General Purpose UK TV thread
Worth a download
Trom on the Beeb iPlayer. Police/activist drama set in the Faroe Islands.

Journalist investigating the fishing industry has mysterious car accident and in a separate incident, an activist who was working with him is found dead in the sea. Another journalist returns after a long absence and starts to investigate the incidents. Police corruption is suspected, as is the Mr Big who owns most of the fishing companies in the Faroes. The honest police inspector doesn't know who she can trust.

Pretty standard fare, but ..... the SCENERY!!!! Rugged doesn't do it justice. Some of the coast roads are single track, a couple of hundred feet up slopes from the sea, and with no crash barriers, markings or lighting. Driving in the dark winter months must be a nightmare.
Just slogged our way through The Control Room on the BBC. Wow, it's bad. I just don't understand how shite like this gets filmed and then put on telly. There's so many amazing stories out there and many more that aren't so great but at least they make actual sense. But somehow this dribbling mess gets the green light. Honestly baffling.
markg wrote:
Just slogged our way through The Control Room on the BBC. Wow, it's bad. I just don't understand how shite like this gets filmed and then put on telly. There's so many amazing stories out there and many more that aren't so great but at least they make actual sense. But somehow this dribbling mess gets the green light. Honestly baffling.


Mrs. W and I watched the first episode and then agreed to give up on it. Plot holes, Scottish accents that were hard to understand and constant flashbacks hinting at some childhood event that triggered the main character's memories and anxieties. Out of curiosity I read up on the full story and it just confirmed what I'd expected, i.e. that the main character would be further drawn into criminal activity and the whole thing would come to a stupid ending.
I've been getting Sanditon confused with Bridgerton.
Warhead wrote:
markg wrote:
Just slogged our way through The Control Room on the BBC. Wow, it's bad. I just don't understand how shite like this gets filmed and then put on telly. There's so many amazing stories out there and many more that aren't so great but at least they make actual sense. But somehow this dribbling mess gets the green light. Honestly baffling.

We watched the first episode. It was soooo dull


Mrs. W and I watched the first episode and then agreed to give up on it. Plot holes, Scottish accents that were hard to understand and constant flashbacks hinting at some childhood event that triggered the main character's memories and anxieties. Out of curiosity I read up on the full story and it just confirmed what I'd expected, i.e. that the main character would be further drawn into criminal activity and the whole thing would come to a stupid ending.
Other than catching the odd ten minutes here and there, I've not watched Neighbours for at least 15 years and probably closer to 20. I couldn't resist giving the last week's worth a go, and it's been really satisfying to have a good dose of nostalgia alongside a bunch of the newer characters. Well worth a few hours of your time if, like most of us, it was a big part of your viewing history.
It must be pretty good being an actor, then landing a part in a soap as you're probably then in work for at least six months, barring accidents!
Marriage' - Funny, moving, revealing - the bittersweet reality of a long-term relationship. Sean Bean and Nicola Walker star in an intimate slice of life, from the creator of Mum.

Firstly, there's nothing funny about this. It's slow, it's depressing and you have to guess what happens when bits of the plot are left hanging.

I have to admit that I haven't watched any episode from beginning to end, as I couldn't continue with it after half of the first episode, but I skipped forward to see if it improved, and then skipped through ep. 2, watching snippets to see if it was getting any better, but then gave up.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Sean's character is a middle aged bloke who's mother has recently died, after which he was made redundant, so he's now at a loose end, depressed, looking for work, and appears to suspect that his wife might be having an affair with her boss. Added to that, he seems to be trying to develop a relationship with a young receptionist at the local leisure centre who tries to avoid him. His wife is trying to be supportive, but she appears unhappy in her work at a solicitors, and their black daughter (presumably adopted) who doesn't live with them, has a new boyfriend who is supposedly a record producer, but there are red flags all over the place indicating that he's a control freak who she should ditch ASAP. Added to that, Nicola's dad, a pensioner played by James Bolam, lives with another man, so I think we're supposed to assume he's gay, but his companion hides upstairs when Nicola and/or Sean visit him. He's also a grumpy sod who it would seem would be happier if they never visited, but he calls Nicola when she's supposed to be going for a wedding anniversary dinner with Sean, to say that his cooker isn't working. Nicola then visits him to check the cooker and makes him some sandwiches, as she can't get the cooker to work, after which he tries to prevent her leaving by wanting her to stay within to eat. It was at this point that I couldn't take any more.
That sounds like exactly the sort of thing I assumed it would be from the trailer I saw. Were you expecting Die Hard or something?
I thought that after the debacle that was The Control Room, the Beeb might be back on form, what with Marriage having Mr Bean an Nicola Walker.
Warhead wrote:
Marriage' - Funny, moving, revealing - the bittersweet reality of a long-term relationship. Sean Bean and Nicola Walker star in an intimate slice of life, from the creator of Mum.

