*~Pets Corner!~*
Pet and animal talk ^.^
Zardoz wrote:
Gutted to say we lost our beloved little, Gizmo last night. He had a good long life here with us and we loved him loads x

Sorry, mate.
Cheers folks, he did well. Nearly lost him a couple of times, tough little cookie, reached the ripe old age of 7.
Sorry to hear that, buddy.
My lawks 7 is a grand old age for an gippynig. Such lovely little noise potatoes.
How the hell am I supposed to play Civilization VI with such handicaps?

Awwww, she’s so at home.
We adopted a bulldog, this is beans. She's a menace.
Beautiful Beans!
Ingrates had another "Outside Introduction Day" and spent it in the hutch then smashed through all the food like they had been deprived of it all day despite having the run of the garden. Ratty is getting larger.
How are JiJi and Beans doing, folks?
Don't believe her, she's been fed and is definitely NOT starving.
I love her one white whisker! Is she a cuddler?
Mimi wrote:
I love her one white whisker! Is she a cuddler?

Like a baby. she flops onto her back in my arms while I rub her belly. She likes falling asleep like that.
Fox got a pig when we were at the pub.
Aw that’s terrible, so sorry to hear that.
Cheers, man. Found some tufts of fur behind a bush. No other signs of anything .Tough six months for piggy attrition
MaliA wrote:
Cheers, man. Found some tufts of fur behind a bush. No other signs of anything .Tough six months for piggy attrition

Sorry to hear this Mali. :(
The vet suggested we get Topher some Feliway, I think it's working.
Had to say goodbye to Peggy.

She was my constant companion for the last 11 years and I'm going to miss her terribly. She got me through more than one bad time, just by alwatys being there. She loved snoozing in front of the fire, peas and licking people's toes. She hated seagulls, vacuum cleaners and mobile phones on "vibrate" mode. Kids would come up to her and hug her and old men in pubs would tell me stories about their Jack Russels from their youth when they saw her. She never asked for anything other than to be in the middle of what ever was going on and would happily fall asleep in the lap of complete strangers if they'd let her.

So long, friend.
:( Sorry for your loss, Squirt. She does look very friendly indeed, and not the stereotypical postman-hating Jack Russell.
So sorry man. She sounds awesome x
So sorry for your loss, Squirt. That’s a great photo, she looked very cute too. Was always a highlight when she popped her head in to see what was going on in our D&D sessions.
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