Dungeons and Dragons
sdg! Re magic weapons / armour etc. can they be further upgraded by specialist Smiths / Wizards?

Like in Dark Souls and that.
sdg wrote:
Squirt wrote:
I'd like to nominate for this week's Zardoodle the touching moment where we all sat around in the Northshield tavern, sharing a sad story over the good brandy and Myptic couldn't speak

I totally missed what happened, all of a sudden there was a quiet wizard!

He rolled a one against my suggestion spell that he shut the hell up.

At the time, I was just doing it to save Ivo when they went to sleep, unaware that we were going to do a lot of talking before bed.
Zardoz wrote:
sdg! Re magic weapons / armour etc. can they be further upgraded by specialist Smiths / Wizards?

Like in Dark Souls and that.

They can, but it's very expensive and very time consuming so you'd probably need to leave it with the enchanter for a period of time and collect it at a later date.
We have all the time in the world AND we know a burglar now!
I bestow my spare crowbar to Schuu. Unless a wizard knocks it out of my hand.
Is it made out of crows?
Omg, I just read a trending post in a DMs group in Reddit about a DM who had a player who opened up google mid game to google something that had come up and accidently spoiled the whole campaign for themselves :facepalm:

Not that I think any of you would do that, but I'm sure that player wasn't thinking about unintended consequences when they did it so I'm going to say it just to be safe...please don't google any aspect of the campaign or setting :DD If there's something you want to know, ask me and I'll either tell you, or I'll give you a check in game to see if you know.

If something comes up that I think your character might know, I might PM you with information. In that spirit, here's a wee lore drop as requested by @Dimrill last game RE: dragons.

In 5e, dragons are indeed intelligent beings who can communicate with other races and often speak Common as one of their languages. There are two types of dragons, metallic and chromatic. The metallic dragons are good aligned and chromatic dragons are evil aligned, although there are shades within that - Metallic dragons might consider themselves above other races and not bother helping if they're in trouble (or not even notice!) and chromatic dragons have been known to work with other races to further their own causes, or to have accrued followers who serve them. In the Sword Coast, there might even be dragons who have been part of famous battles or who have been known to terrorize certain areas so as you explore, local legends might reveal some of that to you.
I only ever look at Druid spells and woodland creature challenge ratings :D

Kinda obvious to me that if you looked up stuff about a campaign you'd find out things about the campaign, and I hate spoilers anyway.
I knew a little bit about the "Lost Mine of Phiddlededee" campaign before we started, from having read general D&D stuff on the web - people talk about the events we coverered in our first few sessions A LOT it seems. I don't even know what this new bit is called, so I'm pretty safe from conscious spoilers at least. I'm going to assume it's called something like "Giants a-Poppin'" or "There might be Giants" or "Barrels, Bones & Blackmailers: Thrilling Adventures in Triboar"
I played a few hours of the adventure you are on, my abiding memory is us finding the cart and dead horse on the road. Thinking nothing of it and pushing them out the way and carrying onto town, when we got there it was very much a case of "so, what now?" :D
Trooper wrote:
I played a few hours of the adventure you are on, my abiding memory is us finding the cart and dead horse on the road. Thinking nothing of it and pushing them out the way and carrying onto town, when we got there it was very much a case of "so, what now?" :D

:D :D :D. I played in a Waterdeep Heist campaign a while back, and more than once we came to a clanging halt when we either missed a clue or were just too dumb to work out what was going on. Luckily our DM was able to bump us in the right direction without being too obvious.
Zardoz wrote:
I only ever look at Druid spells and woodland creature challenge ratings :D

Kinda obvious to me that if you looked up stuff about a campaign you'd find out things about the campaign, and I hate spoilers anyway.

I think based on the post I read, the player looked up a group they'd just met without thinking and spoiled a major storyline but the DM didn't realize what was going on until it was too late because they let the player read aloud what they'd just found out! The DM must not have realized all that detail would be so easily collated in one post online or something?! Bet they were gutted when they clicked.
Squirt wrote:
I'm going to assume it's called something like "Giants a-Poppin'"

Well it is now.
Trooper wrote:
I played a few hours of the adventure you are on, my abiding memory is us finding the cart and dead horse on the road. Thinking nothing of it and pushing them out the way and carrying onto town, when we got there it was very much a case of "so, what now?" :D

It's definitely one of the most well known adventure starts in 5e because it's been so widely played. It's interesting how different each group approaches it as well!
Trooper wrote:
I played a few hours of the adventure you are on, my abiding memory is us finding the cart and dead horse on the road. Thinking nothing of it and pushing them out the way and carrying onto town, when we got there it was very much a case of "so, what now?" :D

But did you find a wizard hiding in a bush
sdg wrote:
Trooper wrote:
I played a few hours of the adventure you are on, my abiding memory is us finding the cart and dead horse on the road. Thinking nothing of it and pushing them out the way and carrying onto town, when we got there it was very much a case of "so, what now?" :D

It's definitely one of the most well known adventure starts in 5e because it's been so widely played. It's interesting how different each group approaches it as well!

By all accounts it kills a fair few parties too! If people get surprised by it and a few rolls go against them, I can see it being utter carnage.
sdg wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
I only ever look at Druid spells and woodland creature challenge ratings :D

Kinda obvious to me that if you looked up stuff about a campaign you'd find out things about the campaign, and I hate spoilers anyway.

I think based on the post I read, the player looked up a group they'd just met without thinking and spoiled a major storyline but the DM didn't realize what was going on until it was too late because they let the player read aloud what they'd just found out! The DM must not have realized all that detail would be so easily collated in one post online or something?! Bet they were gutted when they clicked.

