Bits and Bobs 51
Where IS area 51?
Another day, another @fesshole entry to make me chuckle, although in this case it was one particular response that set me off.

"Started flirting and then sexting with a handsome colleague months ago. We're both unhappily married. It's been incredibly hot. We finally fucked on Friday and he was 'done' in less than 30s. I'm devastated. It's over. Loser."

Replying to
Finally being close to your hairy sack of magic probably finished him off.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Warhead wrote:

Nice link, ta.

You're too kind.

It was a gift.

Asked Duck-Duck-go search for references to '51' and up it popped.
I have a pair of Bluetooth headphones (Lindy BNX-60s, fact fans!) which I want to use with my (Windows 10) PC.

I can connect it all up to Bluetooth fine, and the PC detects both the headphones and the headset, setting them up as output and input devices accordingly.

However, if I have my current input device set to the microphone on the headphones, then I get no audio at all through the headphones themselves - i.e. people can hear me talk (just) but I can't hear anything back.

If I set the input device to be my webcam's microphone, I can hear audio again.

Is this likely to be a weird incompatibility with my headphones, or is there a setting I can change in Windows that will fix this?
Yes, change the Windows setting to Windows 7.

51: ... =3&t=11605 - Warhead
50: ... =3&t=11218 - Malc
49: ... =3&t=11060 - Zaphod79
48: ... =3&t=10936 - TheVision
47: ... 3&t=10781- Pundabaya
46: ... =3&t=10654 - Zaphod79
45: ... =3&t=10486 - TheVision
44: ... =3&t=10286 - Dr Zoidberg
43: ... =3&t=10103 - Davpaz (the slacker!)
42: ... f=3&t=9905 - KovacsC
41: ... f=3&t=9731 - TheVision
40: ... f=3&t=9556 - mr russ
39: ... f=3&t=9375 - chinnyhill10
38: ... f=3&t=9247 - TheVision
37: ... f=3&t=9088 - TheVision
36: ... f=3&t=8860 - Mr Kissyfur
35: ... f=3&t=8674 - Trooper
34: ... f=3&t=8457 - Zaphod79
33: ... f=3&t=8246 - Throughsilver
32: ... f=3&t=8068 - Mr Kissyfur
31: ... f=3&t=7709 - Kalmar
30: ... f=3&t=7462 - Kern
29: ... f=3&t=7128 - Gilly
28: ... f=3&t=6906 - Grim...
27: ... f=3&t=6774 - Wullie
26: ... f=3&t=6662 - Captain Caveman
25: ... f=3&t=6575 - Zardoz
24: ... f=3&t=6483 - DavPaz
23: ... f=3&t=6359 - MaliA
22: ... f=3&t=6270 - DavPaz
21: ... f=3&t=6117 - Bobbyaro
20: ... f=3&t=5962 - Mr Kissyfur
19: ... f=3&t=5774 - Grim...
18: ... f=3&t=5569 - DavPaz
17: ... f=3&t=5401 - Devilman
16: ... f=3&t=5257 - Malaboob
15: ... f=3&t=5110 - MaliA
14: ... f=3&t=4999 - Nickachu
13: ... f=3&t=4833 - Myoptikakaka
12: ... f=3&t=4650 - Sinister agent
11: ... f=3&t=4458 - Mr Kissyfur
10: ... f=3&t=4206 - KovacsC
09: ... f=3&t=3876 - MaliA
08: ... f=3&t=3544 - DavPaz
07: ... f=3&t=3182 - Pundabaya
06: ... f=3&t=2893 - DavPaz
05: ... f=3&t=2483 - chinnyhill10
04: ... f=3&t=2135 - Mimi
03: ... f=3&t=1662 - Craster
02: ... f=3&t=1191 - Grim...
01: ... ?f=3&t=106 - Whomper
My first first post. I'm so proud.
Warhead wrote:
My first first post. I'm so proud.

Shhh - it should have been Devilman
zaphod79 wrote:
Warhead wrote:
My first first post. I'm so proud.

Shhh - it should have been Devilman

I did wonder that, but I couldn't remember for certain so I just figured I'd let someone else do it :)
GazChap your avatar is amazing :luv:
miki wrote:
GazChap your avatar is amazing :luv:

:hug: A question in Malc's quiz last night reminded me that I'd had my gorilla one for ages and should probably change it!
devilman wrote:
zaphod79 wrote:
Warhead wrote:
My first first post. I'm so proud.

