Bits and Bobs 50
50 shades of bits
TheVision wrote:
Mimi wrote:
Maybe it’s like those people that keep all their kids’ baby teeth?

Hang on a minute. Doesn't everyone do this?!?

Well, no, as the tooth fairy takes them
The fuck is that, Grim?!?!?!
The tooth fairy.
I have various children's teeth around the house. I don't know why I keep them.
That second picture looks like they’re into/practice witchcraft (piece of bone, raven and cat material in the background, twine or yarn often used in knot spells) or they at least like the witchy aesthetic. In Wicca cat’s whiskers are considered useful for protection and guidance, so maybe they’re collecting them for a purpose?

In regards to parents keeping baby teeth, my mum kept all of mine and my brother’s, they started off kept in her purse and I think they may still be in her jewellery box now. They are precious treasures after all.
My mum is married to the high priest of one of the largest Wicca sects in the country, and his mother is sort of famous. She’s an awful person (his mother, not my Ma). If I ever find a collection of cat whiskers or raven bones in her house I’ll run away screaming :DD
Jem wrote:
I have various children's teeth around the house. I don't know why I keep them.

*Runs away, screaming*
I went to escape all the cat whisker weirdness in IG and one of my Twitter friends is collecting her puppy’s baby teeth (who even knew dogs had baby teeth?!) and making them into necklaces for her and her husband.
yes we save katies baby teeth, they are in a small wooden box and she is fascinated and reasonably often has another look at them. Apparently they can get stemcells from baby teeth but that's not been the reason. All parents I know keep them. We have no tooth fairy and my Grim's picture I'm extra super glad!
My brother got a puppy, which is the first I learned about puppy baby teeth, but no they did not save those.

mimi that is super interesting about your mums husband!
Jem wrote:
I have various children's teeth around the house. I don't know why I keep them.

please clarify that you mean "our children" here
Not sure if Gaz wants the clarification to be that the teeth belong to their children or if he wants the clarification that Jem doesn't want their children around the house!
English is fun!
Teeth are weird and scary
Giphy "toothless grin":
Fucking useless
miki wrote:
mimi that is super interesting about your mums husband!

I think he sort of inherited the position from his mother. My mother used to practice, but though I think if you asked her now she’d say that’s what she follows, but I think with about the same vigour as someone who says they are CofE but only go to churches for weddings and funerals :DD Stylistically, though, she’s all about it. Certainly the only house on her council estate with gargoyles.

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Blah blah, it’s not a gargoyle unless it’s on a drain pipe
sounds super cool!
GazChap wrote:
Jem wrote:
I have various children's teeth around the house. I don't know why I keep them.

please clarify that you mean "our children" here

Well, weirdly I do also have some of my eldest dead brother's teeth from when he was a child.
miki wrote:
sounds super cool!

Hmmm, not sure.

But Darwin and I are going to be staying with her this Halloween, and Halloween parties are a big thing for her (she always had huge ones for all of the local kids), and though this will only be a little one for Darwin I’m sure it will be good fun.

There will be decoration. ... 5590981632

Mimi wrote:
miki wrote:
sounds super cool!

There will be decoration.

The fabulous follow-up the world's been waiting for.

I... drink... your... pina... ... colada. ... n-advogato

Some People Started Filing Complaints About A Stray Kitty Roaming This Law Firm So They Hired Him
My mother in law has asked me what I'd like for my 40th next month. I said an Amazon voucher that I can put towards something video game related.

Last week she gave me a Joe Brown clothing catalogue and asked me to choose something from there that I liked. I insisted that this would be fine and I'd love an Amazon voucher.

Today she has bought me a wooden arch thing for the garden... for my birthday.

I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything but why would you ask me what I'd like and then tell me what I'm having?

I shall look forward to assembling in on a cold Saturday in October.
Some people like to give you material gifts for milestone birthdays so they can be cherished, I suppose?
Mimi wrote:
Teeth are weird and scary

Just wait till you get to Hogfather on your Pratchett read along.
Just met minor internet celebrity Tom Scott from the YouTubes. He's at Diggerland Yorkshire with his mates
DavPaz wrote:
Just met minor internet celebrity Tom Scott from the YouTubes. He's at Diggerland Yorkshire with his mates

Mr Chonks wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Just met minor internet celebrity Tom Scott from the YouTubes. He's at Diggerland Yorkshire with his mates


It's hard enough to guess with real celebs
Is he a YouTuber?
Mr Chonks wrote:
Is he a YouTuber?

