Middle Age Spread
Doing something about it
Joans wrote:
They match your post-its.

oh yes :)
KovacsC wrote:
DavPaz wrote:

What? Is this a bad thing?

I avoid the risks of being third on a match by not smoking.
Are we in aTime loop?
No, but Eddy's in the space/time continuuuuuuum.
DavPaz wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
DavPaz wrote:

What? Is this a bad thing?


Superstitious claptrap :)
I cross black cats’ paths on a daily basis

Oh shit, sorry guys. 2020-21 is entirely my fault
myp wrote:
I cross black cats’ paths on a daily basis

Oh shit, sorry guys. 2020-21 is entirely my fault

If you cross their path it's supposed to be good luck I thought.
Mr Russell wrote:
myp wrote:
I cross black cats’ paths on a daily basis

Oh shit, sorry guys. 2020-21 is entirely my fault

If you cross their path it's supposed to be good luck I thought.

No, that’s crossing my palm with silver
It appears from a cursory duckduckwent (I will get this to catch on) that depending on culture it can be either good or bad.
Oi, I use crocs as indoor slippers (I actually hate the traditional slipper style) and they've lasted for well over a decade.

They do look shit tho.
KovacsC wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
DavPaz wrote:

What? Is this a bad thing?


Superstitious claptrap :)

Of course it is, doesn't stop me freaking out when people put shoes on the table. :DD
My mum used to go mental about shoes on the table, and crossing on the stairs.

In fact, as a kid I learned that I could effectively paralyse mum for a bit by waiting until she was going up the stairs and dashing past her, then turning round and saying "no I think I'll go downstairs". It even developed into a mean game where I'd see how many times I could keep pivoting from "no I' think I'll go downstairs" then turning round "OK I'll go up" and then again "wait no, I'll go downstairs" over and over again.
I dunno what has happened,but I'm finding myself going quicker and quicker. Possibly the music, possibly the wind, possibly sort of loosely joined a running thing online.

Who knows?

I think I can break into the 22mins over 5km.
Yes! Seen you gettng faster on Strava. I seem to just be stuck at the same pace really. Probably something to do with age but I've noticed my heart rate slowing more than just increased fitness can account for, even flat out I rarely see 150bpm whereas ten years ago it was more like 165, in the morning it can be down in the 30s although it's always been very low at rest. Maybe I should get a pacemaker fitted and get it chipped/overclocked.
Awesome stuff.... I am getting slower. Saying that I am not pushing myself, just getting out there is enough.
Did 10 miles today. Whisper it, but I enjoyed it
I finish cycle one of the three cycle, 90 day plan at the end of this week. You're not supposed to weigh yourself mid cycle and instead submit weight and measurements around areas like chest, waist, arms, thighs once at the start, then the end of each cycle. Of course I cheated and weighed myself the other day only to find I've put weight on :DD I'm not stressed about it because I am starting to feel a difference so if I've gained weight, it's the result of muscle (feels ridiculous to mention muscle when I'm referring to myself). Sometimes I think I can maybe see a slight change in my body shape, and my bra strap has already went down from the last notch to the first notch, but other times I think I'm imagining it. Looking forward to doing the measurements and seeing if they record any changes.

Cycle two introduces weights so I'm a bit excited to start those workouts.
MaliA wrote:
Did 10 miles today. Whisper it, but I enjoyed it

Yeah I'm loving the longer runs too. Did not want to come home on my lunchtime run today. It's only eight out there but once I was warmed up feeling the sun on my face it was a summers day and I was just cruising along so happy.
sdg wrote:
I finish cycle one of the three cycle, 90 day plan at the end of this week. You're not supposed to weigh yourself mid cycle and instead submit weight and measurements around areas like chest, waist, arms, thighs once at the start, then the end of each cycle. Of course I cheated and weighed myself the other day only to find I've put weight on :DD I'm not stressed about it because I am starting to feel a difference so if I've gained weight, it's the result of muscle (feels ridiculous to mention muscle when I'm referring to myself). Sometimes I think I can maybe see a slight change in my body shape, and my bra strap has already went down from the last notch to the first notch, but other times I think I'm imagining it. Looking forward to doing the measurements and seeing if they record any changes.

Cycle two introduces weights so I'm a bit excited to start those workouts.

Must have misremembered my start date, got the email through to say it's time to submit cycle one measurements.
Making the most of the lovely weather. A nice steady run.
Excellent stuff.

I too decided to make the most of the sun. Walked along the Puffing Billy track to Redlake:

That is a walk and a half. Well done
Completed cycle one of the 90 day plan. Lost 1kg in weight, 4 inches from my chest, 2 inches from my hips, 1.5 inches from my waist.

Cycle two builds weights into the workouts. Had my first ever go at tricep dips and felt as though I was going to snap my arms :DD For the weight exercises, I'm easing in gently at 4.5kg on each dumbbells. That was fine for all the exercises I tried so might increase that a little, but for the one where you have the weights at shoulder height and squat then lift the weights above your head on the way up from the squat I could definitely feel it!
KovacsC wrote:
Making the most of the lovely weather. A nice steady run.

You ran past my parents' bungalow (and also the road that I grew up on) - I hope you waved.
Done something to a muscle in my back. Moving, turning slightly, and, burping, cause shoots of sharp pain.

Gutted, really, as I was looking forward to a 13 mile run today, and the weather is glorious. Taking ibuprofen, paracetamol, and regretting throwing the codeine away.

