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Good news everyone, Christmas is saved! The lost Muppet song is back
Trooper wrote:
Good news everyone, Christmas is saved! The lost Muppet song is back

That lost song was in our VHS copy and we always fast forwarded through it because it's mawkish sappy shite.
DavPaz wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Good news everyone, Christmas is saved! The lost Muppet song is back

That lost song was in our VHS copy and we always fast forwarded through it because it's mawkish sappy shite.

They should’ve replaced it with fairytale of new york
Trooper wrote:
Good news everyone, Christmas is saved! The lost Muppet song is back

Ugh. 2020 is the worst.
Mr Chonks wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Good news everyone, Christmas is saved! The lost Muppet song is back

That lost song was in our VHS copy and we always fast forwarded through it because it's mawkish sappy shite.

They should’ve replaced it with fairytale of new york

You cheap lousy froggot.
MaliA wrote:
The Babysitter: Samara Weaving is a babysitter. Any film she is in is an absolute riot of fun.she can do no wrong.

The Babysitter Killer Queen:
Again, a riot of fun.

You could spend three hours watching The Godfather and be bored shitless, or you could watch these two films back to back and enjoy yourself. You wanna be that dog, chappie, or this dog?
Just watched Mosul on Netflix. What a film. Based on these events: ... y-isis/amp

Heart pounding and heartbreaking.
The Holiday: it's a Christmas film and I cry at the end of it. It's joy, and Jude Law really smashes it as a charmless MaliA.
Sonic the Hedgehog: surprisingly enjoyable. Jim Carrey nailed Robotnik,and Sonic was likeable... There were some great jokes, too.
Pundabaya wrote:
Sonic the Hedgehog: surprisingly enjoyable. Jim Carrey nailed Robotnik,and Sonic was likeable... There were some great jokes, too.

:this: I really quite enjoyed it, and so did the kids - even on the second viewing.
A quick post from me to just follow up from what I said during the quiz, and what Kern echoed, but if you haven't seen 'The Third Man' you really should. It's a superb film noir set in Vienna in post-World-War-II, when the city was divided by the occupying powers and the black market and crime flourished. Cheap paper-back thriller writer Holly Martens comes to Vienna looking for his old buddy Harry Lime, only to find out that he was killed in a traffic accident. Not everything about the 'accident' adds up however, and Holly decides to dig deeper. The film stars the under-rated Joseph Cotten, Alida Vali, Trevor Howard and a young Bernard Lee. Oh, and also Orson Welles, who almost steals the film. I especially enjoy Trevor Howard in this, who on the surface is on the face of it a stuffy English army officer but has a subtle ironic sense of humour, and who nurses a hidden burning and deeply human outrage at the nature of the crime he's investigating. "The lucky ones died, the rest merely went off their heads."

The greatest scene in the film - other than perhaps Orson Welles entrance - is the ferris wheel scene. You don't need to know much about the film to find it electrifying.

Be warned though, the theme music WILL take some shifting from your headspace.
NervousPete wrote:
A quick post from me to just follow up from what I said during the quiz, and what Kern echoed, but if you haven't seen 'The Third Man' you really should. It's a superb film noir set in Vienna in post-World-War-II, when the city was divided by the occupying powers and the black market and crime flourished. Cheap paper-back thriller writer Holly Martens comes to Vienna looking for his old buddy Harry Lime, only to find out that he was killed in a traffic accident. Not everything about the 'accident' adds up however, and Holly decides to dig deeper. The film stars the under-rated Joseph Cotten, Alida Vali, Trevor Howard and a young Bernard Lee. Oh, and also Orson Welles, who almost steals the film. I especially enjoy Trevor Howard in this, who on the surface is on the face of it a stuffy English army officer but has a subtle ironic sense of humour, and who nurses a hidden burning and deeply human outrage at the nature of the crime he's investigating. "The lucky ones died, the rest merely went off their heads."

The greatest scene in the film - other than perhaps Orson Welles entrance - is the ferris wheel scene. You don't need to know much about the film to find it electrifying.

Be warned though, the theme music WILL take some shifting from your headspace.

Mrs fop was wooed by my copy of third man on the shelf. Still never watched it.
Cras wrote:
Findus Fraud


I plan to watch third man, then citizen Kane and then I'm ready for Mank.
Just finished "Paddington 2". Absolutely joyous throughout.
Kern wrote:
Just finished "Paddington 2". Absolutely joyous throughout.

