Dreams and nightmares
a depository
Ice-skating laser tag bowls arguement
Malc wrote:
Ice-skating laser tag bowls arguement

Bless you
Malc wrote:
Ice-skating laser tag bowls arguement

Oh man, I love Who's Line is it Anyway?
Right, more details.

I had been a regular at my local ice-skating venue since the 90s, except this venue was more like a laser tag warehouse. It was setup in a capture the flag configuration, with three bases and instead of flags there was an area with 25 bowling pins, each 2 meters tall).

The arena was over multiple levels, with ice coated surfaces mixed in with walls, steps, slopes etc. Each contestant had a special suit with built in laser, skates and backpack. The laser had three buttons, one to fire it, one to retract/deploy the blade on the skates, so you could easily traverse icy and non icy terrain. The third button controlled what was in the backpack. A bowling ball that acted like Mjolnir or the disc in Tron in that if you threw the ball, when you pressed the button it would return to you.

The basic premise of the game was that you would shoot people, this would charge up your ball, which you would then use to knock over the pins. The team with the most pins standing at the end of a game wins.

So, this was a massive fad in the 90s, really popular, but now had declined, so that only a dedicated hardcore still went, but it had become more of a social thing, people went to hang out and chill, catch up with each other, and certain rooms had been setup with unofficial side games where quirks of the game had been exploited so that if rival teams cooperated then you could build things with the balls. (Unfortunately I can't remember what).

Recently a newer faction had started coming to the venue, playing the game like the old style, not respecting the unwritten rules. I had a confrontation with two of them, complained to the admin about them, but they couldn't do anything because the rules were unofficial. So I found a spot a knew about where I couldn't be shot, but could easily shoot into their base, and just kept on shooting the two players, effectively ruining the game for them and their team.

They complained about me, and it was initially upheld as I was targeting them it was seen as bullying, so I was suspended, so I appealed and in an open room confronted them. They wouldn't see Spence, so I decided to leave, thinking it was late, I realised it was actually 7:15 in the morning. Panicking I went to claim my shoes but someone had stollen them and I had to walk home in my socks.
DavPaz wrote:
Malc wrote:
Ice-skating laser tag bowls arguement

Oh man, I love Who's Line is it Anyway?

Me too! The American version is still going and is really good.
The UK version is still going, but only in theatres, and only occasionally.

https://www.seetickets.com/tour/whose-l ... it-anyway-
Last night I dreamed I was at my old school and as I arrived to the school there was a lot of hubbub and a man was in chains and cuffs and being forcably removed from the premises. The last of the children were leaving for the day as it was home time. As the guards passed the guy was hollering and they said it was lucky they caught him as god knows what he might have done.

Later I was walking in the corridor adjacent to the main hall when an almighty roar started out. It was not human. I rushed to look through the hall window and saw the back of the man who had previously been led away a prisoner. He had escaped! There were dead teachers in the hall. As he turned to me his face was now that of a warewolf.

I started to run, but the door at the end of the corridor was locked. I tried to turn back but the warewolf had emerged at the end of the corridor and I was trapped between him and the locked door as he advanced and I woke up.

Real life: Yesterday at the hospital there were patients in handcuffs and long chains, each chained to a guard. That evening, at the supermarket, as we arrived there was a big hubbub inside, bear the entrance. A big crowd of staff and customers were standing around whilst ‘Simon’ was being escorted off the premises. ‘That’s disgusting, Simon, you can’t do that. I can’t believe he did that. Get out of here Simon. What a disgrace you are!’. Simon was a staff member. Before bed my BFF when I was 4-11 dropped me a line asking if we could reminisce about our school before she moved to the US.
I don't use "hubbub" nearly enough.
Simon couldn't keep his hands off the melons
When your friend moves to the US are they not allowed to remember their previous life?
DavPaz wrote:
Simon couldn't keep his hands off the melons

Or picking his hooter before handling someone's muffins.
Dimrill wrote:
When your friend moves to the US are they not allowed to remember their previous life?

Haha. I meant she moved to the US when she was 11, and she asked if we could reminisce about our school day’s before she had moved out there.
Warhead wrote:
I don't use "hubbub" nearly enough.

I’ve never really considered it before, but hubbub is a good word.
Last night's dream was like a bad 'Tales of the unexpected' episode.

