Dungeons and Dragons
Dimrill wrote:

1 healing potion for Zardoth
1 healing potion for Myp
210 silver each!

I have taken Zardoth's silver for safe keeping!
I feel naked without Wild Shape.
I loved the reveal of the drow appearing behind Ivo. If you didn’t have that telepathic ability that could have went very badly and that roll for perception when she tried to pickpocket your was so clutch! A lot of very fun moments tonight, that I was probably able to enjoy more than all of you because there came a time when I knew what the enemies had left in terms of numbers and abilities, and I knew what you had left, and I was pretty certain you’d all make it so I could just enjoy the journey but I could see there were a couple of points where it looked pretty hairy for a couple of you.

Well done though, you’ve survived storming an actual goblin castle! You’ve defeated your first real boss fight! You’ve found super tasty brandy!
We had a Benny Hill style Doppleganger chase!
Shuu killed a freshly woken goblin by insulting its taste in bosses.

Best Shuu
sdg wrote:
You’ve found super tasty brandy!

Good point! Let's all get wrecked!
MISS! Can I get pry a nice Morningstar out of Dave Grohl's cold dead hands?
Yes you can! I’ll get a value and send it on.
Glad you all made it out alive and looked after old Myptik
Y’now the Dopplegangers skull we got... Would it be malleable enough to make into a helmet that would stretch to whatever I Wild Shaped into?
myp wrote:
Glad you all made it out alive and looked after old Myptik

Myptik landed the killing blow on the King and was the first one to check on Gundren!
sdg wrote:
myp wrote:
Glad you all made it out alive and looked after old Myptik

Myptik landed the killing blow on the King...

Saving Ermintrudes life in the process.

They're bestest friends now.
Where were the beaky worms?
Zardoz wrote:
Y’now the Dopplegangers skull we got... Would it be malleable enough to make into a helmet that would stretch to whatever I Wild Shaped into?

Great question! Usually, the answer to this would be an outright no because the size would be too small and the material too rigid and brittle for crafting but I think considering the nature of the creature, and the fact that it has magical properties even as a skull on its own then we could come up with something cool.

For context, a magical item can resize itself to fit the wearer. So if a human had a ring of protection and they gave it to a gnome, when the gnome attuned to it it would resize itself to fit the gnome. Magical items also cannot be destroyed by normal means.

Taking all of that into consideration, I think it makes sense that this skull could be crafted into a helm. It wouldn't offer any AC advantage but it would mean the wearer was able to use the special ability of the skull:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1 Doppelganger Skull. Requires attunement. Once per day, you can use this skull to read the thoughts of nearby creatures. As an action, you can read the surface thoughts of one creature within 60 feet of you. The effect can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of wood or dirt, 2 feet of stone, 2 inches of metal, or a thin sheet of lead blocks it. This effect lasts for ten minutes. While you are reading a creature’s mind, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion) checks against it.

To craft it, I think magic would have to be expended. Since the creature is capable of shape shifting, I would rule the magic that is expended must be from the school of transmutation and it's a CR3 creature so it will require spells equivalent to 1d6 levels...and I rolled a three. So, during the crafting process, over however many days it takes to craft it, it will require 3 levels worth of transmutation magic to be expended into it; either three 1st levels, or one 1st level and one 2nd level.

For time taken to complete the project, I'd again say it takes 1d6 days and this time I rolled a four, so four days of crafting.

It will require crafting tools and blacksmith equipment so either you can commission the local blacksmith or Ermintrude can do it at the smith's shop. If you get the blacksmith to do it, it will cost 10gp. If Ermintrude does it, it will require three days of downtime from the party while Ermintrude is in the shop and it will cost 7gp in materials.

The finished helm will require attunement so make sure you mark that on your character sheet once done if you decide to go ahead with it, since each character has limited spots for attuned equipment. Since it will be a magical item, and it doesn't offer an AC bonus, it will size with the wildshape so in your wildshaped form you can still wear the helm. You can decide what your aesthetic specification is for the crafting of it.
sdg wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Y’now the Dopplegangers skull we got... Would it be malleable enough to make into a helmet that would stretch to whatever I Wild Shaped into?

