What's Everyone Playing?
Apparently a megathread now
TheVision wrote:
Super Star Wars on the SNES... It's not very good once you get past the novelty of it being a Star Wars game.

Those games were always too difficult for their own good (or I'm just crap at them of course).

I'm still struggling to get into any new games. I dabbled with NBA 2K19 but have yet to finish a match - arsing around in practice mode is quite relaxing though. Katamari Damacy:Reroll is as lovely as the original was, but I played the first level, saved it, and haven't been back to it.
devilman wrote:
I'm still struggling to get into any new games. I dabbled with NBA 2K19 but have yet to finish a match - arsing around in practice mode is quite relaxing though. Katamari Damacy:Reroll is as lovely as the original was, but I played the first level, saved it, and haven't been back to it.

I have 2K20, and foolishly went straight into a season. Tackling seems quite hard!
throughsilver wrote:
devilman wrote:
I'm still struggling to get into any new games. I dabbled with NBA 2K19 but have yet to finish a match - arsing around in practice mode is quite relaxing though. Katamari Damacy:Reroll is as lovely as the original was, but I played the first level, saved it, and haven't been back to it.

I have 2K20, and foolishly went straight into a season. Tackling seems quite hard!

Yeah, in 2K19, I give away so many fouls trying to win the ball back. I should look to see if there's a defending tutorial but I've already forgotten half the offensive moves as it is :)
devilman wrote:
throughsilver wrote:
devilman wrote:
I'm still struggling to get into any new games. I dabbled with NBA 2K19 but have yet to finish a match - arsing around in practice mode is quite relaxing though. Katamari Damacy:Reroll is as lovely as the original was, but I played the first level, saved it, and haven't been back to it.

I have 2K20, and foolishly went straight into a season. Tackling seems quite hard!

Yeah, in 2K19, I give away so many fouls trying to win the ball back. I should look to see if there's a defending tutorial but I've already forgotten half the offensive moves as it is :)

I'm always too far up the court and get countered all the time.
I’ll tell you what I’ve been playing: Hyperdot

What’s Hyperdot I hear no one ask? Well it’s Geometry Wars’ pacifist mode for an entire game. So it’s a sort of bullet hell but you don’t shoot back. Or a Super Hexagon style game. It’s got 100 levels each with various things to do like survive a time limit, collect x amount of tokens and stay in a zone for so long and so on but with different environments (slipppery world, dark world etc) and player adjustments (go slow, go fast, small dot, big dot, bigger dot).

I’ve done 25 levels and it’s been super enjoyable. The music reminds me of that match 3 hexagon game you got on the 360 as a pack in. Fuck me what was that called. Probably Hexagon? Or Hexa-something. Anyway, that one.

Here’s a trailer.

throughsilver wrote:
devilman wrote:
I'm still struggling to get into any new games. I dabbled with NBA 2K19 but have yet to finish a match - arsing around in practice mode is quite relaxing though. Katamari Damacy:Reroll is as lovely as the original was, but I played the first level, saved it, and haven't been back to it.

I have 2K20, and foolishly went straight into a season. Tackling seems quite hard!

Tackling? Are you sure you don't have NFL 2020?
You don't want to try to steal all that often, defense is about trying to stay between your guy and the basket.
Right stick up to put your hands in the air!
Like you just don't care!
Tackling, blocking... anything that might stop a much worse team from humiliating me.
I've given up on it for now and uninstalled it to free up space to browse some of the Game Pass stuff. At least have NBA 2k1 if I want a simpler basketball fix.
A Short Hike!

It's an incredibly relaxing game. You play a small penguin-ey type being that is visiting an island, and you walk, climb and glide around exploring and talking to other creatures.

It didn't take that many hours to complete, but it doesn't cost much and I enjoyed it much more than if I'd spent the money on beer.

Lovely! :)
Firefox wrote:
A Short Hike!

It's an incredibly relaxing game. You play a small penguin-ey type being that is visiting an island, and you walk, climb and glide around exploring and talking to other creatures.