My brother and I were playing on some games console, but rather than being hooked up to a TV, you watched the action take place within the console itself. At one point in the game, a little man is chasing another until one of them falls down a small hole. We figure that's the end of the game and we then see that one of the screws of the console is being unscrewed from the inside and the little man is trying to get out. We block the panel of the console from being unscrewed until we can grab a cup, at which point we let the man continue his way out of the console and let him drop into the cup.

Thinking it's some elaborate hacking/virus spreading thing, we set the cup down and go to look back at the console. When we return to the cup, the man was gone... and then I woke up.

At this point in the episode, it would be revealed that I was dead and the little man typed this.

(I should probably ease off playing Binding of Isaac...)
devilman wrote:
Last night's dream was like a bad 'Tales of the unexpected' episode.

My brother and I were playing on some games console, but rather than being hooked up to a TV, you watched the action take place within the console itself.

And that day Devilman did invent The Gameboy.
Coronavirus: Oxford professor on sleep during lockdown.

Dunno about you, but I've been having some dreams with Coronavirus elements over the last few weeks.

Weird and vivid one last night: I'd gone to Asda after work to buy a few things we'd been unable to get on our last delivery. I walked the whole store, following the arrows on the floor, and didn't see anything we needed by the time I'd got to the exit. Then I remembered I hadn't looked for Jordan's oats, so I turned around to go back but a member of staff grabbed my wrist and said I'd have to go around the store again from the start.

The oddest thing about this was that I was aware of her actual grip on my wrist. I've never had a feeling of physical contact like that in a dream before.

Anyroadup, I went out of the store and was aware that Martin Clunes was walking along beside me, wearing a black coat. He struck up a conversation with me, can't remember the details, but he got closer and c!oser and then tried to kiss me. I pulled away and said he wasn't maintaining the 2m distancing, and I became aware of two gay guys behind us who said something like "We can see what's going on here, we'll leave you in peace."

I just walked away.

I’ve just woken from a dream where we were having a party at our flat. We and our guests had been virus tested and it was the first time we’d seen anyone since March 4th. They must have stayed over as it was morning, and everyone was asking for McMuffins, but we weren’t sure it was safe or if the drive through was open. At least one person from on here was there.

People were slowly disbanding, when Russell said that he was going off with some friend (I think it was Winston from 13 Reasons Why), in his car to his house. The virus had made the world a desolate wasteland outside, so I was upset, because how was he going to get home? On the plague bus? He shrugged and shh’d me so Winston didn’t hear, and left. Then my Nan, who I’d not noticed until then, fainted. I tried to fix her. Time jumped forwards, everyone had left. Russell returned. He was drunk and stupid. He grabbed Darwin and spun him around, kissed him over. He was covered in cigarette butts and old wrappers, like he’d been in an actual gutter, and he was now smothering our little boy. I pulled him away, got upset and sent him to shower.

He sobered up and returned. My Ma was there, and nan, Russell and Darwin. I said I couldn’t take it any more and was going for a walk.

I got my mask on, and went.

I walked through the arboretum. It was empty as most people had died. The bowling green had gone because nobody used it as elderly people were the only ones that ever bowled, and they’d replaced it with play equipment, as the young had been the ones who had survived. It was empty, though. The play equipment was also absolutely huge, to the point that it was scary.

I passed by someone slumped at the foot of a tree, face eaten away, and couldn’t tell if they were dead or dying. They groaned. It was a horrible think to hear.

I hurried on through the park and ended up in the high street of a seaside. I’m not sure which, but I think it was Brighton. It was bright sunshine and REALLY busy. I was panicked because of being stuck shoulder to shoulder with so many people. I put my head down and tried to get through.

Eventually I came to the train station, or so I thought. It was tiny. Like the corridor alongside the little compartments of an old fashioned train carriage, all beautiful dark wood, all warm and homely, but there was a woman in front of me coughing. I got to the ticket window and a absolutely lovely young person explained no, I was two miles away from the ticket station I was looking for, I was just at a local railway. I said ok, thank you, I could walk, I must have got lost. We both giggled, and I left the station.

