The UK has just added Iceland to the restricted travel list (meaning you have to isolate for 14 days if you travel from Iceland to the UK).

Iceland have had 2512 cases of Corona Virus since the outbreak started. The UK is currently recording over 6000 new cases each day!

Slovakia has been added as well, they have had 8000 total cases (they have added Denmark and Curaco too)

Curaçao have had 315 cases total!

I know I'm asking too much of this current government to make sense, by how can they justify this?
It's no good just looking at the total cases. Cases per million of population or something is probably what it works on. In which case they're above us slightly. But on the other hand they have tested a higher proportion of their population.
Thought I was ahead of the curve in planning a trip to visit my parents in Cheltenham early next week and see my neffers and niece besides, as I figured we'd be going into lockdown in Cardiff in a fortnight's time and that I'd better have a birthday party for my mum the week before the rules would probably come into effect.

Turns out I'm not that smart, and lockdown will descend from Sunday at six PM for those of us in the 'diff. Am mildly depressed.
Oh no Pete, that sucks :(
:( can you get off today and go for the weekend?
I would only I finally managed to book my fave tapas place Saturday night with a few friends for a super-belated (6 months!) 40th birthday meal, and I've got a magazine article to finish tomorrow for the photography journal before it literally goes to print on Sunday. (Print's not dead!)

I suppose I could hop on the train Sunday before the lockdown triggers and come back Wednesday, but is that really allowed or would I be Barnard Castling?
Malc wrote:
The UK has just added Iceland to the restricted travel list (meaning you have to isolate for 14 days if you travel from Iceland to the UK).

Iceland have had 2512 cases of Corona Virus since the outbreak started. The UK is currently recording over 6000 new cases each day!

Slovakia has been added as well, they have had 8000 total cases (they have added Denmark and Curaco too)

Curaçao have had 315 cases total!

I know I'm asking too much of this current government to make sense, by how can they justify this?

I am glad I shop at Aldi
According to the BBC the rules state:

nobody is able to enter or leave the eight counties and one town without a "reasonable excuse".

It then lists those reasonable excuses as:

These include travelling to school, to give or to work if you are unable to work from home.

You can travel to buy food and medical supplies, seek medical assistance or go to the vets, and move home.

If you are buying essential items and there is no reasonable alternative to using shops within these counties, you can do so.


Other reasons include:

Obtaining supplies for the essential upkeep, maintenance and functioning of the household, or the household of a vulnerable person
Elite athletic training and competitions
To provide or receive emergency assistance
To meet a legal obligation, and to access or receive public services
To avoid injury or illness or escape a risk of harm

So, unfortunately I think it might not be allowed :(
Yeah, that was my reading of it too. Even though I'd be able to get back in I wouldn't treasure the scowls of the transport police offering my lame reasoning. Really thought I'd have another week to manage this in. :(

Might be interesting to take my camera out tomorrow night to document Cardiff City centre the night before lock down. Though since the valleys are already locked down and the true Hogarthian abandon of St. Mary's Street is reserved to match days when the valley boys are in town, I don't think I'll be seeing too much spectacle.
One one hand: The Tories lost any say in who does what post Cummings and the "limited and specific" law breaking they intend to do, so go. The fine is £50 I think, so not exactly a huge deterrent. Nobody'll check.

On the other: you'll possibly not be doing the right thing and sink to their level.
Uh-huh. Yeah, if everybody tries to pull the same thing then where are we, eh? And I despise the Tories now sufficiently enough to feel nauseous at being put on the same level as them. My plan for my days off will instead be to just watch lots of Northern Exposure with a comfy blanket and a beer.

Ahh, Northern Exposure. You are my happy space right now.
NervousPete wrote:
Uh-huh. Yeah, if everybody tries to pull the same thing then where are we, eh? And I despise the Tories now sufficiently enough to feel nauseous at being put on the same level as them. My plan for my days off will instead be to just watch lots of Northern Exposure with a comfy blanket and a beer.

Ahh, Northern Exposure. You are my happy space right now.

Something to cheer you up slightly then:

(taken from my tv intros round for the Zoom Tuesday night quiz)

Oh deary dear ... 2057202689

Yeah, I had the same thing. I was contacted by letter and asked to do a test by NHS researchers, but I can’t enter the results on the app.
We got asked to an ONS study to do with coronavirus and they bribed us with a £25 Amazon voucher. Hardly any questions either, just how many hours did you work/work from home last month and a couple of other bits.
Malc wrote:
NervousPete wrote:
Uh-huh. Yeah, if everybody tries to pull the same thing then where are we, eh? And I despise the Tories now sufficiently enough to feel nauseous at being put on the same level as them. My plan for my days off will instead be to just watch lots of Northern Exposure with a comfy blanket and a beer.

Ahh, Northern Exposure. You are my happy space right now.

Something to cheer you up slightly then:

(taken from my tv intros round for the Zoom Tuesday night quiz)

I'd add the early series of Due South, for perfect viewing pleasure.
Is it true that you can’t ‘check out’ of a venue once you’ve ‘checked in’? So, if you pop into a coffee shop at 7am in the way to work, you stay checked in to that coffee shop until you check in somewhere else. So you could be there briefly, and have left before Covid Carol walks in, but as you don’t check out you are still ‘present’?
Perhaps the track and trace people or the app asks what time you left? Dunno.
Yeah, but if a track and trace person phones you up a few days later and asks what time you left somewhere, whoever is going to remember? Why does it always have to be such a shambles?
Don't you use a little notebook to record this data and then transfer it to your database at the end of each day?

