General Purpose US TV thread
Plus Will from Will & Grace is always going to be a struggle in that sort of role.

Has anyone ever gone from long running sitcom to drama successfully?
Chandler was in West Wing
DavPaz wrote:
Chandler was in West Wing

That's true, also Studio 60
Does Alan Alda in West Wing count?

Regardless, Travellers ain't no Sorkin project
Trooper wrote:
Bryan Cranston

I was trying to think of someone and you're spot on.
Watched the first season of Travelers (sic), never got into the second. They can fuck off with the misspelling too
Isn’t that just the US spelling, as it’s a US show?
Mr Russell wrote:
We loved season 1 of Travellers but when season 2 started we didn't get on with it and never carried on.

Interesting to see you say we’ve watched this as I have no memory of it at all and didn’t think I’d even heard of the show. I guess it did not make much of an impression on me.
Mimi wrote:
Isn’t that just the US spelling, as it’s a US show?
I don’t know for certain, but I’ve read somewhere that it isn’t. You and me babe, we can set the world to rights ;)
I quite enjoyed Travelers, the concept seemed neat. I did stick it out until the end - I did quite like how it got wrapped up, and it was a good thing that it didn't drag on for ages and ages (it still could have been tighter and punchier, there was still a fair bit of 'filler' in there). I hadn't read any of the summary or anything like what Kovacs posted and I think it was better for that. EDIT - actually it seemed like the last episode was a bit of a rush to tidy things up, but I did quite like how they did it.

DBSnappa wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Isn’t that just the US spelling, as it’s a US show?
I don’t know for certain, but I’ve read somewhere that it isn’t. You and me babe, we can set the world to rights ;)

Yeah i'm pretty sure it's an accepted 'Americanism' - like how they drop the second 'L' in words like fuelling and duelling. Whilst it's a bit jarring stylistically, as it's not what I'm used to, I can't help but also have a slight appreciation for the simplification and efficiency of losing a letter that really doesn't contribute much, and the loss has zero effect on the understandability of the word.
Well, I did look it up last night and all of the main online dictionaries give it as the standard US spelling, but I didn’t want to contradict Mr Snappa :D
I don’t hold opinions very tightly. And you can correct me anytime Meems ;)
Sir Taxalot wrote:
I quite enjoyed Travelers, the concept seemed neat. I did stick it out until the end - I did quite like how it got wrapped up, and it was a good thing that it didn't drag on for ages and ages (it still could have been tighter and punchier, there was still a fair bit of 'filler' in there). I hadn't read any of the summary or anything like what Kovacs posted and I think it was better for that. EDIT - actually it seemed like the last episode was a bit of a rush to tidy things up, but I did quite like how they did it.

DBSnappa wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Isn’t that just the US spelling, as it’s a US show?
I don’t know for certain, but I’ve read somewhere that it isn’t. You and me babe, we can set the world to rights ;)

Yeah i'm pretty sure it's an accepted 'Americanism' - like how they drop the second 'L' in words like fuelling and duelling. Whilst it's a bit jarring stylistically, as it's not what I'm used to, I can't help but also have a slight appreciation for the simplification and efficiency of losing a letter that really doesn't contribute much, and the loss has zero effect on the understandability of the word.

And then they ruin it by adding another “s” to focusing…
Cras wrote:
Plus Will from Will & Grace is always going to be a struggle in that sort of role.

Has anyone ever gone from long running sitcom to drama successfully?

There are loads! David Jason, Robbie Coltrain, Robin Williams, Hugh Laurie, Olivia Coleman, Will Smith, John Goodman, Steve Carell, Donald Glover...
I can't imagine Robbie Coltrane as a comedy actor
DavPaz wrote:
I can't imagine Robbie Coltrane as a comedy actor

"Laugh, i nearly paid my license fee"

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
He was obviously in a ton of 90's comedy , often as the hard man . hit man type character - he was a bouncer in The Young Ones for Cliffs sake

However - watch this and listen to the commentary on it :

He was a scientist in The Young Ones, too.

Was he part of a comedy duo? Maybe I'm getting that confused.
DBSnappa wrote:
And then they ruin it by adding another “s” to focusing…


Man, written language can be a funny old thing.
Grim... wrote:
He was a scientist in The Young Ones, too.

Was he part of a comedy duo? Maybe I'm getting that confused.

Wasn't he in a group? Like Big Train or something similar?