Firstly, there's nothing funny about this. It's slow, it's depressing and you have to guess what happens when bits of the plot are left hanging.

I have to admit that I haven't watched any episode from beginning to end, as I couldn't continue with it after half of the first episode, but I skipped forward to see if it improved, and then skipped through ep. 2, watching snippets to see if it was getting any better, but then gave up.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Sean's character is a middle aged bloke who's mother has recently died, after which he was made redundant, so he's now at a loose end, depressed, looking for work, and appears to suspect that his wife might be having an affair with her boss. Added to that, he seems to be trying to develop a relationship with a young receptionist at the local leisure centre who tries to avoid him. His wife is trying to be supportive, but she appears unhappy in her work at a solicitors, and their black daughter (presumably adopted) who doesn't live with them, has a new boyfriend who is supposedly a record producer, but there are red flags all over the place indicating that he's a control freak who she should ditch ASAP. Added to that, Nicola's dad, a pensioner played by James Bolam, lives with another man, so I think we're supposed to assume he's gay, but his companion hides upstairs when Nicola and/or Sean visit him. He's also a grumpy sod who it would seem would be happier if they never visited, but he calls Nicola when she's supposed to be going for a wedding anniversary dinner with Sean, to say that his cooker isn't working. Nicola then visits him to check the cooker and makes him some sandwiches, as she can't get the cooker to work, after which he tries to prevent her leaving by wanting her to stay within to eat. It was at this point that I couldn't take any more.

That sounds really shit. For some reason, I am reminded of Bread. Which was also shit. And not funny. Actually, was it supposed to be funny? I can't remember now, but the taste of shitness remains, even though I only consumed a little bit of it.
Sir Taxalot wrote:
Warhead wrote:
Marriage' - Funny, moving, revealing - the bittersweet reality of a long-term relationship. Sean Bean and Nicola Walker star in an intimate slice of life, from the creator of Mum.

Firstly, there's nothing funny about this. It's slow, it's depressing and you have to guess what happens when bits of the plot are left hanging.

I have to admit that I haven't watched any episode from beginning to end, as I couldn't continue with it after half of the first episode, but I skipped forward to see if it improved, and then skipped through ep. 2, watching snippets to see if it was getting any better, but then gave up.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Sean's character is a middle aged bloke who's mother has recently died, after which he was made redundant, so he's now at a loose end, depressed, looking for work, and appears to suspect that his wife might be having an affair with her boss. Added to that, he seems to be trying to develop a relationship with a young receptionist at the local leisure centre who tries to avoid him. His wife is trying to be supportive, but she appears unhappy in her work at a solicitors, and their black daughter (presumably adopted) who doesn't live with them, has a new boyfriend who is supposedly a record producer, but there are red flags all over the place indicating that he's a control freak who she should ditch ASAP. Added to that, Nicola's dad, a pensioner played by James Bolam, lives with another man, so I think we're supposed to assume he's gay, but his companion hides upstairs when Nicola and/or Sean visit him. He's also a grumpy sod who it would seem would be happier if they never visited, but he calls Nicola when she's supposed to be going for a wedding anniversary dinner with Sean, to say that his cooker isn't working. Nicola then visits him to check the cooker and makes him some sandwiches, as she can't get the cooker to work, after which he tries to prevent her leaving by wanting her to stay within to eat. It was at this point that I couldn't take any more.

That sounds really shit. For some reason, I am reminded of Bread. Which was also shit. And not funny. Actually, was it supposed to be funny? I can't remember now, but the taste of shitness remains, even though I only consumed a little bit of it.

She. Is. A. Tart! (Hysteria)
Some of the cast of Bread once came to open our local fete. I had an "I want my pudding" badge for a while.
Only Connect and University Challenge start again tonight. That's my Monday evening sorted for a bit!
Kern wrote:
Only Connect and University Challenge start again tonight. That's my Monday evening sorted for a bit!

