Middle Age Spread
Doing something about it
markg wrote:
My knee's was horrible last week...

...Anyhoo today I went out and smashed my 10K PB! Knee feeling not too bad!

Do you think going over Clougha Pike did it? Glad you're running again now though.
No, it's skateboarding that did it, I don't think I know many ex skaters without bad legs. It's not even the one that's had surgery either. I need to start doing all the strengthening/stretching stuff but it's just so fucking boring.
The Gods of Shuffle slammed Van Halen's Jump into my skull as I began Mile Six of 10km. That's when I knew it was going to be a PB day. Stoked.

48:14 now
Good work! I also went faster than my previous best today if only by four seconds. Still got knee issues though. It's usually okay once I've been going for five or ten minutes but just having to set off really carefully.
Thank you ! Sorry to hear about your knee. Hopefully some rest will see it right. I hear that for £25 the running punks man will write up a six week training program based on what you want to achieve. I might look into that in June as that's when I need to step it up for the running races.
MaliA wrote:
The Gods of Shuffle slammed Van Halen's Jump into my skull as I began Mile Six of 10km. That's when I knew it was going to be a PB day. Stoked.

48:14 now

Wowzers, you are a speedy mofo..

Well done fella.
According to my post run plotaroute.com review, I just ran 4.9km in 28 minutes. Something I am more than little amazed at. If I keep this up, I might have to buy some new shoes!
Bobbyaro wrote:
According to my post run plotaroute.com review, I just ran 4.9km in 28 minutes. Something I am more than little amazed at. If I keep this up, I might have to buy some new shoes!

Nice one!
Managed to get my 5K PB yesterday with a 22:27. My knee is still hurting though, I'm increasngly getting a sense of diminishing returns when it comes to speed and I'm wondering how many PBs I have left in me before decrepitude inevitably takes over.
Bloody hell, that's great going.

Sorry about the knees, again.
Cheers dude. Plan A of running through it isn't working so I need to just rest it for a while and concentrate on stretching and strengthening exercises.
That's a really good effort. I've a friend who has managed painful knees for a long time, so it can be done - fingers crossed.
I can't help but pushing for a better and better 5k time constantly is not going to help your knees at all :DD (good going on the time though)
5Ks aren't too bad really, it's more the long runs that leave me feeling it afterwards.
I made it! 5k in 30 minutes.
Yas. Good going, it feels great to pass these milestones. 10K in under an hour next!
I might leave that to next week!

Actually, is there any program recommended for after the c25k? I found the app pretty motivational.
Well there are any number of 10K programmes which would be one logical next step.

Pleased with that, considering my foot was knackered for 9 days near the start of March.

That's including all the stuff I don't upload to Strava
That is a huge distance. Well done.
Project 22 continues

Today's effort was a 5km jaunt taking 23:11

Need 2.4 seconds per km to do this.

Achingly close, but very possible.
@malc that's superb.
Thanks, I really didn't think I'd make it to 100km, but saw after my walk today, I was 97, so I took the scenic route to the shops.

Your 5k time is pretty snazzy!

There's a massive part of me that wants to start running, but I'm sure my knee would explode!

There's also a part of me that wants to sprint instead of doing middle distances, (I used to be pretty quick over 400m before my Osgood-Schlatter's kicked in)
I've got DOMS in the area triceps are supposed to be so it's lending weight to the idea that I might actually have some muscles in there somewhere.
I was back at running track last night... I think i died.. :)
MaliA wrote:
Project 22 continues

Today's effort was a 5km jaunt taking 23:11

Need 2.4 seconds per km to do this.

Achingly close, but very possible.

You'll do it, just never when you're expecting to is what I've found anyway. I don't believe I have ever set out to go fast and succeeded, normally half way round before I realise that it's on.
Here we go, dull ache from inside my foot has appeared. Actually, it was there before today's run, and after Wednesday's, but is worse now. Best rest up for a couple of days and see what happens.
Fingers crossed for you that it eases off.
Walked four miles or so yesterday, and the ache still present. Skipping today's running and hopefully better soon.
Bugger, hopefully just one of those things.
Did a 32 mile ride yesterday, on the lovely flat countryside West of Cardiff! The elevation trace from Runkeeper was amusing.
This was on top of weights in the morning incl 3x20 60kg squats.
Legs be tired. Think I’m going to have glutes like a ballet dancer by the summer!
markg wrote:
Bugger, hopefully just one of those things.