I'll check
Comic Strip Presents apparently
DBSnappa wrote:
Sir Taxalot wrote:
I quite enjoyed Travelers, the concept seemed neat. I did stick it out until the end - I did quite like how it got wrapped up, and it was a good thing that it didn't drag on for ages and ages (it still could have been tighter and punchier, there was still a fair bit of 'filler' in there). I hadn't read any of the summary or anything like what Kovacs posted and I think it was better for that. EDIT - actually it seemed like the last episode was a bit of a rush to tidy things up, but I did quite like how they did it.

DBSnappa wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Isn’t that just the US spelling, as it’s a US show?
I don’t know for certain, but I’ve read somewhere that it isn’t. You and me babe, we can set the world to rights ;)

Yeah i'm pretty sure it's an accepted 'Americanism' - like how they drop the second 'L' in words like fuelling and duelling. Whilst it's a bit jarring stylistically, as it's not what I'm used to, I can't help but also have a slight appreciation for the simplification and efficiency of losing a letter that really doesn't contribute much, and the loss has zero effect on the understandability of the word.

And then they ruin it by adding another “s” to focusing…

Pretty sure that’s the occasional British/Canadian (etc) spelling rather than the U.S. spelling
Who knows. As ever, I’ll stop noticing eventually ;)
The Afterparty; a murder at an afterparty that follows a school reunion. Start with that, then each episode is one character telling, unreliably, their story. I think it might end up as a brilliant idea - the unreliable narrator means they can introduce different genres as each person imagines themselves the hero of the story - that doesn't quite work all the time, but episode 3 is an absolute doozy.
We started watching Severance the other day. We were both really enjoying it until we realised that there were only two episodes available and it’s being released one episode a week, like TV used to be before we all lost our ability to remember anything for more than 24 hours. I partly joke but o have actual memory issues and can’t watch things weekly and follow along, so I’m a bit disappointed as it was shaping up to be excellent. Hopefully we’ll remember to pick it up once the whole series is available.
Peacemaker is fucking fantastic.

Probably actually better than the Suicide Squad movie it was spun-off from, which I also liked.

Excellently cast, and Freddie Stroma as Vigilante is incredible (especially as I last saw him in Bridgerton and Harry Potter, neither of which featured him as a weirdly likeable psychopath idiot).
Curiosity wrote:
Peacemaker is fucking fantastic.

Probably actually better than the Suicide Squad movie it was spun-off from, which I also liked.

Excellently cast, and Freddie Stroma as Vigilante is incredible (especially as I last saw him in Bridgerton and Harry Potter, neither of which featured him as a weirdly likeable psychopath idiot).

All of this.
Just finished tve second series of SPACE FORCE. God, it’s so so good. It just makes my happy. I’m glad they’ve rounded out Fuck Tony’s character a little, but it’s just great. Well, except it’s only seven episodes and I might cry.
Curiosity wrote:
Peacemaker is fucking fantastic.

Probably actually better than the Suicide Squad movie it was spun-off from, which I also liked.

Excellently cast, and Freddie Stroma as Vigilante is incredible (especially as I last saw him in Bridgerton and Harry Potter, neither of which featured him as a weirdly likeable psychopath idiot).

I am half way thought through the season. It is wonderful.

I love the dance in the opening credits.
Watching expanse season 5. That is one stonker of a suplex by your boy Amos.
Season 2 of Star Trek Picard has started, and is infinitely better than Discovery after about 15 minutes.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Season 2 of Star Trek Picard has started, and is infinitely better than Discovery after about 15 minutes.

I have no idea what you mean. I'm not sure anyone told anyone else how they were feeling. Not at all!
Peacekeeper is bloody brilliant. Just finished the show. I hope they do a second season. ... 0980097024

Grim... wrote:

Awesome.. It was comedy gold
Big thumbs up for Dopesick (on Disney+, maybe elsewhere too?). Dramatisation of the Sackler Corporation’s (mis)handling of the opioid addiction that followed the launch and pushing of their ‘non-addictive’ opioid drug Oxycontin.

Some great performances from everyone. There’s barely anything other than an excellent performance. Michael Keaton is the biggest name that I recognise, and his character’s story arc ties the whole story together.

My brother is also reading a book called Empire Of Pain, on the same events, and said that’s worth reading also.
Mimi wrote:
Big thumbs up for Dopesick (on Disney+, maybe elsewhere too?). Dramatisation of the Sackler Corporation’s (mis)handling of the opioid addiction that followed the launch and pushing of their ‘non-addictive’ opioid drug Oxycontin.

Some great performances from everyone. There’s barely anything other than an excellent performance. Michael Keaton is the biggest name that I recognise, and his character’s story arc ties the whole story together.

My brother is also reading a book called Empire Of Pain, on the same events, and said that’s worth reading also.

It is on my list to watch... I will look at it this week. I am still on Season 2 of The Travellers (how ever it is spelt).
Peacemaker was utterly brilliant.

