Bits and Bobs 51
Where IS area 51?
A client of mine sent me a voice note on WhatsApp the other day that, for the first 5 seconds, sounds like they're having either a heart attack, a gigantic shit, or a stupendous wank.

None of those options are desirable from my perspective.
I hate voice notes.
So do I, normally (with one or two exceptions), but he refuses to text and I really hate answering phone calls and listening to voicemail on the voicemail system, so it's the only option really.

If WhatsApp ever add in an AI powered auto-transcription service for voice notes I'll be a happy bunny.
Voice notes are rubbish. They're only convenient for the sender.
GazChap wrote:
If WhatsApp ever add in an AI powered auto-transcription service for voice notes I'll be a happy bunny. ... 's%20phone.
My Dad is turning 75 next week and I have no idea what to get him. Any suggestions accepted.
A big diamond for his Diamond Jubilee.
Indoor skydiving voucher
MaliA wrote:
Xbox 360

He had one of those briefly, but he gave it away
GazChap wrote:
A big diamond for his Diamond Jubilee.

Diamond Jubblies for his Diamond Jubilee

I lost Whamageddon on Saturday!

At least I can listen to it guilt free now.
Russell lost on Saturday, too. I guess I did, unless I was elsewhere. I do ‘t know, I don’t think o notice when it’s playing.

ANYWAY, he’s now playing Wham Cannon, or something like that, where he flips it around and counts how many times he can hear it in the wild between his whamageddon date and Christmas Day, which sounds like far more fun.
Warhead wrote:
I'm not creating a Threads account ......yet. The reason being thatI created a Mastodon account when lots of my Twitter contacts were doing so, but hardly ever used it and I'm not convinced that I'd use a Threads account. I've also reduced my use of Twitter because I see more negative than positive content and I find it very depressing.

Anyone on Bluesky yet?

I know nothing about it, but an ex-colleague of mine just asked me if I wanted an invite code.
Yeah, it’s good. I don’t use it as much as threads as I don’t have many contacts there yet. If it doesn’t hurry up and open up it’s going to suffer a slow death by invite list.
Yes, I'm on. People say it's easier to get on now ('you just request a code'), but I was on a waiting list for weeks to no avail.
I'm going to tell you a story.

Mrs. W. ordered four gift boxes of cheese from the Cheshire Cheese Company, each box containing four x 200gm truckles of posh cheese. One box was for us and the other three as gifts for friends who we know are posh cheese fans. Each box was just under £20, so with delivery costs it was going to be over £80.

We've ordered a lot of stuff on-line for Christmas and have been receiving deliveries almost daily. Last week we found we'd had some deliveries left in the porch, one of which was unexpectedly rather large. On inspection I saw it was from the Cheshire Cheese Company. At that time I didn't know Mrs. W. had ordered anything from them so I called her to ask what she'd ordered. She told me what it should be, but it looked like a very big box for just 4 boxes of 4 truckles. I know that sometimes we get deliveries with big-ish boxes loads of filler, so I thought this might be the case with the cheese ....... until I tried to lift it and it was very heavy.

When we opened it, it contained 16 boxes rather than 4. I asked Mrs. W. to check the order to make sure she'd not ordered 16 boxes rather than 16 truckles, but the order was correct and she'd only been charged for 4 boxes. I'm guessing that someone at the company had mistaken 16 truckles for 16 boxes and no-one had noticed the error.

We did consider just keeping it, but it's an awful lot of cheese for us to store and dispose of, and a loss of over £240 to the company, so we did the right thing and mailed to tell them about it. They mailed back to ask us to send a scan of the delivery note, which did show 16 x 4 truckles. So they said they would like the surplus back, but we said they'd need to arrange a courier to collect it from home as we didn't want to have to take it to a collection point. They agreed to this ..... and we've heard nothing further from them for over a week, so it looks like the local food bank is going to get a donation of posh cheese.
Warhead wrote:
I'm going to tell you a story.

Mrs. W. ordered four gift boxes of cheese from the Cheshire Cheese Company, each box containing four x 200gm truckles of posh cheese. One box was for us and the other three as gifts for friends who we know are posh cheese fans. Each box was just under £20, so with delivery costs it was going to be over £80.

