Royal Wedding, Electoral Reform, and Royal Babies thread
Honi soit qui mal y pense
I was at the theatre last night and the punchline to one of the jokes was "and King Charles the Third". I momentarily thought that was a bit odd, then realised that he's not "Prince of Wales" anymore (and the rhythm of the joke suggested that was the original line).
Zardoz wrote:
When do we get the day off for Charles hat party?

Saturday 6th May but it's going to be overshadowed by Eurovision. One is an overly expensive festival of unnecessary overproduction and over elaboration, and the other's a song contest.
Kern wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
When do we get the day off for Charles hat party?

Saturday 6th May but it's going to be overshadowed by Eurovision. One is an overly expensive festival of unnecessary overproduction and over elaboration, and the other's a song contest.

On my birthday!
Zardoz wrote:
On my birthday!

You could have a joint party!
Government confirms bank holiday on the Monday after Big Hat Day.
Great time to have a work contract saying "33 days holiday a year, including bank holidays"
Is the government expecting everyone to get so wrecked at the hat party that the country will miss out Sunday but come up smiling on Monday morning?
2 four day weeks in a row? Ta, Charlie
The Prince Harry Stuff begins today!!!!!
I know nothing about it and I'm sick of hearing about it already
I'm disappointed that the BBC have decided to call the Christmas message The King rather than Charlie Says....
Anyone bought Spare? I'm tempted to.
MaliA wrote:
Anyone bought Spare? I'm tempted to.

Think I'll wait for the movie.
MaliA wrote:
Anyone bought Spare? I'm tempted to.

3 pages in, and it's fucking terrible.
You've only got yourself to blame
Up to Chapter 30 (sept 2001) it doesn't get much better writing wise. Theme remains "I'm angry, and sad, want love, and I miss my mum" with the odd poke at his brother.

It's like a warped version of Catcher in the Rye
My MP is holding a design a card competition for Charlie's Hat Party.

Disappointingly, I don't appear to meet the eligibility criteria despite an initial idea involving plants, organic bath oils, all his siblings, sanitary products, and Diana looking down from Heaven.
Kern wrote:
My MP is holding a design a card competition for Charlie's Hat Party.

Disappointingly, I don't appear to meet the eligibility criteria despite an initial idea involving plants, organic bath oils, all his siblings, sanitary products, and Diana looking down from Heaven.

“The winner and their family will be invited to the Palace of Westminster to have tea with me following the coronation.”

You need to ask what second prize is.
Darwin has to make a shoebox diorama with hard boiled eggs for a school project/competition.

The theme is ‘His Eggcellency, King Charles’, and should Demonstrate either a significant moment in Charles’s life or an area of his interests.

The cardboard tunnel with a smashed egg inside a cardboard car idea has been vetoed, so we’re probably going with a big-eared egg talking to some plants.
Mimi wrote:
The cardboard tunnel with a smashed egg inside a cardboard car idea has been vetoed

He was part of the English polo team who beat the Florida team if you wanted something more "out there".
Diorama of him sitting on the sofa, watching The Crown on Netflix
Grim... wrote:
He was part of the English polo team who beat the Florida team if you wanted something more "out there".

Was he? I’ll pitch it to the boss.
Trooper wrote:
Diorama of him sitting on the sofa, watching The Crown on Netflix

Mimi wrote:
Grim... wrote:
He was part of the English polo team who beat the Florida team if you wanted something more "out there".

Was he? I’ll pitch it to the boss.

Ooh, this is better, base it on this: ... rry-birth/
My whole weekend is going to be spent supervising a seven year old swaddling a mini egg Prince William in toilet roll, isn’t it? :D
And it seems to me, you lived your life, like an egg in toilet roll.
BBC wrote:
The public will be given an active role in the ceremony for the first time, with people around the world set to be asked to cry out and swear allegiance to the King

BBC News

ITV viewers will get the chance to decide who Ant and Dec smother in cockroaches.
The order of service will read: "All who so desire, in the Abbey, and elsewhere, say together: I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God."
It will be followed by the playing of a fanfare.

I assume that as my phone was hacked by the government by during last weekend's so-called emergency message test, the thought police will know if I don't participate in the swearing and will cart me off to the Tower of London.

I think I could manage the swearing, but not the fanfare.

Anyone know exactly what responsibilities we have in paying true allegiance to His Majesty, and to his heirs and successors according to law?
Chucky can get to fuck, the vestigial dullard.
MaliA wrote:
Chucky can get to fuck, the vestigial dullard.

