Doppelganger adventures
The life of nottrooper
Book him some surprise annual leave.
Ask what the prize is for not forwarding all this to the ICO.
Andrew's knee is worse than first hoped, and he's been signed off for another 4 weeks. Neil has had to rework the oncall rota to cover his shifts. Thanks everyone for covering!
Stewart, Teresa and David have all offered to cover Andrew's shifts. Also, there are bloody dozens of Chaplains attached to the Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust. I'm astounded there is that much Chaplaincy that needs doing.
Due to increasing family commitments Michelle has decided to step down from her role as Honourary Chaplain. It seem her previous experience as a mental health nurse was very valuable to the team.

All the best Michelle!
Everyone is replying to the email thread to wish Michelle well. EVERYONE.
Reply saying good riddance
I don't know any of these people, but I do find this little insight into their lives to be strangely compelling. It's like a nano-soap opera, or reality TV but actually real and not inflated to fill hours and hours of scheduling. Or social media, but without the filtering and curation.

Bobbyaro wrote:
Reply saying good riddance

So much scope for mischief.
Sir Taxalot wrote:
I don't know any of these people, but I do find this little insight into their lives to be strangely compelling. It's like a nano-soap opera, or reality TV but actually real and not inflated to fill hours and hours of scheduling. Or social media, but without the filtering and curation.

This is it! A little view into a world I'm totally not a part of.

Also, they've been able to double the availability of Muslim chaplains. Thank you Mirza and Aklima for agreeing to take on the extra hours!
I've had an email this morning from a company in Australia asking if I would like them to pay their invoice yet?

It's a long chain of emails so how they just decided I should be part of it, I don't know. Still... Don't mind me, just going to go and figure out how I can get them to pay the $3500 into my bank account.
TheVision wrote:
IDon't mind me, just going to go and figure out how I can get them to pay the $3500 into my bank account.

Don't forget to add an admin fee, and perhaps a late payment penalty!
My good friend David Paz from North Carolina has once again signed me up for something accidentally.

This time it appears to be and he's bought a shiny new Smart TV in a Black Friday deal.

Good luck picking it up, Dave!
Get it shipped to the uk
I have full access to this guy's Walmart account with a live credit card attached. You'd think he'd double check the email address.
DavPaz wrote:
I have full access to this guy's Walmart account with a live credit card attached. You'd think he'd double check the email address.

"Hun, why do we have all these baby supplies?"
I often get access to people's accounts in a similar manner and my usual go to is to edit their name to say "wrong email address"
Giphy "he's a very nice man":
Mr Russell wrote:
I often get access to people's accounts in a similar manner and my usual go to is to edit their name to say "wrong email address"

But how will they ever see that?
Bobbyaro wrote:

The combo of He and Man, I expect
DavPaz wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
I often get access to people's accounts in a similar manner and my usual go to is to edit their name to say "wrong email address"

But how will they ever see that?

When they turn up for their appointments I hope the shop will tell them.
Mr Russell wrote:
When they turn up for their appointments I hope the shop will tell them.

Them: Hi, yes, I'm here for my appointment. My name's Mr. Russell.
Dentist: Sorry, we don't have any appointments under that name today. What time was your appointment?
Them: 2.30.
Dentist: Hmm, no, sorry, that's an appointment for a Mr. Email-Address.
Mr Russell wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
I often get access to people's accounts in a similar manner and my usual go to is to edit their name to say "wrong email address"

But how will they ever see that?

When they turn up for their appointments I hope the shop will tell them.

How will they turn up for their appointments? They won't know when they are
DavPaz wrote:
I have full access to this guy's Walmart account with a live credit card attached. You'd think he'd double check the email address.

Order him something and add a delivery note to say "Check your email, fuckwit"

Bonus points for it being a sex toy of some variety
The most exciting thing I ever received by mistake in my email box (my work one) was wayyyy back many years ago, I got an email meant for someone with a very similar name as me that was, at the time, working at the same organisation. I was asked to approve some appraisals or renew contracts, or something along those lines, for a couple of nurses. As it was in a professional context there was not any mischief nor even any jokes. Cor, how boring.
Good news Everybody! David was able to pick up his TV from Walmart Supercenter in Charlotte, NC at 7:44pm (just shy of the 8pm deadline!) and he took out the 4 year coverplan for a very reasonable $36.

