What have you bought?
Don’t say it, display it
The owl is beautiful. The eye is incredible.
I'm over the moon with it. I've booked in for a potoo on the other hand as it feels lop sided now.

Need a bear on the other hand #G33k_kl33k
Dimrill wrote:
I'm over the moon with it. I've booked in for a potoo on the other hand as it feels lop sided now.


Hahaha! Amazing!! :luv:

Look forwards to seeing it!
Bought a cute as heck dehydrator!
Gates front.jpg

Gates - back.jpg
Mimi wrote:
Bought a cute as heck dehydrator!

That is cute as heck! I have a massive, not cute, and wildly impractical one
I’m really looking forwards to it. I said I was going to get one after starting the saffron off last year, and now with the herb bed going bananas I’m looking forwards to keeping well stocked.

What do you make in yours, Cras?
Honestly, I looked that up and couldn’t find anything that said what it is. Is it actual meat?
No, it's especially unfriendly form of hate.
I feel like that time I was in a room with loads of people talking about potatoes and women’s shoes, buying broccoli and someone called Molly before someone leant over and explained to me they were all code names for drugs.
Your vegetable soup must have been mind blowing.
Totally get your ‘herb’ growing and dehydration setup now Mimi.
The real money is in tomatoes nowadays.
4 Ceiling speakers, plus cable and a wall connection socket for installation into our new extension.

Screenshot 2023-05-24 103448.png
Kitchen Karaoke!
That's a possiblity
A definite kitchen disco opportunity there!

They're regular occurrences at our house.
A cool mat for the dog.

The dog that is lay next to it panting.
BikNorton wrote:
The dog that is lay next to it panting.

They do work , its just getting the dog to realise it - for us we put the mat down on the spots where she liked to go lie down so she just walked over and lay on it without quite knowing what it was , and once she got the idea that it was cool she would then often walk to one of her favourite spots and then wait for us to put the mat down for her to lie on :-)
Is the doggy friend new?

I wish they’d make some kind of human pillow and mattress that would stay cool. I hate hot nights.
6 dog mats and a sewing machine
I meant something that cooked in a more active fashion. Like a heated under blanket, but full of some kind of safe refrigerant.
Mimi wrote:
I meant something that cooked in a more active fashion.

Ainsley Harriott?
Haha! I did an actual LOL and scared a nearby jackdaw.
@zaphod79 yeah - we've gone from "walks around it" to walking across it, and yesterday I found her lay down with her head on it at least.

I've been sitting next to it at night so she has to sit/lie on it if she wants bedtime scratches, so she both gets used to it and is sure she's allowed.

Weird though - with normal cushions and toys she knows instantly.

@mimi no, we've had her 2.5 years now, she's 5 or 6. And still not really doing what we tell her, no matter how hard we train her :)
2nd round. Photod by my Wife who is legendarily bad at photographising. Very bled. Very inflamed, but I'm happy with it.
Now you have to time your bath.
it's not November yet.
Will he turn blue if you put your arm (leg?) underwater for 10 minutes?
Did he use a brush, guy?
It's amazing. Does this mean you preferred the art style in the new game compared with the older ones?
BikNorton wrote:
Now you have to time your bath.

Just realised this was a better version of the joke I made. Props, Bik.
Findus Fop wrote:
It's amazing. Does this mean you preferred the art style in the new game compared with the older ones?

I have the shopkeeper on the front from the first one. I have plans for more, pennies allowing.
A fibreglass pond.

Our current pond has started to leak as a huge rock was knocked into it and I assume it tore the liner. I think the pond is at least a couple of decades old and needed re-lining anyway, but this has kind of expedited buying a new one.

We were looking at pre-formed liners as well as the sheet liners. We looked at the vacuum formed ones as the fibreglass ones were far too expensive, but I knew a garden centre that sometimes had a couple of liners on sale. On Saturday I spotted at the entrance that they were selling off their remaining fibreglass liners for just £50, down from several hundred each. Ended up choosing the smallest one, which is far smaller than the current pond, but I preferred the shape to many of the others. So it will be a lot of work filling in the space but I’m hoping that it will last well once it’s set up. Very please with it for £50. Delivery was cheaper than expected, too, at £14 from about 30 minutes away. Much cheaper than the van hire we were looking at.
Yeah we have a little fibreglass one a bit like that, bought it used from a house down the road and it must have been in 15 years by now. Full of reeds, frogs and various water bugs.
Oh lovely. We’ve got a lot of frogs and newts, so I’m hoping that they’ll take to it!
Warhead wrote:
Sir Taxalot wrote:
Does the oven come with a nice selection of trays?

Dunno. Nothing was mentioned on the website about trays. It hasn't been delivered yet, in fact we don't have a delivery date. Mrs. W is planning to chase them up about that today.

The old housing was a nightmare to remove and I can't assemble the new one until the day it's being installed as it will have to be assembled in the kitchen as it's very heavy. It's going into a corner against a wall, so it's going to be a bugger to lift into position without the feet falling off.

The whole thing is pissing me off, big time.

Update: FFS! Expected oven delivery date is 25 May, although it "may be earlier." This wouldn't be so bad if we were able to reinstate the old one.

To cut a very long story short, the oven is in. We had to move the fridge Into the hall to make enough room for the plumber to do his thing and for us to assemble the housing. For some reason the plumber decided we'd put the housing suspension rail on the wall upside down so he wasted time messing with it and ended up with the housing way too high and not properly secured, so he had to put it back the way we'd installed it. The oven isn't the one we originally ordered, there were problems with delivery dates so we had to get a slightly different one. Now we just need to get some doors and have the flooring replaced as well.

The oven only came with a grill pan and it doesn't have a handle. That's the current thing, apparently.

Oven installed.jpg
The gates have now been protected with a nice red cedar stain.

Gates finished.jpg
Art books! And a cuuuute tiny little PC!

Ooh, pre-warmed tea mugs in winter, great idea!
BikNorton wrote:
Ooh, pre-warmed tea mugs in winter, great idea!

Yes, a simple DIY storage solution for when you have too many mugs and not enough cupboard space. Just a batten screwed to the wall with cup hooks screwed in, positioned above the radiator and below the wall cabinets.

The radiator now needs painting. Actually, it's been needing to be painted for yonks, it's one of the jobs I keep putting off.
I feel like I'm fighting a constant battle against too many mugs, every time I do a purge even more of the fucking things appear. We actually need maybe ten, probably got 50 of them at any one time.
We also have too many mugs. I tactically break a few every now and again
DavPaz wrote:
We also have too many mugs. I tactically break a few every now and again

I found a small box with 6 or 7 mugs in the loft the other day. I think I stashed them up there tactically a few years ago.
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