Funny pictures
Love that ham curing one
*feels adapter shame*
I'm in a tough store today. If staff don't do as they're told they end up in here.

When a comma would make call the difference. And arguably, a capital T on "touch."
I can’t stop laughing at these pictures :D

Why is his head that shape? Why is he dressed like that? These were from a genuine, non-parody account.
Pencil head. Tube of meat.
That’s what it is! I was thinking Beaker from Muppets, but his head was more pencil-like than Beaker.
Dimrill wrote:

I particularly enjoyed the 'pallets wanted' one :D
A few on this IG account made me laugh, scrolling down trying to preempt the caption.


And this one that wasn’t quite in the same style as the rest of the posts on the account, but still made me chuckle:
Don't know if I'm brave enough to eat this. It reminds me of something ... I thought it was the baby from Eraserhead, but having had a look at it, it's not.

Scary Eccles Cake.jpg
Party sex leads to being reincarnated as an entertainer dog? Michael Jackson.
Is that... Eric Pickles being attacked by the Pink Ranger?
That’s a belter.
I believe it's one of those Vietnamese ear cleaning salons.
It almost looks like the Ranger is climbing out

Brilliant. It took me about 10 minutes to read the whole thing as I was in tears by the time I got to 'Theremony at tremony at the liremony at the librarmony at the library.'

I'd love to see what kind of retraction/apology/explanation the posted for this later.
This looks like it might have been written by Prof. Staney Unwin
The Hard Dish Installs The manual.jpg
Good Girl, Brexit
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