Still got the wrong email though
DavPaz wrote:
Good news Everybody! David was able to pick up his TV from Walmart Supercenter in Charlotte, NC at 7:44pm (just shy of the 8pm deadline!) and he took out the 4 year coverplan for a very reasonable $36.

Still got the wrong email though

Ooh, I wonder if he works at the Nascar hall of Fame.
We could get him a job
He's doing ok. He just bought a new TV (on his girlfriend's credit card)
Mr Paz (US Branch) has just bought himself a PS5 in a Black Friday deal. $50 off! What a deal! Maybe I should order him a few games to go with it?
This is Mr Paz's house in North Carolina.

DavPaz wrote:
This is Mr Paz's house in North Carolina.
Someone is trying to sign up for a Government Gateway account on my email address. It would be nice if they were just going to pay my tax bill, but I suspect shenanigans.
Mr Paz is now spamming the verification code button trying to get access to his Walmart account. I wish I could help him...
10 times in 2 minutes!
You can log into his account for him
In an email that's sure to delight even the most lapsed BeeXer, I've just been informed about the Christmas bin collections! For a small town in California.
Good God, man! Don’t leave us hanging, give us the details!!!
Kern wrote:
In an email that's sure to delight even the most lapsed BeeXer, I've just been informed about the Christmas bin collections! For a small town in California.

This post is so close to having everything I want from BETEO.
Sir Taxalot wrote:
Kern wrote:
In an email that's sure to delight even the most lapsed BeeXer, I've just been informed about the Christmas bin collections! For a small town in California.

This post is so close to having everything I want from BETEO.

If only he'd told you to get a 360.
Oh no! They forgot to attach the flyer about what to put in the compost bins!

Thankfully they've realised their mistake and have now sent it out.

If you can wait to take your compostables until the night before those days, this would help a great deal. We don't have a lot of room for these bins and since they are so close to your homes, we don't want it to smell
Sir Taxalot wrote:
Kern wrote:
In an email that's sure to delight even the most lapsed BeeXer, I've just been informed about the Christmas bin collections! For a small town in California.

This post is so close to having everything I want from BETEO.

Your mum was so close to having everything I wanted.
Kern wrote:
Sir Taxalot wrote:
Kern wrote:
In an email that's sure to delight even the most lapsed BeeXer, I've just been informed about the Christmas bin collections! For a small town in California.

This post is so close to having everything I want from BETEO.

Your mum was so close to having everything I wanted.

A nice hug and a home cooked meal?
Californian Kern update: tree trimming starts on 22 January! Keep your gates unlocked, take your pets inside, and keep the area around the trees accessible.
Bins back to the normal schedule! They're looking at getting liners for the compost bins too as they can get smelly.
Kern wrote:
Bins back to the normal schedule!

Lucky them, I don't think I get my rubbish bins collected on the right day until the 23rd!
California update!

After recent earthquakes and rain, there is a lot of run off from the hills into storm drains. They are looking into solutions to reduce overflows.

Remember that if you're not parking in your own space or carport, you are doing your neighbours "a disservice"!

It's great that everyone's using their compost bins, but if they get filled up and you still have greenery or cuts, please throw the cuttings in the trash as they can rip the bags when the bins are being emptied by the [stereotypical Latino surname in scare quotes - ed.] on Thursdays.

They've seen a lot of buckets and pots with stagnant water recently - please empty or bleach these to stop mosquito larvae.

Finally, everyone's looking forward to a fundraiser bar event for the social club next week. Hooray!
Reply and ask them not to use such racist language. And include the word "cunt".
Oh no, Joyce has been taken ill and is in hospital after undergoing some major surgery. Please do get well soon Joyce!
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