Cot1ag3 - date confirmed
Co13age? Cottage13? Whatever

Your preferred weekend for cottage 2023?
Poll ended at Tue Jan 31, 2023 12:38
22 - 25 Sept  16%  [ 9 ]
29 - 02 Oct  20%  [ 11 ]
06 - 09 Oct  20%  [ 11 ]
13 - 16 Oct  25%  [ 14 ]
20 - 23 Oct  18%  [ 10 ]
Total votes : 55
This idiot had forgot to swap weekends with my son. I am glad ex-mrskov was in a good mood.

I am still coming. I panicked for a bit.
Am paying imminently!
KovacsC wrote:
This idiot had forgot to swap weekends with my son. I am glad ex-mrskov was in a good mood.

I am still coming. I panicked for a bit.

Well that was a rollercoaster of emotions :o :S :luv:

Thanks both!
Hello cottage friends, I need your help!

We've had several confirmed dropouts this year which has rather messed with my spreadsheet numbers. :'(

I have two options, the way I see it:

1) a few of you need to bring a +1 who doesn't mind last minute notice and can stump up the required DOLLA

2) I need to poke you all for an extra tenner or thereabouts

I'd prefer number one, so please poll your friends and bring a buddy! Or something.

Thanks :luv:
Jem wrote:
Hello cottage friends, I need your help!

We've had several confirmed dropouts this year which has rather messed with my spreadsheet numbers. :'(

I have two options, the way I see it:

1) a few of you need to bring a +1 who doesn't mind last minute notice and can stump up the required DOLLA

2) I need to poke you all for an extra tenner or thereabouts

I'd prefer number one, so please poll your friends and bring a buddy! Or something.

Thanks :luv:

Hello! Tell me what we're short and it's covered xxx
Don't think that's going to mean you get the room to yourself...
I'm sure I speak for everyone here but I'm sending a massive thanks to you for this Craster! You are a good 'un.
Indeed. I must now change my plans of stealing his walking stick
Kern, Gaz and I have chucked in extra and Mr Dave overpaid (not sure if that was deliberate but it's appreciated all the same :DD ) so we're now short £50 £30, however, given that we're only short by that amount because there was already money in the account left over from last year thanks to Cras, I'm loathe to put that responsibility on his shoulders. It also means that there'll be no money left over for blue roll and other kit.

I need to pay the balance next week. So basically, if anyone is feeling particularly rich this month and wants to stick a tenner in between now and next week, it will be put to good use! Anything that doesn't go to the cottage cost will go to blue roll etc and anything after that will go to pizza night.

There does need to be a conversation had about people who repeatedly commit and then drop out at the last minute though, especially when it means losing out on other committed paying attendees, because it's made organising this year quite stressful.
OK, we're now completely covered - thanks again to everyone who chucked in a bit extra (Grim..., Kern, Gaz, Mr Dave, Cras last year.. anyone I missed) :luv:
I'm going to be bringing some archery kit for folks to have a go, if they want to.
There will be rules, as you know deadly weapons and all that, but let me know if you are interested in a session.
I'll probably do it Saturday morning, so people are vaguely sober.
Is being sober required?
DavPaz wrote:
Is being sober required?

Doing what I tell you, when I tell you, is very much required. Which probably requires sobriety. :D
Cowboy Town might retaliate.
Jem wrote:
Kern, Gaz and I have chucked in extra and Mr Dave overpaid (not sure if that was deliberate but it's appreciated all the same :DD )

It was deliberate. Don't worry.
Trooper wrote:
I'm going to be bringing some archery kit for folks to have a go, if they want to.
There will be rules, as you know deadly weapons and all that, but let me know if you are interested in a session.
I'll probably do it Saturday morning, so people are vaguely sober.

I'd be up for this, although I'll probably be partaking in the traditional Saturday morning run for the first time so hopefully it'll be after that.
GazChap wrote:
Trooper wrote:
I'm going to be bringing some archery kit for folks to have a go, if they want to.
There will be rules, as you know deadly weapons and all that, but let me know if you are interested in a session.
I'll probably do it Saturday morning, so people are vaguely sober.

I'd be up for this, although I'll probably be partaking in the traditional Saturday morning run for the first time so hopefully it'll be after that.

I expect the run will happen way before I can be arsed to setup the archery
I confess I'm quite looking forward to the archery. It's been a long, long time since I last did it. Used to do archery on Sundays through a fair bit of my teens. Do we have the good old board games spreadsheet being put up?
NervousPete wrote:
Do we have the good old board games spreadsheet being put up?

Bear with. ... sp=sharing

I've hidden the rows from people that aren't coming, if you're wondering why the numbers are odd.
I can bring Flamme Rouge, if folks want.
If only there were some kind of spreadsheet...
Ooh, please do Kov.

I probably won't bring Tokaido this year, but I will bring Camel Cup and the most excellent Parks with its Nightfall Expansion.
What's the submarine game called?
Grim... wrote:
What's the submarine game called?