What's the matter with you people?
Can you generate your own QR codes for the app.

So I could have one for home and check in after I have been out?
No, you have to apply for one and I think they're for businesses only
Cras wrote:
No, you have to apply for one and I think they're for businesses only

Ah fair enough.
Check this out for some thought process :D ... 5925209089

She's one of these QAnon fuckwits. It's terrifying that people like this are getting into power.
markg wrote:
She's one of these QAnon fuckwits. It's terrifying that people like this are getting into power.

She's not getting into power, she was only a candidate in a Congress race and she lost, but she's milking that for all she's worth. Her tweets get posted on Reddit fairly often because she's so utterly and completely mental but she's not in a position of authority of any kind.
But The Masked Singer came from Korea, and all the masks are made in China, which is like nearly Korea. Coincidence!?
Bamba wrote:
markg wrote:
She's one of these QAnon fuckwits. It's terrifying that people like this are getting into power.

She's not getting into power, she was only a candidate in a Congress race and she lost, but she's milking that for all she's worth. Her tweets get posted on Reddit fairly often because she's so utterly and completely mental but she's not in a position of authority of any kind.
"people like this" e.g. ... index.html
Scottish MP With Coronavirus Got Train To London And Back ... 5a64197b44

So, does that mean, everyone (including other MPs) she came into contact with for more than 15 minutes, needs to self isolate now?
Trump's got Covid!
DavPaz wrote:
Trump's got Covid!

Fake gnus.....

This could make the run up to the election even more unpredictable.
Hope it kills him, that would be perfect.
Just as well he hasn't recently spent 90 minutes ranting near another septuagenarian.

Hang on, has he done any mass rallies lately?
markg wrote:
Hope it kills him, that would be perfect.

That's not something I'd normally wish on anyone, but I must admit it was the first thought that popped into my head when I heard he'd got it.

And if he survives, he'll be unbearably smug.
He can be as smug as he likes, so long as he ends up in jail.
Of course he'll survive. He's the most healthy president ever. Bigly strong.
Yeah, he should probably get some bleach injections just to be on the safe side, though.
markg wrote:
Hope it kills him, that would be perfect. ... 9121041415

Kern wrote:
He can be as smug as he likes, so long as he ends up in jail.

Yeah, I at least want him to live long enough to see all his loans come back to ruin him.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
markg wrote:
Hope it kills him, that would be perfect. ... 9121041415

On a similar topic, has anyone been following the QAnon nonsense? This article in the Atlantic is fascinating, alarming and dispiriting in equal doses.
Findus Fop wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
markg wrote:
Hope it kills him, that would be perfect. ... 9121041415

On a similar topic, has anyone been following the QAnon nonsense? This article in the Atlantic is fascinating, alarming and dispiriting in equal doses.

Aye, it's all over Reddit (disparagement of it I mean, most people over there aren't supporting it or anything). Mostly though I'm chiming in here because I saw a WWG1WGA sticker on a lamp post in fucking Glasgow the other day. It's bad enough this horseshit is rampaging all over the US but we've got enough problems over here without importing their fucking conspiracies as well. I look forward to hearing that my local takeaway place is keeping kids in it's basement. :roll:
The deep fried state.
Findus Fop wrote:
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
markg wrote:
Hope it kills him, that would be perfect. ... 9121041415

On a similar topic, has anyone been following the QAnon nonsense? This article in the Atlantic is fascinating, alarming and dispiriting in equal doses.

wow, just wow.
Bamba wrote:
I saw a WWG1WGA sticker on a lamp post in fucking Glasgow the other day. It's bad enough this horseshit is rampaging all over the US but we've got enough problems over here without importing their fucking conspiracies as well. I look forward to hearing that my local takeaway place is keeping kids in it's basement. :roll:

A friend of mine who lives in Liverpool photographs QAnon stickers and posters from all over the city, and there are *loads*. I don’t know if Liverpool is in any way typical of cities over here or a prime example, but... I’ve also seen lots of people on FB re-sharing stuff tagged with the saveourchildren hashtag a d similar others that were used as anchors for the whole QAnon movement.

In Liverpool also there seems to be, alongside the QAnon stuff, a lot to do with the so-called ‘Scouse Banksy’ Sine Missione, who has seemingly upped his ‘work’ recently and is plastering Liverpool with thousands of anti mask, anti-vax, 5G conspiracy theory mailshots of nonsense in a very public way, so the two things could be connected or playing off each other?
The #saveourchildren stuff is the most pernicious thing they've come up with yet because to anyone who doesn't know anything about their nonsense it seems like a totally valid cause. Like who doesn't want to save children, right? Except that QAnon fuckwits want to save children from having their adrenochrome harvested in order to prolong the life of celebrities and also being trafficked by furniture shops. Because they're utterly, utterly insane.
Bamba wrote:
Except that QAnon fuckwits want to save children from having their adrenochrome harvested in order to prolong the life of celebrities

The Bioshock sequel that never got made.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
markg wrote:
Hope it kills him, that would be perfect. ... 9121041415

Not that american politics is any of my business, at the same time if he survives there will be quite a significant proportion of their populace screaming "praybs jangus! he is risen from his deathbed!". The best that can be hoped for is that he enters a quantum superposition.
He's in hospital now. It will certainly be interesting to see how this plays out.
Goddess Jasmine wrote:
He's in hospital now. It will certainly be interesting to see how this plays out.

Getting treatment ordinary people have no access to (and even less if he kills ACA like he wants to)
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