It's a good thing our notes, plans & doodling are borderline insanity or else we could be spoiling it for others! :D
Where's the fun in knowing what's coming up? I'm not even buying that Monster Manual cos I don't want to know the stats of the things we're fighting :S
Dimrill wrote:
Where's the fun in knowing what's coming up?

Exactly! So please stop telegraphing it. :)
I'm surprised you can hear me over your monologuing :P
Dimrill wrote:
I'm surprised you can hear me over your monologuing :P

If you’ve got your head in your hands it’s still prime monologue time
Rummage Inc. Detective Agency
Zardoz wrote:
Rummage Inc. Detective Agency

Giphy "applause":
CSI: Triboar! Love it! Myptics scary eyes are great.

Also, those planks look like they would have been a right pain to draw.
They sure would if I’d have drawn them :)
Is Ivo aware of ‘Xunts Kiss’ on the back of his bonce?
Zardoz wrote:
They sure would if I’d have drawn them :)

Clip art!
Zardoz wrote:
They sure would if I’d have drawn them :)

Next you'll be telling us you didn't draw those houses in the background!
I save time on some things, then lose time on details you can't see.
Zardoz wrote:
Is Ivo aware of ‘Xunts Kiss’ on the back of his bonce?

He's not! I'm assuming it's been slowing growing and getting more glowy and creepy as he gains levels. Or maybe it comes and go as he uses his powers.
No one else mentions it, they're not sure if it's always been there... they don't like staring at it though.
Zardoz wrote:
I save time on some things, then lose time on details you can't see.

Zardoz wrote:
No one else mentions it, they're not sure if it's always been there... they don't like staring at it though.

The strange thing is, people mean to mention it, but when they actually get face to face with Ivo, they can't for the life of them remember what it was they were intending to say.
I've just got pigeon shit on the back of my head.

Just a reminder to our wonderful Danger Mouse that she was going to share the pricelist/stock available at the new Costa Coffee and Faux Hammer's.
I bet they specialise in cool yet cheap Druidic stuff.
I still need you to go on a "herb" hunt for me.
Dimrill wrote:

Just a reminder to our wonderful Danger Mouse that she was going to share the pricelist/stock available at the new Costa Coffee and Faux Hammer's.

Yes, thank you.

I've added a link to the Discord handouts channel. The list should all be things that you could find in Triboar. It's pulled from a master list so in larger towns and cities there might be more options - please forgive me if there's something left on the list that there shouldn't be and I have to retcon it!

Post here or in Discord before Monday night to say what you want to buy. I'll confirm the purchase then you can add it to your inventory and deduct the relevant cost.
I am going to spend all of Zardoth's money buying bagpipes and a mule for everyone!
Dimrill wrote:
I still need you to go on a "herb" hunt for me.

*Hands Ermintrude the head of of a famous American Trumpeter from Tijuana Brass*
Squirt wrote:
I am going to spend all of Zardoth's money buying bagpipes and a mule for everyone!

"Two mules for Sister Wendy"
Signal Whistle 5 cp
Cotton Thread (30 feet) 5 sp
Steel Needle (1) 1 sp
Healer's Kit 5 gp
Ball Bearings (bag of 1,000)x5 5 gp

For my minutes:
Journal, Soft Bound, 25 Sheets 7 gp
Ink (1 ounce bottle) 10 gp
Ink Pen (Fountain) 3 gp

For Sleeping with Schuu:
Tent, Two-person 2 gp
Whip 2 gp

34g, 6s, 5c
Tempted by the Signet ring but only if it's an actual small swan that I can order to break peoples arms with.
Ivo is going to dump his grotty Common Clothes and buy some wear the Fine Clothes he has. No point having these platinum rings and a ruby earing whilst wearing plain clothes. Also, some bits and bobs to make his life on the road a bit more comfy.

Fine Clothes 15g
Mess Kit 2s
Glass bottle 2g
Tankard 2c

2g, 6s, 2c
I gave you some fine clothes last sesh, you clod
sdg! Am I right in thinking that fancy magical items, such as my glass rod or Ermintrude's axe, are not likely to be found in shops and are really only to be gotten by finding them in abandoned dungeons or on the corpses of their former owners? Would a reknowned researcher such as Myptic know where we would find clues to the whereabouts of any wonderous items?
Dimrill wrote:
I gave you some fine clothes last sesh, you clod

Derp! In that case, I shall amend!
sdg wrote:

Other items we have in the collective pool for such uses:
Things to liquidate or keep for rituals(?)

x5 Carnelian - valuation unknown, or not noted! 10gp each
x3 daggers - 2g each
x7 diamonds - valuation unknown, or not noted! 100gp each
Jade Frog - valuation unknown, or not noted! 40gp
x8 Malachite - 10g each!
x1 Mercury - valuation unknown, or not noted! worth 25gp to an alchemist
x5 Obsidian - 10g each!
x2 Pehruls - 100g each!
x3 perfume - 15g total - maybe useful for disguises?
x2 peridot - valuation unknown, or not noted! 15gp
x1 Powdered Nightshade - valuation unknown, or not noted! worth 25gp to an alchemist
x10 rations - not using that nano-management in our campaggens so superfluous.
x1 Ruby - valuation unknown, or not noted! 40gp
x1 Tiger Eye - valuation unknown, or not noted! 10gp

Anybody actually looked to see if they need any of these for future spells? Cos I've spent a lot of moolah and want to liquidate them.
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