Really need these back. Makes Mondays complete again.
Everyone make sure to watch "Am I Being Unreasonable?" coming soon to BBC, in order to witness the screen debut of my dog, Peggy! Visible at about 1:16 in the trailer here! ( ably supported by Mrs Squirt )

Did Mrs Squirt do the scream herself? It was very high-pitched.
'Big Oil v the World,' three part series on BBC iPlayer. The oil industry commissioned their own research 40 years ago that predicted that CO2 would cause global warming, but the companies downplayed it with aggressive advertising campaigns. I knew that already. What I didn't know was that fracking sites leak horrendous amounts of methane, which have more of an effect on warming than CO2.
It is a shame that methane can't be caught ans used.
KovacsC wrote:
It is a shame that methane can't be caught ans used.

Methane emissions were on the agenda at the COP26 conference last year, and many countries have a target to reduce them by 30% by 2030.

In the US "Under the Methane Emissions Reduction Action Plan, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will propose new regulations that will broaden and strengthen methane emissions reduction for new oil and gas facilities.

But it will also propose regulations to require states develop plans that will reduce methane emissions from existing sources across America, including some 300,000 oil and gas well sites."

I wonder how far they've got with that.
The Capture - series 2 on Beeb iPlayer. Mrs. W and I thought series 1 was good, but the second is a real corker.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
A foreign power is hacking in to UK systems, including government security services, and manipulating CCTV systems, even 'correcting' live TV transmissions in real time. With assassins on the ground, murders are taking place with impunity and the foreign power is always one step ahead of the security services. The hacks appear to be coordinated, but the ultimate motive is unclear. It looks like the government could fall unless security get a break-through and they're wondering whether it's China, Russia or even the US that's behind it.
BBC Iplayer: Cunk on Earth

Worthy successor to Lord Clark.
All4 - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

I'd never heard of this Youtube sensation but as the C4 version was getting good reviews I thought I'd have a watch. Absolutely love it, and the amount of detail in the design is incredible.
Kern wrote:
All4 - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

I'd never heard of this Youtube sensation but as the C4 version was getting good reviews I thought I'd have a watch. Absolutely love it, and the amount of detail in the design is incredible.

We tried this last night, but apart from the ace puppet design we didn't laugh. The only bit I really liked was the sign in the factory (slippy when slips) and the rest was just a bit... relying on puppets? Not sure how to phrase it, but we switched off at the first break.
Mr Russell wrote:
Kern wrote:
All4 - Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

I'd never heard of this Youtube sensation but as the C4 version was getting good reviews I thought I'd have a watch. Absolutely love it, and the amount of detail in the design is incredible.

We tried this last night, but apart from the ace puppet design we didn't laugh. The only bit I really liked was the sign in the factory (slippy when slips) and the rest was just a bit... relying on puppets? Not sure how to phrase it, but we switched off at the first break.

Have you seen the OG youtube stuff?
I mean, erm, it’s not a comedy show, right? It’s surrealist horror, well, I think it’s supposed to be that.
Satsuma wrote:
I mean, erm, it’s not a comedy show, right? It’s surrealist horror, well, I think it’s supposed to be that.

It definitely funny, but more of a OMG funny than a straightforward jokey show.
The felt breakfast items and fax machine (etc) were ace. Other than that, I just felt bored. The pacing felt so off. If it is a horror maybe we didn’t get to any horror part yet, but there was no build up. It just didn’t feel anything other than awkward to me, but I’m glad it exists because we need new ideas to be made and picked up.
Mimi wrote:
The felt breakfast items and fax machine (etc) were ace. Other than that, I just felt bored. The pacing felt so off. If it is a horror maybe we didn’t get to any horror part yet, but there was no build up. It just didn’t feel anything other than awkward to me, but I’m glad it exists because we need new ideas to be made and picked up.

I've only seen the first episode, but I agree the pacing is odd. Their style is let things sit, often for an extended time to build the atmosphere. The horror often comes as a flash or quick cut. This is a carry over from the Youtube vids, to be fair. Drawn out to 25 minutes, it can feel a bit stretched, I guess
Am I Being Unreasonable on BBC. Willfully strange comedy drama featuring Daisy May Cooper. Was expecting something that was sub-par Motherland, full of Thank Goodness for Gin!!1! style banter.