It didn't take that many hours to complete, but it doesn't cost much and I enjoyed it much more than if I'd spent the money on beer.

Lovely! :)

It was free on Epic very recently so I've got it on the list to play.
Firefox wrote:
It didn't take that many hours to complete, but it doesn't cost much and I enjoyed it much more than if I'd spent the money on beer.

Lovely! :)

I've found this is a good metric for comparison (for me at least). Comparing cost of a game with a beer or two, or some fast food (Maccas, KFC, whatever) and the short lived enjoyment they bring.
KovacsC wrote:
Spider-Man on the PS4.

What a great game this. Very Assassins creed with a Spider-Man skin.

Aye, it's reet good. I really enjoyed Spiderman and even went to the unusual-for-me effort of completing all the challenges/crimes/side missions etc for that 100% completion. Excellent game with a few annoyances here and there. I have to say that I found the face animation excellent, the voice acting was fantastic and the story was really good.

I've been playing a bit of The Warriors (yes, the PS2 game that's available for download in the PS store). I really enjoy the film and I remember seeing adverts for this game on billboards at train stations back in 200...6? Something like that....

Sure the GTA engine in use is super old and shows it, and the PS2 era graphics are awkward to the max, but the atmosphere and the presentation style, the music, and especially voice acting by the original cast, all add up to make it quite a good experience if, like me, you have a particular fondness for the film. As a game though.... ehhhh, not so great.
Bamba wrote:
Firefox wrote:
A Short Hike!

It was free on Epic very recently so I've got it on the list to play.

Bargain! :)
I started A Way Out last night.

Brilliant idea, though I wish it was less on rails than it is. There's very little meaningful puzzle-solving to be done, and there's no opportunity for cooking up ways to execute a plan. Basically you never feel like you need to stop and chat about what to do next/how you're going to approach the problem. It feels like a missed opportunity for a game leaning so heavily into a co-op experience.

That said, we still enjoyed it and will be back for more.
We bought a second hand wii (my OG unit broke many years ago after a failed softmod update).

I'd forgotten how much fun Wario Ware Smooth Moves was - the kids love it, and Sports and Mario Kart too. I'd forgotten what a fun little console the Wii could be.
I’m playing the Phoenix Wright trilogy on the PS4.

I wish I wasn’t. Well, not on the PS4: it’s not quite the right medium for it. It’s so linear it’s basically a minutely interactive story. Hell, if you get anything wrong it basically let’s you keep attempting the same thing until you get it right. Yeah, yeah, I’ve never played a Phoenix Wright game before but I’m sure it suited the handheld medium it came from much better than the big telly experience. Plus the graphics are a bit shit and amateur. There’s something not quite right about them? It might be the colours or lack of detail or, in the wide view of the court, looking like utter dogshit that a 5 year old could draw.

I don’t know...it’s written perfectly and I’m enjoying it in short bursts but it’s a bit simple and shit looking.
Oh, and I’d heard there’s some crap in it about ghosts and stuff and turns out they’re almost immediately introduced. I didn’t think it added anything and just made me roll my eyes.
Satsuma wrote:
I’m playing the Phoenix Wright trilogy on the PS4.

I wish I wasn’t. Well, not on the PS4: it’s not quite the right medium for it. It’s so linear it’s basically a minutely interactive story. Hell, if you get anything wrong it basically let’s you keep attempting the same thing until you get it right. Yeah, yeah, I’ve never played a Phoenix Wright game before but I’m sure it suited the handheld medium it came from much better than the big telly experience. Plus the graphics are a bit shit and amateur. There’s something not quite right about them? It might be the colours or lack of detail or, in the wide view of the court, looking like utter dogshit that a 5 year old could draw.

I don’t know...it’s written perfectly and I’m enjoying it in short bursts but it’s a bit simple and shit looking.

The first Phoenix Wright was amazing on the DS Lite, I was totally hooked. The second one didn't really click with me for some reason, despite being mostly more of the same.

