Political Banter and Debate Thread
Countdown to a flight-free UK
Kern wrote:
I could almost taste the fear from the Tory candidate whose leaflet said that she too was upset by the national news and shared our frustration but we should think locally.

Don't think my ward has been called yet.

Well, she needn't have worried, given she got 48% of the vote. Labour and Green split 24% and 28% respectively. Ah, FPTP.
Durham beergate:

Surely, if KS is found to have broken rules, he should resign, and from what he has previously said probably would. Following that logic, the PM must as well.

If KS hasn't broken rules, then there's a huge difference between the PM and KS

Neither outcome is good for the Tory party.

It seems short term thinking is leading to them shooting themselves in the foot again.
To add to the spice, KS said BJ should resign just for being investigated by the police, so if he doesn't they can roast him (as I'm sure the Corbyn fans will only be too happy to do so) over double standards.

It just helps with the flawed narrative that "they're all just as bad as each other" so "you may as well vote for us as we won't nationalise your bacon sandwiches"
Staggering, even by Johnson's standards, that he tried to spin losing hundreds of seats as a positive message to carry on what they're doing.
I'm not holding out for anything good in Queen's Speech today. Even Liz doesn't want to be associated with it so has sent a stand-in.
I'm not sure about the new guy. Don't think he's got a long term future
Does anyone else follow Joshua Rozenberg (QC, presenter of BBC's Law in Action radio/podcast show)? Very good at exposing nonsense from this government, even if given his background, he does so very carefully. Some of the gentle skewerings of Braverman and Raab are lovely. He is a bit more explicit today, on Raab's statements (do I need to say that Raab says something stupid every time he opens his mouth, so we don't need to say he has explicitly? Anyway, I have now).

Jesus Christ

https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/li ... n=sharebar

2020, Cllr Betts was critical of female sports journalists. He said: "That's women for you, long drawn out, meaningless questions about things they know little about, but that will be most things in life really...best responses would be, are we having a cup of tea luv, have you done the dishes, have you made me supper, it's past your bedtime, I think you have drunk too much. "

He added: "STFU is an excellent response but could cause problems...a simple, you look good today or flowers from the garage or some small insignificant praise about the mushy peas will keep her happy." He continued to discuss complaining to BT and Sky Sports that we "employ cleaners and cooks to commentate on men's sports."

https://twitter.com/LiamThorpECHO/statu ... 0527095808

I dropped him an email to find out which ones he considers to be "factual"

http://moderngov.sthelens.gov.uk/mgComm ... spx?ID=116
Johnson escapes further fines for partying at Number 10 whilst other attendees aren't as lucky. He'll probably claim this verifies his statements in the Commons that no parties ever took place, and how angry he was to find out about them.
https://www.itv.com/news/2022-05-23/exc ... g-lockdown

It surely feels that this was inevitable, someone was bound to have evidence, and it was bound to come to light.


Other people at the same party were fined, yet Johnson wasn't... apparently
He was able to attend 4 illegal events, legally. Nothing to see here - we have to presume it's resting on the idea that it was his home, and any of us who had roused ourselves from our slow walk to the fridge for cheese to stumble upon a party would have been treated just the same way.
The illegal events he attended legally which he said never happened and would be outraged at.

So at least we now that when Johnson gets angry he gets out the twiglets.

The fucking state of this government, and those who still sail in her.
I wonder if anything will happen. Probably not.
I think that shot of Johnson with a shot will be one we see a lot of.
I've had a long day of meetings in an actual office so haven't caught up with the news properly yet. I take it Johnson gave a statement to the House of Commons then went straight to the Palace to tender his resig - oh, it's Johnson and the Tories we're talking about, isn't it so he's done his sad puppy act and is now back on the Bollinger.

What a fucking embarrassment.
Not so much sad puppy as ‘yes, well, it was a mistake but it’s in the past now so no point going on about it’.
Good job we have a robust system of government, centuries old it is the envy of the world. We elect accountable leaders, not dictators who can basically just do whatever the fuck they like. Oh.
Yep. We don't need a general election, the people have spoken and want the government to focus on delivering Brexit. Six years in. Not long now!

I think I made a similar comment a while back. I feel like I put more effort in that time.

Still, we can't be a dictatorship, we've got a monarch delivering The Queen's Speech every so often.

What's that? Couldn't be arsed, you say? Sent The Boy?
Apparently my MP is on Peston's show tonight defending Johnson. Oh dear.
Kern wrote:
Apparently my MP is on Peston's show tonight defending Johnson. Oh dear.

Hahahhahahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahaa oh fucking hell.
£105 to fill the car up today.. I am pleased I wfh.
Crikey, what's the car and is that special grade petrol or just boggo stuff?
Big tank, expensive petrol
DavPaz wrote:
Big tank

GazChap wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Big tank


Schützengrabenvernichtungspanzerkraftwagen VIII Maus
57 litres of diesel into a 3008
GazChap wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Big tank


Take a ticket, back of the line.
krazywookie wrote:
GazChap wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Big tank


Schützengrabenvernichtungspanzerkraftwagen VIII Maus

MaliA wrote:
57 litres of diesel into a 3008

Fuck me that's expensive. It's not cheap any more out here, but yikes.
Know you’re a shitty person in a shitty party full of other shitty people who can’t help but break the ministerial code? Just change the ministerial code so that you don’t have to lose your job.
What an embarrassment. Another one for the blue passport brigade.

https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... &fs=e&s=cl
Yep, there’s absolutely no point in doing this, other than chucking out some populist nonsense to add to the distractions.

There’s minimal benefit to changing from miles, and referring to people’s height in feet and inches isn’t going anywhere but does anyone really want to bring quarts, rods and chains back?
It's pathetic nonsense to appease the base that will amount to nothing. I doubt any of the major retailers or manufactures will change their systems, and those few independent traders who insist on imperial units will likely have to still use metric weighing devices unless they want their collar felt by Trading Standards teams who would not look kindly on the use of antiquated machines they can't calibrate.

It's a bit insulting to think that people will forgive him for his epic pandemic parties by crap like this but hey, it got a headline. They'll probably drag it out again in a few months when the next Johnsonian disaster erupts.
It's great, shows how completely fucked they are that they'd announce something that has absolutely no appeal to anyone aged less than 50.
Looks like at least 15% of Tory MPs have had enough of the clown show, and the rest of them get a chance to vote their displeasure This evening!
Even if he survives he's on the way out.

And whilst his successor might/will be worse, Johnson's conduct means he cannot stay in office any longer.
Kern wrote:
Even if he survives he's on the way out.

If he survives they cant challenge him again for a year which means he'll lead them into the next election
zaphod79 wrote:
Kern wrote:
Even if he survives he's on the way out.

If he survives they cant challenge him again for a year which means he'll lead them into the next election

But they can change the rules, they almost did with May (they voted, but didn't count the votes, because she said she would step down).

He might survive the day, but if he does, a significant number of MPs will have to defend him at the general election after failing to vote him out as leader.
211 for the Scumbag; 148 against

59% - 41%

He limps on.
Kern wrote:
211 for the Scumbag; 148 against

59% - 41%

He limps on.

That’s done anything but secure his position.

The odd thing is, I feel he is totally unsuitable to be PM (and was when elected) *but* what’s happening in Ukraine is far more important than our domestic politics and on that issue he is doing a good job. If our response was affected by a leadership contest that could have long lasting consequences.
There's no reason to believe the UK contribution to the Ukraine would stop if he wasn't in charge. The government still functions. To use it like they have is disgusting.
MaliA wrote:
There's no reason to believe the UK contribution to the Ukraine would stop if he wasn't in charge. The government still functions. To use it like they have is disgusting.

Nadine Dorries thinks we are at war with Ukraine, and she could be our next PM.
https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/u ... 95144.html
Peston is speaking on ITV wearing a tie emblazoned with the skull and crossbones. Apt.
I think what’s happening in Ukraine is more urgent than domestic politic at the moment, though I think the poverty problems in this country are looking very bleak with future fuel costs come October looking, too. I don’t, however, think that our aid and support of Ukraine rests on Johnson at all. Though he’ll hold a lot of weight in the final decisions, arriving at those decisions is mostly in the power of the advisors, and those structures will be in place for the next leader, and that next leader would surely keep one of the only semi positive points of Johnson’s tenure going. Backing out of the UK’s commitments would make no sense at all.

I don’t know how I feel about last night. On the one hand I absolutely want Johnson out a soon as is possible, but in the other I want the Tories out even more, and I think the best chance we have of getting them out is by Johnson staying in, because he is too much of a narcissist to believe how much he is dragging that party down, or so much of a narcissist that he would gamble seeing his party go down in order to hold onto his own political ambition that whine longer.

Whilst I want him to go, Tory voters have short memories, and replacing him now would mean that come the next election they’d have their shiny new figurehead and would vote as if it was tabular rasa.

I think Johnson is pushing the limits of even the loyal Tory voters. Though most propensity might see such high no confidence numbers and realise their position was very weak and step down, like May did, I think Johnson will see this as confirmation of his standing and the party’s willingness to lead, not because he’s stupid, but because he’s arrogant.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Ukrainian tweet in support of the PM was a condition of receiving missile launchers, like the UK Japan deal.
It was certainly uncomfortable in its intention. To thank the people, taxpayers, government even, but it was specifically written to praise Johnson personally, timed to influence the vote/public opinion of the vote yesterday, and just felt awkward. I don’t think it was well received but many, sadly.
https://twitter.com/ShehabKhan/status/1 ... 0542003207

Fucking bullshit policy this is. Only exists because the government are twats.
The government and a massive chunk of the population.
Bet it flew anyway just so they can spin it as the first successful flight under the policy.
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