The Movie topic there is none
MaliA wrote:
Ant Man and The Wasp is brilliant. Laugh out loud funny and super adventure times.

It's great, and in the Top 5 MCU films.
Hello does anyone know where I could get a good file converter for free which actually works? I need to convert some files to watch movies. Now I found this tool will this be the only right choice?
Edited: Removed link - poster is dodgy
Function wrote:
Hello does anyone know where I could get a good file converter for free which actually works? I need to convert some files to watch movies. Now I found this tool will this be the only right choice?

Converting video files is rarely a trivial thing, you'd be better off finding a way to watch them in their current format. What's the issue there in case we can help?
Handbrake is a good video convertor. I've used it a fair bit and it's free.

It is a bit of a faff though so I'd agree with Bamba. It's best to figure out a way to watch them in their current format.
Spam for breakfast. Mmmm.
I do wonder why spammers bother with Beex. It has to be a real person doing it as well
We rank fairly well for some keywords, and I guess they want part of that action.
Grim... wrote:
We rank fairly well for some keywords, and I guess they want part of that action.

We haven't had a search keyword list for a while
We're high in the all important "belm" category.
Turns out that sticking a CDN in front of Beex has fucked the analytics, so no list I'm afraid :(
It's nippy, though:

Grim... wrote:
Turns out that sticking a CDN in front of Beex has fucked the analytics, so no list I'm afraid :(

I realised that doesn't make sense, as Analytics is run at the client side. I've fiddled and we should have some results soon.

RemindMe! 1 month
An early preview!

Avengers Endgame: I cried for three hours. Still brilliant.
It Chapter 2: it was pretty good, but not nearly as good as the first part.
Pundabaya wrote:
It Chapter 2: it was pretty good, but not nearly as good as the first part.

I agree. S'funny how everyone became rich and/or famous when they grew up.
It seemed like way more played for laughs. It sort of makes sense, in that Pennywise just isn't as scary for the adults, who've already beaten him once. And the first part isn't devoid of black comedy and neither is the book for that matter. I guess the adults came off as too world-weary and cynical.
My main problem with it was the lack of creepy horror. There was one bit that was used as the teaser that got the hairs raising, but the rest was just big monster smashy smashy chasing. Which was cack.
RAMBO: LAST BLOOD has turned up on Amazon Prime and I was in the mood for something undemanding so I watched it last night.


Rambo has found some semblance of peace living on his deceased father's Arizonan horse ranch, with his old friend Maria and her granddaughter Gabrielle, who has sort of become Rambo's adopted daughter because her mum died of cancer and her father was a piece of violent shit who absconded to Mexico.

Rambo is still TROUBLED by his past and maintains a batshit crazy network of tunnels underneath the ranch, where he keeps fucktons of weapons and makes knives and has flashbacks and stuff.

Via a friend who lives in Mexico, Gabrielle hears news of her father's location in Mexico and despite the protests of Maria and Rambo, goes there to find him. Her piece of shit father turns out to be a piece of shit and says piece of shit things to her, and then she is double-crossed by her friend and kidnapped by EVIL MEXICANS who drug her and prostitute her out in their brothel. '40 or 50 men a night' is expected of her, if required.

Rambo goes to save her and gets his ass kicked because he has underestimated the evil Mexicans.

He is nursed back to health by a Mexican journalist whose sister befell the same fate as Gabrielle.

RAMBO ENTERS REVENGE MODE. There is some revenge in Mexico to rescue Gabrielle, and then more revenge back on his Arizonan Kill Factory, once he has lured the rest of the Evil Mexicans there.

Basically there is a lot of revenge. We know this is Rambo's motivation because he says, 'I want revenge'.


It's not a terrible film. It establishes the characters nicely enough, I bought into Rambo's motivations and his actions made sense in the world it created (so, y'know, it's got that over TLOU2), it's pretty nicely shot, the acting and writing does the job, the effects are good and they clearly had a decent enough budget, and when Rambo gets into ass-kicking mode it's just a case of strapping in and watching Stallone still do a credible job of selling biblical vengeance.

