The Movie topic there is none
MaliA wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Super Mario Bros. is a riot of fun and I highly recommend it unless you are dead inside.

Dungeons and dragons is pretty good fun, too.

It was so much fun...
Just back from the D&D film and it had the total chaos and incompetence of a well run game just right.
Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania

That was … shit.
Trooper wrote:
The problem I have, is how easy he found the old mars rover. Just walk to the right spot and scrape away a bit of sand.
I couldn't even find a time capsule that was buried 1 pace away from a tree when I was at uni, when we went back 10 years later, and I was the one who put it there in the first place!

Watched The Martian for the first time last night. The problem I have is how the radio conversations between Hermes, Watney and NASA during the rescue could have been heard around the Earth in real time as it takes between 5 and 20 minutes for radio signals to travel between Mars and Earth.
Satsuma wrote:
Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania

That was … shit.

Disagree. It's paper thin but ticks the boxes. I really liked it.
MaliA wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania

That was … shit.

Disagree. It's paper thin but ticks the boxes. I really liked it.

Aw man, I was going to watch that.
Return Of The Jedi was good fun on the big screen again. I know objectively it's not the best of the original trilogy, but it's the one that came out at the right time for me to experience the excitement as a 9 year old so feels special.
MaliA wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania

That was … shit.

Disagree. It's paper thin but ticks the boxes. I really liked it.

I agree with Malia, it was silly but good fun..
The Mario movie was a lot of fun, I'm glad we went to see it as a family. I suppose I can see why critics weren't so keen (a critics gotta critic after all) but screw them; it was fun and the kids, especially the 6 year old, loved it.
I watched a film!

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3!

I watched it in the IMAX 3 DEEZ and, I gotta say, it’s about time Marvel did a good film. I had a jolly old time: it’s amusing (although a couple of really poor comedy moments that reminded me of the kinda-shit Christmas thing they did); has a basic ass story (which works for action movies so kudos), and actually made me tear up on two occasions (so good job, but it ain’t hard to make me cry when it comes to animals).

Oh and it looked absolutely terrific. Fuck knows why the last few Marvel movies looked like dogshit CG light shows cause this looked ace. The organic base was a particular highlight: all fleshy and shit. The 3D didn’t add much (not everything can be Avatar), but it worked great in a few scenes.

So yeah, a super good time!
Just back from watching Guardians 3, and yes, it was excellent. Easily the best one since the Avengers double bill, and nice to see it telling a self contained story.
Yeah, I went to see GoTG3 last Wednesday -- it's very good, unlike most of the other recent Marvel bollocks, the storyline is really easy to get behind, and the stakes are pleasantly low for a Marvel movie so it doesn't feel like one of those situations where you know they're going to succeed because if they don't then the whole universe explodes, which has been a real bugbear of mine in so many series (even Doctor Who)
If anyone has younger children and are considering showing them this, don’t.
It’s very dark at times, and not comfortable viewing.
Echo that it's a tremendously fun movie, albeit with some absolute wrenching moments that made me cry.

But yeah, probably the best since the Avengers movies, and god damn it, James Gunn is gonna make me watch DC movies now he's in charge there.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
If anyone has younger children and are considering showing them this, don’t.
It’s very dark at times, and not comfortable viewing.

I can't imagine it is that far a departure from murderous transvestite wolves preying on lost young girl.
I’ve no idea why Guy Richie has plastered Guy Richie all over Guy Richie’s The Covenant. Frankly, I wouldn’t want to be associated with this pile of shit.

It’s a below average look at the Afghan war with embarrassing CGI and “stunts”. There was one neck stabbing that’s so bad I swear I laughed. I’m baffled that this was the same guy who did Snatch or Lock, Stock.

Mind you, he did the Aladdin live action recently…
Blimey, I thought his previous film was really rather good

Operation Fortune:: Ruse de Guerre

I loved Hugh Grant's Character and the action side of it was not bad.

