Mimi wrote:
Is it because the Euro semis and final are international, so the Government get to make an internal public display as a statement of how ‘well’ we are doing to show the success of the vaccine program? I guess Kendal Calling does not quite serve their purposes in that same way :(

I haven’t been paying any attention to international travel nor the Euros, but are fans from competing countries allowed to travel over to watch the matches in the U.K.?

No, the away fans so far in the UK games have consisted of people who were already resident in the country. It made for a pretty quiet atmosphere at the Czech Republic vs Croatia match played in Glasgow!
Oh, right, I see.

So, if the final is, say, France v Netherlands, would those fans be allowed to travel over with current restrictions?
Mimi wrote:
Oh, right, I see.

So, if the final is, say, France v Netherlands, would those fans be allowed to travel over with current restrictions?

There's talk of them having 'special rules' which is, again, Tory fucking bullshit. The government will cave to that because of Matt "totally fucking hopeless" Hancock and his knob mates

Link to follow. ... 2020-final

Meanwhile, officials at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) say discussions are ongoing over controversial requests from Uefa that VIPs, sponsors and broadcast partners be allowed to travel to the final without the need to quarantine.

There are similar discussions over whether, and how, to allow overseas fans into the country for the latter stages. Earlier this week, Uefa proposed that fans should be able to travel into the country in 24-hour ‘bubbles’, where fans’ movements would be restricted to “approved transport and venues only”.
Rule 1. Must bring and wear own HASMAT suite.
Sounds like a nightmare. Because fans will of course stick to pre-approved transport only. How have they got this close to the final and haven’t yet thought this through?
Mimi wrote:
Sounds like a nightmare. Because fans will of course stick to pre-approved transport only. How have they got this close to the final and haven’t yet thought this through?

Because they lack the intelligence, courage, and backbone to say "this isn't the best idea"
I’d say you’ve got a better chance of controlling risk and social distancing in a seated environment than leaving thousands to roam in a field. Just my two pence.
The festival thing, so far as I understand it, is more insurance than the seemingly-similar-to-football thing of having people standing outside enjoying themselves. Which isn't to excuse the government at all, but it's that they haven't sorted out, and presumably have for sport. Plus the sport is happening that much sooner - festivals need insurance for a few months, to cover all the things they need to pay for in the meantime, in case by August/September we're back to crapsville and they can't go ahead. Without insurance, planning becomes a crapshoot.
Satsuma wrote:
I’d say you’ve got a better chance of controlling risk and social distancing in a seated environment than leaving thousands to roam in a field. Just my two pence.

Whut. Seats enforce a lack of social distancing. Plus you have to go indoors to get in and out, to concessions, and to bathrooms. The entire of festivals is outdoors with masses of open space
Cras wrote:
Seats enforce a lack of social distancing.

Whut. It isn’t hard to think of logistics where seating does the opposite. People on every other row; facing the same direction; signage for gaps between members of the same household etc. Assuming it’s not planned on being crammed to capacity of course, but the top google search on Wembley stadium capacity says 90,000 capacity and they’re allowing 22,500 increasing to 60,000 for the final with access only allowed after a negative COVID test &/or double vaccination.

Plus you have to go indoors to get in and out, to concessions, and to bathrooms.

Masks. Still mandatory.

The entire of festivals is outdoors with masses of open space

Where people will cram towards the stages and social distancing won’t be enforced.
I've seen pics of outdoor concerts with seating spread out, or some form of marking the ground where groups can stand but still be some distance away from other groups. It's weird at first, but this is probably the way it will be for some time still.