Outside it was now black. Darker than any night. I could not see 4 inches in font of mr, but could just about sometimes make out the faintest glow behind the inky black clouds. Suddenly there was a flash and the whole world went white. I was knocked flat off my feet and into my back, but didn’t land. I was just hovering there. Couldn’t feel my body or where I was in space. There was no sound. I was waiting for the thunder, but it never came. I was waiting for the thud as I hit the ground, but I never did. I wasn’t falling, just suspended. Then I realised that I must have been hit by lightning and was going to have to realise that I’d died. And I woke up trying to come to terms with that.
Don't worry Meems, it was only a dream.

Mimi wrote:
He was drunk and stupid.

Apart from that bit :P
Dimrill wrote:
Don't worry Meems, it was only a dream.

Mimi wrote:
He was drunk and stupid.

Apart from that bit :P

Fixed it for actual :P
I’ve had a lot of messed up dreams. My meds don’t help, but I know a lot of people have been having vivid dreams since lockdown. This one was just SO MUCH, though, and a really complex thing to wake up from as I realised I was still here. I’ve had a few dreams where I wake up ‘knowing’ I’m dead, and it is really difficult to try and realise where you are as you come around. I find myself not knowing what to believe for a good while whilst I find myself.
Mimi wrote:
I’ve had a lot of messed up dreams. My meds don’t help, but I know a lot of people have been having vivid dreams since lockdown. This one was just SO MUCH, though, and a really complex thing to wake up from as I realised I was still here. I’ve had a few dreams where I wake up ‘knowing’ I’m dead, and it is really difficult to try and realise where you are as you come around. I find myself not knowing what to believe for a good while whilst I find myself.

Yes. I get that after most dreams, but the ones where you realise you are dead or (rapidly) dying seem to be the ones I find it hardest to find the ‘present’ in when I wake up.
Wow, you got your money's worth on that one.

I wonder why it is that sometimes we can remember a really long and vivid dream in so much detail, while at other times I know I've had a comp!ex dream but can only remember one or two bits of it.
I find it has a lot to do with the point in the night when I am dreaming and when I wake up. This was at about 8:30, and I’d already been awake at 7 when Darwin woke up, and gone back to sleep after that, and I find that dreams I have in the morning seem to stick. Ones I have in the night, wake up from and are vivid, but then get back to sleep seem to just have little vivid moments in them by the next day and feel rather more disjointed.

I did type that as soon as I woke up, too. I had been awake only two or three minutes.
I just woke after falling asleep in the lving room, with this dream still fresh.

I was with a big group of staff with whom I used to work in the civil service. We were out of the office at a conference centre and were taking a break. I was sitting at a desk and one of my colleages said, 'It's Jaime and Vicky's anniversary, we need to buy them something, quick." There was a shop in the conference centre, so I went in to look for something and all I could find that was remotely suitable were some books. I hastily chose two and went back to the desk to write a message inside each one. Everyone was telling me to hurry up as we didn't have much time left, but I was struggling to find the right words. Just then, totally involunterily, I let out an enormously loud arse burnng, paint stripping fart and immediately said, "Ohh, I'm terribly sorry," and kept my head down, working on the books. I could tell that a lot of people were stiffling laughter, which just embarrassed me more, and I was making a mess of writing the greetings, crossing out and rewriting the one in Jaime's book, then gave up and tried to do the one in Vicky's, but then I realised it was a terribly cheap and cheesy romance that was completely unsuitable for her, even the paper was cheap and nasty, ripping as I tried to write in it. One of my colleagues said he wanted to have a look, and I was trying to say we'd have to get them something else as I'd made a mess of both books and didn't want anyone to see what I'd done.

Then I woke up.
Last night I had a dream where I was staying in some kind of B&B/higher end youth hostel with the family. Just getting ready for breakfast when @nervousPete phoned me. It was difficult to hear because of the general noise, but he had a *really* strong Welsh accent I’d never noticed before. He was just phoning to say hi, asking how D was getting on, etc. Nothing much more happened, but it was sweet :)
A Godzilla-type monster who stalked the railway network eating train drivers. I woke up before I could learn if this entitled you to a delay-repay refund.
Sounds like a Chewits advert.
Mimi wrote:
Last night I dreamed I was at my old school and as I arrived to the school there was a lot of hubbub and a man was in chains and cuffs and being forcably removed from the premises. The last of the children were leaving for the day as it was home time. As the guards passed the guy was hollering and they said it was lucky they caught him as god knows what he might have done.