2020 X this. A wonderful thing.
Wonder Woman 1984 is ... shit.
Satsuma wrote:
Wonder Woman 1984 is ... shit.

I am glad you said that. I will watch it now then :)
Kern wrote:
Just finished "Paddington 2". Absolutely joyous throughout.

We watched it today.

I really enjoy the film. Even the sad bit.
Satsuma wrote:
Wonder Woman 1984 is ... shit.

God, yes. Appalling. Even the opening sequence. It's not a sport, but that crowd - there to watch FUCK ALL! Worse than Quidditch.
WW84 was enjoyable superhero nonsense, with a plot that made little sense and a final act that was awful. The first 90mins were perfectly watchable fluff
I recently watched some pretty funny teen fantasy Monster Trucks. The film shows creatures like squid living in oil wells. With a developed swarm intelligence. The story is rather superficial and teenage, but I liked it.
I want to watch Tenet. But I can't tune in. Reviews are pretty mixed.
Have you heard about Tom Cruise's future filming?
The film with him should be shot in space.
Interesting - is this an attempt to further popularize the topic of space or an attempt to play on this very popularity in favor of the film (or in favor of NASA and SpaceX)?
I watched a film.

A film I absolutely LOVED! Man, this just came out of nowhere. Just a recommendation from watching Chris Stuckmann on YouTube about his ten best films of 2020. And this wasn’t even one them. Just a throwaway comment that this had the best ending of any film he’d seen.

I’m sick of rubbish endings so I thought I’d give it a punt.

FUCKING HELL MOTHERFUCKING YEAH! Man, this film was BRILLIANT! So great. Just my kind of jam.

Oh, it’s called Hunter Hunter (2020) and it’s about a family terrorised by a wolf in the woods.

My adrenaline is still pumping after watching it. So many emotions.


Don’t read about it; just watch it. Yes, the ending was very good.
Just watched Stardust*. Bawled my eyes out at the end. It's still perfect.

*With BigOne. Who seemed to like it "Victoria isn't very nice, is she?". Sexy Siena Miller.
I love stardust.

We watched robin hood PoT today. Christ it's interminable. Also, I'm sure I recall a scene where robin is competing in a tournament and splits his opponent's arrow in two. Unless I was out of the room at the time, I didn't see that scene in this TV broadcast version at all.

Or perhaps it's from a completely different film.
It happens in the wonky Disney TV movie "Princess of Thieves", starring Kiera Knightly as Robin Hood's daughter. Are you possibly thinking of that?
Findus Fop wrote:
I love stardust.

We watched robin hood PoT today. Christ it's interminable. Also, I'm sure I recall a scene where robin is competing in a tournament and splits his opponent's arrow in two. Unless I was out of the room at the time, I didn't see that scene in this TV broadcast version at all.

Or perhaps it's from a completely different film.

Could it be Robin Hood, Men In Tights? It’s a vastly superior film to the one you watched.
Or the Disney animated version? Again, a better film with 100% more Oo-De-Lallys
Or Doctor Who?
Watched Soul on Disney+ the other night. Brilliant film.
We watched ET as a family earlier today. The kids were bawling their eyes out within the first 15 minutes or so.

Seeing them experience it for the first time, I'd forgot what a great film it is!
Zardoz wrote:
Watched Soul on Disney+ the other night. Brilliant film.

Me too! I went with 7/10.

It had some nice moments, but there were barely any funny bits. Also Graham Norton doesn't belong in films.
Grim... wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Watched Soul on Disney+ the other night. Brilliant film.

Me too! I went with 7/10.

It had some nice moments, but there were barely any funny bits. Also Graham Norton doesn't belong in films.

It's a comedy-drama! I recommended it to a friend who said it 'needed more gags'.

Midnight Sky. Half of a good film - post apocalyptic, and bleak. The start is interesting, and Clooney is good. Then it gets into its stride and doesn't really know where to go. Both groups have their journeys, with obligatory peril, then there's one obvious, and one less-so, revelation at the end. The latter of which reveals that a nice bit of sleight at hand at the start was just plain misdirection, and really not that great. But Clooney is good.
Yeah it started off well and built the intruigue fairly nicely. It kept threatening to get interesting but they apparently decided to take a bold choice to go in the opposite direction and it turned into tedious shit.
MaliA wrote:
Just watched Stardust*. Bawled my eyes out at the end. It's still perfect.

*With BigOne. Who seemed to like it "Victoria isn't very nice, is she?". Sexy Siena Miller.

Was a great film.
We watched Knives out.

What a fab who dunnit. I did not guess till the end.

