Bits and Bobs 51
Where IS area 51?
What keeps the ocean from leaking? Seals.
The Cat won't let me move and now wants exclusively to sleep on me, preferably with her face nuzzled under my chin. She's actually snoring and dribbling on me right at this moment.

And the cat is nice too.
Aww, she's ace, is this the one you've stolen from next door? I woke up with next door's cat laid on my chest the other day, much to the chagrin of our two boys (though they all get on fine mostly).
she normally only comes in at night, but it's raining and she was giving me the Puss-in-Boots face through the patio window
We have a cat flap that reads their chips but their friends get in through open windows in summer.
Found these in my loft. They look old.
Probably around £100 worth if you take them to your local comic book store, depending on the condition.
Grim... wrote:
Probably around £100 worth if you take them to your local comic book store, depending on the condition.

They are in good nick, as I never used them. Just a bit of marks as they from 1979/1980..
Deities and Demigods is quite rare compared to the DMG and PHB. Nice find!
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Deities and Demigods is quite rare compared to the DMG and PHB. Nice find!

Oh Fab, I will have a look in the box for any other goodies. It has been over 2 years since I opened the box.

I definitely want to sell it, as I don't need them.
It’ll depend on the condition, but….
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
It’ll depend on the condition, but….

Wow, it is in really good nick...
KovacsC wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
It’ll depend on the condition, but….

Wow, it is in really good nick...

The DMG might get half that. Don’t suppose you have any game modules as well?
I will have a look tomorrow.
Cash in the Attic: Nerd Edition
It does feel that way.. I found 2 old PCs as well and a lot of suitcases :)
This little prick woke me up at 12:30am-ish by throwing herself repeatedly at an unopened window in an attempted trespass.


She's great. :luv:
KovacsC wrote:
It does feel that way.. I found 2 old PCs as well and a lot of suitcases :)

They're probably going on holiday, but you'd think they'd change out of their work clothes, wouldn't you?
During a group review of an "influencing" course I wondered if someone's written a plugin for video call tools to monitor your speaking pace.

Lo and behold Teams does have a speaking coach feature which assesses pace, intonation, use of filler words and so on. It's a post-meeting report rather than live-in-call, but seems useful nonetheless - it just advised me I was speaking too quickly at times, which I would never have thought!
Have you seen that image filter that automatically makes you appear to be looking at the camera? Might be good for surreptitiously reading from a printed script or screen.
I haven't, is it "good" (ignoring the obvious ethical concerns as you say)?

I can't imagine it doesn't *at best* run headlong into the uncanny valley, but more likely end up looking like those AI top gear videos.
Sorry for the Musky link

Would be cool if you could just set it to do one eye so you look like a chameleon or Marty Feldman.
That looks pretty convincing. I don't think I'd spot it (or be sure enough to ask the other person).
That would be an ace addition to the editing software I use but alas.... It isn't on there.

It would definitely save on getting an autocue that's for sure!
I find that unshifting glare quite unnerving. But then, you know, maybe autistic.

Obvious though avoidable problem when he was looking at his phone.

A bigger problem is that when he *was* looking directly into the camera his ai twin's eyes were going slightly bozz and back constantly.

Overall, pretty convincing if definitely in the uncanny valley, albeit only a bit.

"Better way to burn a huge amount of fossil fuels than bitcoin" out of 10.
I have that. It makes my eyes brown, but otherwise it's mostly okay.
Maybe Crystal Gayle, could help?
95% of NFTs are now totally worthless say researchers

What a surprise!

Thank goodness I invested in snake oil instead.
Competition No.2 today.



Not the best weather for it though...


Bronze medal this time, i'm getting worse! :D

Is that an arrow in your quiver or are you j— (etc, etc).
He's shot his bolt
No need for this to end in a quarrel.
Mr Russell wrote:
He's shot his bolt

I hope he didn’t nock anyone up.
If I wake up in the night, I seem to have developed the habit of just asking Alexa what the time is rather than checking the bedside clock or my watch.

This is probably fine when I'm alone and at home but if I'm ever sharing a room might cause confusion or concern.
We were once woken up by Alexa at about 2am. She was babbling on about something and sort of shocked us awake.

The next morning I checked the activity logs on the Alexa app to see what had set her off, and not once but twice I. The night I had set her off by making ‘Alexa’ commands in my sleep :DD
When LED watches with red displays were a new thing, my wife said I was driving her mad by frequently pressing the button to show the time throughout the night when I was actually still asleep.
Haha, that’s really cute!
We're doing a bit of life laundry.

Found these in MY loft. They ARE old.


The Atari powers on, but has hardware errors. I had to manually retune my TV to see output from it. Disappoining. It's gone for recycling.

Also found a few books.

Loft books.jpg

And some suitcases. And a couple of hundred cassette tapes. And about a hundred VHS tapes.

There are around 400 LPs still up there, and around a hundred singles.
If it's not too late, the ST will totally make some money on Ebay
If you wanted to recycle it in my direction, I'd happily take it off your hands!
Are you getting rid of the records & tapes, Warhead?
The ST's already gone for recycling, shoulda checked if anyone here could use it first, shouldn't I? Sorry! :belm:

The tapes and VHSs have all gone to the tip. There are some ST games in the garden shed. No idea what condition they're in, but they've been there through several winters and some of the boxes have been nibbled by mice.

Most of the books have gone to Dr Barnado's. Not my Pratchett collection, of course, and a few others with sentimental value.

The vinyl is staying with us.
Ah shame the tapes weren’t wrapped away snuggly, hipsters are paying some crazy money for those too.
Get the records down and listened to!
Just checked the prices of tape decks. Got a TCK-611S in the loft. Sitting on a fucking goldmine.
markg wrote:
Just checked the prices of tape decks. Got a TCK-611S in the loft. Sitting on a fucking goldmine.


Annoyingly I gave my brother my Pioneer twin cassette deck.
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