Royal Wedding, Electoral Reform, and Royal Babies thread
Honi soit qui mal y pense
In a statement, Buckingham Palace said: “Following the death of Her Majesty The Queen, it is His Majesty The King’s wish that a period of Royal Mourning be observed from now until seven days after The Queen’s Funeral. The date of the Funeral will be confirmed in due course.

1) if funeral is 19th then that's two and a half weeks of this

2) if wishes were horses, beggars would ride,
MaliA wrote:
In a statement, Buckingham Palace said: “Following the death of Her Majesty The Queen, it is His Majesty The King’s wish that a period of Royal Mourning be observed from now until seven days after The Queen’s Funeral. The date of the Funeral will be confirmed in due course.

1) if funeral is 19th then that's two and a half weeks of this

2) if wishes were horses, beggars would ride,

Oh, no, we are done by the funeral. They get to mope about a bit longer, wondering about their place in modern society, as Royal Mourning is different and takes longer.
It's absolute bullshit, fucking news interviewing the nutjobs stood outside Buckingham palace as though they represent the general public. Dropped my daughter off at school this morning, there was no "sombre mood" that I could detect. Don't get me wrong I was a bit sad when I heard, I liked her, she seemed like a sweet old lady and I'm quite sure that at those times when she wasn't going on holiday, hunting, riding about on horses, playing with her dogs or just generally swanning about one of her massive houses and giant estates she was indeed tirelessly and selflessly dedicated to the country. I'm not grieving or mourning, though.
I was in the chippy when the official announcement was made. The radio was on Heart, or Capital or some such and it switched to BBC News and played the national anthem. The staff and customers didn't blink. Life carries on, as it it always does.

And I forgot the tartar sauce for my fish. Gutted
DavPaz wrote:
I was in the chippy when the official announcement was made. The radio was on Heart, or Capital or some such and it switched to BBC News and played the national anthem. The staff and customers didn't blink. Life carries on, as it it always does.

And I forgot the tartar sauce for my fish. Gutted

Tony Cascarino thinks you should have forgotten more than that, you animal. ... 6807606274

edit -- forgotten how to embed tweets. I blame my state of mourning.
Edited: I got u fam - just paste the link and it'll take care of it
My son is GUTTED that school is still open.
My local bookies has shut today out of respect, which seem kinda the opposite of what Her Maj would have wanted.
Maybe she was their biggest customer, so no point opening.
Someone in my street has put a union jack flag at half mast on a lamp post down my street along with a bouquet (pronounced bucket) of flowers.

It looks like her majesty was knocked down as she was crossing the road.
TheVision wrote:
Someone in my street has put a union jack flag at half mast on a lamp post down my street along with a bouquet (pronounced bucket) of flowers.

It looks like her majesty was knocked down as she was crossing the road.


Not a massive fan, but May absolutely nails the timing and rides the laughs brilliantly on this

Our new sausage fingered king is talking to us at 6.
And other people too.
We'll be doing all this again in about ten years anyway.
Unexpectedly moving, that
MaliA wrote:
Not a massive fan, but May absolutely nails the timing and rides the laughs brilliantly on this

Think Julia Bradbury has some competition here.
MaliA wrote:
Not a massive fan, but May absolutely nails the timing and rides the laughs brilliantly on this

Why do Conservative politicians become more likeable after they leave government?
Zardoz wrote:
Our new sausage fingered king is talking to us at 6.

Not in our house.
Warhead wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Our new sausage fingered king is talking to us at 6.

Not in our house.

Felt like we were swimming against the tide by walking out of the bar just after he started. It was just because there was a break in the rain, really, but still. Students, actual students, were watching, though.
I can understand the youngins wanting to see something historic
Probably so they can stream their reaction video.
Warhead wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Our new sausage fingered king is talking to us at 6.

Not in our house.

No, he was in some church.
JBR wrote:
Felt like we were swimming against the tide by walking out of the bar just after he started. It was just because there was a break in the rain, really, but still. Students, actual students, were watching, though.

Jem and I took a walk down to the Palace yesterday as we were kinda nearby (hadn’t intended to originally) and not only were the crowds absolutely insane, but Jem observed that there were a *lot* of folks in the younger generations walking there, many with floral tributes.
I was just reading some replies to a post asking why there seems to be a huge outpouring of grief from people you wouldn’t expect it from. A few of my friends who were no fans of the monarchy have surprised themselves by feeling it, too, and time and time again people used phrases like ‘it just felt like she would always be there’ or ‘she was a constant’. I wonder if it isn’t partly because in recently years things have just felt so UNSTABLE, that the U.K. is going into some kind of death wobble like when a spinning top loses momentum. The prime minister and cabinet seem to change constantly, Brexit has taken us further away from an international community and it has created a huge division of belief, there is a cost of living crisis, a pandemic where the rules and actions were in constant flux, access to affordable food is dropping daily, and above all that the figurehead that was the queen has just always been there, for our entire lives. Could it be that it’s not necessarily that they feel sadness at the passing of this 96 year old woman, but it’s somehow still a shock when you find another broken wheel on an already wobbly cart that’s careering down a hill.
I'm getting a bit of Royal TV Fatigue but I did watch the proclamation at St. James' Palace this morning. I wasn't expecting it to be entertaining, but how wrong I was. It was all happening on the front row while they were waiting for the proceedings to begin.