Hammer kills, beheadings, multiple shotgun headshots, exploding bodies, bits getting chopped off people, Rambo CUTTING THE BEATING HEART OUT OF A BADDIE AND SHOWING IT TO HIM, a kill room that looks like something out of Mortal Kombat and general insane levels of revenge violence, Rambo is pissed off and he isn't afraid to show it, it'll take more than a cup of Ovaltine to fix this shit.

It's a bit CGI-esque in places but either there are a decent number of practical effects in there too and/or the CGI manages to not look too much like CGI.

Rest assured, all the stuff that the film sets up in his underground tunnel network, and indeed the A-Team style montage of him making all his traps and general kill machines down there, is paid off in fine style.

The runtime is a mere 89 minutes and about 10 minutes of that is credits, so the film definitely moves along at a brisk pace.

The violence is squishy and brutal, but Mrs Hearthly was half-watching it whilst playing Animal Crossing on the Switch and she didn't have a problem with it, TBH it's sort of a bit cartoony in some regards, such is its excess.

As a straightforward revenge tale that actually manages to bring along just enough heft in the character and story department, you could do worse than this. Ignore the critic review scores because they were being all snooty about it, the viewer review scores are a bit more like it.

Let's be clear however that this film is a million miles removed from FIRST BLOOD, which is one of my favourite films ever (I rewatch it every 3-4 years or so), and indeed the Rambo we see in LAST BLOOD is just Rambo in name only really. This is not a soulful contemplation of what happens when a man who is made into a killing machine finds that the country he fought for has left him behind, and indeed actively rejects him.

It's not a terrible film.


it's pretty nicely shot


the acting and writing does the job



the effects are good



...the CGI manages to not look too much like CGI.


As a straightforward revenge tale that actually manages to bring along just enough heft in the character and story department, you could do worse than this.



Ignore the critic review scores because they were being all snooty about it, the viewer review scores are a bit more like it.



Let's be clear however that this film is a million miles removed from FIRST BLOOD, which is one of my favourite films ever (I rewatch it every 3-4 years or so), and indeed the Rambo we see in LAST BLOOD is just Rambo in name only really.

Well, at least that’s right.

This film is so bad and so boring and so hackneyed that my dad watched it and even he thought it was terrible. But you’ve got to know my dad for that to work...
And I’m not picking on you just because you don’t like TLOU2 or nowt. Honestly, this was the worst shit I’ve watched in quite some time. I made some comments as I was watching because it was that bad. ... o#p1034325
Yeah, it's a stinker.
For what it was, I thought it was alright. I went in with low expectations as I knew it'd been mauled by the critics, albeit more liked by the audience.

Moreover, aside from First Blood, which is toweringly brilliant, the other two 'old' Rambo films are both crap, and the other 'new' Rambo film is a wholly different beast, mostly interesting because of the ultra-violence.

As such I wasn't expecting any sort of cinematic masterpiece with Last Blood, what I was expecting was a fairly basic revenge tale, reasonably well told, with Stallone holding the screen (as he still can) and totally murdering the fuck out of REALLY BAD BADDIES.

I also like the way it gets it all done in under 90 minutes, or 80 minutes, less the credits. (I think Satsuma had the international version by the sounds of it, the UK/US releases cut out the rescue sequence at the start.)

Most importantly for a revenge tale though, I bought the relationship between Rambo and Gabrielle, I think they did just enough to establish it, and hang the rest of the film off.

So yes, for some decent grindhouse style fun, I thought it was fine.
Watched it with my wife (she watched First blood for the first time earlier this year, and we watched the others over a couple of months).

We both quite liked it. Rambo meets Taken meets the A-team (in montage not in deaths!). It's not going to win any awards or anything, but perfect turn your mind off fodder. And pretty much exactly what I was expecting when I started watching.

Looking forward to Rambo Last Blood Part 2
If you’re looking for a brains-off action film then Last Blood commits the cardinal sin of being just ... boring. Last Blood has zero action until the last 10 minutes and Stallone doesn’t have the chops to sustain a drama as trite and as poorly written as this is. NuRambo had a nice balance of action and moments where you could fiddle on your phone and catch up with Facebook until the next wave of ultra violence. Last Blood doesn’t.