Great question! Usually, the answer to this would be an outright no because the size would be too small and the material too rigid and brittle for crafting but I think considering the nature of the creature, and the fact that it has magical properties even as a skull on its own then we could come up with something cool.

For context, a magical item can resize itself to fit the wearer. So if a human had a ring of protection and they gave it to a gnome, when the gnome attuned to it it would resize itself to fit the gnome. Magical items also cannot be destroyed by normal means.

Taking all of that into consideration, I think it makes sense that this skull could be crafted into a helm. It wouldn't offer any AC advantage but it would mean the wearer was able to use the special ability of the skull:
ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
1 Doppelganger Skull. Requires attunement. Once per day, you can use this skull to read the thoughts of nearby creatures. As an action, you can read the surface thoughts of one creature within 60 feet of you. The effect can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of wood or dirt, 2 feet of stone, 2 inches of metal, or a thin sheet of lead blocks it. This effect lasts for ten minutes. While you are reading a creature’s mind, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion) checks against it.

To craft it, I think magic would have to be expended. Since the creature is capable of shape shifting, I would rule the magic that is expended must be from the school of transmutation and it's a CR3 creature so it will require spells equivalent to 1d6 levels...and I rolled a three. So, during the crafting process, over however many days it takes to craft it, it will require 3 levels worth of transmutation magic to be expended into it; either three 1st levels, or one 1st level and one 2nd level.

For time taken to complete the project, I'd again say it takes 1d6 days and this time I rolled a four, so four days of crafting.

It will require crafting tools and blacksmith equipment so either you can commission the local blacksmith or Ermintrude can do it at the smith's shop. If you get the blacksmith to do it, it will cost 10gp. If Ermintrude does it, it will require three days of downtime from the party while Ermintrude is in the shop and it will cost 7gp in materials.

The finished helm will require attunement so make sure you mark that on your character sheet once done if you decide to go ahead with it, since each character has limited spots for attuned equipment. Since it will be a magical item, and it doesn't offer an AC bonus, it will size with the wildshape so in your wildshaped form you can still wear the helm. You can decide what your aesthetic specification is for the crafting of it.

One final thing; the finished helm would have a value of 25gp if you were to sell it.
Squirt wrote:
That was really awesome, thank you all. I am literally knackered after that! I thought ol' Ivo had had it when he got mugged, i was literally thinking about new charcters to roll up!

Ivo vs Ivo.jpg
Squirt wrote:
One worse perception check

As well as that resulting in the puzzle box being spirited away, the dopple would have been attacking with advantage as well :blown:
sdg wrote:
....You can decide what your aesthetic specification is for the crafting of it.

Something along these lines would be handy so I can have two healing potions ready to go too.
A spider balcony would be nice too x
Zardoz wrote:
sdg wrote:
....You can decide what your aesthetic specification is for the crafting of it.

Something along these lines would be handy so I can have two healing potions ready to go too.

I actually would allow this, because it's hilarious. It would even grant a minor mechanical advantage, that you could consume a health potion in wild shape form, although the trade off would be that if you rolled a Nat 1 on an ability check or attack while in wild shape form, there would be a 25% chance that a health potion in your hat would break :DD
I’m so glad I asked the question.
Also would mean I could act as Rummage Inc’s “St Bernard” type rescue beast.
I'm going to be so disappointed if you're joking because I love everything about the image of Zardoth the druid wearing a skull helmet made to look like a hands free beer can drinks dispenser.
Z never jokes around
Deadly serious about this. Going to be a double doodle week.
It won’t look silly. It’ll look ultra :metul:
Zardoz wrote:
It won’t look silly. It’ll look ultra :metul:

It definitely will, and it will be a unique magic item as well! If you create art of the item on its own that's less than 1000x1000 pixels, I can create it as a homebrew item to add to your inventory.
Zardoz wrote:
Where were the beaky worms?

