MaliA wrote:
What if my friends employ me as a cleaner?

Let me know if you’re taking on new clients.
MaliA wrote:
What if my friends employ me as a cleaner?

Then prepare to be unfriended.
If you want a quiet food shopping experience with no queue and very few customers to distance yourself from, M&S at the Trafford Centre is your ideal place. As it's maybe the only shop open there, there are plenty of spaces in the car park.
Warhead wrote:
If you want a quiet food shopping experience with no queue and very few customers to distance yourself from, M&S at the Trafford Centre is your ideal place. As it's maybe the only shop open there, there are plenty of spaces in the car park.

And Mr Johnson said on TV that we could now drive without limits across England! Wahey! Road Trip!
Kern wrote:
Warhead wrote:
If you want a quiet food shopping experience with no queue and very few customers to distance yourself from, M&S at the Trafford Centre is your ideal place. As it's maybe the only shop open there, there are plenty of spaces in the car park.

And Mr Johnson said on TV that we could now drive without limits across England! Wahey! Road Trip!

BRB, going to Cornwall to go surfing then do my night job as a cleaner at my parents.
You think you're holding it all together and then something like this pushes you over the edge.

Warhead wrote:
You think you're holding it all together and then something like this pushes you over the edge.


My condolences at this difficult time
Me yesterday, homeworking beside my big breezy open window: "I would pay anything to hear just good, honest, banter and laughter on the street again."

Me today, homeworking beside my big breezay open window: "I would pay anything to make the incredibly loud roof-tilers opposite me go away."
Jem wrote:
Warhead wrote:
You think you're holding it all together and then something like this pushes you over the edge.


My condolences at this difficult time

Much appreciated. You're very kind.

Not like those bastards on Facebook who couldn't give two tuppeny turds.
NervousPete wrote:
Me yesterday, homeworking beside my big breezy open window: "I would pay anything to hear just good, honest, banter and laughter on the street again."

Me today, homeworking beside my big breezay open window: "I would pay anything to make the incredibly loud roof-tilers opposite me go away."

We've had people in the house next door for two weeks straight now, ripped out all of the central heating, kitchen etc, and it's being fully rewired.

Best of luck to them, and I'd be doing exactly the same in their shoes, but it can get frustrating at times too.
11.15: Only had two calls and I've done them. Customers don't seem to be logging faults unless it's affecting their business right now, but it's only been like this since lockdown began. I think some of them initially thought we wouldn't be working, but they've been told that we are, but the call rate has still dropped off a cliff.
I'd been wondering if my parents were coping with the lockdown, especially my Dad's health means he's at more risk than most. Turns out I'd needn't have worried - I got a text from them yesterday saying that Dad was painting the kitchen and if I needed any parcels posting, they'd post them locally for me (I turned that down.. I'm not reopening the site yet). They seem to be coping with lockdown better than I am.
On my way! I only bought 120 neeps, so I will never be a millionaire, but still might buy a nice chair or something...
Mimi wrote:
On my way! I only bought 120 neeps, so I will never be a millionaire, but still might buy a nice chair or something...

Nearly the right thread. :D
See? This is why the old slogan was better.
Just been reading another piece about the governments messaging which pointed out something I hadn't picked up on. The colouring on the "Stay Alert" card has changed from red to green. So clear what they're trying to do whilst avoiding any repsonsibility. Complete shitbags.
I also wonder if they're trying to invoke the colour scheme from those "don't tread on me" posters that libertarians so love.
I don't know, is that enough of a thing to be worth it? I had to google it.
markg wrote:
Just been reading another piece about the governments messaging which pointed out something I hadn't picked up on. The colouring on the "Stay Alert" card has changed from red to green. So clear what they're trying to do whilst avoiding any repsonsibility. Complete shitbags.

I'm not following this; what's the significance of the colour scheme?
Well, red's a fairly universal sign for danger, and green the opposite
Cras wrote:
Well, red's a fairly universal sign for danger, and green the opposite

Sure, but I don't understand how that contributes to an avoidance of responsibility? Is saying stuff in a green font like making a promise with your fingers crossed?
It's honestly think that it is deliberately ambiguous messaging, employing subtle psychology. They want to move out of lockdown sooner rather than later but don't want to take repsonsibility for telling people to get back to normal, anything that happens now will be because of people glancing at the new sign, seeing an apparent change from "Stop " to "Go" and not reading the further explanation of "Stay Alert" which outlines that actually there is hardly any change to the lockdown. Maybe it's a bit tin foil and if this was a normal government then I would agree and decide it was all just odd and not well thought out, incompetent, probably. But this isn't a normal government, with the likes of Cummings pulling the strings any odd messaging will not be an accident. That sort of manipulation is absolutely their wheelhouse.
Warhead wrote:
11.15: Only had two calls and I've done them. Customers don't seem to be logging faults unless it's affecting their business right now, but it's only been like this since lockdown began. I think some of them initially thought we wouldn't be working, but they've been told that we are, but the call rate has still dropped off a cliff.

