Mimi wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Bluetooth will travel through walls. My neighbour has an open Bluetooth speaker that I can "see" all over our house

Do you play music on it?

Nothing yet. Temptation taps my shoulder every day.

Re: Masks. They've been mandatory at our school since we returned and it's 99% observed. Even the high school kids picking up their younger siblings are generally masked at the gates
I think that’s where they lost some ground, here. I think if they’d made masks mandatory from the start then you’d have to be very bold to be the one person turning up bare-faced.

... That said, the one way system has been in place from day 1 and the same people still head against that every single time, so who knows.
I read that a lot of hospitals are asking their staff NOT to use the NHS tracker app, on the basis that they will be coming into contact with so many potential contacts that it’d just trigger waves of “false positive” messages.

Can’t help but think not using it for that reason kinda defeats the point, though.
We’ve just been told if we do have it to turn tracking off while we’re on campus.
And we should be protected by wearing PPE if we do come in contact with any positives.
“Fun”Sally wrote:
We’ve just been told if we do have it to turn tracking off while we’re on campus.
And we should be protected by wearing PPE if we do come in contact with any positives.


We've been asked to turn our phones off or put them into airplane mode when we leave them in our cars too.
On Tuesday one of the teachers at D’s school tested positive, the next day, two more. The next day two more. Now over half the school is out due to it. They aren’t shutting the school, though. As it’s half term and so many staff have it I thought it would make more sense to extend the break by another week.
Mimi wrote:
On Tuesday one of the teachers at D’s school tested positive, the next day, two more. The next day two more. Now over half the school is out due to it. They aren’t shutting the school, though. As it’s half term and so many staff have it I thought it would make more sense to extend the break by another week.

I'm not sure that people are using a lot of sense unfortunately.

Looks like our department is now shut down for a couple of weeks, we'll see how that goes.
First day of Tier 3. Obviously this is having a massive impact upon my life
I guess you’re not going trick or treating, then?
Mimi wrote:
I guess you’re not going trick or treating, then?

I’ll have to have this year off
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
Mimi wrote:
On Tuesday one of the teachers at D’s school tested positive, the next day, two more. The next day two more. Now over half the school is out due to it. They aren’t shutting the school, though. As it’s half term and so many staff have it I thought it would make more sense to extend the break by another week.

I'm not sure that people are using a lot of sense unfortunately.

Looks like our department is now shut down for a couple of weeks, we'll see how that goes.

Are there cases within your department, GJ?

Here’s something I was thinking about the school. At lunch, the kids eat at their desks with dinner ladies presiding. The teachers go to eat in the staff room. The spread among the staff in different year groups, etc, at the very least strongly suggests this is where the transmission is happening.

So, if you are found to be positive, all those that you’ve been in close proximity to are supposed to self isolate, yes? I have that right, don’t I? If so... that should surely be all of the teachers. But that’s not what is happening?
Kern wrote:
Oxford Mail: Man broke coronavirus lockdown rules to watch couple dogging near Bicester

Still not as bad as what Dominic Cummings did.

What an idiot. He could have probably seen it all on-line.

But that’s a really useful article, since it gives details of other popular places to catch people at it.
Mimi wrote:
Are there cases within your department, GJ?

Thankfully not, but we can't go into the rest of the establishment now because of cases.
Mimi wrote:
Here’s something I was thinking about the school. At lunch, the kids eat at their desks with dinner ladies presiding. The teachers go to eat in the staff room. The spread among the staff in different year groups, etc, at the very least strongly suggests this is where the transmission is happening.

It’s my understanding that teachers aren’t allowed to meet in the staff room- they are supposed to stay in their bubbles. Don’t know if that’s universal (or being followed) though.
Jem wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Here’s something I was thinking about the school. At lunch, the kids eat at their desks with dinner ladies presiding. The teachers go to eat in the staff room. The spread among the staff in different year groups, etc, at the very least strongly suggests this is where the transmission is happening.

It’s my understanding that teachers aren’t allowed to meet in the staff room- they are supposed to stay in their bubbles. Don’t know if that’s universal (or being followed) though.