Plus Rambo living in a Vietcong style tunnel system under his farmhouse in the states was just vapid shit.
Satsuma wrote:
If you’re looking for a brains-off action film then Last Blood commits the cardinal sin of being just ... boring. Last Blood has zero action until the last 10 minutes and Stallone doesn’t have the chops to sustain a drama as trite and as poorly written as this is. NuRambo had a nice balance of action and moments where you could fiddle on your phone and catch up with Facebook until the next wave of ultra violence. Last Blood doesn’t.

Plus Rambo living in a Vietcong style tunnel system under his farmhouse in the states was just vapid shit.

Zero action until the last ten minutes? That's just patently, factually untrue. I mean, Rambo is ripping out an EVIL MEXICAN's collar bone at the 30 minute mark.

Also can you confirm you were watching the version with the river rescue or whatever it was at the start? They removed that for the UK/US release precisely to tighten up the pacing.
Must have been. It’s a terrible sequence anyway and adds nothing to the film.
Probably why they took it out.
Raise of the Skywalker: gave up after 45 minutes as it was deathly dull and nothing of interest was happening
MaliA wrote:
Raise of the Skywalker: gave up after 45 minutes as it was deathly dull and nothing of interest was happening

Tbf contractual negotiations are dry.
MaliA wrote:
Avengers Endgame: I cried for three hours. Still brilliant.

I mean there's a couple of Joey Tribianis along the way but the whole runtime?
I haven’t seen Hot Shots! Part Deux in years. It’s still amazing. Charlie Sheen has great sexy chemistry with the gorgeous Valeria Golino and equally beautiful Brenda Bakke.

I can’t decide which of the Jim Abrahams films I like the best but this has got to be second or third with Hot Shots! & The Naked Gun.

Just a great time throughout.

Satsuma wrote:
I haven’t seen Hot Shots! Part Deux in years. It’s still amazing. Charlie Sheen has great sexy chemistry with the gorgeous Valeria Golino and equally beautiful Brenda Bakke.

I can’t decide which of the Jim Abrahams films I like the best but this has got to be second or third with Hot Shots! & The Naked Gun.

Just a great time throughout.


You forgot the most beautiful Ryan Stiles too.
Satsuma wrote:
I haven’t seen Hot Shots! Part Deux in years. It’s still amazing. Charlie Sheen has great sexy chemistry with the gorgeous Valeria Golino and equally beautiful Brenda Bakke.

I can’t decide which of the Jim Abrahams films I like the best but this has got to be second or third with Hot Shots! & The Naked Gun.

Just a great time throughout.


Agreed, although I prefer Hot Shots! to the sequel. Lloyd Bridges is fucking brilliant in both, of course.

Topper: "President Benson."
Benson: "No, you're not. I've seen him on TV. An older man, about my height."
Benson: "Word of advice, son. Don't go around calling yourself the President. I wouldn't, and neither should you. It doesn't hold water. For that matter, neither do I. Let's get away from these power cables."
Topper: "President Benson."
Benson: "No, you're not. I've seen him on TV. An older man, about my height."

That was the one joke that stood out to me too. Just vintage airplane humour. Also:

Sheen "I'm putty in your hands."
Brenda Bakke "In my hands, nothing turns to putty."

Sexy bitch.
I watched two excellent films this weekend:

Three Billboards. Oh my god, just a tour de force of film making. 10/10

Hell or High Water. Not quite ‘No Country’ levels of excellent but it’s up there. The portrayal of west Texas just appeals to me; this land that’s eschewed modern conveniences for the dream of the cowboy. The final exchange was glorious. “If you stop by, maybe I'll give you peace.” 9/10
Hell or High Water was fucking brilliant, I never understood at the time why it wasn't more talked about.
My favourite character moment was when the brother was asleep on the couch and one of the Chris’ wakes him up. Dude just snaps up, grabs his arm, eyes wide, he’s confused but he’s fucking ready to go. Then it all comes back to him, he’s safe and at home. He wasn’t in prison anymore.