We've ordered a lot of stuff on-line for Christmas and have been receiving deliveries almost daily. Last week we found we'd had some deliveries left in the porch, one of which was unexpectedly rather large. On inspection I saw it was from the Cheshire Cheese Company. At that time I didn't know Mrs. W. had ordered anything from them so I called her to ask what she'd ordered. She told me what it should be, but it looked like a very big box for just 4 boxes of 4 truckles. I know that sometimes we get deliveries with big-ish boxes loads of filler, so I thought this might be the case with the cheese ....... until I tried to lift it and it was very heavy.

When we opened it, it contained 16 boxes rather than 4. I asked Mrs. W. to check the order to make sure she'd not ordered 16 boxes rather than 16 truckles, but the order was correct and she'd only been charged for 4 boxes. I'm guessing that someone at the company had mistaken 16 truckles for 16 boxes and no-one had noticed the error.

We did consider just keeping it, but it's an awful lot of cheese for us to store and dispose of, and a loss of over £240 to the company, so we did the right thing and mailed to tell them about it. They mailed back to ask us to send a scan of the delivery note, which did show 16 x 4 truckles. So they said they would like the surplus back, but we said they'd need to arrange a courier to collect it from home as we didn't want to have to take it to a collection point. They agreed to this ..... and we've heard nothing further from them for over a week, so it looks like the local food bank is going to get a donation of posh cheese.

That’s so good! More cheeses for us meeces!

Giphy "no cheeses for us meeces":
Giphy is such a let down.

Related to the cheese story, which reminded me of this, when I was younger I needed a toaster, and my brother offered to go and pick one up from Argos for me. He was 11 at the time. I gave him the catalogue number and the money and off he popped to Wembley High street.

He was gone AGES. So much so that I grew quite concerned. After a good couple of hours he came in with a box so big that I could have lived in it. I asked him what it was. He shrugged and said it was the number I ordered. He’d had to get it on and off the bus and sort of ‘walk’ it down the North Circular Road to my mother’s house. I opened it and it was a whole outer of toasters. Everyone got toasters that year, all matching :D
If I send you a list can you ask him to do my Christmas shopping?
Sure, just make sure things aren’t any bigger than a toaster or he’ll never be able to fit it on the bus.
Warhead wrote:
Warhead wrote:
I'm not creating a Threads account ......yet. The reason being thatI created a Mastodon account when lots of my Twitter contacts were doing so, but hardly ever used it and I'm not convinced that I'd use a Threads account. I've also reduced my use of Twitter because I see more negative than positive content and I find it very depressing.

Anyone on Bluesky yet?

I know nothing about it, but an ex-colleague of mine just asked me if I wanted an invite code.

I'm on. Hit me up.
the usual
Out of Whamageddon. In a furniture shop.
Not sure why Radio 3 felt its audience wanted to know who came third in an ITV reality show as part of its morning news just now.
The popularity of leading fascists is arguably newsworthy I suppose.
Front page of the sodding Times, too.
Woke up this morning to find a squirrel tail in the kitchen….
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Woke up this morning to find a squirrel tail in the kitchen….

That's the blues.
Despite my best efforts I couldn't tell if I'd already sent someone a card or not. My tick list had two ambiguous lines across his name and someone else. I wasn't sure if either started on the one I knew I'd sent one to and ended on the other or vice-versa.

So during a WhatsApp chat I said "thank you for the card" and as he didn't reply in a similar way I think I didn't.

Unless, of course, it's somewhere in our fully-functioning postal system and will reach them in time for Easter 2048.
MaliA wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Woke up this morning to find a squirrel tail in the kitchen….

That's the blues.

It was for the squirrel.
Christmas party ready.
That jacket is amazing.
Pre wine stained!

I think I just time travelled. Did I get my hair back???? ... ar-8981171

"Big cats are killed on British roads more commonly than you might think. The authorities have been known to send out teams of people in unmarked vehicles to recover the dead bodies of cats killed on our roads before the press or witnesses can record the evidence."

If there's one kind of piracy I hate, it's conspiracy.

DavPaz wrote:

I think I just time travelled. Did I get my hair back????


We saw was really good.
I want to be on Christmas leave now.
Happy mimi day!
Giphy "manatee birthday":
Happy Birthday Mimi!

Giphy "birthday cake for mimi":
Thanks, frens!

School is still in session here, so we did an escape room at lunch time, and escaped. Just got home.
Happy Birthday Mimi..
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