Nintendo Switch (formerly "NX")
Now public!
psp emu on the switch? must have missed this ... a_release/
Im not a fan of Smash Bros. but I’m a huge fan of Persona 5, and this looks cool as fuck. Loved Futaba in the corner yelling “beat em up”, the splash screen for an all out attack, Morgana being ace and Ann in the panther costume etc. For a game that’s basically all about fan service, this is all fan service and it looks fan-tastic.

Baba Is You is easily the most inventive game I've played in a while.

It's also the only game in as long as I can remember that regularly makes me feel like a complete fucking idiot, yet in such a way that I can't stop going back to it.
TheVision wrote:

Looks like I'll be buying Flashback again.

I got this for £3.50 in the recent sale plus using some coins. It’s really good! I never got past the jungle on the Amiga, but with the new rewind system it’s a bit more forgiving. It opens out a lot once you get past the jungle and becomes a bit more of an adventure game than just shooting and platforming.

It looks great, the platforming is good but the combat is a bit fiddly. Unlike say Another World, there is actually a decent game here under the nice graphics.
Another World was an okay adventure game, but the controls were God-tier awful.
Grim... wrote:
Another World was an okay adventure game, but the controls were God-tier awful.

I'm sure we've had this conversation before and we both agreed that you were wrong at the end of it.
TheVision wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Another World was an okay adventure game, but the controls were God-tier awful.

I'm sure we've had this conversation before and we both agreed that you were wrong at the end of it.

That it was a good game or that the controls were fine?
Oh no wait! I hated it!

Hahahahahaha that's the one. I decreed it "more unfair than Rick Dangerous" or something.
Yes, here we go. ... 38#p999938

I remember now. Goodness, my nostalgia filter kicks in fast.
Yeah AW is dogshit. Flashback on the other hand still holds up today. I’m actually surprised given it’s 25 years old. ... 0400200704

All the gaming news sites are teasing me with details on Virtua Racing today but it's only available on the Japanese store... I hope it comes out over here soon!
You can set up a Japanese account but I cba and will just wait.
Mr Chonks wrote:
You can set up a Japanese account but I cba and will just wait.

The same here. I don't want to complicate things by having two accounts.
I actually tried this. It looked to be doing fine but it gave me some japanese gibberish after entering my creditcard nr

Hope the wait won’t be too long...
Just bought a jap esoteric card to try it...
because of this ... h-analysis
Remember I told you that my joy con was experiencing the stick drift problem? And that my wife's cousin works in an official Nintendo repair centre?

Well, these turned up today.


Two brand new official analogue sticks. They're tiny!


After a bit of fiddling and squinting (these things are tiny) I managed to change it over and it works like a dream. I'm pleased!
TheVision wrote:
All the gaming news sites are teasing me with details on Virtua Racing today but it's only available on the Japanese store... I hope it comes out over here soon!

Virtua Racing is already very well emulated in MAME, I was playing it last night and it's spot on.

That said they do seem to have worked very hard on the Switch conversion, if it turns up on the UK store I'll buy it, simply to support this sort of project as much as anything else. (It gets 1080 and 60FPS, which is nice.)

hearthily the switch version really is beautiful, it is like you imagined it was....
btw there is a nintendo direct coming tonight on supermariomaker2
Really liked the feature of smm2. Online multiplayer vs mario! Could this be a bezzie game?
Kinda fucked up that they're requiring a subscription to share levels you've made and play levels other people have made.

I don't understand why they'd want to create a barrier for people to upload levels.

I thought their online subscription was for online multiplayer.
No, it’s also for cloud saves and NES games. I suspect they’ll want to push this as much as they can and SMM could be Nintendo’s Halo when it comes to getting people to pay for online subscriptions.
Yeah, Nintendo like making money. You can't blame them and at only £20ish a year, the subscription is worth it for Tetris 99 alone.
TheVision wrote:
Yeah, Nintendo like making money. You can't blame them and at only £20ish a year, the subscription is worth it for Tetris 99 alone.

But this even negatively impacts people who have the subscription. Because they can't play levels by people who don't have a subscription. It's reducing the pool of people who can create/share levels.

This is why LBP/Dreams have no such restriction.