I reckon handheld is the premium experience for a game like this.
And the award for the level that outstays its welcome more than any other, goes to...the pirate abduction level in Uncharted 3.

Fucking hell, my eyes were rolling into the back of my head by the time I had to fight enemy wave 605 in the flooded tanker.

I've said this before, but Uncharted would be 100% better if its levels were 50% shorter.

And the bit where you're in an upside down cruise ship - a wonderful idea, but deeply unfun to play. Just mashing the thumb stick and jump as you try and find an object that you're allowed to jump onto.
Findus Fop wrote:
And the award for the level that outstays its welcome more than any other, goes to...the pirate abduction level in Uncharted 3.

Fucking hell, my eyes were rolling into the back of my head by the time I had to fight enemy wave 605 in the flooded tanker.

I've said this before, but Uncharted would be 100% better if its levels were 50% shorter.

And the bit where you're in an upside down cruise ship - a wonderful idea, but deeply unfun to play. Just mashing the thumb stick and jump as you try and find an object that you're allowed to jump onto.

The combat arenas that just keep throwing fucking guys at you are definitely my least favour part of the Uncharted games. I don't remember having quite the same level of annoyance in Uncharted 4, so either they fixed the balance a bit or I've just wiped it from my mind.
Bamba wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
And the award for the level that outstays its welcome more than any other, goes to...the pirate abduction level in Uncharted 3.

Fucking hell, my eyes were rolling into the back of my head by the time I had to fight enemy wave 605 in the flooded tanker.

I've said this before, but Uncharted would be 100% better if its levels were 50% shorter.

And the bit where you're in an upside down cruise ship - a wonderful idea, but deeply unfun to play. Just mashing the thumb stick and jump as you try and find an object that you're allowed to jump onto.

The combat arenas that just keep throwing fucking guys at you are definitely my least favour part of the Uncharted games. I don't remember having quite the same level of annoyance in Uncharted 4, so either they fixed the balance a bit or I've just wiped it from my mind.

I've heard things are much better in 4. Truth be told, I've only really plugging my way through 3 so that I can do 4.

Such a shame though. One should be savouring the spectacle, not willing it to end.
Findus Fop wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
And the award for the level that outstays its welcome more than any other, goes to...the pirate abduction level in Uncharted 3.

Fucking hell, my eyes were rolling into the back of my head by the time I had to fight enemy wave 605 in the flooded tanker.

I've said this before, but Uncharted would be 100% better if its levels were 50% shorter.

And the bit where you're in an upside down cruise ship - a wonderful idea, but deeply unfun to play. Just mashing the thumb stick and jump as you try and find an object that you're allowed to jump onto.

The combat arenas that just keep throwing fucking guys at you are definitely my least favour part of the Uncharted games. I don't remember having quite the same level of annoyance in Uncharted 4, so either they fixed the balance a bit or I've just wiped it from my mind.

I've heard things are much better in 4. Truth be told, I've only really plugging my way through 3 so that I can do 4.

Such a shame though. One should be savouring the spectacle, not willing it to end.

It bears repeating. All the Uncharted games should be played on Easy. The combat is weirdly imbalanced in all of them, with pinch points and bottle necks where the game just grinds to halt as it throws waves and waves of enemies at you. Every single game has an area like this on most of the levels, where you just keep dying and you get frustrated.

This is not a game about the combat, it's about the yarn, the adventure. Played on anything but Easy and the only thing you remember is that you took 30 attempts or more to get through one ludicrously tricky combat area. No, I don't know how the hell this got past play testing either.
DBSnappa wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
And the award for the level that outstays its welcome more than any other, goes to...the pirate abduction level in Uncharted 3.

Fucking hell, my eyes were rolling into the back of my head by the time I had to fight enemy wave 605 in the flooded tanker.

I've said this before, but Uncharted would be 100% better if its levels were 50% shorter.

And the bit where you're in an upside down cruise ship - a wonderful idea, but deeply unfun to play. Just mashing the thumb stick and jump as you try and find an object that you're allowed to jump onto.