This should be in the movies thread, shouldn't it?
I owe allegiance to no King. We fought a war and everything. He should swear allegiance to us
This does feel like a really badly misjudged read of the nation’s feelings towards the monarchy.
I’m in favour of retaining the king as head of state, but the idea that people will cry out in support is just bizarre. It’s like something from centuries ago.

I’ve got the Frankie Boyle monarchy tv program recorded to watch later. I’m sure that’ll be calm and understated :)
Nothing against them personally but it's time to fuck them off entirely. They sit right at the top of the corrupt class system that's at the heart of so much that is wrong with this fucking place. Legitimising the notion that some people are just better than others because of who their parents are. This country needs to fucking grow up and stop living in the past.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
I’ve got the Frankie Boyle monarchy tv program recorded to watch later. I’m sure that’ll be calm and understated :)

Watched it last night. Can confirm.
markg wrote:
Nothing against them personally but it's time to fuck them off entirely. They sit right at the top of the corrupt class system that's at the heart of so much that is wrong with this fucking place. Legitimising the notion that some people are just better than others because of who their parents are. This country needs to fucking grow up and stop living in the past.

I hate the whole spectacle. For years the argument for keeping them that I hear the most is that it’s great for tourism. I don’t know that tourism would be hugely impacted if they didn’t exist in the present, but even if they do bring in tourists to specifically experience some kind of royal pomp and ceremony, surely we are long past believing that money trickles down in this country? I don’t care if some rich people make money for rich people, and that’s why we all pay some insanely high security bill to guard a man who is born into ridiculous wealth.

Did anyone see this Jack Monroe’s cheaper coronation quiche for the Big Help Out

Recipes costed that way are BS anyway, but the ridiculousness of making a budget 41p per head meal because nobody can afford to eat, in celebration of a man getting a solid gold hat to remind us that he was just ‘born better’ than us is… something.
I don't get the tourism thing. It's not like we're going to knock down the palaces and the cathedrals if William has to get a job. France does a roaring trade in Tourism to the parts of their Monarchy that remain. We could even keep them in place as is, as a "Royal Family" as long as they're no longer Head of State and they recieve no Taxpayer money.
That’s my thinking, too. Take places like the Tower Of London… hugely popular attraction but not really because of the current royals, as far as I can tell. People go there for the history and the stories, and really, what stories are there about the recent royals? Yes, affairs and worse, but people don’t want to hear that. They want fro hear about the princes in the tower, Henry VIII and his wives, beheadings, etc.

That stuff isn’t going away.
This looks very good on the iPlayer 4k HDR feed.

A lot of the ceremony is clearly nonsense, but it's very spectacular.
If it were any other country, we would look at it all and mutter "Bit much...".

Archaic and embarrassing for all concerned.
I am disappointed to tell you that here in Sweden there is lots of talk of the coronation, and all the ladies I was talking to post parkrun were off home to watch it - 3 Swedish and 1 Norwegian. The blokes on the next table were quiet, mind. And I figured that putting no effort in would mean I'd miss it, but it is playing in the communal TV room. It does seem benign from here, though.
I guess if you're going to have a King, you may as well go the whole hog and make it all crazy and medieval. Although the King has just been presented with the Sword of Justice and the Bracelets of Wisdom, which sounds a bit like something from a badly written D&D adventure.
Call me old fashioned, but coronations should only take place when the incumbent monarch was bested in combat.

Honestly this feels like an elderly Boglin's fever dream.
The bit where they panned across the seated, erm, twats :shrug: to reveal Ant and Dec reminded me powerfully of this

22 seconds in cos of no stamping.
Dimrill wrote:
Call me old fashioned, but coronations should only take place when the incumbent monarch was bested in combat.

To be fair, we don't know for certain that didn't happen. Charles might have decided to take things into his own hands.
Critical hit with a pillow+1.
JBR wrote:
I am disappointed to tell you that here in Sweden there is lots of talk of the coronation, and all the ladies I was talking to post parkrun were off home to watch it - 3 Swedish and 1 Norwegian. The blokes on the next table were quiet, mind. And I figured that putting no effort in would mean I'd miss it, but it is playing in the communal TV room. It does seem benign from here, though.

One of my colleagues here made a joke about going home to watch Charles, when I was leaving work, but that's all anyone has said here. No one seems to care.
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