Seems a quick turn around to have another film out so soon.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3!

Went with my son. What a really good film.

It made me laugh and cry. The story was brilliant and you really did not know they would succeed.

Drax has some of the best comedy lines.

An excellent. 9/10
Some family movies (my kids are 10, 8 and 6) we watched on Netflix recently

WWE Main Event: From the trailer you, being an adult that has seen a few films over the years, will have a high probability of correctly guessing the formula that this one follows. There's no surprises but it's pretty well done, funny, the grandma character (!) was sassy and funny and wore cool leggings and was nice looking. A few wrasslers make an in-character (but not wrasslin) appearance, mostly The Miz who I happen to like. The kids enjoyed it, it was solid, colourful and fun yet also nothing special whatsoever.

Chupa: From the trailer you, being an adult that has seen a few films over the years, will have a high probability of correctly guessing the formula that this one follows. There's no surprises but it's pretty well done, the story is warm and has a nice message although it's also very lightweight and a bit rushed. Christian Slater must be desperate for a paycheck, yet it was still nice to see him on screen even if he was the most one-dimensional baddy I've seen for a long time. The kids enjoyed it, it was solid, nice and yet also nothing special whatsoever.

Reading IMDB afterwards (cos, you just gotta), these films got pretty bad reviews from the critics but I think that looking at them with the perspective of family viewing and adjusting the criteria gives quite a different feeling, they're easy going and good for the young ones, I'd recommend them for a cold lazy afternoon.
That new Dungeons & Dragons film is definitely a cinema film. And, y’know what, it’s a pretty fun and mindless. There’s some fun characters and lots of bantz. Too much bantz to be fair. But don’t let the bantz put you off. Bantz.

Sisu. Watch Sisu, so long as you like violent action done with a bit of artistry. I'm in Finland, protagonist is Finnish. I speak as much Finnish as you, and it doesn't matter. The Nazis speak English. Watch Sisu.

Edit: If that appeals, do NOT watch the trailer. Maybe afterwards, as a recap.
JBR wrote:
The Nazis speak English.

Set in modern times, then?
Grim... wrote:
JBR wrote:
The Nazis speak English.

Set in modern times, then?


Also - you should watch it.
I watched a film!

How to Blow Up a Pipeline.

Based on a book and not recent recents. Anyway, it was alright. The unknown actors did a decent job, it’s reasonably well directed and there’s a bit of a twist in the story but I wasn’t that invested. Theres too many characters in the story to feel much during the short runtime and some don’t have any or much of an arc. Overall it was kinda middling.
Ant Man 3 was 2 hours of entirely forgettable cgi backgrounds and action sequences.

I’m glad I didn’t waste my money at the cinema.
So relieved that Marvel did an amazing job with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol3, really enjoyed that. The last few series and films have been shite.
I might be in the minority here but I didn’t like the Super Mario Movie much.

I really enjoyed the opening A LOT but when it got to the mushroom kingdom I went off it. It wasn’t bad by any means but it just felt … off. Somehow. I don’t know, it was racing around from one scene to the next, and it just wasn’t as fun seeing the Mario Bros getting into it with a dog. Yeah, yeah, it’s fun seeing all the things and going “I know that thing from that thing” but there was something really fun about the dog scene that was missing from Mario training on an abstract block course, or hundreds of karts racing about on rainbow road. It’s the old CG swarm problem that most modern films seem to have. A smaller personal scene with lots of character and comedy is miles better than swarms of on-screen noise where just stuff is happening. The fight against Donkey Kong was fun but, say, contrast it with the fight with Bowser where just stuff is just happening. It’s not funny, it’s barely advancing the story as you know exactly what’s going to happen and it’s not doing much for me as an audience member…I was just waiting for the end. And I’m pretty sure “mamma mia” was overused. Yeah, the script was thin on gags after about 30 minutes and was nonexistent by the finale.

It really disappointed me by the end.

