MaliA wrote:
Having given it some thought, I wrote to my MP expressing concerns and doubts about the conditions in which schools might reopen given how poor the government has been of late. And asked if I were to be told off if BigOne didn't attend.

Given the reported state of things over there I'm not surprised you're taking this stance. Seems insane to me but all I have is the news and social media to judge it from.

They have given no date for schools here yet but have said year 2, 6, 10 and 12 will be back first and are planning to reopen prior to the summer holidays, and I do have confidence in them managing it once they make that decision. We stopped everything here (except key services) including construction, and I've seen all the additional management and protocols in place to allow the safe return of construction at the start of this month so I do think they are capable of thinking it through and taking all concerns into consideration before they open the schools. They have also said that no one has to go back to school if they're not happy with the level of risk.

We've only had something like 6 confirmed cases spread over 10 days - of course, it is the unconfirmed cases that are the issue. I can see our borders being shut for months yet - I'll be surprise if they're open to the public much before the end of the year. I am worried that with so few cases, and the possibility of eradicating it here, that people will get complacent and when it comes back, it'll be worse than the first wave.
This has annoyed me. If they painted it the other way around, then it would be better visible from the sand dune behind it (just out of shot, towards the top of picture), and the tower block. It is upside down from those places. ... y-workers/
Another sunny bank holiday awaits. Are you thinking about heading to a beach or a picnic spot, or just a drive? Or are you considering it better to stay at home, venturing out only in hazmat gear? I'm not sure at the moment. I'm tempted to drive to the countryside for a gentle hike (I really need to climb a hill!), but that would depend on what mood I'm in on the day, whether I can get a parking space, and if I keep away from others.

Not interested in virus-shaming others, but just curious about how everyone's behaviour and personal view of risk is changing. Wandering around my area each evening, it seems people are no longer as cautious as they were a few weeks ago.
There’s definitely groups of people who have given up, though it’s very easy to avoid them if you want to exercise.

We’ve been driving out to the countryside where you can walk for miles, with zero need to get close to others. I wouldn’t be visiting a beach any time soon.
This is yesterday near me by the seaside. Second wave on Monday after VE day then we'll be going upwards again. ... 7255268353

MaliA wrote:
This is yesterday near me by the seaside. Second wave on Monday after VE day then we'll be going upwards again. ... 7255268353

Similarly unpleasant scenes in Old Brighton too.

The seafront has always been a breeding ground for idiots, but now it feels like idiots10.

Have studiously avoided it since lockdown started, and will continue to do so. Luckily there are some less popular places we can visit, like Rottingdean, so can't complain.
Absolutely heaving on the beach here:


People are so fucking stupid, the entire country is surrounded by the sea and they all flock zombie-like to places that are usually popular because of all the things that are shut now anyway. I'm glad because it means that our beach looks pretty much the same as this even on a really hot day.
No amusements near you?
It’s the same in Bournemouth. The main beach and pier are absolutely rammed as soon as it gets above 15°C. You can walk 1.5 mi east to Boscombe Pier and it’s only really busy during the holidays. Walk another couple of miles east to Southbourne and it’s dead pretty much all year round.
DavPaz wrote:
No amusements near you?

A couple of miles away there are closed amusements and cafés and it's busy there.
That video clip that Mali shared is a good two miles from the main amusements in New Brighton (closed, obv. but there is a large Morrison's and a Home & Bargains close by). Wirral is absolutely chock full of public footpaths across open fields and people still flock to the beach like moths. I don't get it.
DavPaz wrote:
Wirral is absolutely chock full of public footpaths across open fields and people still flock to the beach like moths. I don't get it.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl.
Scottish government are laying out roadmap now. Much more common sense approach; we can see our family in our garden from 28th hopefully :luv:







that's so much clearer than our guidance, it's not even funny.
She’s also said that they’ll try to align schools going back with people returning to work as much as possible (pencilled in for August at the moment) and paid tribute to the families and children who’ve stayed home so long which was met with a round of applause by the whole parliament. It’s such a nice and comforting change from watching the UK press conferences and PMQs where questions aren’t answered, the clear priority seems to be economy first, and they favour making wild unachievable statements and goals instead of thinking about what’s important to people and working to deliver that safely.
Yep. Scotland, once again, are showing us how it should be done.

Have been pretty keen on being Scottish for about four years now.
Findus Fop wrote:
Yep. Scotland, once again, are showing us how it should be done.

Have been pretty keen on being Scottish for about four years now.

