The 'Yay!' thread
post about good things
Jem wrote:
Nice one Kov, drinks are on you :)

No probs. I have a cleared credit card :)
KovacsC wrote:
Jem wrote:
Nice one Kov, drinks are on you :)

No probs. I have a cleared credit card :)

Cut it up and never use it again. That’s what I did when I paid mine off
Mr Chonks wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Jem wrote:
Nice one Kov, drinks are on you :)

No probs. I have a cleared credit card :)

Cut it up and never use it again. That’s what I did when I paid mine off

I will need it for buying fuel when I start travelling again.

It is locked away
KovacsC wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Jem wrote:
Nice one Kov, drinks are on you :)

No probs. I have a cleared credit card :)

Cut it up and never use it again. That’s what I did when I paid mine off

I will need it for buying fuel when I start travelling again.

It is locked away

Can you not use a debit card for that?
Mr Russell wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Jem wrote:
Nice one Kov, drinks are on you :)

No probs. I have a cleared credit card :)

Cut it up and never use it again. That’s what I did when I paid mine off

I will need it for buying fuel when I start travelling again.

It is locked away

Can you not use a debit card for that?

With work I put in £250/£300 a month in fuel. Which is expensed, so would rather not have my money tied up.
KovacsC wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Jem wrote:
Nice one Kov, drinks are on you :)

No probs. I have a cleared credit card :)

Cut it up and never use it again. That’s what I did when I paid mine off

I will need it for buying fuel when I start travelling again.

It is locked away

Can you not use a debit card for that?

With work I put in £250/£300 a month in fuel. Which is expensed, so would rather not have my money tied up.
Sounds like they should be giving you a fuel card.
Mr Russell wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Mr Russell wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Jem wrote:
Nice one Kov, drinks are on you :)

No probs. I have a cleared credit card :)

Cut it up and never use it again. That’s what I did when I paid mine off

I will need it for buying fuel when I start travelling again.

It is locked away

Can you not use a debit card for that?

With work I put in £250/£300 a month in fuel. Which is expensed, so would rather not have my money tied up.
Sounds like they should be giving you a fuel card.

We had fuel cards and company cars. We are now on car allowance and expensed fuel. We do have corporate credit cards, but we can't use them for personal use..

Yes I know, it is a mess.
I benched 60kg this morning, which has been a goal for a significant amount of time.
That's a lot of keggers! Well done Jem!
I can put 60kg on a bench. Easy
Isn't that about the same weight as GazChap? I want to see videos of you tossing him about like a cheerleaders baton now!
DBSnappa wrote:
Isn't that about the same weight as GazChap? I want to see videos of you tossing him about like a cheerleaders baton now!

It's not far off :DD
Wow that is 1/2 a me :)
KovacsC wrote:
Wow that is 1/2 a me :)

Put on weight recently have you? 2 x 60kg is just under 19st
DBSnappa wrote:
KovacsC wrote:
Wow that is 1/2 a me :)

Put on weight recently have you? 2 x 60kg is just under 19st

I am about 100kg.. :)
I was pretty much double that on the 1st of September, currently at 83% heavier than that!
I'm about 100kg as well I think. Haven't weighed myself in while.
I'm 86.6kg. Monday is weigh-in day
DavPaz wrote:
I'm 86.6kg. Monday is weigh-in day

Same. I’ve put nearly 7 kilos on since the start of lockdown :(
I'm 72kg of pure muscle

(I wish, lol)
88kg for me. But I'm 5ftshort
I'm currently sitting a tiny amount under 100kg and a fucking full 25% of that is fat (70% is allegedly muscle, though that seems like a lot). I had lost some of my lockdown weight prior to getting back to the gym but I seem to be backsliding again. Realistically I'd like to get back down to the low 90 kgs, and unrealistically it would be great to get further down but I doubt that would ever happen.
I've been 118kg for a few years but after a brief 6 month interlude today upped my linear legpress PB to 217kg, so while there's still an unhealthy amount of fat, is slowly converting to muscle.
Bamba wrote:
I'm currently sitting a tiny amount under 100kg and a fucking full 25% of that is fat (70% is allegedly muscle, though that seems like a lot).

I think bones take up like 15% bodyweight don't they? Or you have tiny bones...
Jem wrote:
Bamba wrote:
I'm currently sitting a tiny amount under 100kg and a fucking full 25% of that is fat (70% is allegedly muscle, though that seems like a lot).

I think bones take up like 15% bodyweight don't they? Or you have tiny bones...

I use the word allegedly there because I'm just quoting the numbers from the gyms body scanner so possibly it's all bollocks, it gives 3.7kg for bone mass which does seem not very much.
Turns out you do have tiny bones :DD (It's also possible I'm misremembering the %)
Jem wrote:
Turns out you do have tiny bones :DD (It's also possible I'm misremembering the %)

I just did a very quick Google and apparently the average is between 3 and 5% of body mass.
Maybe I multiplied the numbers - maths power!
Went on an almost two-hour walk with a Brummie slaphead today
My aim in September was to go on at least 15 walks. I had a bit of a cold and the weather was crap for the first week of September, and then I also did my foot in. I eventually went on a couple of nice long walks, and then a short walk or two, then my foot went again.

I thought maybe I had overdone it, so after it had recovered I went on a short 20 minutes walk, and it flared up something chronic. So this time I thought I'll really rest it up, which I'd done until Saturday, when I had to take something to the tip My foot (the big toe joint on my right foot) is mostly fine, but I did get a massive blister (which I'm putting down to wearing thin socks with my shoes that' I've not worn since March).

Now I'm scared to go walking incase it goes again (when it goes it's really bloody painful, and often takes many days to dissipate) but I really find that walking is the best way for me to lose weight.
Also it gives you a lot of time to contemplate your sandwich making technique.