Still better than Sonic though.
Conversley, I enjoyed the Mario movie a lot but still enjoyed both Sonic movies more.
Sisu is a lot of fun...a lot of Nazi killing fun
Shazam: Fury of the Gods

Sponsored by Skittles. “Taste the rainbow muthaHONK”

Actually, it ain’t that bad at all. Helen Mirren and Lucy Liu playing the villains was quite surprising. As one of this last run of the DCU it’s kinda sad it’s not going to continue with some of these actors. Gotta say, as someone who doesn’t give too much of a fuck about comics, I got pretty hyped to see Gal Gadot.

Shame she’ll never get a Wonder Woman 3. She pretty iconic in that role IMO. Shame really that the Snyder-verse never got a chance continue either in retrospect. I quite fancied the future Batman from the Snyder cut.
Wimmin can’t hold chainsaws! Why’s Evil Dead gone so woke!? Urgh.

Anyway I watched Evil Dead Rise

And, yeah, it’s pretty decent. I kinda didn’t care for the Evil Dead connection at first but some of the call backs were pretty cool and when the actor goes all Bruce I kinda wanted to see more of that actually. All the actors do a stand up job and the blood, oh my god the blood, it’s groovy.

And it smashes that brisk 90 minute run time. 30 minutes set up and an hour of horror, blood and generally being disgusting. Horror movies aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but if you like that sort of thing then this’ll scratch an itch for the gross.

“Hats off” to the intro too. Loved it.
So I watched John Wick 4 last night, it's long isn't it?

It’s brilliant madness and has an unbeatable 60 minutes at the start … but it tails off just slightly towards the end. A standard punch up (although admittedly has the best “fuck you” in a film ever), some crap music and some dodgy CG just let down what was a stellar hour of movie nonsense.

I would like a SISU 2 now please.
Dr Strange and (in?) the Multiverse of Madness had a lot going on and yet I found myself mostly disinterested. Other than the Spiderman films, I find I've rather gone off superhero films lately.
Do you like Hereditary? Midsommer? They’re two of my favourite horror films in recent times so I was really excited for the new one from the same director, init.

Beau is Afraid.

Honestly, I’m not sure I enjoyed it at all. I might actually hate it. But I can’t stop thinking about it…

I’d tell you what it’s about but I’m not sure I know.

I can tell you it isn’t much of a horror film like the others. It’s unsettling at times. It’s very well directed like the previous films and looks amazing at times. Really well shot and the aesthetics are great.

What else?

Christ, I kinda loved it until the attic scene. Then it really lost me. It was so daft and stupid. I want to tell you what it is …

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
It’s a giant penis with a face. And then an army guy jumps through a window and shoots it in one of its giant balls. And throws a knife at the balls. And the penis monster stabs him in the head with a tentacle. It has tentacles now.

Then it’s never referred to again.

So yeah. It’s definitely a film.

I’d give it a solid rating of hairy badger out of green banana

Is a terrible movie. It pretty much spunks its load when the title of the movie is revealed.

I’ll do a spoiler in case anyone wants to watch just cause it’s so fucking stupid… not quite Moon levels of stupid, but stupid nonetheless. Now I’ve remembered Moon. I thought that might have been a fever dream. Anyhoo…

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
65 million years ago (hence the title - ho ho) aliens crash land on earth. Of course they’re human and speak English. Cept the one who speaks, like, Spanish, apparently. Anyway, they crash land and have to get to the one remaining crash pod.

So off they fuck while being attacked by, you guessed it, dinosaurs. That Star Wars guy is in it and yet, despite absolutely being a great actor, he cannot carry this movie by himself. But he has to escort this Spanish girl, who is fucking annoying of course and can only say “family” like she’s fucking Vin Diesel, to the pod on a little adventure.

The dinosaurs are terrible and the Spanish girl is awful. At one point Darth Maul is surely dead to her and she shows no emotion and just goes off on a merry jaunt. There’s just no chemistry between Darth Sidious and the kid.

