Bits and Bobs 51
Where IS area 51?
TheVision wrote:
Good old emergency Calpol. Is there any other kind?

Calpol and piriton is a mix in heaven
Mimi wrote:
The lesser but still important ‘preventative Calpol’ you’re instructed to give when baby is getting vaccinations.

Except you're not supposed to because it reduces the immune response and therefore the effectiveness of the vaccinations. Surpised this is still recommended.
Malc wrote:
sdg wrote:
If it makes you feel any better, I share equal responsibility for not stopping Brexit.

A problem shared is a problem halved!

sdg wrote:
I was also awake for most of the night. My wife went back to work today after mat leave with a 5am alarm call and our youngest decided sleep was for losers so it was down to me to sort things out. It's hard finding the balance between comforting them and letting them self settle with a second child since if she woke up first child it would have been even more difficult to get everyone back to sleep. I think it's her teeth but it took a good hour and a half to get her to sleep again with the help of some Bonjela and then, when I was getting really desperate some emergency Calpol.

When my youngest two were at that age, I found that music tv worked really well. My youngest loved "believe" by Cher, whereas my second born liked rock/nu punk/pop punk stuff.

The number of times I was in the living room, "dancing" with a baby in my arms at 03:00 in the morning doesn't bear thinking about!

Didn't work with the other two kids (Seb was such a good sleeper and Raven was happy with a hand to hold in her cot)

Rowan was fine if I was holding/bouncing her and once or twice I even managed to get her back into her cot and calm if I was rubbing her tummy but she started crying again if I tried to sneak out until it finally worked on the third try. I think if I'd left her a wee bit longer on one of the earlier tries she might have gone back to sleep but I was paranoid Neve would get woken up and then Jen would need to get out of bed as well.
I watched a ton of Parks and Rec during the first lockdown at 3am while walking backwards and forwards across the bedroom with Rowan in my arms!
Jem wrote:
Mimi wrote:
The lesser but still important ‘preventative Calpol’ you’re instructed to give when baby is getting vaccinations.

Except you're not supposed to because it reduces the immune response and therefore the effectiveness of the vaccinations. Surpised this is still recommended.

I hadn't heard this! Definitely still recommended, our youngest is 10 months.
The study on it came out when my eldest was a baby (2009); to be honest it doesn't surpise me thinking about it - there were lots of things I was told when mine were little that were defo based on "nurse/HV knows best" rather than based in science. :DD
Jem wrote:
The study on it came out when my eldest was a baby (2009); to be honest it doesn't surpise me thinking about it - there were lots of things I was told when mine were little that were defo based on "nurse/HV knows best" rather than based in science. :DD

Just did a quick search and the NHS website still recommends it here but there is an article here that talks specifically about the meningitis vaccination. Not that I could tell you which one that is delivered with.
I don't have any strong clear memories of nights with babies, just a vague haze of darkened rooms and white noise apps :D
sdg wrote:
Jem wrote:
The study on it came out when my eldest was a baby (2009); to be honest it doesn't surpise me thinking about it - there were lots of things I was told when mine were little that were defo based on "nurse/HV knows best" rather than based in science. :DD

Just did a quick search and the NHS website still recommends it here but there is an article here that talks specifically about the meningitis vaccination. Not that I could tell you which one that is delivered with.

Two months and four months along with all the others!
sdg wrote:
Jem wrote:
The study on it came out when my eldest was a baby (2009); to be honest it doesn't surpise me thinking about it - there were lots of things I was told when mine were little that were defo based on "nurse/HV knows best" rather than based in science. :DD

Just did a quick search and the NHS website still recommends it here but there is an article here that talks specifically about the meningitis vaccination. Not that I could tell you which one that is delivered with.

This is the piece I remember: ... hood-jabs/

Loving the fact that even the NHS website isn't consistent :DD
DavPaz wrote:
I don't have any strong clear memories of nights with babies, just a vague haze of darkened rooms and white noise apps :D

White noise is a game changer. When Neve was a baby we were getting some photos of her and the photographer had a thing she called a Shusher, because it basically is a machine that says Shhhhh, Shhhh when it's switched on. It was amazing how much it helped to settle Neve and I ordered one off Amazon while we were still sitting in the studio. I used a spotify playlist with Rowan made up of white noise with heartbeat that worked wonder (on me as well I think :DD ) then bought another wee machine when she moved into her own room. We can always tell when the batteries are running low because she wakes about twenty minutes after we put her to bed and it's almost always because the white noise machine has switched off.
Jem wrote:
sdg wrote:
Jem wrote:
The study on it came out when my eldest was a baby (2009); to be honest it doesn't surpise me thinking about it - there were lots of things I was told when mine were little that were defo based on "nurse/HV knows best" rather than based in science. :DD

Just did a quick search and the NHS website still recommends it here but there is an article here that talks specifically about the meningitis vaccination. Not that I could tell you which one that is delivered with.

This is the piece I remember: ... hood-jabs/

Loving the fact that even the NHS website isn't consistent :DD

It's as if someone has written that and posted it on the website then they've never actually called a meeting to decide if it impacts official advice. :roll:
I'm trying to figure out if it's weird that I don't really remember anything from mine being babies or whether that's natures way of helping us get over it so that we reproduce. :DD
To paraphrase the recent movie Soul: the ability to forget the trauma of childhood is the universe's greatest gift
Malc wrote:
My stupid brain is keeping me up, it's now decided that I caused Brexit, because I didn't choose computer science as an A-level, didn't do it at uni, and didn't develop an alternative to Facebook.

