Dungeons and Dragons
myp wrote:
I’m not going in your dirty den

S'alright No Girlz Alowd!
Squirt wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
There's also Mr Spoooky Man in the graveyard. Might be other things too. We didn't actually go into the inn or have a non-Redbrandy look around the rest of the town. For all we know there might be a crack in a cliff that I can MAKE A FECKIN DEN IN.

Once we've murdered the remaining redguys, we should claim the Manor as our own! Live up on the hill like Lords!

I'm tinkin that Mr Iarno and Mr Glasssssssssssssssssstafffffffffffffff might very well be both one and the same....

We should drag ol' Glassrod back to Sildar and see if we can get a positive ID! Possibly disguised as a barrel, if that will makes things easier.

But the MANor (no myps) is all in ruins :(

Good idea aboot Gllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaastf. I'll go and cut his head off and put it in my ear sack.
We could spruce the Manor up a bit with twigs and hay.

There's also a CASTLE in our near future, we could take that, and party.
Dimrill wrote:
myp wrote:
I’m not going in your dirty den

S'alright No Girlz Alowd!

As long as there’s S Club I’m down
myp wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
myp wrote:
I’m not going in your dirty den

S'alright No Girlz Alowd!

As long as there’s S Club I’m down

You have to use ropes to get from floor to floor as there's no Steps.
Dimrill wrote:
myp wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
myp wrote:
I’m not going in your dirty den

S'alright No Girlz Alowd!

As long as there’s S Club I’m down

You have to use ropes to get from floor to floor as there's no Steps.

That’s just inconvenient
myp wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
myp wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
myp wrote:
I’m not going in your dirty den

S'alright No Girlz Alowd!

As long as there’s S Club I’m down

You have to use ropes to get from floor to floor as there's no Steps.

That’s just inconvenient

Well you may go and play hoopaloo with the wind! Go and spend your gold staying in an "inn" with "sheets" and "pillows"! No gold needed to stay in my ditch! AND I'M LAUGHING! BORT BORT BORT
Wilst thou be with us next Mondayth, Myps?
I think he's putting all his invisible wrenches back into their invisible drawers before taking the invisible used tyres down an invisible country road to invisibly dump them illegally.
Zardoz wrote:
Wilst thou be with us next Mondayth, Myps?

Indeede I shalt be, forsooth yea verily
It's a double week!
Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the bears of war! With Dwarves riding them! And the Dwarves have armour and a big magic axe! And the bears are actual magic elves!
sdg wrote:
Squirt wrote:
ooh, @sdg, a rules / world question - under my Book of Ancient Secrets Invocation , it says I can copy spells to my spellbook requiring "2 hours and 50 gp for the rare inks needed to inscribe it". How rare are these rare inks? Am I likely to find them in a nearby costermongers? How fancy are these inks anyway, that it costs a month's wages just to copy down a spell?

The inks are very rare, but I'm willing to open it to the group to all decide how we handle this in world. We could handwave it, say subtract 50gp and you can copy the spell. We could require you to find someone willing to sell you rare ink, which you are unlikely to come across in Phandalin and would probably have to go to one of the big metro areas to find, or maybe come across a wizard tower or other spellcaster somewhere. I think I fall somewhere in between. I don't want your abilities being restricted by the path of your adventure not bringing you to a suitable seller so instead I'd be willing to say that you create a rare ink by expending 50gp and ending up with an ink and then letting you flavour how that happens. Do you simply melt down the gold over the course of one hour, then use it to write the spell into your book in the second hour? Do you buy materials and supplies for 50gp and combine them into some sort of reagent that becomes your ink? If you and the rest of the party are happy with that as a solution, I say let's wait until it comes up in game and then you describe what you do that costs 50gp and results in you having a rare ink of your creation.

I think there should be some "effort" involved in this - adding a spell to your spellbook is quite a big deal, gameplay wise ( especially since poor old Shuu and Zardoth can't do it, the rubes ). I think it's a bit of a religious ceremony for Ivo. There's incense and dried herbs burnt in a silver brazier to purify the air, a glass of sacremental wine drunk from a crystal chalice, a new quill pen must be used and then burnt so that it is never sullied by a lesser task, and, for some reason, a glass jar full of needles, rats teeth and pigs blood must be buried at a crossroads at midnight. Maybe it might need some time for the costermongers to get a shipment from Neverwinter, or paying a local to forage for the herbs in the woods.

I think it also affects Myp, so he might have some ideas.
Paying a local to forage for herbs when you quest with a Druid?!!!
Zardoz wrote:
Paying a local to forage for herbs when you quest with a Druid?!!!

To be fair, the druid is now usually a bloodthirsty bear. I'm not sure Shuu'd ask him.
Zardoz wrote:
Paying a local to forage for herbs when you quest with a Druid?!!!

I wouldn't dream of asking a level 3 Druid / Bear to do such a menial task!
myp wrote:
I’m not going in your dirty den

*Leslie Grantham sucky finger pic*
Mr Dave wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Paying a local to forage for herbs when you quest with a Druid?!!!

To be fair, the druid is now usually a bloodthirsty bear. I'm not sure Shuu'd ask him.

Squirt wrote:
I wouldn't dream of asking a level 3 Druid / Bear to do such a menial task!


