I watched UNCUT GEMS which is flipping fantastic but I would imagine might not be for everyone.
If you enjoyed GOOD TIME then I suspect you'll get along with this, it has the same kind of endless forward momentum as the protagonist drives onward towards a somewhat sketchy goal.
Adam Sandler is terrific, I don't have the negative opinion of him that a lot of folks seem to. I'm aware he's supposed to have been in a load of awful comedies but I haven't watched them, which seems the sensible thing to do with bad films.
This is an incredibly kinetic film, it kicks off dialled up to 11 and pretty much stays there for the duration, it can almost become exhausting to watch and the tension at some points approaches being borderline unbearable. (This is praise, not criticism, during one sequence I became aware that my entire body had tensed up and I'd sort of stopped breathing.)
It's worth noting that we're not really supposed to like the protagonist, whilst he's not the 'bad guy' he's clearly no angel either, and how far you're prepared to get on board with his actions and understand them (if not forgive them), might come down to how sympathetic you are to addiction and/or have been down that road yourself.
I really liked this one, but I can see it dividing opinion.