Later I was walking in the corridor adjacent to the main hall when an almighty roar started out. It was not human. I rushed to look through the hall window and saw the back of the man who had previously been led away a prisoner. He had escaped! There were dead teachers in the hall. As he turned to me his face was now that of a warewolf.

I started to run, but the door at the end of the corridor was locked. I tried to turn back but the warewolf had emerged at the end of the corridor and I was trapped between him and the locked door as he advanced and I woke up.

Real life: Yesterday at the hospital there were patients in handcuffs and long chains, each chained to a guard. That evening, at the supermarket, as we arrived there was a big hubbub inside, bear the entrance. A big crowd of staff and customers were standing around whilst ‘Simon’ was being escorted off the premises. ‘That’s disgusting, Simon, you can’t do that. I can’t believe he did that. Get out of here Simon. What a disgrace you are!’. Simon was a staff member. Before bed my BFF when I was 4-11 dropped me a line asking if we could reminisce about our school before she moved to the US.

I have prophetic dreams very often. I dream about people whom I will see on this or the next day. I always dream about teeth before illness. When money "arrives", I dream about how I play in the casino or cards. Just recently I decided to relax my brain a little bit in quarantine and came across. Never tried anything like this, I'm pleasantly surprised. :p :p :p
Edited: Removed spam link
FFS. As if we'd approve an account for "ChantellGamer" :roll:
It’s been weeks since I’ve had a dream that I’ve remembered, but last night’s was a cracker.

I seem to have been reassigned to my old job as IT Manager or I was just visiting my old IT team, this wasn’t clear in my head, but when I got there, the team were in the open air in the corner of a a city centre square. They were very cagey about what was going on. The square was a couple of hundred yards on each side and there were lots of people milling around.

I wanted to have a look in the comms room, the door to which was right next to where the team were based, but they didn’t want me to go in. I insisted and found that the room was around 12 feet square and as well as the comms cabinets, there were three or four bikes and around a dozen new and very expensive electric guitars on floor stands, all of which was taking up most of the floor space. When I asked about this they said the guitars were being stored for some heavy metal rock band members who had premises on the other side of the square and that I couldn’t report this unauthorised use of our room as “there would be trouble.”

Then two huge HGVs with trailers and Cadbury logos on the side drove into the square, but had to try to turn around and drive out again as their sat navs had brought them the wrong way. This was apparently a common occurrence. Next, a large group of African people began to gather around a container lorry in the opposite corner of the square and began climbing into it. I suspected this was people trafficking and was going to call the authorities, but my colleagues stopped me as they said our lives would be in danger if anyone found out it was us that reported them.

There was some other stuff after that, I seem to remember it being not being able to find my own bike to ride home, but this bit got a bit hazy.
I caused the whole set of Eastenders to burn down. I can’t remember how I did it, but it was something to do with my job that I thought had started a small fire which spread very quickly until the whole set was ablaze. In one way, I was secretly pleased because I dislike the programme as I find it terribly depressing. I don’t actively watch it, but Lyn does, and I’m often in the room when it’s on. But I was terrified about the consequences, e.g. whether I’d lose my job and be prosecuted. But then I learned that there were already plans to rebuild the whole set before the fire, so I felt a huge sense of relief.
Snogged Priti Patel. Didn't want to, felt a bit sick but still enjoyed it.

Glad to be awake, now.
Warhead wrote:
JUST a snog? :hat:

Consent very important in this circumstance.
JBR wrote:
Snogged Priti Patel. Didn't want to, felt a bit sick but still enjoyed it.

Glad to be awake, now.

... When you think you've gone to the bits and bobs thread.
Peter Cook, Dudley Moore and Terry Jones in a film about tramps (old style ones wearing raggidy suits) who found some money, bought a car and tried to find where Peter Cook's one used to live with his wife before he lost his mind. Classic road trip film travelling the UK. They find the house but he finds that she's become all old and has dementia so can't remember him. So they all start racing this car on a nearby beach. Oh, and they'd all shit themselves.
Sounds like that Mitchell and Webb sketch
Been having crazy vivid dreams lately. Snippets came back to me just before, I was out for a works do drink and curry in London/Preston (but neither) and while waiting in a packed crowd outside the curry house I had mine brought out to me and dished into a cleaned cast iron wall mounted ash tray / horse feeder type thing. The food was lovely but I thought it was odd eating from it and on my own when everyone else was hungry. A waiter popped out of the door and apologised that no one else would be able to get in so I kindly offered the last 'layer' of my feeding pot. Roast potatoes. Then I spotted Grim... walking by with The Internets Famous Dr Richard Gaywood and shuffled through to meet them. Next 'scene' was me remarking to Grim... in his kitchen how slim he looked as he scooped his fingers into a large bag of amphetamines. And awake...
Just watched a trailer for a Blues Brothers sequel. Bob Odenkirk and Paul Rudd were playing the brothers. It was surprisingly good in my dream!
I'd watch anything with either of those two in it.

