Bits and Bobs 51
Where IS area 51?
Dimrill wrote:
I've had the patio door open most of the morning. Went to make myself an drank and there's a cat asleep on a cushion in The Den. We don't own a cat.

You do now!
We had her presiding over the kingdom for 6 hours or so yesterday. She's back again today. A few Dreamies and scritches and she's taken up residence on the cushion on one of the teetering piles of boxed things I have in The Den. I've just ordered some flea treatment as I can't be sure that she's been treated.
No collar, I assume?
Have you considered 3D printing a Flea-treatment-Titan-balcony?
no collar, but she's next door's cat. name's Poppy. Yesterday she just wanted to get out of the rain, but I think she likes the noise and ambiance of The Den. Chic.
Zardoz wrote:
Have you considered 3D printing a Flea-treatment-Titan-balcony?

Dave's got the copyright on that.
We have two cats plus 0.5 of next door's as well. We had to look after him for a few days once when he got clipped by a car and his owner was away and so he's decided to adopt us. Fortunately our other two like him as well so it's all fine.
We've got one that's sort of a cat-share between us and two neighbours. We managed to work out where he actually lives, and it's about half a mile away, but he seems to like it here so far enough.
After days of prevaricating, I have decided to succumb. I have put jeans and socks on!

My knee/legs have been playing up for about 6 weeks, but this last week I've really felt it, and today it just got too much.

So I've put on jeans, socks and a hoody towards the end of July!

Stupid bloody jet stream
I was thinking that Nigel was going to become (even more) insufferable after his banking fiasco and it looks like he's already started down that road. I bet he's loving the publicity this is bringing. Farage calls for whole NatWest board to resign over Coutts leak.
Astonishing. Looking at the things for which no one resigns, that this has got traction is amazing.

And at no point has anyone picked it up as a basic consumer issue; in slightly different circumstances, people are routinely shut out by a bank and never told why. Could be anti-terrorism, could be banks whim, no one ever knows (though personally I'm always amazed it can cause hassle - best practice to have more than one current account). A bit of legislation that made that better could have been presented as being for people in general. Instead, it's all Nigel.
Don't know about you but I'm so outraged about it I'm never banking with Coutts!
JBR wrote:
Astonishing. Looking at the things for which no one resigns, that this has got traction is amazing.

I've really struggled to see the newsworthiness of it, even during the silly season.
Kern wrote:
Don't know about you but I'm so outraged about it I'm never banking with Coutts!

That's why my bankers are Hoares!
Kern wrote:
JBR wrote:
Astonishing. Looking at the things for which no one resigns, that this has got traction is amazing.

I've really struggled to see the newsworthiness of it, even during the silly season.

If Alison Rose hadn't spoken to the Beeb and/or hadn't denied that the cancellation of his account was because of his political views and then had to admit that it was, she might have got away with it. And now it seems that this is the tip of another iceberg showing that this practice is also common with some other banks, which I think IS newsworthy. NatWest's reputation has been damaged, their share price has fallen. It's just a pity that it's Farage's smug mug that's all over this.
Kern wrote:
Don't know about you but I'm so outraged about it I'm never banking with Coutts!

On holiday. Swimming pool is "no shorts, only trunks" so my tanlines are getting a work upwards.

Absolutely love them.
What? Why would that be a rule?
markg wrote:
What? Why would that be a rule?

Apparently it's because you might wear swimming shorts as your everyday shorts, and that's unhygienic.
But what if he wears his Speedos as his everyday underwear?
Worldcoin: Sam Altman launches eyeball scanning crypto coin

"C'mere kid, let me scan your eye and I'll give you 25 free Worldcoin tokens valued at roughly $2 (£1.56) each."

Mr Altman, the chief executive of Open AI which built chat bot ChatGPT says he hopes the initiative will help confirm if someone is a human or a robot.

"Worldcoin could drastically increase economic opportunity, scale a reliable solution for distinguishing humans from AI online while preserving privacy," Mr Altman claimed in a launch letter on the company website.

Worldcoin also claims that its system could pave the way for an "AI-funded" universal basic income. But it's not clear how.


The first step in this crypto utopia as laid out by Worldcoin though relies on getting millions, maybe even billions, of people to scan their irises to prove they are a human.

I can't see any potential security problems with this. How about you?
The red arrows flew right over our house a short while ago, very low.