Cheers, yeah. "Rest" is going to be the result of a trip to a hospital, so I can skip that step and just rest. Even the mile to the ice cream van and back has made it ache again.

It's a shame, as it is a beautiful day, and I would have loved a ten miler.
DBSnappa wrote:
Did a 32 mile ride yesterday, on the lovely flat countryside West of Cardiff! The elevation trace from Runkeeper was amusing.
This was on top of weights in the morning incl 3x20 60kg squats.
Legs be tired. Think I’m going to have glutes like a ballet dancer by the summer!

I can sympathize with Malia, and I hope your rest is going better than mine, since I've been resting my blistered foot, my body has started attacking me in any way it can!

My knee flared up, cramp in my calf, followed today by a dodgy eye, and then walking round the local supermarket, my back just seized up!

I've taken all the pain relief in the world and am still in absolute agony. Currently trying the 100th position on the sofa, trying to find one that eases the pain.
Malc, that sounds awful. I hope you start to feel better soon.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Malc, that sounds awful. I hope you start to feel better soon.


I'm feeling much better this morning, still a bit sore, hoping to shake all the aches and pains before Wednesday before my last batch of time off work this Easter!

I just hate the way that pain just makes you feel so tired, and grumpy too.

The one bonus is that Pauline made dinner for me, so I didn't have to worry about doing all that with a bad back!
Have you tried using a foam roller? They actually do work for muscle pains/cramps and stuff.
markg wrote:
Have you tried using a foam roller? They actually do work for muscle pains/cramps and stuff.

I have not tried one,

I used to never get cramps until I was stopped at a traffic lights on my bike some many years ago, and I cramped up so badly I fell in to the road (I was going straight on, and there was a left turn too, so I was in the middle lane) and the driver in the car at the head of the queue got out to make sure I was okay. After that for the next ten years or so, I would get cramps all the time for no reason, mostly in the night, these days I get them from time to time, but only 2-3 times a year compared to 2-3 times a month.

Are there any brands/makes I should keep my eye out for, or does it really not matter?
Nah there's nothing fancy about them, just get any really.
I got one from decathlon they are quite cheap.

With craps are you taking salt in your diet. I use Electrolyte drinks, such as high 5 zero, these stopped my cramps. My cramps were from all the sweating i do.

https://www.amazon.co.uk/High-Zero-Hydr ... B00JZ463AS
I like this description of sweating as an activity.

Just off to do some sweating!

A friend of mine could feel cramps coming on while running Edinburgh marathon - he knocked on a couple of doors, and got someone to pour salt from their shaker straight into his hands. Just about worked. High Zero etc are a better way of preventing it ahead of time.
I sweat standing still.... :)
I had a calf cramp so bad once that I still have a lump where it happened. Middle of the night just woke up with a start and my calf looked exactly like the Alien chest burster scene just before it actually burst out, like a rock hard lump sticking right out, it was agony for a minute or so but then it subsided and went back in but I guess left scar tissue or something.
Foot felt fine yesterday, so covered over half hour of running. Went out this morning and did 10km, but hip and knee started to ache two thirds of the way in. I suspect I went back to the longer distance too fast.
My legs have been killing me the last few days. I went skateboarding for the first time in ages and must have used muscles that had forgot they existed. Had lots of fun and landed some stuff, though. Need to make it a regular thing.
Went out for a good long walk but have managed to give myself a blood blister on a blood blister on my heel. Oh and sunburnt my head. Need to switch to summer gear for next time.
Bloody hell, you guys are falling apart :DD

Made the mistake of weighing myself this morning and deeply regretted it. Last lockdown was not kind to me. (Or rather, I was not kind to myself during lockdown.)
I tried weighing myself today. Amusingly, my scales have jammed. That or they're being very polite about it.
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