Anyway, after about an hour, Darth Skywalker randomly looks up at the sky out of nowhere and his Alexa just says “Giant asteroid is about to hit the planet and wipe out the dinosaurs” so they run to the crash pod and eventually escape.

But not until Darth Darth kills a T-Rex with a sharp stick and a hosepipe.

And it has that future tech bullshit that really pisses me off in every film where the compooter knows everything and announces everything.

It was reet crap.
Christ, I’m having a film binge recently. I started to watch;


Don’t be fooled by the fancy trailer. This is as generic as they come, in terms of dialogue, characters, direction etc. the score is the most generic I’ve experienced in quite some time. It feels like a slightly higher budget TV movie. It’s got straight to DVD written all over it.

Ben Afleck is astonishingly terrible. Embarrassingly terrible. He’ll cringe about this blight on his filmography in later years. He’s probably doing it already. Right now. I know I am on his behalf.

It’s shit is what I’m saying.
I’m assuming you mean Moonfall, because Moon is anything but terrible…
I done seen the new Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse.

Yeah, it’s pretty ace!

Although I did have it spoiled beforehand that

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
It’s only part 1 of 2

which kinda annoyed me afterwards hen the crowd was audibly going “AWWWWWW” and I missed out on having that reaction to myself.
Yeah, it's incredible, so much going on.
Woman at War:

An Icelandic drama about a middle aged woman who is trying to adopt an orphan from Ukraine, whilst waging a one woman eco war against big industry.

It's really good and quite quirky:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
the music is played by a band that we can see, and sometimes the protagonist can too. They increasingly interact with the story, sometimes watching with us, sometimes driving it.

Thoroughly recommend (It's on Film 4)
I watched M Knight Shyamalan‘a film, Old.

Aw man, I wish I hadn’t. It’s got to be some of the worst shit ever made. Terrible actors and atrocious dialogue really make a film that’s so bad it’s fucking appalling. The story isn’t that bad but the execution is laughable.

Shout out to the baby that “died from lack of attention”. It made me laugh, entirely unintentionally, three times just from the delivery of certain terrible lines or some old daft shit that happened.

I’d say give it a watch just for the lulz. What a shit show.
Haha, we watched the his last week and it was awful. The acting was so, so bad, and everything about it was awful. Brittle bone lady :DD
Just watched Becky on Netflix.

It’s Home Alone with Neo Nazi murdering and not very Christmassy.

I liked it, I award it 7.5/10
I watched a film.

Fast X.

X = shit

Dunno why I was so grumpy watching this (well, I wanted to take the missus to see it in 4DX cause she hasn’t been to one of those and this one just made sense. Anyway, spidder mun made sure they ain’t showing it in 4DX anymo. Shitheads.) but it just wasn’t doing anything for me. And I enjoyed the craziness of the back end of this series a fair bit indeed.

It promised to get good when Jason Statham playing the Jason Statham character got involved and looked a bit cross for a minute. Buuuut then he wasn’t in it again! Probably because this is a two-parter and I dare say they’re leaving all the wackiness for the next part.

The wackiness for this part largely consisted of Jason Momoa acting like a flamboyant loon and… lots of obvious CG fire and smoke. Man alive those pooter graphics were doing my tits in. Hey film makers, just fucking set fire to stuff hey!

So yeah, it just kinda wasn’t doing shit for me. There’s some bits which kinda made me laugh in the usual “would you look at this nonsense” that’s typical for this series now but largely I was kinda bored.

Probably cause my seat wasn’t launching me around and spraying me with water. Tch.
So wrong. Fast X is the greatest film ever made, Momoa is a triumph.
It's not as good as F9, but it's still great.
I think this should be renamed the BeeX Error thread, AMIRITE.
Satsuma wrote:
I think this should be renamed the BeeX Error thread, AMIRITE.

You should be renamed the BeeX Error Thread ;)
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