Doppelganger adventures
The life of nottrooper
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Trooper wrote:
So far this morning I have apparently...

Ordered some tights
Ordered a wig
Ordered some socks
Setup a paypal account
Setup an amazon account

I'm guessing by the multiple one time password requests for amazon, he is starting to realise that he doesn't own the email address he is using...
I've got his mobile number though, so i've sent him a text, let's see if he responds.

I'm assuming he is planing to go to the Rocky Horror Show. :smug:

Looks like my search history :)
Yesterday I got winked at by various people on a dating site, sent my login details for an online assessment course in Australia, sent a tax invoice from a US company, and invited to participate in a breastfeeding study with my wife in Dublin.
It's been fun, but the journey is over, for now. I've assigned the email address that everyone (apart from me) uses to the big bitbucket in the sky, where it is playing with its friends on the farm. So no more updates, unless someone starts using a new random variant.

I've gone down from 100 spam messages a day... to 2.
Trooper wrote:
Yesterday I got winked at by various people on a dating site, sent my login details for an online assessment course in Australia, sent a tax invoice from a US company, and invited to participate in a breastfeeding study with my wife in Dublin.

This morning I've had an email from the Retail Supply Team at Games Workshop PLC. It reads...

Hi Ross,

Scotts asked me to send you the dispatch note for the stores order this morning.


The Retail Supply Team
Games Workshop PLC

and true to his word, Simon has attached the dispatch note in the form of a PDF which details the delivery that the other Ross is expecting today.

I might email him back and ask if he can add Space Crusade and Hero Quest to my order.
They're not GW properties, so that might confuse him ;)
Another one today...

Good morning,
I am revising and putting together a preferred sub list for the Eustis High School- Curtright campus (9th grade center). Either you have subbed with us before or were on the preferred list for Eustis High School at one point. It hasn’t been updated in a while, and I know some subs only like to sub for the EHS Main campus and vice versa. I just wanted to take a minute to reach out to you to see if you would or would not like to be on the call list for our campus (Curtright) this year. You can reply to this email, or reach me at (352) 589-1510. Thank you so much for your time, I look forward to hearing from you!

I'm probably going to reply in an enthusiastic manner and say yes. I'd love to... as long as they can accommodate my dog on campus.
And the fact that you're a Dom, not a Sub.
The Lead Chaplain for a NHS Trust sent me my probationary review today, for my position as a hospital chaplain. Luckily it looks as if I am meeting all relevant criteria and there is no remedial action required.
Squirt wrote:
The Lead Chaplain for a NHS Trust sent me my probationary review today, for my position as a hospital chaplain. Luckily it looks as if I am meeting all relevant criteria and there is no remedial action required.

It'll be a great opportunity to spread the Word of Xunt into your community.
That must be a really tough job to do. Well done, it must bring a lot of comfort to people at such difficult periods. I had no idea you were in that line of vocation.
Just spotted the thread this had been posted in. Lol, ffs. :DD
*looks at thread title*

*looks at Mimi*

*looks at thread title*

*tries to see a hint of a raised eyebrow or cheeky grin*
Nope, missed it entirely. Just assumed it was a good news thread :D
Squirt wrote:
I've managed receive a load of internal HR documents about Child and Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding from some church in Luton. Sadly it all seems very dry and sensible, with no juicy gossip or anything.

Huh, it seems this is the same guy! First spotted back in Feb 2017!

I appreciate the comments anyway Mimi!
Indeed, I made the same mistake. I tend to open any threads with new posts into a new tab, then browse through them at leisure. I generally have no idea what thread I'm in when I start reading.
Whereas I go from the board index page, click directly on the thread link and yet still have no idea which thread I'm in (and so made the same mistake as Mimi - without you spotting it, Meems, I probably still would have).
Some guy in Israel keeps signing me up for stuff in hebrew

Screenshot 2021-03-23 142136.jpg
Looks like Decathlon!

Its is Decathlon. Decathlon Israel!
Do they sell sand pegs?
We spoke on the phone earlier. If possible, when you are able could you please also attach some photos of the paint scratches, steering wheel and seat please?

Many thanks,
Louis Jespers

I can assure you we didn't speak earlier Louis but you will be getting some pictures... Don't you worry about that.
Squirt wrote:
The Lead Chaplain for a NHS Trust sent me my probationary review today, for my position as a hospital chaplain. Luckily it looks as if I am meeting all relevant criteria and there is no remedial action required.

It looks like Jill is considering a future in Chaplaincy and has asked for a week long placement with the team!
Squirt wrote:
Squirt wrote:
The Lead Chaplain for a NHS Trust sent me my probationary review today, for my position as a hospital chaplain. Luckily it looks as if I am meeting all relevant criteria and there is no remedial action required.

It looks like Jill is considering a future in Chaplaincy and has asked for a week long placement with the team!

Jill is looking forward to meeting everyone and thanks everyone in advance for their time!
Now I want to be a Chaplain!
MaliA wrote:
Now I want to be a Chaplain!

You want to be a university/college one. Hospitals don't tend to have subsidised bars.
Squirt wrote:
Squirt wrote:
Squirt wrote:
The Lead Chaplain for a NHS Trust sent me my probationary review today, for my position as a hospital chaplain. Luckily it looks as if I am meeting all relevant criteria and there is no remedial action required.