Even the Blues Brothers musical.
I'd happily watch a musical version of the blues brothers film, when they make one.
They should do a comedy version of it.
I was with a group of maybe 50 people, I think they were colleagues. We were walking together to a TV studio to record a programme about something that we were all working on, some kind of government project, i think. I thought it was somewhere in Yorkshire, but not anywhere I recognised.

We arrived in a large reception area and were all milling around, waiting to go to the actual studio. Some studio staff were briefing some of us and a wardrobe guy told me I’d need to change what I was wearing and that I should get undressed, which I did. I don’t remember getting dressed again, but I went outside and saw a colleague that I knew, carrying a huge bag that he said we needed, and asked if would carry it.

At that point a Smart car was approaching along the road and swerved onto the pavement to get past another car that had stopped. The driver seemed angry that this car was blocking his way, but he hadn’t seen that there were bollards on the pavement and drove straight into one. He tried to look as though he meant to park there, didn’t even get out to look at the damage, and I tried not to make eye contact with him as I didn’t want him to feel any more embarrassed.

My group all began to move through the studio complex to the place we were to record our programme, but I got a lift on a little studio buggy. It was taking ages to get there, and seemed to be going past what looked like a lot of abandoned and derelict warehouses. For some reason I wanted to go back and walk with my colleagues, so set off to walk back to them, but got hopelessly lost and was struggling to carry the big bag I’d been given. I was getting worried because I knew I had a presentation to make during the programme, but hadn’t seen the script or even knew the subject.

I seemed to be out on the streets of a very old part of town, with lots of quaint and tiny terraced cottages and shops, and came upon a woman with a couple of small children. I was going to ask her if she knew where the TV studio was when I realised that the big bag was almost empty now. It was so big that it had been dragging along the ground and had worn a hole in the bottom and most of the contents, which I now saw were sandwiches, had fallen out as I’d dragged it along. So now I was not only late and lost, with no idea what my presentation was about, but had also lost everyone’s packed lunches, but I just thought, “Hard luck, missing a packed lunch won’t kill them.”

I think the wardrobe bit was triggered by Johnny Vegas on “9 out of 10 cats do Countdown” last night, when he complained that wardrobe had given him a green jumper with sleeves longer than those on the jacket he was wearing.
I had a dream last night where I was on a school trip and missed the coach, and had to be taken with a load of other kids by car. When we arrived at the theme park my friends that had been on the coach had already disappeared off, and the people I was with sort of disappeared off in a group, and I was standing around feeling pretty sad. My class were in their teens, but the other school groups at the park all seemed to be between 8-11. Then I saw Craster and about five others from the forum and they invited me to join their group, so I did, and asked me what ride I was yes to go on. We were standing next to a ghost train, so I said that. We were queueing behind all of the eight year olds and Grim said he’d shared my ride car. Then he went to get his sunglasses and I was scared the ride would set off without him as honestly, I wasn’t a big fan of haunted houses/ghost trains. He got back in time, and it started, and I was really jumpy and petty much hated it, but I think he sensed that as when a ghost jumped out and scared me and got right in my face he bellowed “BACK OFF” at it, which it duly did. :D
I had a dream where I went for a haircut but had decided to go to a fancy place instead of just the barbers. They asked me what I wanted and I said I wasn't sure and what did they reckon. They said that they have three haircuts and made me a coffee and told me to sit down on a sofa and watch a forty minute video presentation that shows them.

There were terrible young people in the film smiling a lot, riding around on electric scooters, having picnics on the beach, that sort of thing. But the haircut they said that I should go for was shaved at the sides and then had a sort of curly fringe that stuck up impossibly into the air, about a foot long. I just remembered thinking that I'd made a mistake, not wanting to be there any more and then thankfully woke up.
:DD That’s amazing.
Get it done. That's a premonition.
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