Bits and Bobs 51
Where IS area 51?
Saw this on the way to Buxton last week and MrsA managed to get a photo today
Heh, drove past that with Z the other week.
I was there two weeks ago. A real beex nucleus.
@markg and @zardoz I'm camping in France next to some people from Preston. What's a good thing to say to people from Preston?
Giphy "sick burn":
Findus Fop wrote:
@markg and @zardoz I'm camping in France next to some people from Preston. What's a good thing to say to people from Preston?

"Ay up"
This is a road sign which has appeared on the corner of the crescent in question. Every time I drove past it, I was sure something was off.

This is the sign on the other side of the crescent. Of course, it should only have one L.


So these signs must be quite far apart for no one to have noticed when it was being installed, right?


TheVision wrote:
This is a road sign which has appeared on the corner of the crescent in question. Every time I drove past it, I was sure something was off.

This is the sign on the other side of the crescent. Of course, it should only have one L.


So these signs must be quite far apart for no one to have noticed when it was being installed, right?



When we visited my mother last I noticed they’d put a new road sign up about 2m from her front door and spelled it wrong, but she hadn’t noticed.
TheVision wrote:
This is a road sign which has appeared on the corner of the crescent in question. Every time I drove past it, I was sure something was off.

This is the sign on the other side of the crescent. Of course, it should only have one L.


So these signs must be quite far apart for no one to have noticed when it was being installed, right?



What feels like about 10 military jets just flew towards Exeter from Plymouth!

I was inside for the first few, and thought "once you've heard it, you've probably missed it" But the noises just kept coming, I went outside, and managed to catch 2 of them in the distance, before getting my camera out and recording the last one.

They were not going super fast, but they were quite low.


Sorry for the grainy shot, it was at maximum zoom from the video lens
Reminds me of harrier attack on the CPC
Looks like an F-15
There was an F-15 rumbling over my house a few hours ago, according to flightradar24. Cloud too low to see it though.
Findus Fop wrote:
@markg and @zardoz I'm camping in France next to some people from Preston. What's a good thing to say to people from Preston?

“Ha, you didn’t get an IKEA”
Zardoz wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
@markg and @zardoz I'm camping in France next to some people from Preston. What's a good thing to say to people from Preston?

“Ha, you didn’t get an IKEA”

Turned out he didn't really do speech, just silently angry long distance cycling and tent erecting.
Protests and counter protests in central Oxford today because a drag queen is reading stories to kids in the library.

What next? Ban panto?
All: Oh no they won't!

It's a ridiculous thing to be angry about.
It is a bloody distraction, the same as number plates for cyclists
KovacsC wrote:
It is a bloody distraction, the same as number plates for cyclists

It'd never catch on, and they know it.

Think of the vanity plate possibilities! BMC owners would be all over that shit.
That is a good point.. I could get it tattooed on my arse :)

You need to lean the 1's in at the bottom.
Grim... wrote:

You need to lean the 1's in at the bottom.

I see what you did there :)
Just pre-ordered the brewdog advent calendar. Next to get the lego one.
MrsPaz is going to be on BBC Radio Lancashire around 4:30 with her work hat on
So sad about Michael Jackson dying.
DavPaz wrote:
So sad about Michael Jackson dying.

I think it's time to move on.
Someone on our street letting off fireworks!
Malc wrote:
Someone on our street letting off fireworks!

I take it that that's not usual on your street. We get them every week on our estate, around 5 days out of 7, often after midnight. Even if they're quite distant one of the dogs will be barking as he really hates them.
It happens from time to time, but not usually after midnight in the middle of September. I think from where they were coming from, it was the family that have 4 or 5 off-roaders in various states of repair in their drive/parked up on the road.
Ugh, people with abandoned 4x4s on their property are the worst...
krazywookie wrote:
Ugh, people with abandoned 4x4s on their property are the worst...

I don't think any of them are abandoned, I don't know if they buy them knackered and then do them up, but apart from two or three they seem to change quite frequently. I think they are just really into off roading and doing up cars. (and possibly letting off late night fireworks once in a blue moon)
krazywookie wrote:
Ugh, people with abandoned 4x4s on their property are the worst...

The feeling of finding a long forgotten mousetrap and it is empty is great
I was today years old when I actually listened to the lyrics being sung in Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People and realised that not only is it not a happy-go-lucky song, it's a song about a school shooting and it's not even subtle about it.
"you better run, better run, faster than my bullets"
GazChap wrote:
I was today years old when I actually listened to the lyrics being sung in Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People and realised that not only is it not a happy-go-lucky song, it's a song about a school shooting and it's not even subtle about it.

Yeah, I don't think most people realise. Thought it was really odd to hear it playing in Asda the other day.
I can only assume the less than stellar diction of the singer is to blame, but the chorus is pretty clear, Gaz :D
Yeah, for real. It's just one of those songs that I tend to hear 'in the background', when I'm focussing on other things. Today it came through on my headphones while I was at my computer.
I've a long history of not paying attention to the words of songs (I think some intellectual snobbery somewhere just assumes they are made to fit the rhythm and don't matter), so I hadn't noticed Pumped Up Kicks wasn't a jolly-along song either.
I've spent the week considering getting an electric blanket. This comes straight after spending way too much time choosing antimacassars for my armchair. I think I'm getting old.
Kern wrote:
I've spent the week considering getting an electric blanket. This comes straight after spending way too much time choosing antimacassars for my armchair. I think I'm getting old.

I had no idea those things had a name
It's a great word, and implies the existence of promacassars.
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