It looks like Jill is considering a future in Chaplaincy and has asked for a week long placement with the team!

Jill is looking forward to meeting everyone and thanks everyone in advance for their time!

Simon is retiring! He's looking forward to some DIY and Gardening, and is also planning to volunteer for a charity that provides counselling to young people.

Enjoy your retirement Simon! I hope the volunteering goes well!
Simon also sounds like a pleasant chap. Is there an e-card to sign?
Squirt wrote:
Squirt wrote:
Squirt wrote:
Squirt wrote:
The Lead Chaplain for a NHS Trust sent me my probationary review today, for my position as a hospital chaplain. Luckily it looks as if I am meeting all relevant criteria and there is no remedial action required.

It looks like Jill is considering a future in Chaplaincy and has asked for a week long placement with the team!

Jill is looking forward to meeting everyone and thanks everyone in advance for their time!

Simon is retiring! He's looking forward to some DIY and Gardening, and is also planning to volunteer for a charity that provides counselling to young people.

Enjoy your retirement Simon! I hope the volunteering goes well!

Andrew has a 30 quid voucher for the Causey Inn that expires soon, so they're going to have a nice meal and a catch up!
Kern wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Now I want to be a Chaplain!

You want to be a university/college one. Hospitals don't tend to have subsidised bars.

When I was at university there was a lovely chap in my RE lectures that was studying to be a chaplain, and his name was Charlie, and you just wouldn’t, would you?
Squirt wrote:
Andrew has a 30 quid voucher for the Causey Inn that expires soon, so they're going to have a nice meal and a catch up!

Actually, the Causey Inn look really nice! I'm worried that Andrew's voucher isn't going to get them very far though.
Anne and Neil have invited me to a party to celebrate 10,000 days of marriage! Tea and cakes in the afternoon followed by pizza in the evening. Congrats Anne and Neil

The invite include the address, so I might just rock up.
Squirt wrote:
Anne and Neil have invited me to a party to celebrate 10,000 days of marriage! Tea and cakes in the afternoon followed by pizza in the evening. Congrats Anne and Neil

The invite include the address, so I might just rock up.

I was initially cynical about that as an anniversary, but actually, it's quite a sweet idea. Unless they had a big do for 25 years, in which case Anne and Neil can fuck off.
Apparently this is what I get up to at night, because I have no memory of it at all.

(time stamped) Or not. 6:50.
You was robbed, stupid judges

The men's is a bit boring but the women's at 28:00 is brilliant, fucking hell.
Cripes, you can almost hear the sound of their brain bouncing back and forth in their skull.
Cras wrote:
You was robbed, stupid judges

But Doppledimmers still got through, because the other dude only had one eye.

Clearly, both eyes is a requirement of slap slap shout match.
It is a profoundly stupid "sport". This is the final of the Romanian title tournament. ... mpetition/
Grim... wrote:
But Doppledimmers still got through, because the other dude only had one eye.
Clearly, both eyes is a requirement of slap slap shout match.

I haven't watched the video, but this implies that Doppledimmers literally slapped the other dude's eye out.
Dimrill wrote:
It is a profoundly stupid "sport". This is the final of the Romanian title tournament. ... mpetition/

Fucking ouch.

I reckon when he said he wanted to get swole, that's not what was on his mind
Squirt wrote:
Anne and Neil have invited me to a party to celebrate 10,000 days of marriage! Tea and cakes in the afternoon followed by pizza in the evening. Congrats Anne and Neil

The invite include the address, so I might just rock up.

I just realised I haven't got any of these emails for almost a year now. I guess the typo has been discovered. It's quite a shame, I quite liked getting these updates.
I regularly get stuff meant for my Hebrew friend. Sometimes quite important stuff like boarding passes!
Squirt wrote:
Squirt wrote:
Anne and Neil have invited me to a party to celebrate 10,000 days of marriage! Tea and cakes in the afternoon followed by pizza in the evening. Congrats Anne and Neil

The invite include the address, so I might just rock up.

I just realised I haven't got any of these emails for almost a year now. I guess the typo has been discovered. It's quite a shame, I quite liked getting these updates.

Ask, and you shall recieve!

Andrew might have torn the meniscus on his knee, and needs Marian to fill in an occupational health referral! Neil's tried to do it, but as Marian is his line manager it needs to be her!

Get better soon Andrew!
Phew, Marian has been able to make a referral! She's provided the reference number for our records, as well.
Ah, mystery solved. As I've just been forwarded the confirmation of Andrew's physio referral, it seems that Andrew's last name is very close to mine. That explains the mix-up, I should think.
But isn't Andrew Squort realising that he's not getting these messages?
A few of them are sent to "[email protected], [email protected]", so i guess he's getting the ones to his work address and not realising that the CC to his personal address is never turning up? It also appears that it's mostly email threads started by Neil that have this issue, so maybe he's getting most of them overall.
Neil has helpfully sent me the on-call rota for now until Jan. Thanks Neil! Looks like Andrew's on-call for the week 7th-13th August, so hopefully his knee will be better by then.
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