The combat arenas that just keep throwing fucking guys at you are definitely my least favour part of the Uncharted games. I don't remember having quite the same level of annoyance in Uncharted 4, so either they fixed the balance a bit or I've just wiped it from my mind.

I've heard things are much better in 4. Truth be told, I've only really plugging my way through 3 so that I can do 4.

Such a shame though. One should be savouring the spectacle, not willing it to end.

It bears repeating. All the Uncharted games should be played on Easy. The combat is weirdly imbalanced in all of them, with pinch points and bottle necks where the game just grinds to halt as it throws waves and waves of enemies at you. Every single game has an area like this on most of the levels, where you just keep dying and you get frustrated.

This is not a game about the combat, it's about the yarn, the adventure. Played on anything but Easy and the only thing you remember is that you took 30 attempts or more to get through one ludicrously tricky combat area. No, I don't know how the hell this got past play testing either.

UC4 has proper stealth so putting it on easy would take some of the fun out of the sections where that's an option.
Is anyone playing the new modern warfare? Interested to hear what online play is like.
sdg wrote:
Is anyone playing the new modern warfare? Interested to hear what online play is like.

I’ve only played Warzone because it’s free, but it’s fun!
Mr Chonks wrote:
sdg wrote:
Is anyone playing the new modern warfare? Interested to hear what online play is like.

I’ve only played Warzone because it’s free, but it’s fun!

We downloaded that this week. It took about three days to download, I’m not even kidding.
I wish it had some of the more traditional game modes but I can see it being decent when you squad up with friends.
I think Sat and I are playing it this evening if you fancy joining. It has cross-platform support.

I can’t really afford the full game as it’s £ridiculous
sdg wrote:
Is anyone playing the new modern warfare? Interested to hear what online play is like.

Myself / Bobby / Riles / Curio are often on the multiplayer modes , sometimes joined by an Wookie

I'd say its the best multiplayer they have had since the start of double jumps - there are a few new game modes which work and reasonable maps(*) for most things

(*)Rust is not a reasonable map - Shipment is

If you want to see how it looks this is from a few weeks ago

Bamba wrote:
DBSnappa wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Findus Fop wrote:
And the award for the level that outstays its welcome more than any other, goes to...the pirate abduction level in Uncharted 3.

Fucking hell, my eyes were rolling into the back of my head by the time I had to fight enemy wave 605 in the flooded tanker.

I've said this before, but Uncharted would be 100% better if its levels were 50% shorter.

And the bit where you're in an upside down cruise ship - a wonderful idea, but deeply unfun to play. Just mashing the thumb stick and jump as you try and find an object that you're allowed to jump onto.

The combat arenas that just keep throwing fucking guys at you are definitely my least favour part of the Uncharted games. I don't remember having quite the same level of annoyance in Uncharted 4, so either they fixed the balance a bit or I've just wiped it from my mind.

I've heard things are much better in 4. Truth be told, I've only really plugging my way through 3 so that I can do 4.

Such a shame though. One should be savouring the spectacle, not willing it to end.

It bears repeating. All the Uncharted games should be played on Easy. The combat is weirdly imbalanced in all of them, with pinch points and bottle necks where the game just grinds to halt as it throws waves and waves of enemies at you. Every single game has an area like this on most of the levels, where you just keep dying and you get frustrated.

This is not a game about the combat, it's about the yarn, the adventure. Played on anything but Easy and the only thing you remember is that you took 30 attempts or more to get through one ludicrously tricky combat area. No, I don't know how the hell this got past play testing either.

UC4 has proper stealth so putting it on easy would take some of the fun out of the sections where that's an option.

Can you not adjust on the fly?
I just can't stop playing Snowrunner, so relaxing. It's the crown green bowls of gaming.
markg wrote:
I just can't stop playing Snowrunner, so relaxing. It's the crown green bowls of gaming.

I can't see how that is relaxing. Crown green bowls has quite the high fatality rate.
markg wrote:
I just can't stop playing Snowrunner, so relaxing. It's the crown green bowls of gaming.