Ireland had something similar. Which suggests it's a template the UK (England, really) will grab and pretend was their idea all along when the moment is right for them. It does make that chart Johnson showed at his address look like "Baby's first government" by comparison.
MaliA wrote:
This has annoyed me. If they painted it the other way around, then it would be better visible from the sand dune behind it (just out of shot, towards the top of picture), and the tower block. It is upside down from those places.

Yes. What the heck. Is some really tall goddamn ship gonna rock up and have a goosey?

Then again living in one of the towers and having to see that mess every day would drive me nuts.
I am shocked to learn that Dominic Cummings thinks the rules don't apply to him
Yeah but he's right, they don't.
He's such a horrible cunt but nothing will come of it. ... 2572102656

Real shame his misfit band of superforecasters couldn't see that one coming.
Maybe, just maybe, this is enough rope to hang him with, given it doesn't align with the government's hastily assembled excuses for his first breach.

But it probably won't be.
The Tory shills and bots are out in force on Twitter this morning trying to defend all of this.

One in particular keeps replying to people asking them if they condemned Stephen Kinnock in the same way that they're doing for Cummings, so I had a look through their Twitter timeline and funnily enough they didn't condemn him either - funnily enough, radio silence when I asked them the same question.
The Whataboutery doesn't work anyway because last time I checked Kinnock wasn't the PM's closest advisor.
That doesn't matter to these people.

I can't tell if they just really like being contrarian cunts, or whether they actually believe the bullshit they spout. It's *always* people that wear their political affiliations on their Twitter bio like a badge of fucking honour, as well.

Here's the thread.
Apparently Cummings acted "reasonably, legally, and with integrity", according to Johnson.

Giphy "audience laughter":
Found out today that my aunt who's in her 70s with serious heart related heath issues, and who has been told to shield at home, decided to go out to get her toenails trimmed and painted.
Apparently her usual supplier of such services has a cabin at the bottom of her garden and thinks it's fine to carry on as normal.

Idiots, the pair of them.
I'm following my paternal instincts and am moving into Blenheim Palace. Might follow up by raiding the local brewery for supplies because my instincts are also calling for beer.
The problem with all this is that were we to be hit by a second wave or even another national emergency, nobody would feel obliged to follow the instructions.

I suppose I was too harsh on those talking about Blitz Spirit. We're governed by spivs.
There is a bit of wiggle room in the legislation.

It says you can’t leave the house without reasonable excuse, and goes on to give the examples of shopping for essentials, exercise and so on. It doesn’t however specify that those are the only permitted reasonable excuses, so it would then be for a court to decide if it counted.

Part of what they would consider is the government’s guidelines which were very clear and in many ways more restrictive than the law. Take exercise for example where they said no more than an hour close to home.

Those guidelines say you can go to provide care, so his parents could have travelled to London, but his trip could be seen as reasonable if it wasn’t for the availability of relatives in the capital who could have provided childcare.

If he did indeed go outside within the 14 days to a tourist spot that’s a crystal clear breach.
Kern wrote:
I am shocked to learn that Dominic Cummings thinks the rules don't apply to him

And now, being British, they no longer apply to anyone!
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
There is a bit of wiggle room in the legislation.

It says you can’t leave the house without reasonable excuse, and goes on to give the examples of shopping for essentials, exercise and so on. It doesn’t however specify that those are the only permitted reasonable excuses, so it would then be for a court to decide if it counted.

Part of what they would consider is the government’s guidelines which were very clear and in many ways more restrictive than the law. Take exercise for example where they said no more than an hour close to home.

Those guidelines say you can go to provide care, so his parents could have travelled to London, but his trip could be seen as reasonable if it wasn’t for the availability of relatives in the capital who could have provided childcare.

If he did indeed go outside within the 14 days to a tourist spot that’s a crystal clear breach.

If it was after 14 days when hew went to the castle then what reasonable excuse would he have had? It's absolute fucking bollocks is what it is. I can only assume that he's got hold of all the cabinet's internet search histories or something.
LewieP wrote:

What’s the reason for the mention of Barnard Castle in this story? To prove why Cummings was there?
It's just very curious that they announced the vaccine deal days after he was reportedly there.
From Monday we'll be able to meet outside in groups of six*. I can't help feeling this is too much too soon. Brace yourself for that second wave!

*not for viewers in Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland.
Kern wrote:
From Monday we'll be able to meet outside in groups of six*. I can't help feeling this is too much too soon. Brace yourself for that second wave!