It's very much not that. Pretty dark, surreal and funny. Kept me guessing throughout, though I didn't wholly dig the ending.
I love, love, love DHMIS. I enjoyed the new series a lot - it's pretty different to the OG, mainly due to the extended length of all of the episodes, and I miss Duck's autotune voice :(

I totally get that it isn't for everyone, but if you're watching the TV show and haven't seen the YouTube originals then you should stop now and go back and watch them, or you're not going to understand some of the things in the TV show (especially things about Roy).
DavPaz wrote:
Mimi wrote:
The felt breakfast items and fax machine (etc) were ace. Other than that, I just felt bored. The pacing felt so off. If it is a horror maybe we didn’t get to any horror part yet, but there was no build up. It just didn’t feel anything other than awkward to me, but I’m glad it exists because we need new ideas to be made and picked up.

I've only seen the first episode, but I agree the pacing is odd. Their style is let things sit, often for an extended time to build the atmosphere. The horror often comes as a flash or quick cut. This is a carry over from the Youtube vids, to be fair. Drawn out to 25 minutes, it can feel a bit stretched, I guess

I’ve only seen the first one too and I felt the same that it didn’t work as well over an extended runtime. Mind you, the originals didn’t really click for me until I’d seen a few episodes. Plus it was more interesting to me once it was done and I needed to look up what exactly was going on with the dad character and the overarching story. Maybe this series will have something similar in later episodes.

EDIT: well, according to Grim… it might, so I’m looking forward to binging the lot when I get a minute!
Ah, episode 2 was much betterer.
House to tame your Dragon threw me for a while, thought I was watching a flashback rather than characters that were a fair bit older until Paddy rocked up. Bad casting choices. Still entertaining enough for me to continue.
Zardoz wrote:
House to tame your Dragon threw me for a while, thought I was watching a flashback rather than characters that were a fair bit older until Paddy rocked up. Bad casting choices. Still entertaining enough for me to continue.

I like it because I say "used to surf there", "weirdo town there" quite often.
Just realised I’ve posted in the UK tv thread… guess I’m half ok to do so.
Zardoz wrote:
House to tame your Dragon threw me for a while, thought I was watching a flashback rather than characters that were a fair bit older until Paddy rocked up. Bad casting choices. Still entertaining enough for me to continue.

Agree. Suddenly has become quite camp too.

Young princess was excellent, older is much less charismatic.
BBC 2 - The Love Box in Your Living Room

Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse's totally accurate history of the BBC.

Some sketches work better than others, but there's no let up of the pace and I was won over by both its nonsense and attention to period details. A fun hour. If only they'd repeat the History of the Twos from a few years back.
Channel 4: David Baddiel: Jews Don't Count

TV version of his recent book discussing attitudes to antisemitism, especially among those on the left. It's a well-constructed documentary with Baddiel's monologue sections anticipating and addressing possible criticisms, including his own past behaviour. Worth watching.
MaliA wrote:

Oddly familiar

Heh. Needs more Axis of Belm.
I am watching 1899 on Netflix. It is weird as fuck.
Youtube's Tom Scott was on Christmas University Challenge tonight and I couldn't help thinking that he's starting to look like Tony Blair.

(I also think he's somehow part of the BeeX Expanded Universe but can't yet place him in the continuity, but that's another story)
Kern wrote:
Youtube's Tom Scott was on Christmas University Challenge tonight and I couldn't help thinking that he's starting to look like Tony Blair.

(I also think he's somehow part of the BeeX Expanded Universe but can't yet place him in the continuity, but that's another story)

I met him randomly at Diggerland Yorkshire, if that counts
I know people called Tom and Scott
He was one of the first people I watched on YouTube when he was making promo videos for Lincoln University
He looks like my friend’s ex husband.
(I also think he's somehow part of the BeeX Expanded Universe but can't yet place him in the continuity, but that's another story)[/quote]

I forgot to say yesterday but he was also on Only Connect way back when:

Watched the Mark Gatiss staffers adaptation of A Christmas Carol. It is excellent, and well worth catching on iPlayer.
Mimi wrote:
Watched the Mark Gatiss staffers adaptation of A Christmas Carol. It is excellent, and well worth catching on iPlayer.

Ooh! I was there when that was being filmed. I still might tune in - I was a way away from the stage, be nice to actually see the faces!
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