Bits and Bobs 50
50 shades of bits
La-bret was my gut instinct so I basically put it off ~forever~ for nothing.
Why not just point at face and say "there"?
Because that's far too sensible.
When I had mine done it took a while to learn how to chew food properly without disturbing the labret. On the 2nd day I managed to get the back caught over my teeth while eating and yanked it back into the hole, ball and all. Took me a good 15 minutes to get it to pop back out.
That made my eyes water just thinking about it 8)
Jem wrote:
That made my eyes water just thinking about it 8)

Eye watering piercing stories, yea, I’ve got one of those.
I caught my nipple bar on the shower door and it ripped, not all the way, just enough to make it bleed and to leave a scar.
I used to work with a lady who ripped her nipple piercing out while brushing her hair.

She also didn't have a TV but that's another story... One which I've just told in its entirety.
Looks like I'm watching Class of Nuke Em High tonight then.
TheVision wrote:
I used to work with a lady who ripped her nipple piercing out while brushing her hair.

I'll bet she brushed her nipple hair more carefully after that.
“Fun”Sally wrote:
Jem wrote:
That made my eyes water just thinking about it 8)

Eye watering piercing stories, yea, I’ve got one of those.
I caught my nipple bar on the shower door and it ripped, not all the way, just enough to make it bleed and to leave a scar.

Fuuuuck :'(
Not quite the same, but my sister punched me in the face so hard that she knocked one of my little stud earrings into my ear so that the little decorative bit stuck into the hole. My ear swelled up so much that my grandad had to take me to hospital and a surgeon sprayed some nonsense cold spray on it and cut the lobe of my ear open with scissors whilst I was very conscious of the pain, but it hurt so much that I started to hallucinate and they had to call a load of people to hold me down whilst they continues to snip away at my ear. I was 9 or 10, and can still remember the surgeons voice now.
This subject is a joy :D
Mimi always wins these games, somehow
Roughest sisters.
Mimi wrote:
Not quite the same, but my sister punched me in the face so hard that she knocked one of my little stud earrings into my ear so that the little decorative bit stuck into the hole. My ear swelled up so much that my grandad had to take me to hospital and a surgeon sprayed some nonsense cold spray on it and cut the lobe of my ear open with scissors whilst I was very conscious of the pain, but it hurt so much that I started to hallucinate and they had to call a load of people to hold me down whilst they continues to snip away at my ear. I was 9 or 10, and can still remember the surgeons voice now.

I was glad this ended with 'I was 9 or 10' and not 'yup, last week was a bitch'.
My work laptop (a MacBook Pro 13" with Retina from 2013 or so) is presumably very close to exploding.

I noticed the other day that the lid wouldn't close properly any more, and it turns out that the battery is bulging in the middle under the keyboard - by quite some amount. At it's worst, the lid leaves a 5mm gap between it and the base.

I'm backing everything up as I write and have ordered a Dell XPS 13 to replace it with, which will hopefully arrive tomorrow...
GazChap wrote:
My work laptop (a MacBook Pro 13" with Retina from 2013 or so) is presumably very close to exploding.

I noticed the other day that the lid wouldn't close properly any more, and it turns out that the battery is bulging in the middle under the keyboard - by quite some amount. At it's worst, the lid leaves a 5mm gap between it and the base.

I'm backing everything up as I write and have ordered a Dell XPS 13 to replace it with, which will hopefully arrive tomorrow...

My laptop exploded in 2011. In my case the battery swelled up to about 3x the thickness overnight. I hope you get it backed up ok.
can someone explain to a colleague of mine that you can’t say “Chris FYI” at the start of an email and then put an action for me at the end of it
MrChris wrote:
can someone explain to a colleague of mine that you can’t say “Chris FYI” at the start of an email and then put an action for me at the end of it

"If I'm 'CC:, not 'To:' it'll get filtered and picked up with less urgency"
All my CCs went into a CC folder and I scanned through it once a week. I would get like 50 a day.
MrChris wrote:
can someone explain to a colleague of mine that you can’t say “Chris FYI” at the start of an email and then put an action for me at the end of it

Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad just came on the radio, and because like most people I tune Meatloaf out most of the time today is the first time I have ever heard the awful genius lyric ‘But you've been cold to me so long
I'm crying icicles instead of tears’.
And that's the story of why we banned Mimi.

You better be about to tell me that either that whole post is a mother of a typo or you're a compulsive liar who can't help but say things that are 100% made up.
*fetches torches and pitchforks*
Oh man. I’m so confused right now that I’m not sure if I’m supposed to like the lyric or not :D

I mean... it is ridiculous. Right? But... funny?
Okay, okay, I'm here, stop shouting, Jesus.

