Why is it that all the big shops have stopped doing 24hr or late opening? Ikea used to open until midnight. They must be raking it in and shorter hours just makes it busier, surely.
I’d expect it’s due to fewer staff through illness, shielding, childcare commitments, etc.

EDIT: also for shop restocking. My sister took a job restocking when coronavirus hit (due to the garden centre she worked at shutting), and the restocking can only safely be done when the stores are closed, and there was a LOT of restocking to be done, especially in the earlier weeks.

MOAR EDIT: I also don’t know how much they’ll be taking it in at the mo. I think a lot of trade was lost to online deliveries, and after the initial few weeks surge of panic buying I think sales decreased significantly.
Surely they could pay enough to get some more people in? There don't seem to be loads of staff about at midnight in Asda and it might be welcome cash for some people's circumstances at the minute.
Just seen your edit, yeah maybe that's it. They seem to be restocking all the time whenever I've done a shop.
markg wrote:
Surely they could pay enough to get some more people in? There don't seem to be loads of staff about at midnight in Asda and it might be welcome cash for some people's circumstances at the minute.

I think the store needs to be closed for safe restocking, order picking for online orders and cleaning. I think there are more staff working at night, but they aren’t on tills, as the jobs needs doing without customers complicating things.

This is just what I have gleaned as an explanation, but certainly isn’t an answer I’ve heard officially.
markg wrote:
Just seen your edit, yeah maybe that's it. They seem to be restocking all the time whenever I've done a shop.

Sorry, yeah, I should have replied in a second post. My thoughts come in little bursts.
Asda and Tesco around here have said that it's so they can safely restock and clean/disinfect the store. It must be difficult to do that with people constantly moving around. I used to go mad at the kids for walking on a freshly mopped floor... :D they'll also want to avoid any accidents it might cause.
Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
KovacsC wrote:

5 Hour queues at Ikea..... madness

A lot of people are suddenly working at home and this might be their first chance to get inexpensive desks and chairs so their back stops hurting. A lot of people are suddenly stuck at home a lot more and might have a much greater need for a new sofa to replace one that's wearing out, or some new plants to brighten their house up. And a lot of people might just desperately want to get out and do something, anything. The queue appeared to respect social distancing, I think it's safe to assume the store was capping the number of people inside at once, and the insides of the stores are absolutely gigantic with wide aisles, which means it's a lot less risky from a virus transmission point of view than - say - a grocery store. Overall I think this is a bit of a tabloid non-story, to be honest.

Good point. I need a new office chair, is it worth a 5 hour queue, no. For others maybe.
KovacsC wrote:

5 Hour queues at Ikea..... madness

My friend attempted to go there on Monday but couldn’t wait that long in the queue, so ended up going back home. Went again yesterday and walked straight in, no queue at all, place deserted inside.

She was going to order online, but the shipping (I think it was £25? was too much (though she was buying a bad and other furniture, so I thought that was quite reasonable? I dunno.)

Anyway, after Monday’s attempt she decided to buy it online after all, but they’d put the delivery up by £10 and delivery was now expected end of July. I guess a lot of people in that Monday rush were buying things to get delivered. I’m not sure if Ikea do their own delivery now, I know it used to be contracted out.
A friend of mine went today and had to queue for four hours to get in. 8)
He didn’t have to. ... 7682614277

Oh deary dear
Giphy "new wave":
Satsuma wrote:
He didn’t have to.

If Ikea are now doing sex changes, I guess that will lead to delays.
devilman wrote:
Satsuma wrote:
He didn’t have to.

If Ikea are now doing sex changes, I guess that will lead to delays.

*Gazes lovingly at Milly bookcase*
MaliA wrote:

Oh deary dear

This is why we write risk assessments. Even Dominic Cummings's superforecasters should have been able to see this one coming.
Face coverings will be mandatory from the 15th.

Also no news on Alok Sharma? You’d have thought his test would be top priority.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Face coverings will be mandatory from the 15th.