We’d save a bit of money though.
Zardoth has changed a little since tasting human blood.
Zardoz wrote:
Zardoth has changed a little since tasting human blood.

I love how a character changes and evolves as you get to know them. I played a storm cleric with a sailor background as my first PC. She was a pre gen, so I choose a character sheet already created for a level 1 character without contributing to the build. I decided that she had started to receive power through a mysterious god while she was on the sea and was learning how to harness it. The first time I cast inflict wounds was one of the first times I started to get a real insight into who she was and could be. It is a really powerful melee attack where you touch a target and they make a saving throw. If they fail, they take a high amount of necrotic damage. I decided that I grabbed the face of the enemy to cast it and when it landed, I just imagined her getting wild eyed and laughing with adrenaline and excitement. I absolutely loved playing her as a Chaotic Good character who was slightly unhinged by the power and damage she could wield. She was instakilled when an ice giant stomped on her in the jungles of Chult :'( :'( :'(
Sdg telling her war stories!


Giphy "vietnam napalm":
That’s kind of why I chosen mostly hippy helpy spells for Zardoth to use when he’s a good old Wood Elf Druid... to make up for the manic glee he gets from going beastie boy. Maybe he’ll grow out of it when the novelty wears off.
Squirt wrote:
Sdg telling her war stories!


Giphy "vietnam napalm":

What delightful upgrades has Myptic got after hitting level 3?
Zardoz wrote:
That’s kind of why I chosen mostly hippy helpy spells for Zardoth to use when he’s a good old Wood Elf Druid... to make up for the manic glee he gets from going beastie boy. Maybe he’ll grow out of it when the novelty wears off.

Dr Zardoth and Mr Hyde Bear.
Zardoz wrote:
That’s kind of why I chosen mostly hippy helpy spells for Zardoth to use when he’s a good old Wood Elf Druid... to make up for the manic glee he gets from going beastie boy. Maybe he’ll grow out of it when the novelty wears off.

I like it! Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde, only Mr Hyde is a bear.
Squirt wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
That’s kind of why I chosen mostly hippy helpy spells for Zardoth to use when he’s a good old Wood Elf Druid... to make up for the manic glee he gets from going beastie boy. Maybe he’ll grow out of it when the novelty wears off.

I like it! Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde, only Mr Hyde is a bear.

Giphy "high five":
Giphy "great minds":
The vegan craves flesh.
Zardoz wrote:
What delightful upgrades has Myptic got after hitting level 3?

I think wizards are a bit weird like that, they get to e best at magic but they don't get much in the way of "extra bits". No turning into bears or other such fancy-pants doodabs. :(
If I hadn’t taken Circle of the Moon I could now be able to spider climb at will and something else.

It was always going to be Circle of the Moon though AND IT ALWAYS WILL!!
He was a bear of very large bloodthirst. And bone want.
But your dice work good! Hope these aren't cursed like all mine are...
only in combat! everything else they're as useless as myp!

*solves all X-Files cases*
myp wrote:

*solves all X-Files cases*

All you did last session is collect one berry of charity donations for your local hospital
He did it really well though and levelled up!
I refuse to give him any praise and insist on rubbing his nose into his own mess.
*conjures a tiny flame so powerful it goes back in time and causes the Great Fire of London*
Forgive me for butting in. I just wondered if anyone had seen this video (I haven't, but I thought it might be of interest?)


Malc wrote:
Forgive me for butting in. I just wondered if anyone had seen this video (I haven't, but I thought it might be of interest?)

You’re not butting in, I’d talk about D&D all day!
I hadn’t seen this, and wasn’t subscribed to that channel. I’ve only watched 20 mins or so but I’m going to watch the rest, once they get past the awkward intros it was getting interesting.
Thanks, Malc. I watched a fair bit then ducked out incase their quest might be something we do... I wait for SDG to deem it safe :D

Also watched the Stranger Things Christmas D&D, it was ok (wife and daughter left after 15min as the nerdiness was too much). Hopper and Dustin were on good form, Mike seemed like a bitchy stoner and Nancy looked like she was trapped. :D
It's one thing I am not doing is searching for things D&D related just in case things get ruined for We. Except dice, of course. Lovely, lovely dice.
Yeah, same. I knew that was a one off thing though.
Zardoz wrote:
Thanks, Malc. I watched a fair bit then ducked out incase their quest might be something we do... I wait for SDG to deem it safe :D

Also watched the Stranger Things Christmas D&D, it was ok (wife and daughter left after 15min as the nerdiness was too much). Hopper and Dustin were on good form, Mike seemed like a bitchy stoner and Nancy looked like she was trapped. :D

I don’t think there will be any spoilers. I’m 58m in and it seems they’re up in Icewind Dale around the ten towns which is much further north than Phandalin. Even if we go there, we’ll be doing something different. Safe to watch!

My wife never watches D&D stuff with me either. Although she’s definitely had her interests caught by Critical Role a few times when I’ve had it on around the house, I’m sure of it!
What dice did they use? Were they pretty dice?
Dimrill wrote:
What dice did they use? Were they pretty dice?

There are only pretty dice.

This made me laugh.
@Squirt I've PM'd you. Can you let me know what if any headcanon you have for Ivo's experiences with Xunt i.e how he came to find him and how he communes with him.
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