Ben Foster is just great.
We just watched Palm Springs, the new film with Andy Samberg.

Didn’t know anything about it going in, other than the synopsis on my media server.

Absolutely worth a watch and one of the strongest “what the fuck” moments near the start I’ve ever had when watching a movie.
GazChap wrote:
We just watched Palm Springs, the new film with Andy Samberg.

Didn’t know anything about it going in, other than the synopsis on my media server.

Absolutely worth a watch and one of the strongest “what the fuck” moments near the start I’ve ever had when watching a movie.

We watched it the day it came out and yeah, very good stuff.
Bamba wrote:
GazChap wrote:
We just watched Palm Springs, the new film with Andy Samberg.

Didn’t know anything about it going in, other than the synopsis on my media server.

Absolutely worth a watch and one of the strongest “what the fuck” moments near the start I’ve ever had when watching a movie.

We watched it the day it came out and yeah, very good stuff.

We watched this last night and we both agree with the above. Very good film.
Sat down and watched Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy last night. The recent one with Oldman, Firth, Strong, Jones, Cumberbatch, Dencik, Hurt, Hinds and Burke (that sounds a lot like a shipping forecast)

Was gripped for the whole movie, yet at the end I wasn't 100% sure that I understood even half of it. Will be one to rewatch, I think.

I do like me a good spy movie though. And I mean a proper spy movie, not a James Bond/Jason Bourne spy movie. Bridge of Spies was also pretty good.
GazChap wrote:
Sat down and watched Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy last night. The recent one with Oldman, Firth, Strong, Jones, Cumberbatch, Dencik, Hurt, Hinds and Burke (that sounds a lot like a shipping forecast)

Was gripped for the whole movie, yet at the end I wasn't 100% sure that I understood even half of it. Will be one to rewatch, I think.

I do like me a good spy movie though. And I mean a proper spy movie, not a James Bond/Jason Bourne spy movie. Bridge of Spies was also pretty good.

If you’ve never seen, you’ll love the BBC series of the same name with Alec Guinness from the late 70s, and it’s sequel, Smiley’s people. Both are brilliant and properly flesh out the characters and the narrative. The film, though very good, is more focused on the issues of trust amongst the characters, trust being currency of the job.
Yeah, I've already started [acquiring through perfectly legal means - Ed] those two series :)
"Citizen Kane" is on Iplayer so watched it last night for the first time in about 15 years. It's the kind of thing that I get why people rave so much about it, and I really enjoyed watching it. The stand out sequence is the breakfast montage; a really clever way to advance the plot and show the deterioration in his first marriage. The use of flashbacks and unreliable narration really leaves many threads to untangle and pull at. I'm sure I could spend years rewatching it and never quite deciding if Kane always was going to turn out the way he did, if there was some hope, or if we can trust the others.

But before I ride too far on the hype train, I should note that it doesn't charm me in the way "Casablanca" or "Singin' in the Rain" do. The former is studio Hollywood at its finest, whilst the latter is pure joy on celluloid. "Kane" is great and entertaining, but lacks for me the punch of the others. It's a good meal, not a pleasant snack.
True Lies is fucking amazing. The cast is fantastic. The effects are fantastic. The stunts are thrilling. It’s hilarious.


There’s only two complaints I’ve got:

The “dumb terrorist Arabs” are straight out of Hot Shots: Part Deux. I mean, they’re hilarious and hilariously dumb but post-9/11 it feels cheap and a bit nasty almost.

Arnie gives a great performance but he has a couple of moments where you’re thinking ... urgh, come on, man. There’s a scene at the end where he’s playing thumb wars with his family and his face is the spitting image of the Mars scene from Total Recall when his eyes are popping out his face. And there’s a couple of lazy ADR moments from him shouting “come on” that are entirely monotone.

Still, a classic film that needed a rewatch.
Are you sure those "come on" moments aren't "mother CRUSHER" censorship?

I'm sure I remember a less family-friendly cut being available...
Verotika. Every bit as bad as I was expecting. 7/10
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