... on public transport.
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Face coverings will be mandatory from the 15th.

Only on public transport, right? And nothing on what type of face covering.
Satsuma wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Face coverings will be mandatory from the 15th.

... on public transport.

Yes, sorry should have been clearer.
Cras wrote:
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
Face coverings will be mandatory from the 15th.

Only on public transport, right? And nothing on what type of face covering.

Yep, all the Buff bandanas I have will come in handy, or would do if I used public transport.
Cras wrote:
And nothing on what type of face covering.
I now have to balance public safety against bags on seats.
Just say, "Get off that seat, you old bag. Learn to do social distancing."
One thing I’ve noticed these past few days is the council postings about Covid-19 (how to get tested, what to do if you display symptoms, etc) all attract a lot of people who are pretty convinced that they have had it, but every single person saying this reckons they had it between November last year and February. One woman said that her father died of it in Christmas Day.

Why do people think this? I assume that these people have had the ‘flu, but was there some news story that suggested to people that they might have had it before it was ‘here’?
They are absolutely convinced they are being lied to by the government, Bill Gates, the meeja..... that they are determined that it must be true.
I'm fairly confident the government is being less than truthful
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
They are absolutely convinced they are being lied to by the government, Bill Gates, the meeja..... that they are determined that it must be true.

Is that what it is? I know that there are loads of people that think the virus is a hoax, but these all seem to think it’s real, and that they’ve had it, but that they had it last year.
MaliA wrote:
I'm fairly confident the government is being less than truthful

Well, yes, in terms of how ‘well’ they are handling it, but you don’t not think that there is a pandemic (I assume) or that you know people who had it last year, I’m guessing?
The account from Catherine Meyer (co-founder of WEP) re: her husband's death around Christmas sounds pretty convincingly like covid, but he'd been traveling. Joe Bloggs down the road who thinks he's had "a bit of coronavirus" a few times before March (a story I've heard multiple times) is less convincing IMO.
Even the Guardian have written speculative articles about the fact that China have been less than open about when they first knew it was an issue; and a lot more people than you realise will have been travelling back and forth. This particular story was about a musician who had died displaying all the symptoms in this country in mid Jan, which is currently 2-3 weeks before current patient zero.

However, the number of people claiming that they've had it, even back to early December? It reminds me a little of the number of "diamond geezers" who claimed to be in The Blind Beggar pub the night Ronnie Kray murdered George Cornell. The pub would need to have been the size of your average Premier league football stadium. I'm not saying it wasn't here, it may have been, unlikely as it sounds. It's a novel virus, as in before it arrived we had no knowledge of it and how it would effect people. The obvious symptoms being pneumonia or flu like. It's becoming increasingly clear it's far more pernicious than that and some of the medical papers I've read on victim studies seem to indicate that it's more than capable of becoming red cell infectious, which is an entirely different and more dangerous thing. Hence the weird symptoms of lesions, strokes, myocardial damage and other organ damage being seen in some cases.

Bottom line without proper testing, we'll never know; or at least not for some time. Because surely they could run models backwards and calculate when patient zero was, and it's easy enough to see that that may well turn out to be earlier than end of Jan, start of Feb. Not sure December is much of a possibility.
I thought they’d ascertained that the first case(s) had emerged late November/early December in China, though at the time unidentified/named. If Mayer’s husband was travelling around that area then it is a possibility. But Mike, Trevor and Lee of Walsall along with half their mates? It just seems odd that SO MANY people seem to retrospectively think they had it last year. In comparison, nobody ever comments that they think or were confirmed to have it from March onwards (on those same articles, I mean. I know people who’ve both been confirmed to have it and also those who are suspected to have).
I suspect it's because people are focused on symptoms that could be a bad cold. There was a bad cold circulating the country this winter and people are seeing causality where none exists.