He's big on MySpace
DavPaz wrote:
Just met minor internet celebrity Tom Scott from the YouTubes. He's at Diggerland Yorkshire with his mates

Was he wearing a red shirt?
GazChap wrote:
DavPaz wrote:
Just met minor internet celebrity Tom Scott from the YouTubes. He's at Diggerland Yorkshire with his mates

Was he wearing a red shirt?

No, but he was wearing the grey hoodie that he wears over the red shirt ... rs/564437/

Spiders Can Fly Hundreds of Miles Using Electricity
I had the joy of doing the ironing on Sunday.

This meant I was in the room with the 360.

Mrs Fop and Fop the Youngest were out.

Which meant Mini Fop needed be entertained while I did the ironing.

We started watching a Simpsons DVD (a FUCKING CLASSIC - Burns' Heir) but the thing kept skipping.

So I suggested Mini Fop try Geometry Wars 2, given how much she enjoyed Rez Infinite. She loved the music, and found it exciting, but she was rubbish. The difficulty curve was too much.

Then I fired up Burnout Paradise. She's historically terrible at driving games. She was terrible at this. But it didn't matter! She was just cruising around banging into things, no racing, jumping the odd ramp, listening to Guns n Roses. It was perfect. Can see this being the game that gets her into gaming.

And I think I may put my hand in my pocket and pick up the remastered version for PS4*. It looked like enormous fun, and exactly what I need at the end of a busy day.

*Considering signing up to EA Access, which gets you a bunch of EA games for a £20 annual membership. The 2019 FIFA (not the one that's just been released), Burny Pee, a load of others that I couldn't give much of a monkeys about.
The problem with working in a university for so long is that I now despise 18 year olds
DavPaz wrote:
The problem with working in a university for so long is that I now despise 18 year olds

I think its the approach of middle age rather than workplace that does that.

I'm 38, dont work at a university, and think 18 year olds are dicks. And I have no doubt they'd feel the same way about me.
Proof that I’m an all-star! (Scroll down to East Midlands League) ... n-round-up
Also proof that I used to be a decent actor, but for various reasons (poor quality VHS transfer, I was 16 and skinny) you probably won’t figure out which one is me.

I see there was flooding on the IoM. Hopefully nobody here was affected.
Happy birthday Grimothy!
Giphy "happy birthday, grim...!":
Mr Chonks wrote:
Also proof that I used to be a decent actor, but for various reasons (poor quality VHS transfer, I was 16 and skinny) you probably won’t figure out which one is me.

Satsuma wrote:
Mr Chonks wrote:
Also proof that I used to be a decent actor, but for various reasons (poor quality VHS transfer, I was 16 and skinny) you probably won’t figure out which one is me.


I have a long scene around the 1 hour 36 mark and again at the end (I have the last monologue in the entire play!)

The crowd rightly go batshit at the end too. Everyone in it was incredible considering we were kids.
You were Malcom?

That sounds nothing like you!
I think I might have just been checked out by a gay dogger.

I'm stopped for lunch in a lay-by on the moors outside Holmfirth and an old-ish geezer pulled in to the lay-by on the other side of the road and then drove off almost immediately.

Or maybe he just wanted to stop for lunch and looked at me in my anonymous van with extra security locks on the cargo bay doors and thought I might be a psycho.
Findus Fop wrote:
I had the joy of doing the ironing on Sunday.

This meant I was in the room with the 360.

Mrs Fop and Fop the Youngest were out.

Which meant Mini Fop needed be entertained while I did the ironing.

We started watching a Simpsons DVD (a FUCKING CLASSIC - Burns' Heir) but the thing kept skipping.

So I suggested Mini Fop try Geometry Wars 2, given how much she enjoyed Rez Infinite. She loved the music, and found it exciting, but she was rubbish. The difficulty curve was too much.

Then I fired up Burnout Paradise. She's historically terrible at driving games. She was terrible at this. But it didn't matter! She was just cruising around banging into things, no racing, jumping the odd ramp, listening to Guns n Roses. It was perfect. Can see this being the game that gets her into gaming.

And I think I may put my hand in my pocket and pick up the remastered version for PS4*. It looked like enormous fun, and exactly what I need at the end of a busy day.

*Considering signing up to EA Access, which gets you a bunch of EA games for a £20 annual membership. The 2019 FIFA (not the one that's just been released), Burny Pee, a load of others that I couldn't give much of a monkeys about.

And reader, I did subscribe to EA Access. And it seems rather good. For :attitude: per month it seems decent value for money. I now "have" Fifa 19, Burnout Paradise, A Way Out and NHL 19 (which I'll probably only play once, but am curious. Last NHL I played was 96, I think.)

There are of course a comical number of EA Sports games on the service, making up the numbers (Madden 15 anyone?), but seems worth the price of admission for the above.
Happy birthday Grim... :luv:
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