Lived Mr Craig’s KFC accent. :)
WW84. What a pile of wank.

There was nowhere near enough 1980s stuff to justify having that in the title. In fact, other than the first robbery I'd say there's basically nothing in the movie that relies on an 80s setting to work right.

A ridiculous plot that clearly hasn't been properly thought through.

Paper-thin performances - even Gal Gadot wasn't as good as she was in the first WW (or even in her fleeting appearance in BvS)

Waste of 2 hours.

The Rock. Not seen this before, thought I should probably change this.

Strange film. Connery makes it very watchable, but otherwise it seems to be stupidly over-the-top, but not in a good way (it seems to try and take itself seriously)

Apparently Nicolas Cage was famed for his overacting in the 90s and really hammed it up on this film as a result, which you can clearly see - to the point that he just doesn't seem to fit in. I assume that's the point though, and perhaps if I was watching this with more knowledge of his movies or closer to the time of release I may have enjoyed this movie much more.

Angel Has Fallen. This was panned by critics, but I thought it was much, much better than the second film in the series.

Still predictable trash, but enjoyable nevertheless and Morgan Freeman is always good value - even if he doesn't really do much in this movie.
We watched The Rock a week or two ago as well (again, I’d never seen it before), and I found it really hard not to be drawn out of the film by Nicholas Cage’s acting. More hammy than a charcuterie board.

Knives Out is a fab film, but Daniel Craig sounded exactly the same as Kevin Spacey in House Of Cards*, which I could not un-hear.

We watched Murder On The Orient Express (the recent Kenneth Branagh one) last night. It suffers a bit from having too much Kenneth Branagh and many, many lingering moustache shots, but was otherwise fine. Chugged along.

*alternatively, Foghorn Leghorn.
Mimi wrote:
We watched The Rock a week or two ago as well (again, I’d never seen it before), and I found it really hard not to be drawn out of the film by Nicholas Cage’s acting. More hammy than a charcuterie board.

Same, I almost wanted him to die so that I wouldn't have to listen to ANY more sentences with all the emphasis in weird PLACES.
I watched The Personal History of David Copperfield last night. Enjoyable performances from all the cast (although Capaldi's Micawber is just the Doctor on holiday), with a standout performance from Dev Patel in the lead. I've never read the book so did't know what to expect, and whilst it's openly episodic and riddled with whimsy that didn't detract from my enjoyment.
The Rock is a modern classic and you should all be ashamed at your terrible opinions.
Trolls World Tour (I was really bored, and had just watched the Brodie Lee tribute show, so needed laughs), bloody great fun.
I thought I saw a couple of comments about the The Rock that weren't entirely complimentary but then figured I must be dreaming.
Films with I watched:

Fatman: Mel Gibson is Santa who’s down on his luck and pursued by a hitman. Nowt amazing but I kinda enjoyed it.

Freaky: Johnny Vaugh does a Freaky Friday and pretends to be a teenage girl, but because it’s a Blumhouse-flick Vaughn is a serial killer. I gather it’s supposed to be light hearted in a Scream way, but it’s it’s yawnfully predictable and all a bit dark and crappy looking.

I’d take Fatman over Freaky any day of the week.
I was the other way around, and found Freaky surprisingly enjoyable.

It was no Scream, obviously, but I thought it was entertaining enough.
Last Christmas. Somewhat to my surprise, I come down on the side not of the "omg what a mess", but the "that was fun, quite sweet and the music really worked" side. Took me half an hour to get past the twee slap-you-round-the-face-with-Britishness, but then I really, really enjoyed it.
Mimi wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
I love stardust.

We watched robin hood PoT today. Christ it's interminable. Also, I'm sure I recall a scene where robin is competing in a tournament and splits his opponent's arrow in two. Unless I was out of the room at the time, I didn't see that scene in this TV broadcast version at all.

Or perhaps it's from a completely different film.

Could it be Robin Hood, Men In Tights? It’s a vastly superior film to the one you watched.

Turns out it was PoT. Must have just missed the scene:

Will be watching Men in Tights and the Disney with the family over the coming weeks though.
Every time I see him I can't help but wonder why Kevin Costner got cast as much as he did. He's so wooden.
Dimrill wrote:
Every time I see him I can't help but wonder why Kevin Costner got cast as much as he did. He's so wooden.

he's capable of delivering quite a winning smile, but I agree. That said, he also starred in one of my favourite childhood movies, The Untouchables. I fear it may not be up to much if I return to it. Certainly Prince of Thieves was average-cack.
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