I mean I didn't do those things, so it's not wrong, but I'm not sure, I can be held accountable, but try telling my brain that!

It's not like there weren't Facebook alternatives, is just that was the one that got seeded in such a way as to get the required user base.
Jem wrote:
I'm trying to figure out if it's weird that I don't really remember anything from mine being babies or whether that's natures way of helping us get over it so that we reproduce. :DD

It's absolutely the second one. I'm still tempted by the idea of a third even as I fight to stay awake this morning and still haven't got past the stage of baby sick being a regular feature on my clothes.
DavPaz wrote:
To paraphrase the recent movie Soul: the ability to forget the trauma of childhood is the universe's greatest gift

:this: Trauma of childbirth as well, and I've only been a spectator both times!
I'm definitely not tempted by a third, despite nature's best intentions 8) I have definitely got too used to my sleep thank you very much! I was only up once last night because my eldest woke me when she went for a wee and I'm knackered :facepalm:
Jem wrote:
Mimi wrote:
The lesser but still important ‘preventative Calpol’ you’re instructed to give when baby is getting vaccinations.

Except you're not supposed to because it reduces the immune response and therefore the effectiveness of the vaccinations. Surpised this is still recommended.

Yep, it’s on the leaflet the doctor gives you and on the letter that the NHS send telling you to book the jab.

I’ve never heard it lessening the immune response (in which case you shouldn’t give it when the kid is actually ill, I guess), rather that it hides symptoms of a previous virus ( but that would require the child to develop a virus-related fever in the 10-15 minutes before jab-time, which the doctor says is unlikely, so suggested the benefits far outweighed that).
Jem wrote:
The study on it came out when my eldest was a baby (2009); to be honest it doesn't surpise me thinking about it - there were lots of things I was told when mine were little that were defo based on "nurse/HV knows best" rather than based in science. :DD

This wasn’t the nurse or HV telling me, it was the printed information given with the leaflet I was sent about the vaccine. The leaflet for the Covid vaccine also recommends taking paracetamol to offset any symptoms from the vaccine, so it may be dependant on what vaccine it is? Obviously I’m no doctor, so do whatever your doc (or you) think right. I’m not giving medical advice here.

“Send through the next patient!”
sdg wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
To paraphrase the recent movie Soul: the ability to forget the trauma of childhood is the universe's greatest gift

:this: Trauma of childbirth as well, and I've only been a spectator both times!

Man alive. I have not got over the trauma. It’s supposed to be covered by my cPTSD treatment, but definitely bounces off of some other experiences. I do remember a lot about D’s babyhood, though, and yes there was tiredness, but I think we had a particularly easy baby. Especially for sleep.
Mimi wrote:
Yep, it’s on the leaflet the doctor gives you and on the letter that the NHS send telling you to book the jab.

You got leaflets? 8)
Today's peregrinations will take me to the charmingly named Worry Goose Lane in Rotherham.
Jem wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Yep, it’s on the leaflet the doctor gives you and on the letter that the NHS send telling you to book the jab.

You got leaflets? 8)

Yep. Letters and leaflets reminding you to book the vaccinations, why they were important, how vaccinations work to protect people snd what you should do before and after (in case of fever, illness on the day, etc).

We’d always booked the jabs well in advance of this, but they still always send the letters. Same for the flu jab each year.
Things must be posh up your way. :DD We get sent an appointment time and you just turn up. That's it. (Obviously things could have changed since then, it's been a while...)
Have another kid and see if they send you a leaflet.
Jem wrote:
Things must be posh up your way. :DD We get sent an appointment time and you just turn up. That's it. (Obviously things could have changed since then, it's been a while...)

It is oft said of the town of Walsall that it is a most desirable area. Some may say ‘posh’, but residents are likely to look down on such vulgar expressions.
Zardoz wrote:
Have another kid and see if they send you a leaflet.

That seems like a lot of hassle just to see if I get sent a bit of paper.

Mimi wrote:
Jem wrote:
Things must be posh up your way. :DD We get sent an appointment time and you just turn up. That's it. (Obviously things could have changed since then, it's been a while...)

It is oft said of the town of Walsall that it is a most desirable area. Some may say ‘posh’, but residents are likely to look down on such vulgar expressions.

5:30am this morning :'(

3 yr old had a bed accident as well which I'm assuming is a reaction to her Mummy going back to work yesterday :( She seemed fine throughout the day but was the most hyper I've ever seen her last night. Hopefully she starts to get into a routine soon.
Happy birthday Snappa!
Happy Birthday!

Giphy "dbsnappa birthday":
Giphy "snappy birthday":
Today's lunch time view is The Marine Lake, inc a bit of North Wales, at West Kirbee.

I can smell the ammonia wafting from those wooden benches.

happy birthday DB!
Warhead wrote:
Today's lunch time view is The Marine Lake, inc a bit of North Wales, at West Kirbee.


Howdy neighbour!
Thanks for the birthday wishes, peeps!
It's the Tory version of Hitman!
In the pre-game chat yesterday we discovered the very height of malicool...


Mr Dave wrote:
In the pre-game chat yesterday we discovered the very height of malicool...



Happy Birthday Kovacs!

I hope you enjoy your pizza later. :luv:
Happy Birthday Kovacs!
Happy Birthday Kov!
Giphy "kovacs birthday":
Happy Birthday, Kov!

New trainers?
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Happy Birthday Kovacs!

I hope you enjoy your pizza later. :luv:

Oh I will :)
Zardoz wrote:
Happy Birthday, Kov!

New trainers?

I do need to get some...
Happy birthday dude :)
Happy birthday Kov!
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