*not for viewers in Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland.

Or people in high-risk households :(
Grim... wrote:
Kern wrote:
From Monday we'll be able to meet outside in groups of six*. I can't help feeling this is too much too soon. Brace yourself for that second wave!

*not for viewers in Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland.

Or people in high-risk households :(

Don’t worry, we’ll all be back here again soon. Maybe end of June!
Around here a lot of people seem to have decided for themselves that lockdown is a silly thing they don't need to bother with any more.

For instance, one of my neighbours usually sits with his kids on the lawn each afternoon and maybe has a bit of a kickabout or something with them. Nothing wrong with that.

But in the last couple of weeks increasingly large groups of random kids wander in off the street and sit with them (right next to them, not 2m away). He doesn't seem at all bothered. He's laughing and talking to random kids du jour, not telling them to keep back or go home.

It's going to be a damn long year...
Grim... wrote:
Kern wrote:
From Monday we'll be able to meet outside in groups of six*. I can't help feeling this is too much too soon. Brace yourself for that second wave!

*not for viewers in Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland.

Or people in high-risk households :(

Not as high risk as you, obvs, but am living with my 82 year old mother
Not saying he's becoming a laughing stock or anything, but we just had a Dominic Cummings round in our weekly quiz. Questions such as "how far did Cummings and his car full of Covid drive on one tank of fuel?".

Needless to say I got 10 out of 10
Zero Punctuation has done a thing that wouldn't be out of place in a Charlie Brooker Wipe.
Scotland rules changed for the first time yesterday, we're now allowed to have one other household in our garden as long as we stay 2m away. Schools won't be going back here until August at the earliest. The English change announced on Thursday smacks of the government trying to make sure that England doesn't get mad that Scotland are getting the one relaxation that the majority want i.e. the ability to see family members, and a further attempt to move the new cycle on from Dominic Cummings.

From my position north of the border, England has went from having a vague roadmap announced in the address to the nation a few weeks ago, to suddenly announcing a different relaxation every day this week. Second wave feels like an inevitability now.

We had my in laws in the garden yesterday in line with the new rules in Scotland. At one point, my two year old wanted to go to an area of the garden that had someone from the other household in it and I saw her head over there, stop a few metres away, pause to look around in clear distress that she didn't know what to do then she turned around and ran back to me with her expression changing as she turned until she was full on crying. She spent the next twenty minutes or so clinging onto me on my lap. I hate everything about this. We've never told her about the virus, or that she can't go near people but she's obviously picked it up from the way we avoid people on walks and the face we've not been seeing her Nana who she usually sees every day. I hope when we're allowed to be back to normal, she can adapt back to it and it doesn't leave an impresison on her. :(
Both sets of neighbours appear to be having regular visitors now. All back to normal I guess
Ah, as I look out the window neighbour blokey is sat outside in a huddle with his kids, two of his adult mates, and additional random kid! Selfish twats.

sdg wrote:
We had my in laws in the garden yesterday in line with the new rules in Scotland. At one point, my two year old wanted to go to an area of the garden that had someone from the other household in it and I saw her head over there, stop a few metres away, pause to look around in clear distress that she didn't know what to do then she turned around and ran back to me with her expression changing as she turned until she was full on crying. She spent the next twenty minutes or so clinging onto me on my lap. I hate everything about this. We've never told her about the virus, or that she can't go near people but she's obviously picked it up from the way we avoid people on walks and the face we've not been seeing her Nana who she usually sees every day. I hope when we're allowed to be back to normal, she can adapt back to it and it doesn't leave an impresison on her. :(

That really is heartbreaking... You can be proud that she's bright enough to have got the idea all on her own, though. She'll understand one day.
KovacsC wrote:

5 Hour queues at Ikea..... madness

Panic buying meatballs.
KovacsC wrote:

5 Hour queues at Ikea..... madness

A lot of people are suddenly working at home and this might be their first chance to get inexpensive desks and chairs so their back stops hurting. A lot of people are suddenly stuck at home a lot more and might have a much greater need for a new sofa to replace one that's wearing out, or some new plants to brighten their house up. And a lot of people might just desperately want to get out and do something, anything. The queue appeared to respect social distancing, I think it's safe to assume the store was capping the number of people inside at once, and the insides of the stores are absolutely gigantic with wide aisles, which means it's a lot less risky from a virus transmission point of view than - say - a grocery store. Overall I think this is a bit of a tabloid non-story, to be honest.
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