I'm resisting the urge so far, how are you finding progression/story? I'd heard it's meant to be a bit more in depth than mudrunner.
Still loving Dead Cells. Resisting the urge to Google unlocking the remaining runes as I like stumbling on them myself much more.
krazywookie wrote:
markg wrote:
I just can't stop playing Snowrunner, so relaxing. It's the crown green bowls of gaming.

I'm resisting the urge so far, how are you finding progression/story? I'd heard it's meant to be a bit more in depth than mudrunner.

Yeah, they've done a brilliant job building on Mudrunner, Really like the way it's done, you can buy trucks and then just sell them and get all your money back so it never feels like you're grinding to get a particular thing, there are also loads of different areas to explore each with their own sets of tasks and missions, you can try and plan out routes to complete a couple in one trip.

Just been recovering some containers out of a river with this bad boy:


Lovely stuff.
sdg wrote:
Is anyone playing the new modern warfare? Interested to hear what online play is like.

I've been playing a lot of Warzone. It's good fun. Fun playing with friends, however I haven't actually played with anyone from here yet.
Good to know, sorry I didn’t see your messages until today!

If everyone is friends with Jen on PSN, that’s what I’ll be playing under so if you see us online feel free to fire us an invite!
sdg wrote:
Good to know, sorry I didn’t see your messages until today!

If everyone is friends with Jen on PSN, that’s what I’ll be playing under so if you see us online feel free to fire us an invite!

I won’t see you on PSN as I’m playing on PC. If you share her Activision ID I can add you as a friend on their system and then see when you’re online.
GOG currently has Firewatch on sale for a few quid, so I finally gave it a go. I ended up playing right through it in six or seven hours. (Because... No other pressing engagements.)

It was occasionally frustrating - often a twig in the way or a foot-high rock would apparently constitute an insuperable barrier. Couch potato me wouldn't be phased by them, never mind super-fit outdoorsy bloke that I'm playing in the game.

I enjoyed the artistic style, though, and stomping through the Wyoming wilderness in pursuit of the next objective as the increasingly strange story unfolded was oddly good. The voice acting (of which there is a ton, because you're constantly talking on your walkie talkie) was pleasingly unamateurish.

A strange game, but one that will stay with me. Easily passes the beer-equivalency test. :)
Mr Chonks wrote:
sdg wrote:
Good to know, sorry I didn’t see your messages until today!

If everyone is friends with Jen on PSN, that’s what I’ll be playing under so if you see us online feel free to fire us an invite!

I won’t see you on PSN as I’m playing on PC. If you share her Activision ID I can add you as a friend on their system and then see when you’re online.

Hey me too!
zaphod79 wrote:
(*)Rust is not a reasonable map - Shipment is

Shipment is a deeply silly map. Rust isn't much better.

Mind you, I like Euphrates Bridge, so... (I like getting my counter-sniper on)

I play too, and am rubbish at spotting other people online.

I will say this: the skill based matchmaking is fucking nuts. It's way too agressive, and you dread having a good game, because it then matches you with people way above your skill level. Other than that, it's great fun.
zaphod79 wrote:
sdg wrote:
Is anyone playing the new modern warfare? Interested to hear what online play is like.

Myself / Bobby / Riles / Curio are often on the multiplayer modes , sometimes joined by an Wookie

I'd say its the best multiplayer they have had since the start of double jumps - there are a few new game modes which work and reasonable maps(*) for most things

(*)Rust is not a reasonable map - Shipment is

If you want to see how it looks this is from a few weeks ago

So this is specifically MW you're playing and not the free game? That's really good to hear, we've been so close to buying it over the last few days but didn't want to spend £50 and find out the multiplayer was crap. Is everyone PS4?
sdg wrote:
So this is specifically MW you're playing and not the free game? That's really good to hear, we've been so close to buying it over the last few days but didn't want to spend £50 and find out the multiplayer was crap. Is everyone PS4?