Does this affect your income?
I really miss pissing on tweed blankets in Ikea.
BikNorton wrote:
Warhead wrote:
11.15: Only had two calls and I've done them. Customers don't seem to be logging faults unless it's affecting their business right now, but it's only been like this since lockdown began. I think some of them initially thought we wouldn't be working, but they've been told that we are, but the call rate has still dropped off a cliff.

Does this affect your income?

No. I get paid the same if I stay at home all day because I'm not assigned any calls. The only difference is if I'm busy and work after 5pm, in which case I'm on overtime rate.

BUT, my stupid area manager doesn't like us sitting around with no calls, so she gives us pointless tasks, like visiting stores in our area to report on stuff she makes up. Currently, she wants to know if our client's stores are only using alternate tills so staff are keeping 2m apart on the counters, because 'they'll be turning all tills on when the lockdown rules change' and we may get calls if they don't boot up correctly. This is bollocks, because they keep all tills turned on 24/7 anyway, and she should know that.

She makes shit up, saying that she has to report to her manager about our activities, but we know that other area managers are telling their engineers to stay home and safe if they have no calls, to minimise the risk of infection. Thus, I'd rather be fully occupied with repair calls ..... or get a new manager.
This piece is worth a read: ... avoid-them

There's been a complete lack of much information about how and where you're actually most likely to catch this thing. Part of what this is saying is that it's in an enclosed space over a good length of time. So if you're sitting in an office all day with someone shedding the virus then sitting a bit further apart is going to do pretty much fuck all. On the other hand when you're shopping you're probably going to be okay unless someone coughs in your face.
I'm sure both the public and the police are all up to speed with the new regulations that start today and we won't see a repeat of the chaos during the early days of the lockdown.
French primary school going back in, albeit in a limited capacity.

Not something we should really be in a big hurry to replicate IMO.

This thing is going to change our world for a long time, isn't it.

They look far too young to know what’s going on. They go away from school for a few weeks, come back, suddenly their masked teacher is telling them to sit in chalk boxes 10ft apart.


Quite. Anyone with the common sense that Boris wants us to employ will know that this is only one step down from herding cats.
Nursery been in contact to say Angry one can return from the first June. This poses a big issue, as although I really want to dropkick the little fucker through the door right away, I'm not at all convinced it is a good option for her health, the nursery staff health, other children's health, other children's parent's health, or our health.
Nope it's absolutely ludicrous. Roads way busier today all of a sudden. Looks like everyone got the message as intended.
MaliA wrote:
Nursery been in contact to say Angry one can return from the first June. This poses a big issue, as although I really want to dropkick the little fucker through the door right away, I'm not at all convinced it is a good option for her health, the nursery staff health, other children's health, other children's parent's health, or our health.


But with my little fucker.

And also because I'm only able to get away with ~2 hours of childcare during my working day, leaving Mrs Fop to pick up the rest, which isn't great when she has her PhD and separate research project she's working on.
I’ve been chatting to our nursery manager, with whom I am good friends, and I run the nursery website, etc.

There are 58 registered children that attend, and she said that every parent who responded to a text to ask if they would like to return on June 1st responded to say it’s too early and they do not want to return.

A friend who has a reception age child last night said similar.

My best friend seemed very keen for her (reception age) child to return saying best get his uniform ironed, but today she says she and her husband are unsure about what to do, so I think there are a lot of parents that will decide to keep them home.

My brother is a teacher in London, and I know that they are in a complete spin as to the logistics of it.

One of my other brothers is a bus driver in London, and today has been extremely difficult. There’s a reduced service, and *loads* of people trying to cram onto services.
Still as quiet as it has been in my immediate local area, park was no busier. I was pleasantly surprised.
Has anyone else been in London during the pandemic?

In Zone 3. Leafy and suburban af. Still, parks + shops are overcrowded, pavements full of people, sirens blaring every 45mins.

My world has become extremely small, and I'm very tired.
We had an email questionnaire from the school yesterday about going back and wanting to get our views. They were very frank and honest in saying that the kids would be in separate classrooms, wouldn't be learning the curriculum, wouldn't have normal teachers, be kept apart from friends and the younger ones wouldn't have toys to play with.