Shhh - it should have been Devilman

I did wonder that, but I couldn't remember for certain so I just figured I'd let someone else do it :)

Ooo, er, I forgot all about the roolz and just saw 50 sitting there and after three days the new one hadn't appeared.

I've moved from proud to ashamed. :'(
I’ve had sat in my loft for years, a brand new PSOne console. At the time I got it, I could have bought boxes of them but thought that would be silly.

I put it on eBay last weekend and it’s over £200 with a few days to go.
Is that the little Psone? £200! Wow... I've got one of those with the official screen and it's a delightful little console.
I bought a Psone from Dixons for £10 the year before the Wii came out (cheap Christmas gift), still have it now with about 10 games.
TheVision wrote:
Is that the little Psone? £200! Wow... I've got one of those with the official screen and it's a delightful little console.

Yep, that's the beastie. I think I only paid ten or twenty quid for it
My Boiler cover is up for renewal, last year was £18 a month, renewal is £47.

Rang them:

K - my policy seems to have gone up by 150%
HS - Yes your 12 month introductory offer is up, we can do it for £36
K - Your website says £22, for the plan.
HS - That is for new customers.
K - British Gas is £22,
HS - New customer offer.
K - Does anyone actually renew?
HS - Shall we cancel your renewal?
K - Let me think!!!
HS - if you cancel today it is free, if you wait till the 23rd when your policy runs out, it will be £18
K - Are you making stuff up now?

Just going to shop around.
Mimi would probably knit you one for nowt.
This is one of the worst IG adverts I have ever seen. Scottish widows have released an ageing filter, and for some reason are advertising it. But they are advertising it on this young model even though it clearly does NOT work with her skin colour, and just gives her a sort of greyish beard.

And now she is convincingly 71.
Happy TheVision Day!
Hap-pie Birthday, TheVision!
Happy Birthday TheVision!

Giphy "thevision":
Giphy "happy birthday the vision":
Well now... that's a thing
Trooper wrote:
Well now... that's a thing

Before it was coopted by the Nazis, the swastika was a spiritual image in Indian cultures.
Happy birthday TheVision :)
Mr Chonks wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Well now... that's a thing

Before it was coopted by the Nazis, the swastika was a spiritual image in Indian cultures.

Thanks Captain Obvious ;)
Trooper wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Well now... that's a thing

Before it was coopted by the Nazis, the swastika was a spiritual image in Indian cultures.

Thanks Captain Obvious ;)

You seemed confused. Glad to have helped
Happy birthday, the Vision!
Thanks everyone! I've spent the day playing Halo ODST, working and being shouted at by the kids.

Just another day really then!
Happy birthday to you, TheVision! I hope you have a tasty beer to crack open and some traditional space lego sets to play with, or some such.
Big 7.5 Alaskan earthquake out to sea has just happened. Tsunami warnings pinging. Thanks for the update, 2020. Happily this seems to be a strike-slip rather than a mega-thrust earthquake, so a proper tsunami is less likely. I remember one false warning a couple of years ago from a similar Alaskan event. Still, bit concerning.

Edit: Phew. In keeping with its strike-slip status, only a dinky 2 foot high tsunami reported at the nearest settlement several hundred miles away. Looks like the crisis be over.
So, it would seem that this is an appropriate basis of system of government for paying to park a car!!
50p - "it'd be a terrible shame if you came back to find your car had a sword in it"
You have to admit, it’s nice, clear signage.
Do you get your 50p back if you remove the sword?
Quite sad I missed this major news article last year. ... ia-1459673
From 50p! Damn weasel words.
Dimrill wrote:
Quite sad I missed this major news article last year. ... ia-1459673

Biggest ever bukake event.
Dimrill wrote:
Quite sad I missed this major news article last year. ... ia-1459673

Beef Jerky
KovacsC wrote:

Alcohol free Guinness.. at last

This house certainly justifies the use of the 3D walkthrough option. Certainly makes my home feel tidy in comparison.
I knew what that was going to be before I clicked the link.
It's quite something. A huge building for the money though
Like a proper mystery tour.

Lovely stuff to flog.

Given the state of it, I like this optimism. One day, ma. One day.
Did you find the porn near the freaky bath?
Hearing Georgia Mann say "Wetwang" when reading out the weather this morning on Radio 3 has truly made my day.
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