I think the main take-home is that unclear rules, and/or a combination of inconsistent application of the rules, is very confusing and messy and leads to a lot of ill feeling and disregard. I do like football but it doesn't seem like a great idea having all these special cases.
But the whole point of the testing and the vaccinations is that you can let a whole bunch of people into a controlled area and tell them that social distancing isn't necessary. As a veteran of two whole festivals, I can tell you that apart from right down near the front of the main stage, people tend to respect your personal space anyway. Especially on day 3 when everyone smells a bit musty
MaliA wrote:
There's talk of them having 'special rules' which is, again, Tory fucking bullshit. The government will cave to that because of Matt "totally fucking hopeless" Hancock and his knob mates ... 7738848259

Honestly the aviation industry can get to fuck, they've got a massive adjustment coming and should have spent the last year getting on with it instead of whining that they still can't run thousands of flights to Spain.
Just got my first dose of Pfizer. Finally.
I note 140k people can watch car racing two weeks before Truck music festival would have been ... ilverstone
Such Tory bullshit
MaliA wrote:
I note 140k people can watch car racing two weeks before Truck music festival would have been ... ilverstone

Note that Truck can go ahead, they've just decided not to because they can't predict the impact of any unexpected restrictions.
Cras wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I note 140k people can watch car racing two weeks before Truck music festival would have been ... ilverstone

Note that Truck can go ahead, they've just decided not to because they can't predict the impact of any unexpected restrictions.

Tory bullshit, mate.
I see tens of thousands are being allowed in to watch the tennis a month before Truck festival was going to happen.
It does not make sense...
MaliA wrote:
I see tens of thousands are being allowed in to watch the tennis a month before Truck festival was going to happen.

Again, nobody's stopping Truck Festival from going ahead
I see the Cardiff half Marathon in October is postponed.
I didn't watch Johnson's speech. I'm not sure I'd have a functioning television set or any crockery left if I'd done so. I can't even find the words to sum up how utterly irresponsible it is to remove all restrictions when cases are going up. We are so close to turning the corner on this thing, but yet again we're going to abandon all our work and restart from scratch.

Enjoy the summer, because it's going to be another rough Autumn.

I used to rant on here and elsewhere about previous administrations (often, at least as far as Blair and Brown were concerned, from thinking t they could have done a lot better and gone further, and maybe not done the whole Iraq thing). I never thought I'd see an administration that is utterly incapable of actually carry out one of the most fundamental aspect of governing, that of actually protecting the people it serves, but instead seems to be acting like the friendly neighbourhood arsonist who doesn't think the fire is big enough yet.

And relax...
Giphy "relaxing bears":

We're fucked. I'm sober. This is not good.
I agree totally. Here's some anecdotal info that might make you despair but also, I suppose, means that things might not be quite so bad, because they're already bad.

I just spent 8 days in NI. Stayed in two places, and in neither one did anyone (other than passing English tourists) wear a mask. I quite forgot myself at the second, and said hello with a handshake. It felt lovely but - oh dear lord. The lady who I talked to while nearly meeting Edwin Poots reckoned that the North coast was like that even in May last year. She did, at least, suggest that Lisburn and Belfast were different. Went to a pub, just the once, and mask wearing was in full-on slack mode - one family came in without.

The supermarkets really are our last hope; almost everyone complied there. If they were to continue to insist, it'll keep mask wearing normalised.

On a selfish level, it was good for me, because it crossed another bridge in acclimatising myself to people without worrying. But it did feel like I'd stepped through a portal to another reality.
Separately, I thought Jenrick was very telling, in his attitude to cladding, payments for repairs etc. He seemed to essentially agree with everything the house/flat/lease holders wanted, while also shrugging his shoulders and saying "it's tough, life, isn't it? I'm right with you. Just wish someone could do something". That is their libertarian tribute-act attitude.
It feels utterly bizarre that for the next two weeks we still need all these measures in place while infection rates increase, at which point we can just do whatever the hell we want.
It seems crazy that next week I won’t be able to go to my son’s first ever sports day*, because of Covid, but I’d be able to go to a nightclub surrounded by sweaty drunk people in a dank dark box of doom.

* Not that I disagree with the decision. There is a requirement for all parents to wear face coverings when in school property, but 50% do, and of that 50% about a third wear them on their chins or pushed up into their hairline like a headband. I think a good compromise would be t say that attendance would only be allowed for one parent per pupil, compulsory masks, and you’d be asked to leave if you take it off.
I just watched a clip of Chris Witty seeming to say "we're fucked so we may as well have a nice summer."

Still, between Brexit and this our next Paris Accord report will look *great*.
Mimi wrote:
It seems crazy that next week I won’t be able to go to my son’s first ever sports day*, because of Covid, but I’d be able to go to a nightclub surrounded by sweaty drunk people in a dank dark box of doom.