Hmm, doesn’t seem to be. My brother is a teacher and though he’s refused to hold departmental meetings in person and eats in his office, he has to attend wider school meetings in person and says that most teachers don’t have the privilege of an office. Kids are eating in the canteen still (as they are in a lot of schools here, though not in D’s) and so staff room is where many are taking their meals as the teachers are moving between classes for lessons so don’t have a permanent base or bubble (he works in a secondary school, so not sure if that’s different).
4PM press conference by Boris. Lockdown incoming?
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
4PM press conference by Boris. Lockdown incoming?

Or, to pretend to be in charge still, debunk those stories, but announce there will be one in a week or so, just to make sure our official response stays two weeks behind France.
They are just incompetent, vindictive, fucking stupid, cunts, aren't they?
MaliA wrote:
They are just incompetent, vindictive, fucking stupid, cunts, aren't they?

Welcome to the party, pal
I was hoping that as Johnson's announcement was scheduled for 4 that I would be spared having to endure it thanks to the rugby on the other side. Alas, the three hour delay meant it was on and I caught it. Dear god, despite a night's sleep and the fact that England won the 6 Nations, I'm still spitting buckets about it. Not only is it far too late, but his delivery was appalling, he had an infuriating smirk on his face despite 60,000 dead, and he ended with more of that tedious and tooth-grindingly awful everything will be fine/world-beating/over-by-ChristmasSpring pathetic Poundland Churchillian cos-play shit.

Still, at least he's not going to exacerbate the economic ruin by also taking the UK out of single market and customs union at the end of the year. That would be irrespons - oh. Oh dear.
I agree it was a really poor delivery.

There was no pause between the reasoning and the measures - he just started talking about them as though we already knew what they were.
That said, because he'd told the BBC what they were anyway, some of us did...
Another month.
It won’t really change what I will be doing. Hopefully.
Hey Boris! You must've fucked it up if you made Kern swear:
Lockdown v2 - electric boogaloo.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Mimi wrote:
On Tuesday one of the teachers at D’s school tested positive, the next day, two more. The next day two more. Now over half the school is out due to it. They aren’t shutting the school, though. As it’s half term and so many staff have it I thought it would make more sense to extend the break by another week.

We’re in a bit of a pickle with this now. More than half the classes in D’s school now have a teacher who is currently isolating as they’ve tested positive, which isn’t great. However, we don’t *really* know the extent of it.

At least one teacher per class, we understand, but we asked just for a total number of staff with current covid cases, just so we could make an informed decision about whether Darwin should go in today, as it seems to have spread really rapidly through the teaching staff, but the school have phoned today to say that they won’t say the extent of the infections among staff. As there are usually 3-4 teachers and support staff per class (as a lot are part times and job share) it would seem odd if it spread between staff in different classes but not teachers and support staff that work together in the classes, not to mention other school staff.

I’m not sure if they are doing this in the grounds of GDPR, as other schools have been pretty transparent about the number of staff affected (though I’ve seen none to the extent of infections that are seemingly within this school), and other workplaces (factories, etc) publish the number of cases, so it just feels like they are not giving parents the full picture, and without the information I don’t know how we can make an informed decision :(

So today I am reluctantly homeschooling again. Not reluctantly because I mind doing it, but reluctant because of the circumstances I’m which I’ve taken him out for the time being, and because I feel so kept in the dark, and (most importantly) because he’ll be missing his friends.

I don’t think we can make the ‘right’ decision here. And I need a big hug and a dose of confidence :(
I think you've done the right thing. Sounds like his school has lots of cases, I'd do the same.
Genuinely, that makes me feel better. I doubt myself a LOT and though I know Russell has my back and we’ve done this in full agreement, I doubt my rationale in the wider sense a lot of the time.
To be honest, I've hated homeschooling and I think I'd be making the same decision under those circumstances!
I would probably do the same with little Jimmy if he existed and I’m someone who thinks schools need to stay open as long as possible due to the potential mental health issues and isolation/loneliness of long-term homeschooling. You need to feel like the school are being honest with you and that they’re doing everything they can to contain the outbreak.
Do you not get fined? It's £100 a week for us to keep the Grimlet at home, even though we're in the "XTREME" shielding category.
Grim... wrote:
Do you not get fined? It's £100 a week for us to keep the Grimlet at home, even though we're in the "XTREME" shielding category.