We won't be sending ours back yet.. As much as I would like some quiet time.
This week primary schools in NL have started with the instruction of half groups max half weeks
For Katies school that means that she has school on Mondays and Thursdays with half her classmates, the other half goes on tues and fri (the group is 28 kids, so now its 14 at a time)
the other three days they work at home

They are reasonable with the kids, they are super strict about the parents - no-one is allowed IN school, every group has an area on the playground to gather in the morning, parents are asked if possible to not go on the playground but say goodbye at the gate (it's a request, if children are upset by drop off they can still go with them on the playground) from group 5 (around 9yo) parents are not expected to go into school for drop off anyway - this has always been the rule.

When children enter school they all wash their hands. Normal setup is desks dotted around by the two, still the case but only one of the two is occupied. Children are asked to eat snacks and lunch at their own desk, where they usually mill around all over the place. Older children are asked to keep distance between themselves and others (though not hugely enforced between kids, more enforced between them and adults), younger kids they do what they can but they still care for the kids as usual so I guess that means distance there is out.

For break times there is one line on the playground, two groups have break at the same time and are asked to stay on their side, the next break time they switch sides, because important stuff like climbing frames and sandpit reasons. they are allowed to move over the line to get something from the shed or go back indoors etc, they just try not too mix the groups more then necessary
there are about a thousand hand washing points throughout the day

Plus of course the usual "any symptoms stay home" business

Katie is ecstatic, she was so done with missing all her friends that she doesn't care it's only half, she doesnt care about the rules and weirness she's just happy to see some people

Her dancing group also started this week, outside on the school playground on Wednesday, when there is no-one in school (instead of their own location)

She is not going to after school care for as long as someone is working from home, there is no need and even though she loves it I don't need the extra worry.

So I don't know, Im still worried, I feel like an awful lot at once is allowed suddenly from this week. At the same time they do seem to be doing what they can without resorting to those pictures above.
I use this website to check the curves so we will see in 2 weeks what the impact is.
As for my job Im super lucky, I can do it well from home and they take everything super seriously so for the last 8 weeks their rules have been work from home unless you are absolutely unmissable and no more then 20% of our workforce is allowed in the building, so they have made schedules. My boss went one day and at the door was asked what his reason for being there was, so pretty good :D
Now they are looking at increasing to max 40%, but still under the rule if you can work from home at all, you are not in that 40%
So I have been out of the house exactly once since march 12th, and that was to get my broken molar fixed (yay!) and will be right here for the foreseeable future.
Still if it were up to me there would be no school and other stuff for a while yet.
I've got toothache, but it's not too bad at the moment.

Not entirely sure at what point it turns into something I need to sort out, and whether my dentist is even open right now.
The Great Tyrant wrote:
Has anyone else been in London during the pandemic?

In Zone 3. Leafy and suburban af. Still, parks + shops are overcrowded, pavements full of people, sirens blaring every 45mins.

My world has become extremely small, and I'm very tired.

Zone 4 here. I don't know what it's like outside. There is no outside any more.
Here's a fun Vice article on how the virus has affected the sasquatch community.

"I don't think the sasquatches are in any danger,” said Barackman. “Like, when's the last time you were within 6 feet of a sasquatch?”
Cras wrote:
The Great Tyrant wrote:
Has anyone else been in London during the pandemic?

In Zone 3. Leafy and suburban af. Still, parks + shops are overcrowded, pavements full of people, sirens blaring every 45mins.

My world has become extremely small, and I'm very tired.

Zone 4 here. I don't know what it's like outside. There is no outside any more.

The outside is lava.

Photos of rush hour steaming ahead made me feel quite sad. I guess we'll know how that plays out in a couple of weeks.
Kern wrote:
Here's a fun Vice article on how the virus has affected the sasquatch community.

"I don't think the sasquatches are in any danger,” said Barackman. “Like, when's the last time you were within 6 feet of a sasquatch?”

From what I've heard, you might well not realise if you were. 8)

I'm not totally sure if they're real or not, but this is a totally excellent ghillie suit!


"Pay no attention to these snow-covered branches..."
Green Man music festival cancelled. All joy has gone.
MaliA wrote:
Green Man music festival cancelled. All joy has gone.

It was mean of them to make you wait so long
I’m surprised you thought there was 1% chance of it going ahead.
Having given it some thought, I wrote to my MP expressing concerns and doubts about the conditions in which schools might reopen given how poor the government has been of late. And asked if I were to be told off if BigOne didn't attend.
We've had an email from our school saying that there will be no penalties for not attending.

Might be worth checking with the school too.
TheVision wrote:
We've had an email from our school saying that there will be no penalties for not attending.

Might be worth checking with the school too.

ours too
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