I misread that as 'dark box of boom' and thought that it would be a really cool name for a club.
Hi folks, I’ve just had some Covid-based text spam, and I can’t work out its intentions.

The line ‘we know you may not want it at this time but need your help keeping things up to date’ just seemed really suss.

The last bit, about not phoning your GP if you’ve texted back ‘book’ made me think it was an anti-vax org trying to disrupt booking, but I’m not sure. I suppose most are booked online or walk-ins, now?

Is it literally just trying to get people to text something (anything?) back. Does that somehow then cost the person a lot of money? I’m just really confused as to what the sun/intention is?
I've had the same message and it's from the same number I've had legitimate messages from.

Like most other texts I get these days, I'll ignore it.
I suspect that if you reply you will get a call, and they will just need to take your personal details to get you booked in, name, address, mother's maiden name, stuff like that. Oh, and a credit card payment, to ensure you skip the queues, etc...
Ohhhhh… that makes sense.

I couldn’t work out how they were going to get money out of people, or it was a weird psychological trick to get people not to get the vaccine.
My daughter's school sends emails when someone catches covid. I've just counted, they've sent 13 since September. 6 of them in July! I find it absolutely insane that they are relaxing everything in a few days.
Ah well, what it is, right, is that while letting it rip through the populace like a normal flu was wrong for the last year, now that half have had both jabs it's right.

Coincidentally the group vaccinated are more typically Tory voters who now may also think "Boris saved me from covid!"

But also all the vaccinations start to drive it into pockets which will increase selection pressure and the chance of something nastier, I guess.
BikNorton wrote:
Ah well, what it is, right, is that while letting it rip through the populace like a normal flu was wrong for the last year, now that half have had both jabs it's right.

Coincidentally the group vaccinated are more typically Tory voters who now may also think "Boris saved me from covid!"

But also all the vaccinations start to drive it into pockets which will increase selection pressure and the chance of something nastier, I guess.

Yep, I made that connection this morning. The people at risk now are those that don't vote conservative. And Boris is hanging them out to die dry.
That is a very good point..
BikNorton wrote:

Coincidentally the group vaccinated are more typically Tory voters ...........


I'm not saying that's not true, but is there reliable data to support that?
That Tory voters are far more likely to be old? Yes, loads: ... l-election
Or do you mean that older people had access to vaccines long before younger people, in which case, yes, vaccination by age group was the entire process from start to finish. My brother (27) booked his jabs the very day they were open to him and doesn’t get his second dose until September.
No, what I meant was, is there any reliable data that Tory voters, regardless of age, were vaccinated BECAUSE they were Tory voters? I must admit, I wasn't aware that as people get older, more of them vote Tory.

I would consider voting Tory if I thought that the party wasn't made up mostly of people who have little compassion for anyone struggling to keep a roof over their heads or put food in the table, are frequently incompetent and award lucrative public contracts to their friends and family in a time of pandemic.
Warhead wrote:
No, what I meant was, is there any reliable data that Tory voters, regardless of age, were vaccinated BECAUSE they were Tory voters?

Oh, I don’t think anyone was suggesting that. Or at least,m I didn’t read it that way.

I think what was meant was that older people are, in general, Tory voters. Now that the older (Tory voting) population are fully jabbed, Johnson has protected his fanbase whilst younger people are still vulnerable to being infected. That way he protects his voter base and gets the younger population moving to spend money and work the jobs that do come with the transmission risk.

I may be wrong, but that’s the way I’d read it.
I kind of did, but with tongue in cheek. Several facts sometimes only add up to coincidence. Never attribute to malice that which etc
Now double-Pfizered.
Kern wrote:
Now double-Pfizered.

Yay, good stuff! When the minty-fresh protective barrier comes fully into effect a couple of weeks from now, we'll have to meet for some pints!
I've managed to get an earlier appointment, so will be part of the DoublePfizer club this afternoon. I'm very glad of it, I know as many people who have come down with it or have to self-isolate in the last month as in the previous year.
My son has to isolate, as they school has an all year sports day... 1 kid tested positive. all kids are isolating.

What a pain..
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