Those Compeed blister plasters are really good if you can get hold of some x
They really are very good
Mr Chonks wrote:
Went on an almost two-hour walk with a Brummie slaphead today

I see a post in the Nay thread coming up :p
Mimi wrote:
Also it gives you a lot of time to contemplate your sandwich making technique.

Those Compeed blister plasters are really good if you can get hold of some x

Do you use them instead of bread, or is it a filling?
Bought a spares/repairs Amiga 500+ that was worth it for the accessories and games alone. Tested it out, no joy - just a blinking power light. Opened it up, pushed down on a few of the chips and checked a few of the cables and it's up and running. :)

Brilliant! You make it sound so simple, but I would have described your actions, had I taken them, as "used the sum total of all my techniques for mending electronic gadgets".
JBR wrote:
Brilliant! You make it sound so simple, but I would have described your actions, had I taken them, as "used the sum total of all my techniques for mending electronic gadgets".

It's about my limit too. Usually when I open up a computer or console to take a look at an issue, it's the beginning of the end for it. :)
Hornby move into profit during lock down.

I had a Hornby train set when I was nobbut a nipper. Or maybe I thought I did, but it was really my dad's and he let me play with it.

The big rivalry at the time was with Triang. My best friend had a Triang set, and I was a bit jealous because Hornby had a third rail to power the engines, which I thought was a bit naff, whereas Triang was more authentic and didn't need a third rail. As it was bought for me for Christmas it would have been churlish to complain.

My dad made a base board for it so we were able to keep the track assembled and just put it behind the sofa when we weren't using it. The track layout was as shown below, and was about 7ft long and maybe 3ft wide and obviously way better than just the circular bit of track that came with the set. (I know this looks a bit crappy, but the best I could do sitting in my van and working on a tablet with no drawing app.)

I think most of the profit is down to my dad over the last 18 months. I've been putting together a layout for him in a BIG shed. Those three drawer units are FULL of engines and carriages.

Moved on a bit from here now, I'll get a more recent pic when I'm next there.
Years ago, I would have scoffed at a train set but now I think they're fascinating.
"Who was the rival to Hornby?" is a quiz question I would not have got right. I had a Lego one with a similar S shape track to Warhead's the most exciting thing I could think of. Something quite meditative about running a train round and round.
JBR wrote:
"Who was the rival to Hornby?" is a quiz question I would not have got right. I had a Lego one with a similar S shape track to Warhead's the most exciting thing I could think of. Something quite meditative about running a train round and round.

Lego is good, but let’s just pause to appreciate the one train set to rule them all.
I'm now wondering what train set I had when growing up. I suspect it wasn't Hornby though - it was just a very basic small bit of track and one train. It reminded me of something else that my parents had a box of though and after a quick google, was called Bayko.


(not my photo)

Building a house with thin metal rods as the supports.
My dad has a decent collection of Hornby Dublo that I suppose I’ll inherit at some point. He always wanted to build a big layout but never will now.

I’d love to have the time and space to do it.
devilman wrote:
I'm now wondering what train set I had when growing up. I suspect it wasn't Hornby though - it was just a very basic small bit of track and one train. It reminded me of something else that my parents had a box of though and after a quick google, was called Bayko.


(not my photo)

Building a house with thin metal rods as the supports.

Oh, that’s interesting. I had an inherited toy something like that, but a different make, and I’d say maybe meant for slightly older kids. You put in supports and then very thin and flimsy moulded plastic (like thin vacuum formed plastic) pieces attached to the supports. It was REALLY delicate, but you could make some amazing buildings.
JBR wrote:
"Who was the rival to Hornby?" is a quiz question I would not have got right. I had a Lego one with a similar S shape track to Warhead's the most exciting thing I could think of. Something quite meditative about running a train round and round.

Looking at the Wikipedia page for Hornby I’m amazed at how the company has developed over time, gradually incorporating Tri-ang, Airfix, Humbrol, Corgi, Lima, Scalextric and several others, the whole caboodle now being owned by Phoenix Asset Management.
Mimi wrote:
JBR wrote:
"Who was the rival to Hornby?" is a quiz question I would not have got right. I had a Lego one with a similar S shape track to Warhead's the most exciting thing I could think of. Something quite meditative about running a train round and round.

Lego is good, but let’s just pause to appreciate the one train set to rule them all.

That is wonderful. I’d have got totally lost in my own little railway world if I’d had that. A great introduction to trains with easy to assemble track and magnetic couplings. Simple and safe.
Zardoz wrote:
I think most of the profit is down to my dad over the last 18 months. I've been putting together a layout for him in a BIG shed. Those three drawer units are FULL of engines and carriages.

Moved on a bit from here now, I'll get a more recent pic when I'm next there.

I’m so jealous.

There was a kid who lived just up the lane from me whose back garden was right next to the old railway line from Manchester Central station, where the old steam expresses to London passed several times every day. He had a large shed in his garden with a huge permanent layout created by his dad. You could simultaneously run about 6 trains independently. He was a bit of a div, but I managed to put up with that to get to have a go with the set.
This will run two (basically it’s one layout inside the other) controlled by a single box each. My dad has all the Hornby digital stuff that can control loads of engines but since having his stroke he struggles with stuff so this is enough for now. Maybe switch it over at some point though.
Firstly - please skip over this if you're having job trouble because otherwise I'm going to feel like an insensitive asshole otherwise. :S


You saw the warning, right?


I had my most successful month ever (in terms of gross income) in June of this year after working my fucking ass off a billion hours a week.

I just topped it!

Giphy "party time":

This year has been a rollercoaster, and continuing to see upward growth despite everything is just... well, I'm so bloody proud of myself. :metul:
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