My sister, her partner and her son all believe they've had it. None of them have been tested though.
My nephew is convinced I've had it (early Jan) because I had a bad cold. I don't think I did as this was a wet cough and I was bringing an astonishing amount of mucus up for 2 days.
On that - the first cases that people thought were in europe previously were at the very start of the year - but this
shows that the first french case was actually in December

I think the problem here is that your not going to be able to tell

** edit* - I'd not seen this one on the BBC today :
Ah, I’d not seen any of that, which sort of gives an indication as to maybe why this last week or two there are suddenly so many people that thing they had it last year, simply because it was a possibility. But when did the ‘excess deaths’ start to divert from the more usual rates, I wonder. That’d give some indication at least.

I’ve tried to avoid the Covid news for a bit, and just get what I need to know. It’s mentally exhausting, and it’s really difficult trying to find a balance of finding what you need to know to stay safe and make decisions on your behaviour and about your family, and try to get just a little bit of mental space from it.
I had bad flu in September. Couldn’t get out of bed for two days. It was not the coronavirus.
A lot of people think a bad cold is the Actual Genuine flu though, so unsurprising that there are many who're convinced they had it.
Just because you weren't extremely poorly and bed ridden doesn't mean you've not had flu. You can have flu and dismiss it as a mild cold or indeed be asymptomatic.
Well yes, just like you can have coronavirus and be asymptomatic, but there really are people who think every sniffle and cold is the flu.
markg wrote:
Just because you weren't extremely poorly and bed ridden doesn't mean you've not had flu. You can have flu and dismiss it as a mild cold or indeed be asymptomatic.

Very true and I understand that it effects people differently. I know that I'm dismissive of people having minor colds and thinking it's 'flu, and that's entirely down to the fact that I got seriously ill in the early 90s with 'flu. I've never been so ill in my life. 3 weeks in bed. Lost 3 stone in weight. Everything hurt, including blinking. Couldn't sleep, couldn't get out of bed. Felt like I'd been dropped down a lift shaft everything hurt so much. Took me almost six months to properly recover. Interestingly, I didn't have a noticeable cold, or 'flu for nearly 30 years after. Crass example of what doesn't kill you...
I had Swine Flu when that was doing the rounds and it was much worse than a heavy cold.
I was starting to come down with something but had to drive to Cardiff to swap a bit of networking equipment.
Made it there just about ok, was flagging quite badly while on site, and then had to stop on the way back as I just couldn’t drive any more.
I dosed myself with paracetamol, chocolate and coke, and carried on after a rest, then spent several days in bed.
Welp, apparently I'm going to be working from home until at least September.

And apparently our new office (not due until 2022) is going to have an Amazon Go branch inside it, which is a bit odd.
I'm working from home forever. Our places has given up our lease and gone full disbursement.
We were really struggling with office accommodation as it was, we also have quite a few people who travel a long way to get to the office, also a four year waiting list for a space in the car park. All of this meant recruiting was a struggle at times too. Safe to say that home working will become far more usual.
Trooper wrote:
I'm working from home forever. Our places has given up our lease and gone full disbursement.

I was working from home 99% of the time and that's now 100%. However, my boss is very keen to get our office reopened (I think primarily for his own benefit) and he's getting the office cleaned and risk assessed. I don't see the hurry personally - everything we do can be done remotely.
Bamba wrote:
Welp, apparently I'm going to be working from home until at least September.

Me, too. Had a bit of a cry about that in Friday.

Might buy a new chair.
I'm gradually getting busier as more M&S stores prepare to reopen. The food halls didn't close and the bigger stores which included a food hall, e.g. the Trafford Centre, closed all departments except food, so we expect a flurry of calls when they start to check the kit in the closed sections.

One of my fellow engineers had a 100 mile round trip yesterday, to check out an offline network switch at Cheshire Oaks Outlet, only to find that no one had told the store he was attending and it was locked up with no staff to let him in. I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't happen again with other stores in the next few days.

I haven't worked from home since I went back to mobile engineering in April '17.
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