Captain Sonar

Last played it back in the summer. We were doing real time and I was the navigator. About half-way through a non-playing friend whispered into my ear that east was on the other side of the map.
That amusing error fondly reminds me of Kind Hearts and Coronets.

HORATIO. "Bring her to port."
OFFICER. "Surely you mean starboard, sir."
HORATIO. "Port!"

(Collision, clamour.)

Does anybody know what the game is where you make potions in a cauldron by drawing ingredients randomly from a black bag resulting in much wincing or rejoicing as you place them down? I played it this weekend at a friends and it was great fun.
NervousPete wrote:
That amusing error fondly reminds me of Kind Hearts and Coronets.

HORATIO. "Bring her to port."
OFFICER. "Surely you mean starboard, sir."
HORATIO. "Port!"

(Collision, clamour.)

Does anybody know what the game is where you make potions in a cauldron by drawing ingredients randomly from a black bag resulting in much wincing or rejoicing as you place them down? I played it this weekend at a friends and it was great fun.

Yes, I do and I own it.
As for games, I'll update the spreadsheet over the next few days based on my whims.

The main thing I'm bringing is Heat. I love it so much and I'm pretty sure you all will too.

I did find a whole load of unused Don't Get Got when I was clearing out a while back if people fancy another round of sneakiness.

Would be up for a session of Fiasco if anyone would be interested in GM-less roleplay set around a Coen-Brothers-esque caper. It'd only take about 3 hours and the system is very easy, even for beginners like me.
NervousPete wrote:
I will bring Camel Cup and the most excellent Parks with its Nightfall Expansion.

Excellent choices!
Kern wrote:
The main thing I'm bringing is Heat. I love it so much and I'm pretty sure you all will too.

Ooh, I got that today! Put me down for a game.
Cottage is all paid for as of Friday. See you soon lovely people :luv:
I have upgraded to 'definitely attending'.

How much of that time I will be working/weeping is currently unknown.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
I have upgraded to 'definitely attending'.

How much of that time I will be working/weeping is currently unknown.

fab on part 1. :)

boo on part 2 :(
I have the day off, I aim to get there for lunch.

I am happy to pick folks up form the train station and do an ASDA run with people.
Aw, cheers Kov! Will probably avail you of your kind offer there. Will give you an ETA of my arrival, I'll probably hit there early to mid afternoon.

Is there a washing machine up there? Mine has just developed a fault that needs fixing, so might get some crafty washing done up there too!
Where we're going we don't need clothes.
No probs.. happy to help fella

I think there is a washing machine
You can wash your clothes and hang them on the line to dry... Just behind the archery competition! What could go wrong?
I can't see the point.
KovacsC wrote:
I think there is a washing machine

Isn't that the TV?
Kern wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
I think there is a washing machine

Isn't that the TV?

Of course not.

All being well I should have just taken delivery of a Quest 3 the day before, so I can bring that along with me if people want to experience The Next Generation Of Virtual Reality (tm)
GazChap wrote:
All being well I should have just taken delivery of a Quest 3 the day before, so I can bring that along with me if people want to experience The Next Generation Of Virtual Reality (tm)

That'd be great. Would help me decide if it's worth upgrading
Also, if anyone wants to buy a Quest 2, I have two -- one that has been lightly used, and one that is completely brand new and still sealed in the box.
TheVision wrote:
You can wash your clothes and hang them on the line to dry... Just behind the archery competition! What could go wrong?

Fondly reminds me of when me and my dad in forelock tugging mode represented Holme Valley Archery Club in setting up a stall for Yorkshire's 'Ascot of the North' charity polo match so the toffs and Countdown's Richard Whitely could fling arrows at straw targets.

A gaggle of bloody-minded toffs insisted on their having their antique cars display behind our archery display, to which our response was a shrugging of shoulders and a 'hope you're insured!'. (Though maybe crafty insurance shenanigans from hard-up toffs was the point, actually. After all the old Yorkshire term for the idiot sons of mill-owners was 'from clogs to riches and back again'.)

Remember going into the big marquee tent to scavenge for food and 'Twice Nightly Whitely' was there with a blonde on his lap. He was laughing his trademark laugh. Fair play to the old gent who held this charity matches though, he did raise a lot for the orphans.
DavPaz wrote:
GazChap wrote:
All being well I should have just taken delivery of a Quest 3 the day before, so I can bring that along with me if people want to experience The Next Generation Of Virtual Reality (tm)

That'd be great. Would help me decide if it's worth upgrading

TNG? Virtual Reality? Noooo! No way man, I'll get trapped in a 1930's film-noir with the safety protocols disengaged or something.
NervousPete wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
GazChap wrote:
All being well I should have just taken delivery of a Quest 3 the day before, so I can bring that along with me if people want to experience The Next Generation Of Virtual Reality (tm)

That'd be great. Would help me decide if it's worth upgrading

TNG? Virtual Reality? Noooo! No way man, I'll get trapped in a 1930's film-noir with the safety protocols disengaged or something.

GazChap wrote:
Also, if anyone wants to buy a Quest 2, I have two -- one that has been lightly used, and one that is completely brand new and still sealed in the box.

Potentially interested...
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