No one except Gordon Brown talking to Boris, who often didn't look very happy and was checking his phone at one point. Meanwhile, if looks could kill, Boris would have been a wisp of smoke after the way Starmer was looking at him. And on the left of Boris, David Cameron was boring the arse off Theresa May. Expect to see many memes popping up from this gathering.

At St. James' Palace.jpg
Yeah, I like that encapsulation Mimi. There was a minute's silence at parkrun - at least one announced two minutes, and I wondered if we'd be trapped in a death spiral of trying to show sufficient respect, but no - and I felt a little twinge of emotion at the beginning. And I really have no interest in the whole thing at all, and have ignored it.

That is a great picture, Warhead. Other than Starmer, they're's something fairly obvious about all their personalities in there. In this capture of a split second meaning nowt, Starmer looks to have a healthy look of distaste for the man I hate more than I've hated most things.
Starmer's looking down the line thinking "all of these useless windbags have PM, so I must have a shot"
Cameron's driving a tiny car.
JBR wrote:
That is a great picture, Warhead. Other than Starmer, they're's something fairly obvious about all their personalities in there. In this capture of a split second meaning nowt, Starmer looks to have a healthy look of distaste for the man I hate more than I've hated most things.

Yes, it's only a snapshot and the moods changed a lot over the time they were waiting. I watched the whole thing and at times, Gordon and Boris seemed to be enjoying their conversation, at another time it did look like Gordon said some uncomplimentary things and Boris was seemingly a bit taken aback. I noticed that when Gordon turned away, Boris' jovial expression disappeared quite quickly. I think that, as has been speculated about elsewhere, Boris is pissed off that he didn't hold on as PM until the queen's death, as it would have topped off his tenure with one last major event in the spotlight.
Cras wrote:
Cameron's driving a tiny car.

Or holding on to a pig's ears.
Three prime ministers remember the queen.jpg

You'd really think more of them would remember her, wouldn't you....
One remembers roller cola
Warhead wrote:
I think that, as has been speculated about elsewhere, Boris is pissed off that he didn't hold on as PM until the queen's death, as it would have topped off his tenure with one last major event in the spotlight.

Oh, gosh, yes - this sort of pageantry, and minimal effort exposure would have been absolutely up his street. It's nice to think of him gnashing his teeth and bemoaning his fate.
JBR wrote:
Warhead wrote:
I think that, as has been speculated about elsewhere, Boris is pissed off that he didn't hold on as PM until the queen's death, as it would have topped off his tenure with one last major event in the spotlight.

Oh, gosh, yes - this sort of pageantry, and minimal effort exposure would have been absolutely up his street. It's nice to think of him gnashing his teeth and bemoaning his fate.

Never mind, he can make up for it when he becomes king of the World.
JBR wrote:
Warhead wrote:
I think that, as has been speculated about elsewhere, Boris is pissed off that he didn't hold on as PM until the queen's death, as it would have topped off his tenure with one last major event in the spotlight.

Oh, gosh, yes - this sort of pageantry, and minimal effort exposure would have been absolutely up his street. It's nice to think of him gnashing his teeth and bemoaning his fate.

I think The Queen hung on to make sure he went!! :)
At least one person was aware of the camera.

KC Walkabout - loook at ME.jpg
My uncle met the queen twice.

She visited ITN studios in the late 90s.

As the camera pans to the left he is standing there in a blue shirt. My cousins spotted it a day or so ago on the news.

He worked there for over 30 years. We used to go all of the time when we were nippers, which was always a fantastic day out. Got to meet Sir Trev quite a few times, really is a gentleman. My last visit there was in 2000 with my first ex wife.


Very sad about the queen dying. It's a very strange feeling tbh. Like she has always been there my entire life.
JohnCoffey wrote:
It's a very strange feeling tbh. Like she has always been there my entire life.

Assuming you’re not very very old, she has been. Unless you mean there, at the TV studio.
Happy to let them have whatever they want. Feels a bit like the end of an era, half the country liked her in spite of the fact she was the queen not because of it. Don't see people having the same affection for Chuck. Just maybe we can start looking forwards instead.
Charlie has had his entire life already, with all that entails. He's made many mistakes and missteps, almost all of them public knowledge. The Queen had the advantage of being a mystery, an icon. Charlie is just another celeb, really.

Reckon his reign is going to see some major changes for the Union, the Commonwealth and the Monarchy.

Apparently, because of lot of the former Empire have ERII hard coded as Head of State in their constitutions, Charlie doesn't automatically transfer over and has to be explicitly accepted. Should be interesting
At least one of the Carribbean states has announced a referendum to drop the Monarch as head of state
Center Parcs are closing their facilities on Monday, which is fine, but they are also expecting guests to leave the site for 24 hours!
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Center Parcs are closing their facilities on Monday, which is fine, but they are also expecting guests to leave the site for 24 hours!

This is a crazy decision which I belive has now been over ruled... According to Twitter anyway.
My place has graciously decided to comply with the legally-mandated bank holiday.

We, presumably like a lot of people without kids so haven't already spent their meticulously planned holidays, have on short notice jumped on the opportunity for a week off for only 4 days accrued holiday. Fuck knows what we'll do with it.

Because I'm an idiot I've already said I'll actually join a couple of meetings anyway , but only because it makes my imminent promotion more imminent.
I shall be attending a friends birthday do on Sunday, so I will probably be nursing a hangover on's what she would have wanted.
Morte wrote:
I shall be attending a friends birthday do on Sunday, so I will probably be nursing a hangover on's what she would have wanted.

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