising for Farage in the U.K and in the US.
MaliA wrote:
There's a kernel of a point in that article where he says of the assaults (physical, verbal) against politicians, against him, and how it's often waved away as "a joke", "only a milkshake" and so on.

I think the number of people abused by those who absorb the poisonous ideology spewed by Farage more than balances that out, TBH.
Yeah, more than a bit rich coming from these pieces of shit. Also remember that time Trump straight up incited a riot. You can't be campaigning on such blatantly inflammatory policies and telling anyone who calls it out to turn the temperature down. They can fuck right off with that.
markg wrote:
Yeah, more than a bit rich coming from these pieces of shit. Also remember that time Trump straight up incited a riot. You can't be campaigning on such blatantly inflammatory policies and telling anyone who calls it out to turn the temperature down. They can fuck right off with that.

Trump’s “unite the nation with less conflict” lasted about 12 hours before he carried on with the hostility.
The Welsh first minster, Vaughan Gething, has resigned.
Not long in the job but still beat Truss.
Waiting for the state opening by keeping an eye on the BBC feed. Privately hoping a horse or two will make a run for it down Whitehall.
Some interesting things in there, especially around public transport and devolution. Will read the proposals with interest.

Disappointed Charlie wasn't offbook, and Camilla needs to work on losing the evil Disney stepmother vibe.
Kern wrote:
Camilla needs to work on losing the evil Disney stepmother vibe.

It's about 2 decades too late for that
Mimi wrote:
MaliA wrote:
There's a kernel of a point in that article where he says of the assaults (physical, verbal) against politicians, against him, and how it's often waved away as "a joke", "only a milkshake" and so on.

I think the number of people abused by those who absorb the poisonous ideology spewed by Farage more than balances that out, TBH.

In a similar theme in the Tenacious D comments:

https://www.theguardian.com/music/comme ... l-violence
This isn’t just about whether people were offended or whether there might be a penalty for making a tasteless joke. When it comes to normalising and casualising extreme and violent responses to political disagreement, the old lines are blurring alarmingly. And that isn’t funny at all.

In his work The Second Coming, the Irish poet William Butler Yeats wrote of fearing anarchy being loosed and innocence drowned. “Things fall apart,” he wrote. “The centre cannot hold.”

The real test of democratic civility is not being glad that our friends or favourites dodged an assassin’s bullet. It’s being glad our political enemies did.
markg wrote:
Yeah, more than a bit rich coming from these pieces of shit. Also remember that time Trump straight up incited a riot. You can't be campaigning on such blatantly inflammatory policies and telling anyone who calls it out to turn the temperature down. They can fuck right off with that.

Shouldn't be trying to kill them, though
Well obviously, but mostly people aren't. Not too sure you can legislate for nutters like that, though.
MaliA wrote:
Mimi wrote:
MaliA wrote:
There's a kernel of a point in that article where he says of the assaults (physical, verbal) against politicians, against him, and how it's often waved away as "a joke", "only a milkshake" and so on.

I think the number of people abused by those who absorb the poisonous ideology spewed by Farage more than balances that out, TBH.

In a similar theme in the Tenacious D comments:

https://www.theguardian.com/music/comme ... l-violence
This isn’t just about whether people were offended or whether there might be a penalty for making a tasteless joke. When it comes to normalising and casualising extreme and violent responses to political disagreement, the old lines are blurring alarmingly. And that isn’t funny at all.

In his work The Second Coming, the Irish poet William Butler Yeats wrote of fearing anarchy being loosed and innocence drowned. “Things fall apart,” he wrote. “The centre cannot hold.”

The real test of democratic civility is not being glad that our friends or favourites dodged an assassin’s bullet. It’s being glad our political enemies did.

I do agree with that, and I do agree (in theory) that we shouldn’t be throwing milkshakes at politicians, because it’s a slippery slope from that to tomatoes, to stones, to bricks, but what I meant in my comment is that far more people have been physically and verbally abused by the followers of Farage than all of the ‘attacks’ on Farage put together.

These people deal in a rhetoric that is in its very nature violent and abusive, and then are surprised when they find violence and abuse at their door.
I don't particularly want to talk to any Trump supporters but I'd love to know what they think he did four them in the four years he was in power and what they think he'll do when he gets in again.

Like, I've always assumed he's a PISS TWAT but I've not read up about the guy. Is there any case for him being Prez? I can't imagine what it'd be.
I think I've quoted this before somewhere, but a friend of my dad's (so late 70s in age), said years ago "I like Trump. He says things".

That's the bar for some - and tied in with the idea that these 'things' are the ones that people haven't been 'allowed' to say for some time. The impression of strength, the idea that it's a new idea to put America first. And go from there.

Also, my much closer friend, American, west coast blue, good liberal (owns four guns, to my surprise) genuinely couldn't understand why no one had shot Trump way back. So she'll be nodding along much more than clutching pearls and wondering why the country is "under attack".
Republicans wear ear bandages in 'solidarity' with Trump.

Trump supporters say ear bandages are 'sign of love.'

I say they're a sign of fuckwits and of opportunists cashing in on fuckwittery.

The one at the back looks a bit like Bill Gates.

Ear bandages.jpg
They look like idiots
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