Now, what was the... Oooooooh. Oh dear.
When Mimi was banned there was not a dry eye in the house
DavPaz wrote:
When Mimi was banned there was not a dry eye in the house

She became an object in the rear view mirror
Curiosity wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
When Mimi was banned there was not a dry eye in the house

She became an object in the rear view mirror

I was literally about to say that!

( fill in the rest of the Meatloaf pun here )
Squirt wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
When Mimi was banned there was not a dry eye in the house

She became an object in the rear view mirror

I was literally about to say that!

( fill in the rest of the Meatloaf pun here )

Did he....

.... take the words right out of your mouth?
Squirt wrote:
( fill in the rest of the Meatloaf pun here )

I would do anything for beex, but I won't do that
I mean, the rules are pretty clear. Read 'em and weep.
Grim... wrote:
I mean, the rules are pretty clear. Read 'em and weep.

The rules wrote:
BETEO is a DEMOCRACY and not a DICTATORSHIP. Mods are voted in and out, and no one person is in charge.
Mr Dave wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I mean, the rules are pretty clear. Read 'em and weep.

The rules wrote:
BETEO is a DEMOCRACY and not a DICTATORSHIP. Mods are voted in and out, and no one person is in charge.

Did I say that?
"Four legs good; two legs better"
When are the next mod elections? I have some great ideas
Is nothing sacred?
Mr Dave wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I mean, the rules are pretty clear. Read 'em and weep.

The rules wrote:
BETEO is a DEMOCRACY and not a DICTATORSHIP. Mods are voted in and out, and no one person is in charge.

I don't think those are Meatloaf songs
Cras wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I mean, the rules are pretty clear. Read 'em and weep.

The rules wrote:
BETEO is a DEMOCRACY and not a DICTATORSHIP. Mods are voted in and out, and no one person is in charge.

I don't think those are Meatloaf songs

perhaps they are his prog rock years..

don't throw 'Eddie's Teddy' out of the pram..
I have literally no idea what is going on. Is Mimi evil?
It's season 11 (Christ!), you can't tell me you didn't see a heel turn coming.
Grim... wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I mean, the rules are pretty clear. Read 'em and weep.

The rules wrote:
BETEO is a DEMOCRACY and not a DICTATORSHIP. Mods are voted in and out, and no one person is in charge.

Did I say that?

I believe, as far as rules go, you mainly said
Grim... wrote:
Silly beer. Too much beer now. Silly taxi, all wobbly and shit. Keep smiling!
Mr Dave wrote:
I believe, as far as rules go, you mainly said
Grim... wrote:
Silly beer. Too much beer now. Silly taxi, all wobbly and shit. Keep smiling!

That’s better written than a Meatloaf lyric
Mr Dave wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Mr Dave wrote:
Grim... wrote:
I mean, the rules are pretty clear. Read 'em and weep.

The rules wrote:
BETEO is a DEMOCRACY and not a DICTATORSHIP. Mods are voted in and out, and no one person is in charge.

Did I say that?

I believe, as far as rules go, you mainly said
Grim... wrote:
Silly beer. Too much beer now. Silly taxi, all wobbly and shit. Keep smiling!

Mimi wrote:
GazChap wrote:
My work laptop (a MacBook Pro 13" with Retina from 2013 or so) is presumably very close to exploding.

I noticed the other day that the lid wouldn't close properly any more, and it turns out that the battery is bulging in the middle under the keyboard - by quite some amount. At it's worst, the lid leaves a 5mm gap between it and the base.

I'm backing everything up as I write and have ordered a Dell XPS 13 to replace it with, which will hopefully arrive tomorrow...

My laptop exploded in 2011. In my case the battery swelled up to about 3x the thickness overnight. I hope you get it backed up ok.

The battery on my Erfive did this, and it was the regulator rectifier that was shot and sending the wrong voltage to the battery.
MaliA wrote:
The battery on my Erfive did this, and it was the regulator rectifier that was shot and sending the wrong voltage to the battery.

I never did like Meatloaf, but his modern stuff is properly shocking.
Bit of a 'Bit and Bob', a lass I went out with for 18 months in 1989-1990 contacted me on Facebook a couple of days ago, I haven't seen or spoken to her for 29 years. (She dumped me in the summer holidays between GCSEs and A-Levels on the grounds of me being an arsehole. Which I was.)

We've exchanged a few messages and added each other as friends, she's married with two daughters and all seems well with her.

Quite an unexpected communication completely out of nowhere though.
Did you get a status update on her froofroo?
Maybe she's thinks aresholes look more attractive in retrospect.
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