I hope you have him labouring on the job site to pay off the fine.
Grim... wrote:
Do you not get fined? It's £100 a week for us to keep the Grimlet at home, even though we're in the "XTREME" shielding category.

Shielders should be back to work now because the economy!
Most never stopped being at work
The school have issued a statement saying anyone worried can take up to 14 days without reprisal
Cras wrote:
Most never stopped being at work

Those who couldn’t work from home did. But then they were told to go back.

And now there isn’t a shielding scheme as far as I’m aware. It’s a complete mess.
Grim... wrote:
Do you not get fined? It's £100 a week for us to keep the Grimlet at home, even though we're in the "XTREME" shielding category.

No, we don’t get fined. The school letter states that there won’t be any penalty for parents that choose to keep their children home during times when there is an outbreak at the school.

Edit: sorry, I didn’t see Russell’s response before replying. Have you spoken to the school about your circumstances, Grim...? Each school seems to be doing their own thing, and I worry that some have lost sight of the fact that there are real families with very specific circumstances alongside attendance numbers to consider.
Grim... wrote:
Do you not get fined? It's £100 a week for us to keep the Grimlet at home, even though we're in the "XTREME" shielding category.

Fuuuuuck :S
Mr Chonks wrote:
You need to feel like the school are being honest with you and that they’re doing everything they can to contain the outbreak.
That’s just it. I just feel there is a lack of clarity, and because they seem to be going to extents *not* to inform people (we weren’t even told about the initial four teachers: they sent messages only to the parents with kids in those classes, so the rest of the school wasn’t informed) it doesn’t feel like they are interested in building trust and honesty, and ultimately that’s going to result in us having to be extra cautious in case we aren’t getting the fuller picture in the future.
Jem wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Do you not get fined? It's £100 a week for us to keep the Grimlet at home, even though we're in the "XTREME" shielding category.

Fuuuuuck :S

Yeah, it’s bad. And think about how it affects poorer families who also might have complex family health conditions, who can’t afford the fine and so then are forced to send their kids into a potentially very dangerous situation. It’s a complete mess.

Edit: I don’t mean poorer than Grim... personally. I mean families struggling financially or with little expendable income.
Our local school has said they won't fine people. Kinda assumed it was universal :S
That is terrible, fining folks
Fuck off am I standing outside clapping for teachers, which is the way it is probably headed.
MaliA wrote:
Fuck off am I standing outside clapping for teachers, which is the way it is probably headed.

More of the self-congratulatory "clapping at 8pm for the NHS" bullshit to make people who do fuck all feel better about themselves.
Mimi wrote:
MaliA wrote:
Fuck off am I standing outside clapping for teachers, which is the way it is probably headed.


I'm preempting the next wave of empty gestures.
Grim... wrote:
More of the self-congratulatory "clapping at 8pm for the NHS" bullshit to make people who do fuck all feel better about themselves.

Yeah, that , although teachers do do some stuff.
Grim... wrote:
More of the self-congratulatory "clapping at 8pm for the NHS" bullshit to make people who do fuck all feel better about themselves.

It’s actually worse than this, the same sort of people who clap for the NHS are also the ones flouting the rules
Mr Chonks wrote:
Grim... wrote:
More of the self-congratulatory "clapping at 8pm for the NHS" bullshit to make people who do fuck all feel better about themselves.

It’s actually worse than this, the same sort of people who clap for the NHS are also the ones flouting the rules

Yes, I was just about to say this! The ones with the Union flag on their FB/Twitter profiles, who plaster an NHS rainbow flair over the top, whilst spouting about how their human rights are being infringed because they're being forced to wear a mask to The A.S.D.A.
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