We're going to be heading home after our long rest and then and beakworm is going to leap from the roof and eat Gundren and the map.
Was the Doppleganger posing as the beaky worm? Has it just... slithered off?

Either way we should should concentrate all our efforts on making my magical utility helmet.
Man, the Shuus musings post that I thought I'd posted, I don't appear to have posted.

It mainly involves doppelgangers.
MY favourite part was Myptik tearing off the hood of his robe to soothe the brow of the injured Gundren.
Zardoz wrote:
Saving Ermintrudes life in the process.

They're bestest friends now.

Did he boat! The fucker ran in the door just as I was swinging my axe for the killing blow and burnt his face off depriving me of my trophies. I have noted this down in my grudge book.
Dimrill wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Saving Ermintrudes life in the process.

They're bestest friends now.

Did he boat! The fucker ran in the door just as I was swinging my axe for the killing blow and burnt his face off depriving me of my trophies. I have noted this down in my grudge book.

Thereby claiming the XP for defeating King Grohl and leveling up to level 5!
Dimrill wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Saving Ermintrudes life in the process.

They're bestest friends now.

Did he boat! The fucker ran in the door just as I was swinging my axe for the killing blow and burnt his face off depriving me of my trophies. I have noted this down in my grudge book.

Myptik has a life of his own now. Even when I’m not there to guide him he’s trolling you
I forgot the insult-to-death from Shuu. Also the Myp-positioning of Zardoth resulting in many arrows in the face.
MISS! Since we're using new harvestable data, what can I do with the Nothic eye now?
Dimrill wrote:
I forgot the insult-to-death from Shuu. Also the Myp-positioning of Zardoth resulting in many arrows in the face.

Hey, that was after my bullet-time combat round!
I really wanted to get that Dire Wolf on our side :'(
It's just occurred to me that we left that Redbrand tied up at Costa Coffee aaaaages ago. I bet she's ballbusting him while smother-sitting on his face by now.
Dimrill wrote:
MISS! Since we're using new harvestable data, what can I do with the Nothic eye now?

Ooh, good question! I’ll check tomorrow if I remember. Unlikely, so please remind me.
Check tomorrow Gill.
Dimrill wrote:
Check tomorrow Gill.

I’ve read this tonight. Someone else post and I’ll go to sleep right now.
Check today Gill.
Dimrill wrote:
Check today Gill.

I had to scroll back to see what I had to check but I did it! Exciting news:

1 Nothic Eye. This eye can be crafted into an eye of rot (200 gp, 14 days). Requires attunement. While wearing this over your eye, you can use an action to target one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw against the magic of the eye or take 3d6 poison damage. Once you have used the item in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Remember, the Nothic eye is quite distinctive (image in spoiler tag) so I'm picturing someone wearing it almost like an eyepatch which is hilarious in the abstract and horrific if you think about coming across that person :D

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Ooooo Nurgle Patch for Dimmers!
Going to be a craft week next week then.
Well, presumably now we've ( mostly ) cleared out the Castle and the goblins therein, we can reopen trade with Neverwinter and get some people in to look at the Manor. Ivo's got some scroll copying to do, and i am sure there's some other downtime stuff we can get on with.
As soon as there's a more passable route to Neverwinter, you'll need to order some harvester's tools to be sent to you.

harvester’s tools, a type of artisan’s tools that are required when harvesting certain resources from a creature, such as hide and organs. The harvester’s tools come in a leather satchel that can be rolled out for easy use while in the field. The tool set includes a bonesaw, a thinly bladed knife, a whetstone, a scraper, and a mincing blade. The price for a set of harvester’s tools is 30 gp.

You'll also need to order some glass vials.

The Dopple skull can be crafted into a helmet by someone with proficiency in smithing but the Nothic eye will need to be taken to an artisan who specializes in magical items. Fortunately, Phandalin is going to be a good place to find someone like that if the Forge gets back up and running - they'll come to you in that case.
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