Tabletop wargaming - nerdlinging to the max...
and other sundry models

Do you play tabletop wargames?
No, of course not. Tabletop wargamers are so nerdy they make PC fanboys look cool and studly.  34%  [ 25 ]
Yes. I love my little painted figures. I give them all names and stroke them every night. I live for weapons damage charts.  5%  [ 4 ]
I used to, but discovered girls.  52%  [ 38 ]
What are you talking about?  6%  [ 5 ]
Total votes : 72
Mr Chonks wrote:
Turns out the mandatory field for Town in the billing address is not entirely mandatory. As soon as I added this in it worked fine. At least their support was prompt and helpful!

A mandatory field needs filling though.
Mr Chonks wrote:
Dimrill wrote:
Now that I know some of you sausages play it, Dark Sphere are offering up to 60% off their X-Wing stock at the mo.

It’s mainly just me, but Malc plays too. I am trying to get Joans into it

I play it.
Zardoz wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
Turns out the mandatory field for Town in the billing address is not entirely mandatory. As soon as I added this in it worked fine. At least their support was prompt and helpful!

A mandatory field needs filling though.

You’d think so wouldn’t you? Yet it let me go past that screen without.
Zardoz wrote:

What does that stand for?
Mr Chonks wrote:
Zardoz wrote:

What does that stand for?

Mr Chonks is stupid and doesn't know how to read letters aloud. Mainly.
Thanks for the Black Sphere tip off Dims - I've ordered a Thousand Year Hawk and a Big Tie Thingy to be delivered to work next week while 'm in the UK. That's me set for Large ships (already have Ghost and Lambda Class Shuttle)

First Edition stuff is gratifyingly cheaps!

On the huge ships, I have the TIE carrier and the Rebel Transport but really want a Blockade Runner...
They’re not re-releasing the Imperial Raider in 2E as there are loads out there still, which means getting a huge ship conversion kit now too, annoyingly. I want to get that and the Rebel Transport and CR90 eventually.
I am pleased to have justified my existence for the next 24 hours.
You’re justified and you’re ancient.
New AdMech flyer looks nice.
Read it and reap, my new TIE Reaper has arrived. Looks like it might be tricky to fly with the adaptive ailerons!

Just need a couple of Strikers to escort it and I can do the battle of Scarif.
I need paints. Info dump me, kids.
Handover brushes are decent but cheapish - real sable is better than nylon. Size 000, 0, 1 and 2 are a good starting point. Vallejo game colour are cheaper than citadel paints and just as good.
How many miniatures are there to paint, MaliA?

If there's a fair few I'd recommend a tin of white plastic primer spray. Will also make the colours look brighter (ideal for super hero costumes) and take fewerless coats.

Top tip, whatever paint to go for (I use Citadel stuff) always* thin it down with a drop of water (aim for milk consistency).

*unless it's a wash/glaze/contast/varnish :P
MrChris wrote:
Handover brushes are decent but cheapish - real sable is better than nylon. Size 000, 0, 1 and 2 are a good starting point. Vallejo game colour are cheaper than citadel paints and just as good.

These have been great value:
Cheers, it is ten people and some scenery. Not a mad amount. Yet.....
Get some.

Will come in handy for other stuff and is a great time saver.
Much obliged. Ordered those paints, those brushes and white primer. Need some polystyrene cement and off we go.
Get poly with the long metal tube dispenser, much easier.
Oh and when it blocks, a lighter on the very end ‘pops’ the flow again.
Zardoz wrote:
Get poly with the long metal tube dispenser, much easier.
Oh and when it blocks, a lighter on the very end ‘pops’ the flow again.

Oh, I got liquid poly
These are fucking tiny.
45 minutes, that took. 8 steps in the instructions!
Assembled, filed and part primed my Space Hulk minis!
Interesting. Your Broodlord is different to mine. :S
This was listed as 4th ed, maybe why?
My mistake, your broody is in the big shot. That one's just a big genest.
Once I’m done with these we’ll be able to play-by-mail!
Three hours this took. Captain Marvel has absolute bastard arms.
Done! 8 hours and a lot of swearing later. BigOne made the "dragon" to go on the "good guys" team, but I fear it might unbalance the sides.
Going with more Contrast paint for my Space Hulk minis, really pleased with the Blood Angels red on the Terminators. Got black on its way too for the helmets / shoulders / shins. Embellishments and bolters will be gunmetal. Nay gold on these boys like a lot of other Blood Angels seem to use. Nay.
Pin-vicing the Autocannon barrels gave me an enormous sense of well-being.
Solid work, model folk.
Some repairs needed (A bin, a traffic light and Captain America has fallen apart (he's a court jester with a broken heart)) but I have primed the rest, and some of the tablecloth
Just noticed several bits missing from my Perty Burty work in progress. Distraught! So I've spent an hour sifting through the hoover smeg and managed to find all three. Result. If only I didn't have asthma.
Progress on the Space Hulk minis. Pleased with the Contrast paint scheme on both factions, was going to do a more exotic look on the Tyranids but I like the pale blue / grey carapace now.
That armour looks veh nice.
This is as far as I got with my Spulk minis. Just basecoated, no highlights.


Currently working on this chappie. The sticking together is the fun part.

Your Space Hulk minis are very different to mine.
The 1st and 2nd edition miniatures were very basic compared to 3rd and 4th.
You're not lying. The terminators look a bit strange.
Just enjoyed 1st game of Space Hulk with Harrison, was a bit stop / start as I thumbed through the rule book (been a loooong time since I’ve played). He took great delight in killing my heavy flamer (genestealer victory condition) then insisted we carried on playing until he wiped out my entire squad! :D

Shout out to Terminator no. 2 who took out 5 genestealers in a row on overwatch though.
I must say though that the newer miniatures are great to look at and build/paint but most are too big for the game board squares.
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