Witty, dark, ace bloody violent action, great characters and direction. The soundtrack was cool AF too. Who knew that John Cena could act his chops off too.

Plus Eagley has got to be the best CG animal I’ve seen in any media ever.
Manifest is a reasonable distraction of an evening, although Lady T keeps pointing out how uneven Cop Boyfriend's beard has been trimmed.

It's got a slight hint of an X-files vibe, although far less memorable.
Mimi wrote:
We started watching Severance the other day.

I've started this and it is absolutely brilliant. It's original and fantastic. I have no idea what is going to happen and how things are going to unravel, I wish all the episodes were released already.
nickachu wrote:
Mimi wrote:
We started watching Severance the other day.

I've started this and it is absolutely brilliant. It's original and fantastic. I have no idea what is going to happen and how things are going to unravel, I wish all the episodes were released already.

Me too. We watched the first and it was amazing, but I really want to watch the episodes closer together than once a week so we’re going to watch it after they’ve all aired.
I finished Severance last night, and concur that it was ace, though I really wanted there to be one more episode (and apparently they considered it but decided to leave it where they did).
Mimi wrote:
Big thumbs up for Dopesick (on Disney+, maybe elsewhere too?). Dramatisation of the Sackler Corporation’s (mis)handling of the opioid addiction that followed the launch and pushing of their ‘non-addictive’ opioid drug Oxycontin.

Some great performances from everyone. There’s barely anything other than an excellent performance. Michael Keaton is the biggest name that I recognise, and his character’s story arc ties the whole story together.

My brother is also reading a book called Empire Of Pain, on the same events, and said that’s worth reading also.

If you like Dopesick you’ll probably like The Dropout. Similar dramatisation of true events over a medical scandal and fraud. Stellar cast, only let down slightly by the casting of Stephen Fry, who whilst not playing Stephen Fry is as strongly Stephen Fry as Stephen Fry has ever been. Because he is so strongly Stephen Fry in this, though, and nobody can be as much of a Stephen Fry as Stephen Fry is, you have the feeling that this one character can’t be right, and therefore you start to wonder if the other characters are right, though most commentators and critics of the show have said that the characters are very, very authentic to the real people.
Mimi wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Big thumbs up for Dopesick (on Disney+, maybe elsewhere too?). Dramatisation of the Sackler Corporation’s (mis)handling of the opioid addiction that followed the launch and pushing of their ‘non-addictive’ opioid drug Oxycontin.

Some great performances from everyone. There’s barely anything other than an excellent performance. Michael Keaton is the biggest name that I recognise, and his character’s story arc ties the whole story together.

My brother is also reading a book called Empire Of Pain, on the same events, and said that’s worth reading also.

If you like Dopesick you’ll probably like The Dropout. Similar dramatisation of true events over a medical scandal and fraud. Stellar cast, only let down slightly by the casting of Stephen Fry, who whilst not playing Stephen Fry is as strongly Stephen Fry as Stephen Fry has ever been. Because he is so strongly Stephen Fry in this, though, and nobody can be as much of a Stephen Fry as Stephen Fry is, you have the feeling that this one character can’t be right, and therefore you start to wonder if the other characters are right, though most commentators and critics of the show have said that the characters are very, very authentic to the real people.

If you really really want more, there's a podcast called the same thing (the precursor to the TV show). I'm pleased for them that they got to TV, and hear it's great, but wonder if anyone listened to all of that before the show and still enjoyed the latter - otherwise it just might be a bit too much like forced revision.
I enjoyed how Dexter New Blood was resolved, I'm glad we watched it and - even though we had a significant pause in viewing part way through - stayed with it until the end.

Looking for something new, we tried Ted Lasso - it's warm hearted and funny. I look forward to sitting down with Lady T for the next couple of episodes. I have a feeling we'll be watching through these all quite quickly.
Sir Taxalot wrote:
I enjoyed how Dexter New Blood was resolved, I'm glad we watched it and - even though we had a significant pause in viewing part way through - stayed with it until the end.

Looking for something new, we tried Ted Lasso - it's warm hearted and funny. I look forward to sitting down with Lady T for the next couple of episodes. I have a feeling we'll be watching through these all quite quickly.

Ted Lasso is amazing.
Make sure you watch Ted Lasso before Sudekis gets cancelled...
Don't know if anyone has talked about it but I watched YellowJackets recently, the first season. It's good. Girls football team survives a plane crash, things happen, nice flashing between the past and the present and the casting is good.
DavPaz wrote:
Make sure you watch Ted Lasso before Sudekis gets cancelled...

Oh no. Is he a wrong un now?
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