Project 22 was to start next week as well, where I try to get a 22:XX minute time over 5km.
Seeing as I am no longer going out today (due to 11 hours sleep, feeling quite achy, a massive blister and a minor case of the Pickford's). Here are my Feb stats
Awesome stuff...
I'm doing c25k, running for the first time since school.

I just ran for 20 minutes and wasn't dead afterwards and am rather chuffed. I managed 3.5k in 20 minutes, so am on pace to make the 5k by the end of the 'course'.
Bobbyaro wrote:
I'm doing c25k, running for the first time since school.

I just ran for 20 minutes and wasn't dead afterwards and am rather chuffed. I managed 3.5k in 20 minutes, so am on pace to make the 5k by the end of the 'course'.

That's great work! I'm also pleased to see you post, I was only thinking yesterday how you hadn't for a while. :)
Good work Bobby :metul:
Thanks both!

Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Bobbyaro wrote:
I'm doing c25k, running for the first time since school.

I just ran for 20 minutes and wasn't dead afterwards and am rather chuffed. I managed 3.5k in 20 minutes, so am on pace to make the 5k by the end of the 'course'.

That's great work! I'm also pleased to see you post, I was only thinking yesterday how you hadn't for a while. :)


I might even spend money on some new running shoes.
I'm done for the day. Came to a dead stop art 13.3 miles.
MaliA wrote:
I'm done for the day. Came to a dead stop art 13.3 miles.

That is a great effort.
KovacsC wrote:
MaliA wrote:
I'm done for the day. Came to a dead stop art 13.3 miles.

That is a great effort.

Cheers, it was a good day for it.
Yesterday I increased the weight on each dumbbell to 6kg. My arms are still like wet noodles but I started on 4kg so making progress, and hopefully get to 10kg by the end of the cycle.

I also did the best attempt at burpees I've done yet - not chest to floor but I managed to jump my legs back on the way down which was a first. Previously I'd only been able to walk my legs back and then jump forward. I also set a new PR for number in 30 seconds with eight.

All of the above was during the same workout and I don't think I've ever been so sweaty in my life.
You're doing fantastically!

My own lifting has gone to total shit with one thing and another this lockdown. Got a new program and a coach to nag me though, so should be back on track in no time. Hopefully.
I really hate Burpees, and I am not sure why. Enough that it puts me off doing the sets I have.
KovacsC wrote:
I really hate Burpees, and I am not sure why. Enough that it puts me off doing the sets I have.

My lad loves them for some reason. Utterly bonkers :DD
They're no good for my knees and I hate the name. Although apparently the person who they were named after had an even stupider name still - Royal Burpee.
KovacsC wrote:
I really hate Burpees, and I am not sure why. Enough that it puts me off doing the sets I have.

They just make me feel so inadequate :DD Every other exercise I can take a good stab at it but burpees are brutal. I do enjoy seeing my progression from the beginning to now though and it would be great if I could do full chest to floor burpees by the time I get to the end of the 90 days.
markg wrote:
They're no good for my knees and I hate the name. Although apparently the person who they were named after had an even stupider name still - Royal Burpee.

My knees have been really sore recently. When I was climbing lots of mountains a couple of summers back I was always getting sore knees and hips that felt like they needed a big spray of WD40. I think just now part of my knee problem has been form during squats but I've made some improvements that have helped a lot, I've started taking vitamin supplements, and I've ordered a new pair of trainers that are meant to be better.

I was idly wondering yesterday if I would feel any benefits if I went for a run because that's another trigger for my knee and hip pain. I'm hoping that the exercises I've been doing and overall strength improvements might mean it is better and I could start running again.
You definitely might do, anything that strengthens muscles in your legs can help massively to offset any knee/hip problems. I find it ipossible to make a routine out of anything except running really even though I know that I really should do stretching/yoga or something but I just can't enjoy it. The only time I really do it is if I'm suffering with some pain or other to try and get rid of it and back to running again.
Both the frog and pigeon pose help with my knee issues (I think basically I get too stiff from sitting down all the bloody time and so the muscles etc pull on my knees and that causes the pain).
Felt rubbish today and spent most of it at my desk, hugging a hot water bottle to my tummy, dosed up on painkillers and thinking about chocolate.
Then, despite having already made my mind up that I wasn’t working out I finished work at the back of 5pm, made dinner, started the kids bath time and then went and did a workout all before D&D night. Was really proud of myself for pushing through and doing it despite how I was feeling.
sdg wrote:
Felt rubbish today and spent most of it at my desk, hugging a hot water bottle to my tummy, dosed up on painkillers and thinking about chocolate.
Then, despite having already made my mind up that I wasn’t working out I finished work at the back of 5pm, made dinner, started the kids bath time and then went and did a workout all before D&D night. Was really proud of myself for pushing through and doing it despite how I was feeling.

Hope you feel better asap :luv:

I did the school run yesterday (about 3.5 miles altogether), a 6km run and my first weights workout in weeks, so am stiff as heck today. :DD
My knee's was horrible last week. Went into a right doom and gloom spiral over the weekend, decided that it was all over, it'll definitely just keep getting worse and I would probably end up barely able to walk let alone run. I dismissed all of my wife's helpful and constructive advice about seeing a sports physio or just resting it for a week and seeing how it is. Got in a right fucking grump over it and was a bit of a dick, not proud.

Anyhoo today I went out and smashed my 10K PB! Knee feeling not too bad!
Good work!

I've started taking some vitamins to help with my knees and I got a new pair of trainers that are meant to be good for form when squatting and lunging. While wearing them, I did the best squats I've done yet and had a great workout and then my knees were killing me for the next couple of days so still some work to be done there I think. :roll:
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