I can't think of any game that requires a subscription for sharing player produced content.
Fans of emulation on the Switch (which may just be me), may be interested to know there's been a couple of breakthroughs recently.
Firstly, a new version of Lakka (Retroarch running in Linux), which now has sound, and doesn't mess up your battery. The downside is that there's no Bluetooth support, so it's handheld only. Allegedly it can run Reicast/Dolphin at full speed (for some games), although I tried Windwaker, which seemed to be playable, apart from really annoying audio crackles that made me want to turn it off. Which brings me to the next disadvantage, as you can't actilually turn it off. There's no sleep mode, so if you want to turn the screen off, your only option is to reboot to RCM and then hope you're holding the power button down long enough to actually switch it off.

The second development is a bit more exciting, as a native build of Reicast has appeared. Apparently not running as well as it does through Lakka, it still seems to run a lot of games at full speed and has taken up big chunks of my Saturday. Shenmue is interesting though as the textures are messed up leading to characters wearing other people's faces as clothes and vice versa.
LewieP wrote:
Kinda fucked up that they're requiring a subscription to share levels you've made and play levels other people have made.

I don't understand why they'd want to create a barrier for people to upload levels.

I thought their online subscription was for online multiplayer.

Well, it's rather changed it so that I'm no longer at all interested in buying it, so...
When I were young lad, joysticks would break all the time. But that was ok, you'd open them up and fix it. No problems.

Having just had to fix the left joystick on my switch... I miss how easy it was. inside one of those things is insanely fiddly, and not at all fun.

On the plus side, I have a working switch again.
I fixed mine too and yeah, it was quite tricky but only because of the size of it.
TheVision wrote:

Free Nintendo Switch online for those with Amazon Prime via Twitch Prime.

I thought this offer was originally just for 3 months, but yesterday I got an email reminder for the additional 9 months, which was nice. Decided to dust off the Switch and give Tetris 99 a go and did badly every attempt. :)
Joans wrote:
Shenmue is interesting though as the textures are messed up leading to characters wearing other people's faces as clothes and vice versa.

This sounds amazing
Sir Taxalot wrote:
Joans wrote:
Shenmue is interesting though as the textures are messed up leading to characters wearing other people's faces as clothes and vice versa.

This sounds amazing

Sometimes amazing, sometimes terrifying.

Mr Dave wrote:
When I were young lad, joysticks would break all the time. But that was ok, you'd open them up and fix it. No problems.

Having just had to fix the left joystick on my switch... I miss how easy it was. inside one of those things is insanely fiddly, and not at all fun.

On the plus side, I have a working switch again.

Me, after fixing left pad: "It is nice to not unexpectedly run off to the left on a regular basis"


one week later, right pad: "How about looking at the ground without asking, is that any better"

What do they make these sticks out of? Jelly?
Apparently the right one is harder to fix too because of the infra red thingy on the Joycon... So, good luck!
I never even noticed there was a infra red thingy.

What is that used for? Aything?
Some of the Labo things use it.
They do... Also, I believe you can use it like a Wiimote for an on screen pointer in World of Goo.
How are we all getting on with the amazing NES game offerings that Nintendo are shitting out every month as part of their online service?

Mr Sterling is not impressed.

Nearly ten minutes to make the point that the NES games aren't a great offering. I quite like Solomon's Key actually, but I didn't really have much desire to play the other titles on there.

It seems a little harsh to refer to paying for the online service as taking value away. I just see it as it initially being free to get people on board, but always with the plan to start charging for it at some point.

I got the yesojo switch dock. And sort of reviewed it
I am very nervous about getting a third-party dock.
Loads of brilliant news coming from E3 from Nintendo. Too much to mention but Panzer Dragoon looks great, as does Astral Chain.

Banjo Kazooie will be in Smash Bros and... and... AND....

There's a sequel to BOTW in development!

I believe the kids would say "I can't even."

Both Of The Warios?
Breath of the Wild... but close! Partial credit.
I liked the look of Astral Chain;
I’ve never played a Panzar Dragoon game so I’m really looking forward to this;
I was super happy to see No More Heroes 3;
Luigi’s Mansion can eat a dick;
Didn’t like the art style for Link’s Awakening Remake at all; and,
Got mildly erect to see a Breath of The Wild 2 announced out of the blue (although looks like it might go more linear this time around if it’s underground).
Oh and the new Contra makes me want to dig up Reggie’s corpse and punch him in the mouth.

(But the Contra Collection on PS4 et all looks fucking aces. When it’s cheap)
I now have this device.
Dimrill wrote:
I now have this device.

I look forward to your reviews of all the shovelware on the eShop.
Dimrill wrote:
I now have this device.

That’ll be 48,000 bells, please.
I genuinely can’t remenber how we add friends, but send your friend adding gibbons, please!
SW-8472-7629-8493 says the thing
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