I had to make seeing them from half a mile away as I was driving home, but Helen was sat out in the garden so got a very good look at them.
At last, some good news.

The Court of Appeal has overturned the ban on wild camping on Dartmoor.

Shame it doesn't affect anywhere else in England, but a relief nonetheless.
I've organised a meeting with a customer based in Manilla via zoom, they requested that they wanted the same time as the last meeting (which was in February- a fact that I didn't quite twig at the time), so I looked up when that was, and saw that it was 10:00 GMT, so I set it up for 10:00 and sent the invite.

You can probably guess, where this is going, but they did not show at 10:00 and I was about to get annoyed with them, but I thought I had better double check the time the previous meeting was, and noticed that it was before the clocks went forward. Then I checked to see if Manilla uses Summer Time. They don't.

So yes, my meeting is in 37 minutes.
Malc wrote:
I've organised a meeting with a customer based in Manilla via zoom, they requested that they wanted the same time as the last meeting (which was in February- a fact that I didn't quite twig at the time), so I looked up when that was, and saw that it was 10:00 GMT, so I set it up for 10:00 and sent the invite.

You can probably guess, where this is going, but they did not show at 10:00 and I was about to get annoyed with them, but I thought I had better double check the time the previous meeting was, and noticed that it was before the clocks went forward. Then I checked to see if Manilla uses Summer Time. They don't.

So yes, my meeting is in 37 minutes.

At least you noticed before the scheduled time.
According to a statement following his passing, the aquarium said the manatee and his brother Buffett, were the world's only manatees to participate in voluntary, detailed behavioral research designed to aid manatee conservation.

Did the researchers contact the manatees directly to ask them to participate, or do you reckon the manatees answered an ad?
1,820 miles later in the van we are home after holiday in France.

Last year's total Can mileage was 7,200...

France remains fucking brilliant
So it may just be me but these seem just a little bit Christmassy for the 6th of f*cking August

While I wholeheartedly agree, they also sound well tasty.
zaphod79 wrote:
So it may just be me but these seem just a little bit Christmassy for the 6th of f*cking August


I heard a "back to school" advert on the radio before the schools had even fucking broken up.
Today I got a saute pan replaced even though I hadn’t registered the warranty and they said they wouldn’t replace it if I didn’t have the warranty registered. I said that ok, thank you, of course I understand and would learn from it in the future and they kind of went ‘oh, go on then, we’ll send you a new one’. Strange, but lovely.
Local news story of the ŵeek:

Oxford Mail:

A woman whose garden fence was sprayed with graffiti after a huge vegan festival has been offered free tickets to the event next year.

[Her] garden fence in Buckingham Road, Bicester, was tagged in pink graffiti with the words ‘go vegan’.

The jokes just write themselves.
Garden cinema works
Top Gun 2? A solid choice.

I stuck to my personal brand for my initial garden movie.

Did you mostly come at night? Mostly.
Grim... wrote:
Top Gun 2? A solid choice.

I stuck to my personal brand for my initial garden movie.


Grim... wrote:
Top Gun 2? A solid choice.

Yep, this was just a short test to see if the “screen” would work so we tried that and the new Spiderverse.

It’s looking good so I’ll sort out the sound and give it a proper go on the next warm evening.
Penultimate item can fuck off.
Mountain Warehouse have a very different idea of outdoor activities to what I expected.

I'm just going to pop these in a spoiler box because they're somewhat NSFW - Grim...

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!

The tale of next door's cat has progressed.


She now alternates between demanding fuss off me, aggressively rubbing her cheeks on me, walking over my keyboard, little naps on cosy cushion, and taking up all the room on my armrest while making biscuits on my arm. She's so fussy.
Cats really do choose their humans :luv: ... 59381.aspx

The antepenultimate point of the "what you need to know" made me laugh.
If I have a Collision Damage Waiver, I am colliding with everything in sight.

However, I would be very upset if I got a Tank Driving Experience and was given the choice of driving one of two different APCs, which are very clearly NOT TANKS.
You do it very well. You're a super collider.
Hi all. Sorry not been on much. Work has been shit, too busy and stressful. :(

Kov and Mrs Kov have been in adventurous times. Round Cornwall and Devon. Ending up at the beutiful day’s festival..
In the grimdark of the second millennium, the only light is the grauniad's blind date column.
Hashtag sadcringe
At 4am I was woked by The Cat upon my person. It appears she'd managed to worm her way through the small window we have open in the bedroom.
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