What have you bought?
Don’t say it, display it
We had ours out on the boating lake the other day. Directional stability is not the best I find even with the fin thing, especially in a breeze.
markg wrote:
We had ours out on the boating lake the other day. Directional stability is not the best I find even with the fin thing, especially in a breeze.

It does lack a little. Also, when the waves came it was really weird to feel and watch them roll under the boat
Yeah I remember that from the wake from the steamers on Derwentwater. Do keep looking at proper ones but realistically there's no way it would get used enough. It would look decent on top of the campervan, though.
I like that.. it is lovley
yep, beautiful cock.
The outside dunny was a miserable place, so I thought I'd brighten it up by using it to store the 1.something cubes of firewood I bought off some fella on the sinister facebook local buy-n-sell group.
I assume you've never used that outside dunny for fear of having your arse or tallywhacker bitten by one of the native eight-legged beasties?
That's one of the reasons I'm not keen to use that toilet, yes.

It actually looks a bit better in the photo than it does in real life. I must have amazing toilet photography skills or something.
I mean the best way to keep away spiders is pile a lovely big pile of logs in there, right? Right?
This is your solution
Shitting with your undies on?
markg wrote:
Shitting with your undies on?

Thank goodnes...
markg wrote:
Shitting with your undies on?

50p a look, £5 a go
You're a man after my own heart Mali.
Why are you all like this?
Turbo cider for MaliA, not too sure about TheVision.
I am not sure I am should be disturbed or aroused. perhaps a bit of both..
Zardoz wrote:
Turbo cider for MaliA, not too sure about TheVision.

Reckon it's all those pies
He’s spending more than a penny there.
I’d say it’s at least a tuppence.
The fuck is wrong with y'all? Why would you have a photo taken while you're on the bog?!
Grim... wrote:
The fuck is wrong with y'all?

it is a very very very long list :DD
I think you sailed past the joke there, this forum is not short of photos of Grim... on the bog
Beex calendar 2022

"What a shitty year"
He shits us not ......... actually, he does.
Mimi wrote:
Why are you all like this?

Toilet humour.
A GeForce RTX 3060, to replace my aging GTX 980.

Obviously, it's arrived only to work out that it won't fit in my fucking tower case - and the things that are in the way are not removable (short of hacking away at it with a saw, that is) so, new case it is.
I bought a little cover for my Switch controller thumbstick because D destroyed the proper one that was on it. I couldn’t find one that looked like the original, so I had to get one that looked like a slice of lemon. It’s supposed to go over the top of the thumbstick on the Joycons, but for
the controller I had.
So, Lady T may be wondering who it is that she got married to
Personalized sports merch:
What does the 'V' symbol between 4k120FPS and 1TB SSD mean?
One item to upgrade, and two items (actually one of those pieces - the spring - isn't in the picture) to replace broken parts on my mower.

Actually that's the old belt in the pic too, it got a bit chewed up.
Sir Taxalot wrote:
Picture of axe type things

The 'Supersplitter' is really satisfying to use. THWACK.

Picture for illustration purposes only (I used eye protection, and shoes, when I was doing it for realsies but I did let Boy have a little go too - we did it together and extremely carefully)
Took his shoes clean off!
Sir Taxalot wrote:
So, Lady T may be wondering who it is that she got married to

A Swaztikaxe maker.
I just bought another 12.6kg box of suet pellets for 't birds.

I've given up on meal worms, can't get budget boxes or even big buckets anywhere, and the little bags last no time at all and are horribly expensive. The birds don't seem to care anyway, they're swaffilng the pellets all day long.
I got 500g for £5 from Wilko, which doesn’t sound a great deal but as you know they are incredibly light, so actually go a long way.

But I did see this: 5l volume for £13 sounds very cheap to me. There’s £2.99 postage, so would be £16 for 5l, but I think that still sounds very reasonable. I’ve not used them myself but I’d be tempted at that price.

Edit: it’s free shipping over £25, so for an extra £10 you could get two tubs, 10l.

https://www.chubbymealworms.co.uk/produ ... -mealworms
I'd got very used to my Logitech Master at home.

Now i'm back in the office.

That first fast-scroll mouse-wheel spin you try and go for on a normal mouse is quite brutally anti-climactic. Like running into a plate glass window.
Findus Fop wrote:
I'd got very used to my Logitech Master at home.

Now i'm back in the office.

That first fast-scroll mouse-wheel spin you try and go for on a normal mouse is quite brutally anti-climactic. Like running into a plate glass window.

i got a second one for work.... then was made a home worker. That was money well spent :)
Just got the Echo ear buds on Prime Day deal
Can’t see any of these things, folks, so I am casting doubt on them even existing.
I really need to get myself one of these.. Where did you get it from?
Sir Taxalot wrote:
What does the 'V' symbol between 4k120FPS and 1TB SSD mean?

No idea.
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