Yeah this is the full multiplayer and we're on PS4 (DoccyG is on PC and joined via the magic of crossplay)

If your playing it on another platform the only thing you miss out is the party stuff which works best when your all on the same platform - it does work cross platform so not *that* much of an issue

The other useful thing for this one is they have made the maps available everyone so you don't have problems because people are missing out on packs - however if you don't buy the season pass (I bought the first one and I've made enough each season to buy the next one without putting any more money in) then it does nag you to buy it (Bobby gets the prompt a lot)

I doubt you'd have any problem starting from Lv1 and they throw double XP tokens and stuff at you (if you've been playing Warzone then you will have been leveling up your character and weapons) *most* nights between about 9:00 and 11:30 or so there will be a small group on playing it

Checking the numbers last night i'm about 10 'days' for in game stats.
I concur that the multiplayer is good fun, and the classic game modes (Headquarters, Kill Confirmed, etc) are still there as well as fun new ones (Cranked, Grind, etc).
Curiosity wrote:
I concur that the multiplayer is good fun, and the classic game modes (Headquarters, Kill Confirmed, etc) are still there as well as fun new ones (Cranked, Grind, etc).

I do like some of the new modes in here which seem to have fixed some of the more traditional problems with the 'classics'

Kill Confirmed is basically a much better Team Deathmatch which stops some camping
Cyber Attack is a better search and destroy with revives
Grind is sorta capture the flag with a bit of kill confirmed mixed in , you can go kill and pick up tags but you need to get them back to a specific point and people can camp that point to stop you
Cranked is a weird kill confirmed mode that stops you camping at all because if you dont kill again within 30 seconds of your last kill you die
and i cant remember the game mode but there is another new one which is a cross between Domination and Search and destroy - kills knock you out of the team but if your team captures a point you all respawn - capture all 3 points to win

The Warzone stuff feels different and Bobby suggested the other day that you should think of it more as a survival horror mode - when your caught then you die or kill them but a lot more of it is creeping around and picking up stuff
Being on a team in Warzone does mean that you can get revived (for a cost) but thats the biggest problem i think with it - if your dead your just sitting there watching the screen with nothing to do
Ancient Sewers reached in Dead Cells, nice to hit a new area and see new foes and a boss.
There's some really good weapons in Modern Warfare too, the Crossbow is a right laugh, and some of the weapon mods completely change the way a gun plays. I've been using the Striker SMG with 12-round hollow point mags which makes it more like a little marksman rifle.
This is more 'what have you played' that 'what are you playing' because I'm no longer playing either of these but:

Close To The Sun: what if Bioshock but a really boring and annoying waking simulator. I'm not even slightly joking about that, it massively rips off everything about Bioshock except the combat. Which would be fine except that that 'puzzles' are barely worth that description and the chase sequences are just aggravating. I finally gave up on it about an hour from the end (it's only a few hours long) because I was supposed to run away from some enemies in a scripted sequence but couldn't actually see where I was supposed to run to without getting murdered. By this point I'd had about enough of it anyway so it got canned.

Owlboy: throw-back 2D platformer with slight Metroidvania elements. And one which I was thoroughly enjoying for a few hours but it became patchy and irritating and the shine wore off eventually. I was at a section which:

  • Involved doing stuff in a completely darkened level with only a patch of light around your character which is always fucking super-fun, especially when you're constantly damaged by unkillable flying enemies if you lost your light for any reason.
  • Didn't explain itself in the slightest so took me a load of goes to even work out how I was supposed to navigate it (apparently you were meant to set fire to a nearby NPC with one of the three weapons available to you then carry it around like a torch while stopping it from exploding and plunging you back into darkness, and in the sections one of those guys weren't available you had to eat a particular fruit to make your character itself glow)
  • After all that a door opened that I needed to go through, but I had no idea how to get to said door within the maze-like level I was lost in. Also, all the teeth-grindingly annoying enemies respawned constantly so even searching for the door was a fucking chore. At this point I felt the game just wasn't respecting my time by making me stumble around like this for fucking ages even after I'd done what was required to progress.
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